So I have returned from LONG break from writing, so I'm a little rusty... but I'm getting there!
This story is an idea I've had for a while, and so I've finally decided to put it together.
Please review to let me know what you think! :)
BTW (To avoid confusion, Molly II doesn't exist in this universe. I have sent her into the void, apologies to any Molly lovers)
Also, as I'm sure you'll catch on, Percy left the Weasley family again after the war to start over in the muggle world.
The young girl who had been in a world of her own was snapped back into reality. Small, pale hands grasped tightly together and were rested in her lap to stop herself from fidgeting so much. Short, auburn coloured hair tied neatly back complimented her pale complexion, and was fastened down at the top by several multi-coloured hair clips. Her earthly, hazel eyes now focusing on the tall, slender woman who was sitting on a chair opposite her, notepad in one hand and pen in the other.
"Hm?" Lucy replied as she felt salty tears fall from her eyes, ones she hadn't known she'd let fall.
"We were talking about school? You drifted off there for a moment, would you like to take a break?" The woman replied, her head crooked sideways in a pitying manner, and rose coloured lips fixed into a delicate smile.
"No, I'm okay now" Lucy replied, releasing the tenseness from her muscles she didn't realize was there.
"Okay, then. I was wondering how school has been going for you lately? I understand you were given time off recently because… because of what happened. So have you adjusted back well?"
"I… um. I can't really concentrate at my work. Everyone makes fun of me because they think I'm stupid."
"Well that's only because they don't understand. If you ignore them, they'll soon get tired."
"But what if they don't?"
A small beeping sound came from the flashy, sleek new Samsung touchscreen set neatly on the circular wooden desk in the centre of the room.
"Oh, looks like our time is up," The doctor said gently, getting up from her set and smoothing down her tight, fitted pencil skirt, "We can continue this conversation next time." She added, guiding Lucy out of the small, well-kept room and into the hallway. "How's about we find your Mum, and schedule another appointment, hm?" The doctor added, another one of her signature, almost practiced looking smiles, painted on her lips.
Lucy smiled politely back, and followed the doctor down the hallway. She took in the framed pieces of art work decorating the empty, white walls. One in particular caught her eye. It was a painting of a unicorn, its body coloured with bright pinks, yellows, blues, purples. It stood in front of an equally bright background, a simple summer's day. Beaming, yellow sun with jagged yellow spikes for rays. Cotton candy clouds, floating without a care in the world. Protruding from one of these clouds, a rainbow matching the colours of those of the unicorn. And in front, a few lazily last minute painted black birds, darting in the sky.
Lucy smiled sadly at the painting, missing her love for art she once had. Now it seemed as though any creative thoughts were long lost in her mind, buried away in some deep, dark catacomb. A deep dark abyss engulfing them, and as each day went by the likely hood of retrieving them seemed more and more unlikely.
She was brought back from her thoughts once more by the doctor, who guided her lightly by the shoulder into the waiting room. The doctor opened the door, to be greeted by the tired eyes of her mother, Audrey, looking up in an instant. In her hands she held an out-dated copy of Vogue, which she had been briefly scanning through, not really paying much attention. She closed the dog-eared magazine and placed it on the coffee table, and smiled at her daughter.
"How'd it go?" She asked
"We made some progress," she doctor responded, patting Lucy on the back gently. "It's early days yet, I'm sure a few more appointments and Lucy will open up a bit more."
"Okay, sound good," Audrey smiled, looking almost cautiously down at her daughter, as if any word or phrase could trigger some sort of nervous breakdown.
"So let's organise another appointment," The doctor added, flicking through the notebook she had in her hand. Lucy looked briefly over her shoulder, noting the scrawled cursive writing on faded grey lines. Observantly, she noted the intricate floral designs bordering the pages and in the corners were delicate flowers, roses.
"How does… 3pm next Friday sound?" The doctor questioned, looking up at Audrey, the painted smile never once leaving her face.
"Um," Audrey though briefly for a second, "yes… that should be alright."
"Good," the doctor finalised, pulling out a small card tucked into the back of her notebook and scribbled down the information, and handed it to Audrey.
"I'll see you then, bye Lucy" The doctor said, smiling down at Lucy once more before leaving the waiting room.
A brief moment of silence was interrupted by Audrey, who exhaled lightly, "Well I don't know about you but I'm starving, fancy a chippy?"
Lucy nodded excitedly, and took hold of her mother's pale, bony hand and they excited the Hospital.