Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter
Hermione looked over the front page of the newspaper as she chewed on a crumpet. Depending on who was writing the article, Hermione found that the Daily Prophet had more than enough actual stories written in it's pages as opposed to the gossip that plagued most of it. To be fair to the publisher though, with it being the holiday season it made sense to slather the front page with Yuletide cheer.
It was what she found on the reverse however that caused her some manner of concern.
"Neville," she said, catching the attention of the boy sitting close by while he had his mouth full of bacon. "I'm just reading this article and I can't help but wonder if they're serious."
"May I?" asked Neville, Hermione handing over the paper to her classmate. She watched as Neville worked his way through the aforementioned article, his eyebrows creasing on more than one occasion before he handed the copy of the Daily Prophet back to Hermione. "I wouldn't worry about it too much Hermione."
"How can I not worry about it Neville?" asked Hermione. "According to this, the Wizengamot are meeting to discuss whether to reduce the number of Muggleborn students that can be invited to study at Hogwarts so that more children with a magical background can come here to study. That's the category that I fit into Neville, I think I have the right to worry."
"On a political standpoint, I can see where they are coming from," said Neville before raising his hands defensively. "Before you get angry at me, let me spell it out. There are multiple magical schools across the country, Hogwarts just so happens to be the most prestigious and as a result, not every family is able to send their children here. Partially because Hogwarts allows a number of Muggleborn students every year. Our year, there was roughly thirty five students and four of them were Muggleborn. I think last year seven first years were Muggleborn and this year six were. While it doesn't seem much numerically, on a percentage base it is quite high."
Hermione nodded, indicating for Neville to continue. "Pushing this forward to allow other magical families a chance to send their children to Hogwarts as opposed to somewhere else, for some, makes common sense. The main thing though Hermione, is that this isn't the first time somebody has brought this up. In fact, things like this come up quite regularly."
"They do?"
"Yeah," said Neville as he took a sip of his pumpkin juice. "This isn't so much about getting the policy put through, many of the articles of business in these meetings don't actually get put through according to my Grandmother. In her words, this is merely a way to keep check of who is allying with who."
"So something like this is just put into place so that people can see who is going to be siding with them when they put through something that actively has a chance of passing," stated Hermione.
"Pretty much," said Neville. "There is a section of Pureblooded families who wish that Hogwarts would only accept students from Wizarding families and even then limit those who are Half. The majority though are in belief that Muggleborn students will benefit Wizarding society for generations to come, hence reducing the number that come to Hogwarts would be detrimental to those beliefs. I mean I have nothing against the other schools, but down the line you're going to find that the, 'I got my NEWTS at Hogwarts' card is going to be extremely beneficial."
"I see," said Hermione as she absorbed the information. Even the little tidbit at the end regarding the fact that just by her being here and studying at Hogwarts would be a boon once she entered adulthood and was looking for a job. It would stand out quite well on a resume, not only having been accepted in the first place but graduating.
Knowing that a majority of the Wizengamot would vote against this article because they believed that Muggleborn students had their part to play in the future was comforting. At least to a certain degree. She wasn't naive enough to think that internal politics would have their part to play. There was a good chance that she would not be given the same amount of chances as some of her peers simply because they already had some manner of standing in the world dependent on their family name. It sucked but it was already something that she had come to terms with.
"Neville, do you happen to know much regarding debating?" asked Hermione.
"I know the concept," said Neville. "Gran's shown me a few memories where she's either watched or fought for something in particular that she believes is worth me watching. So I know the concept but what do you have in mind?"
"How about, whether or not you would be for or against making Astronomy a mandatory class or an elective?"
"Well, I think I know my answer," said Neville. "And it may surprise you, but who would my opponent be?"
"Neville, not backing down and throwing yourself out there head first, I'm impressed," said Hermione.
"Well, let's face it, Hogwarts is nothing like what older generations have experienced," said Neville. "If I'm not being a part of change, then I'm missing out."
"Well said Neville, well said."
Albus Dumbledore wasn't particularly phased by the article that he had read that morning. Frankly, this was one of those things that popped up on a semi regular basis. He knew that a couple members of the board would be quite happy were it to be put through.
As much as he knew that he could fight it in the Wizengamot, perhaps it would be wiser to watch this one from the sidelines. This was his castle after all, his domain. If they wished to try to challenge his authority here then they could try. If they wished to increase the percentage of those with some sort of wizarding blood running through their veins then so be it. It would take years for it to come in to effect in the first place then he would counter by increasing the number of total students admitted into Hogwarts. Percentage stays down, number of Muggle born students remained the same.
