Well, I haven't updated in who knows how long and Steven Universe is about to come to an end.

I'm sorry I haven't had anything new but I just lost most of my drive for writing. It's still there. Just… buried underneath all this bullshit I got.

I really wanted to finish with the main Crystal Gems but I guess Lapis don't count. I've tried to get her chapter finished but I just can't fucking do it. And it was really going somewhere too. It didn't have any of my (references) charm though, but whatever.

Look, I don't know when I'll ever come back to writing with vigor. I can't continue with my original idea now that I've missed out on so fucking much. So much has conflicted with my ideas, and while I really shouldn't care… I do.

But hey, Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, Connie, Priyanka and Peridot got to lay with their Human Diamond.

I think that's enough, and I hope you'll understand.

It's been fun everyone. Thanks for reading. - ShadowMark3.