The next four nights commenced as such, and while Bilbo was maybe lucky enough to catch a few minutes rest, he wasn't getting anywhere close to the amount of sleep his small body required.

Finally, on the sixth night, Bilbo was fed up. He'd received little to no sleep for the past five nights, causing him to feel far more irritated that he had in a long time, perhaps his entire life.

So as Fili and Kili settled in beside him, ready to pull him down and trap him between their snoring and slugging, Bilbo snapped.

"Look, you two need to find another place to sleep! I haven't gotten a wink of shut-eye in five days; I feel as if I am going deaf in one year, and my face is turning blacker than-" Bilbo paused, trying to think of a good metaphor and becoming even more flustered when he couldn't. "something very dark! Now, I'm sorry- actually, I am not sorry! I'm tired, and I would very much enjoy a full night of sleep!" Bilbo finished his speech standing on his hairy toes, breathing loudly.

Fili and Kili remained silent for a moment, staring at Bilbo with identical expressions of shock adorning each of their faces.

Fili was the first to recover, blinking rapidly and shaking his head slightly. "Why didn't you say something sooner?"

"Yeah." Kili agreed, cocking his head slightly to the left. "We could've done something!"

With synchronized movement that could only be obtained by living with someone for quite an extended period of time, Fili and Kili pulled Bilbo into a sitting position neat the cave wall.

"You just need to relax. You're far too tense, that is why you can't fall asleep." Fili stated matter-of-factly as he began rubbing small, soothing circles across Bilbo's back.

Kili leaned against Bilbo's side gently, the Hobbit's breathing almost immediately altering to match that of the slower Dwarf's.

"Better?" Kili mumbled quietly, his eyes drifting shut as he too began to relax.

Bilbo released a massive sigh of relief, feeling as if a giant weight had been lifted from his shoulders. "Much."

"Now, lie down." Fili instructed, gently guiding Bilbo's slack body to lay flat against the hard cave ground. Kili's body followed Bilbo's down, his head a comforting warm weight against the Hobbit's shoulder.

Next Fili laid down on his other side, effectively cutting Bilbo off from the dangers and pain of the outside world.

Bilbo's eyes remained closed, his breathing relaxed, and very soon he felt himself floating away, finally able to get the sleep his body so desperately desired.

When Thorin returned from his short walk to scout the path ahead, it was to find three small forms entangled as one. Aside from the color of clothing there was almost no way to distinguish which limbs belonged to who.

Fili's arm wove up and behind Bilbo's head, his fingers just barely brushing against his brother's cheek. Loud snores escaped past his closed lips and his legs were sandwiched between Kili's and Bilbo's.

Kili was smiling ever so slightly, his long brown hair covering his face in such a way it made him look even younger than his mere forty years. His arm was extended across Bilbo's chest so that his hand could rest in its usual vest pocket. One of his legs was resting on top of the literal pile of limbs, but the other was lost between hairy hobbit feet and large dwarf boots.

Bilbo, arguably, looked the most content. He was kept warm, snuggled inside his own personal dwarf-sandwich. He was bending awkwardly at the waist, and his feet were splayed out to both the left and right. His arms were wrapped around Kili's bicep, his fingers clenching the material of Kili's jacked almost protectively. Perhaps most amusing of all was the trail of drool steadily flowing from the corner of his mouth towards Fili's unsuspecting shoulder.

Thorin simply shoot his head, pretending not to be amused by his nephews' antics, before retiring for the night.

The next morning, Fili, Kili, and Bilbo all awoke, detangled themselves from one another's limbs, stretched, and headed out to get some breakfast.

As Bilbo stretched his arms over his head and breathed in the fresh morning air, he was shocked by how good he felt. All fatigue from the previous days without sleep had disappeared. He even found himself feeling surprisingly invigorated.

The small hobbit had been expecting to feel sore, worse than he had after the first night he'd spent squished between the two dwarf brothers. But by some amazing miracle, his body was completely refreshed.

Confused but very optimistic, Bilbo went about his day as per norm and that night, after a long, hard day, Bilbo slept with Fili and Kili again. He felt even better the next morning, a feat he hadn't thought possible.

And every night after that the three of them, two dwarf brothers and one burglar-hobbit, could be found cuddling in all sorts of awkward and seemingly uncomfortable positions, only to wake up the next morning with enough energy to take on an entire army by themselves.

Sure it was a strange arrangement, and Bilbo couldn't even imagine what the hobbits back in the shire would think, but he honestly couldn't bring himself to care. He went to bed embraced by the warmth of his friends and awoke with the energy and motivation to continue their journey. And that was reason enough for him to continue sleeping in their slightly violent, snore-filled drool pile.

A/N: Please review if it tickles your fancy, any feedback is greatly appreciated! Have a nice day!