Surely the faculty members wouldn't be opposed to extra parchment to mark. Arguably, Albus couldn't see anything wrong with his idea.
Regardless, this wasn't the most pressing matter.
The notion had been put forward by Cornelius himself.
That raised some number of queries but in all likelihood the idea had been planted into his thoughts by those close to him. Either that or somebody whose coin purse was now severely lighter.
If it was one individual he was thinking of in particular then they could easily come under both categories.
Still, with the Minister having put forth the idea to the Wizengamot, regardless of whether it was his idea or not, it was likely to be a lot tighter of a race than otherwise. There would be a good deal of individuals who would vote purely so that perhaps they themselves could be owed a favor from the Minister. Whether Cornelius acted like it or not at times, he was a powerful person. Owing to many favors to too many people could prove costly in he long run.
If he wasn't careful then he could be in the pockets of some less than favourable individuals, or at least more than he already was.
That was the most pressing matter.
Susan looked at the letter she had been given, having not particularly expected any mail during the holidays in the first place. To find one that had been sent to her by Draco Malfoy of all people was something of a shock. His request more so.
At the same time, she could understand it. His father was hosting a winter ball, one which would be attended by dozens of wizards from powerful families. Draco wanted to get away for a little while, if only to have a breather from having to be his father's perfect little son. She didn't know whether or not she was one of multiple people that Draco had contacted or whether he was reaching out to her in particular. If he was...she didn't really know what to think about it. She wasn't particularly close to Draco by any stretch of the imagination. They weren't on non speaking terms or anything like that, it just so happened that they didn't tend to run into one another.
So, the question really was, how should she respond?
Offering a place of temporary respite wouldn't be a terrible option and she was sure that Aunt Amelia would be more than hospitable. Whether she would like her inviting Lucius' son over would be a different issue but they would deal with that later. For now, she needed to pen a response.
Harry found himself sitting on the roof of the villa as gentle snow fell. While it was brisk, he didn't particularly feel cold given how many layers he was wearing, the knowledge of what winter would bring this time of year.
As for why he was on the roof, Apolline had warned him that Luna and Gabrielle were looking for him. Now, while he had nothing against the young two ladies, their friendship had grown at a rapid pace. Harry was pretty certain that Gabrielle already saw Luna as more of a sister than a friend. That, by all accounts, was the best news that Harry could hear. The last thing he wanted was for Gabrielle to have gotten jealous and feel as if Luna was hogging all of Fleur's time. The fact that they were getting along was wonderful.
That also meant that there were two almost teenagers who actively shared ideas with one another. When there was only one male in the household, namely Harry, most of those ideas tended to lean towards him. While he had gone through with the first handful which had been mostly harmless, he had needed a breather while they planned something a little more elaborate. He was sure it would be fine, although whether or not it would be a story he told once he was back at Hogwarts was yet to be seen.
Lifting his gaze slightly, Harry pondered about what was happening closer to home. While he had some manner of knowledge as to what was to come in the future, he was more than aware of the ripple effect that his return had caused. The less he was aware of, the more small changes could escalate and cascade into events that he was ill prepared for. Sitting out here in the snow however, Harry could slowly come to terms with the fact that changes could lead to great things. Here he was spending his Christmas in France of all places. Under no circumstances would he have even considered that a remote possibility back when he had first found himself in this timeline.
A few surprises here and there wouldn't hurt anyone and so long as he kept on top of the important stuff, such as making sure Voldemort never saw the light of day again, then everything would turn out fine, whether he knew what was happening or not.
Hermione sat in the corner of the Muggle Music Members club, the number of people in there far less than what there would be normally. Given how many students had gone home for the holidays it wasn't surprising. Still though, where normally three or four people would be playing music together, now it was just a sixth year student strumming on the communal guitar. It was actually rather soothing.
Given the textbook she currently had in her lap, soothing music was much appreciated. The book in her hands was several years past what she should be studying in her current level but that was nothing new to her. Deciphering it and figuring out how best to use it, that was a different challenge altogether.
She honestly couldn't tell how Harry did it. Not just with what he was doing for Potter club currently, but how he had started it all up in the beginning. They had barely learnt how to properly hold a wand properly. They were learning the importance of pronunciation, wrist movements and intent.
Then Harry just comes around and decides that he rather ignore all rules and do as he wishes, much to the enjoyment of their peers. Whether they knew it or not.
Hermione had long since stopped questioning as to why Harry was so easily able to comprehend so much when they had only been taught so little. He just operated on a different wavelength and she had come to that understanding. It wasn't to say that she wasn't a smart individual in her own right, she was just smart in a different way.
And she really wished to be able to learn something new to be able to show off.
