Summary: When Naruto charged up his Rasengan and clashed it with Sasuke's Chidori at the Valley of End something went wrong or perhaps horribly right depending on your view of things. Oh, Sasuke escaped alright leaving Naruto unconscious but the amount of Dark Matter that was released had to go somewhere and they found themselves locked into Naruto forever changing the blond.
This story will take a backseat to Storm Blade Rebellion so it will be updated faster but with smaller chapters. A Naruto x Tayuya pairing with Naruto x Flash crossover
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto
Chapter 1
Naruto had just finished talking to Sakura when he heard about the state of his friends who had followed him. The news made him so angry. First, he failed to fulfill his promise to Sakura, then he failed to bring his best friend back, and now all his friends would have died if not for Gaara and his siblings.
'What kind of Hokage doesn't know how to save the people intimate to him? How can I say that I will surpass the Hokages when I can't even save my best friend? Argh, I am such an idiot!'
Consumed with pain Naruto needed to get out of there. He was weak and needed to get better at protecting his precious people. Unfortunately, his thoughts were drawing Kyuubi's chakra out of him, and he ran.
Five seconds later he was outside the hospital.
'Wait wasn't I just at the top floor how the hell did I get here?'
Inside papers flying everywhere further confusing the blond. And he did not notice when a bunch of kids rushed past him and push him to the ground. But he saw the fall in slow motion.
"What the hell is this?" asked Naruto
"Sorry mister" the kids said
"Yeah okay"
Afterwards, he noticed his hands vibrating at super speed.
"What is happening to me?! I need to see Baa-chan ttebayo!"
The instant he took off running he blew past everything at insane speeds. Yet he could still see everyone as if they were standing still. Smirking he decided to see just how fast he could run. Picturing the Valley of End he ran to it.
Unfortunately, in his excitement he stopped paying attention to his surroundings and crashed into a fallen tree.
Standing up he noticed this was where Shikamaru had faced that redhead girl. The area was as thrashed as he described it.
"Damn Temari is scary."
He was about to take off when heard a groan nearby. Looking around he noticed a broken flute on the floor and he put it in his pocket. Naruto scanned the trees until he saw her. The redhead was still alive. How he could not understand. With the amount of trees crushing her body she should be dead. Yet she wasn't.
"Taijuu Kage Bushin no Jutsu"
The clones helped him remove the trees slowly each time causing her to groan in pain. The sound tugged Naruto's heart. After removing the trees, he noticed her legs were virtually destroyed. Not to mention the trees were stemming the blood flow. Now blood was gushing out at a terrifying pace.
And she picked this exact time to wake up. The scream that tore out of her throat tore his heart in two.
Making a split second decision he ran back to the village at full speeds, picked up Tsunade and brought her to the girl. He very nearly passed out from the run.
To say Tsunade was confused would be n understatement.
"What the fuck, Naruto what…"
"Baa-chan explanations later please you have to heal her!"
Now aware of the screaming girl she turned back to Naruto.
"I need supplies which I don't have. I am sorry kid, she doesn't have a chance."
"What kind of supplies?"
"Bloods bags, medication, sewing kits, and food pills but seeing as we don't have th…"
She couldn't finish her sentence before Naruto disappeared in a cloud of dust only to reappear few seconds later with everything she said. He looked like he was about to kneel over.
"Naruto how did"
"Can you heal her now? Please Baa-chan"
Confused and a little annoyed Tsunade went to work. Whenever she needed something else Naruto would go and get it. Two hours later Tayuya had stopped screaming and was now unconscious.
"Is she going to be okay Baa-chan?"
"Hai the Curse Seal used up its last energy to regenerate her legs although it will take weeks before she can walk properly let alone fight with them but she will live."
Naruto finally let out the breath he had been holding. And his body also decided to get some rest so he collapsed leaving Tsunade with two unconscious teenagers.
"Damn brat"
Later that evening
Naruto woke up back in the hospital room and when he tried to stand up he noticed an IV drip attached to his arm.
"That is the 50th we have injected you with."
"You heard me brat whatever technique or ability you have developed drains your glucose level severely."
"Oh well I feel better Baa-chan thanks."
Tsunade then sat down beside him and with a serious face demanded an explanation.
Naruto gulped
"I don't know how Baa-chan, but I can move super-fast now it is incredible."
Tsunade narrowed her eyes "When did you notice this?"
"Uh this morning after I was released"
'So Kakashi was right after all, the clash at the Valley created a dark matter cloud. But if Naruto was affected who else could have been affected? Would Sasuke also have unbelievable powers too?'
"Baa-chan what is going to happen to the girl?"
"Interrogation and then execution." said Tsunade blankly
Naruto screamed in shock "WHAT BAA-CHAN YOU CAN'T"
"Keep your voice down brat and why the hell not?"
"Well, well it is not fair"
Narrowing her eyes she replied, "She helped your friend escape and you are defending her?"
"She can't be that bad ttebayo she had a curse seal on her. At least now that it is gone she can be free from Orochimaru."
"And so what?"
"So? We can't execute an innocent girl!"
"Brat have you gone mental this girl attacked your friends!"
"Baa-chan" Naruto became sober all of a sudden "I can't get her screams out of my head. Put her under my protection I promise I will not let her hurt anyone."
'Damn this brat and his ability to turn me into a soft pushy damn him!'
"Fine! She is unconscious. When she wakes up I will place her under your protection. But if she so much as tip toes out of line she is toast, got it?"
Naruto beamed "you got it Baa-chan"
"Tch rest you can see your girlfriend tomorrow."
Naruto choked on his saliva
"What?! She's not my girlfriend!"
Tsunade laughed as she left.