"I know reading ahead is a thing and all, but that's rather far ahead wouldn't you say."
Hermione was somewhat shocked as she looked up from her book to see that the older student who had been playing the guitar had stopped and was currently well within her personal bubble. Seeing her state of shock, they took a couple of steps back with their hands raised. "Sorry, sorry, that was rude of me," they apologized. "I just saw what you were looking at and even I can't quite get my head around all that stuff. If you've got it figured out you must be amazing."
"Oh." Hermione couldn't help but feel a touch of red on her cheeks at the praise that had been given to her. "Thank you. But it's not like I get all of it so don't feel too bad."
"The fact that you get any of it is impressive enough," they chuckled. "If you keep that up, don't be surprised if I ask you for help with my NEWTs next year." Hermione couldn't tell whether they were serious or joking. "Well, I may not be able to help you all that much with what you're looking over but if you're looking to learn something as some early payment for your assistance next year there might be something I can teach you."
Hermione still couldn't tell if they were joking or not about getting her to help them study next year. "What can you teach me?" she asked.
"How about how to play the guitar?"
Hermione sat in silence for a couple seconds longer than she would have liked as she processed the offer that she had been given. As much as she liked to learn, she was always learning something that had academic purpose. Something that would help her with her studies down the line or in her current case, learn something to bring joy to others.
Learning how to play an instrument, that wasn't something that she had actively considered a possibility as it was something that had never been offered to her. The more she thought about it however, the more she realized that this was another way that she could bring some manner of joy to those around her.
Finding her resolve, she looked up at her new teacher and gave them a timid, "Yes."
They chuckled once again. "I would've liked a little more resolve but that's fine, a deal's a deal," they said as they outstretched their hand.
Hermione smiled as the two of them shook on it.
Dolores Umbridge marched through the halls of the Ministry of Magic with her head held high, despite the looks that were shot in her direction. Embroiled in her pink cardigan, it was hard for those around her to not notice her even if they wished that she was anywhere else in the world.
Given how, unceremoniously, she had been ejected from the Ministry the last time she had walked through these corridors, it wasn't surprising for the looks of scorn and confusion to be sent her way. Now however, she had been invited back by the Minister himself. For what point and purpose she was unaware but even though he had said such nasty things to her when last they spoke she was always willing to listen to him.
Perhaps he wished to apologise for his actions. Perhaps he had seen the error of his ways.
Speculation of course but for what other reason would he have summoned her to his office when she had effectively been banished from the building. For now though she could not afford to be tardy.
As she approached Cornelius' office, his new undersecretary looked up at her and gave a polite gesture to her. The sneer Dolores shot her way in response rattled them, an indication to Umbridge that the Minister's new undersecretary was far too incompetent for the task. Still, without her by his side, how was he meant to know who the perfect employee would be.
"Come in," came the voice from the other side of the door, Dolores obliging.
As she stepped into the office, a sense of familiarity washed over her. She had spent so much of her time in this room that it almost felt like a second home to her. Then there was the Minister himself and the warm smile that he would send her way.
Or that was what she hoped for. Instead of a smile which was comforting to her, this one felt far more predatory in nature. "Dolores, take a seat."
While it was worded as an invitation, Dolores couldn't help but feel as if it was more of a demand and if she were to refuse, being sent away would be the last of her issues. Feeling a lot less confident, she obeyed as she took a seat opposite Cornelius. She opened her mouth to speak but before she could even utter a syllable, Cornelius raised his hand.
"As much as I can imagine what it is you want to say to me, it would do well for you to not speak," stated Cornelius. "You spent, many weeks inside Hogwarts didn't you."
While Dolores wanted to state that she had done so under his instructions in the first place, doing so would only end poorly. Hence, she gave a meek nod. "During your time there, you observed the ins and outs of the castle. You looked over timetables. You made your way through the halls with ease," continued Cornelius.
Dolores nodded once more. It wasn't what she had been after in particular but she had taken note of several of these items, mostly to see where specific high priority targets would be located during the day and how best to catch them in the act.
"Excellent," smirked Cornelius. "Such information is something of which you would never know how to properly utilize. You will give me every drop of information you know of."
"I will write down every detail that I can remember," said Dolores, speaking up for the first time. "You will have it on your desk tomorrow morning at first light."
"As charming as that would be, I think I would rather just get a first hand experience," said Cornelius as they pulled out their wand, pointing it directly between her eyes. "I would tell you not to struggle and to simply let me in but honestly, if you scream I think it would provide me far more entertainment."
From outside the room, the undersecretary continued shuffling through paperwork, completely oblivious to the horrors happening in the room behind her as Umbridge's screams went completely ignored.
Hope you enjoyed.