Daiki had been walking the streets of the Seireitei when a hell butterfly fluttered around her. "Huh?" the soul muttered as she held out a finger for the butterfly to land on so it could relay its message.
"Fourth Seat Daiki Shiba of Squad Thirteen is to report to Squad One barracks," was reported before the butterfly flew away.
"What, tha's it?" the ravenette questioned with a flat stare, nevertheless, she sighed and started making her way to her ordered destination.
Once arriving, Daiki sought the lieutenant of the squad. Spotting the silver haired man, the girl approached him with a smile, "Yo, Lieutenan' Sasakibe, any reason why I was summoned?"
Chojiro turned as he was addressed, spotting the young Soul Reaper, "Ah, yes, right this way, Fourth Seat Shiba."
As the two were walking, Daiki spied a figure in front of them dressed in a haori. "Wait, is that Gin?" she thought, her question being answered once they were closer to the assembly hall. The ravenette narrowed her in eyes in confusion, "Why would he just be standin' there? If he's here there must be a meetin', but he'd be inside already since he's a capt'n unless..." Sea green eyes widened in fright, "UNLESS WE'RE BEIN' QUESTIONED ABOUT THE INTRUDERS OH NO."
As the girl was mentally freaking out, the pair reached their end. Chojiro looked to girl, perturbed by her odd expression but chose to think nothing of it. "Please wait here until the Head Captain calls you in," with that, the golden-eyed male bowed to Ichimaru before flash-stepping away.
Gin chuckled at the shorter soul, "Now, now, no need fer a face like that."
Daiki breathed out shakily, "But, Gin," she whispered to her friend nervously, "we're prob'ly here fer-"
"I know," the captain of Squad Three interrupted. "You don't have to worry, just let me handle everything."
The tanned girl furrowed her brows in worry but nodded nonetheless. What could she say? Daiki didn't have any idea of defending what happened and she trusted her friend enough. "Don' lemme down, Gin!" she thought in resignation.
The pair watch as the giant doors to the hall opened, "So, you're here," they heard the booming voice of Head Captain Yamamoto speak. Daiki could see all the captains from the other squads lined out before her, though she could see her own was not present. "Captain of Squad Three, Gin Ichimaru, along with the fourth seat of Squad Thirteen Daiki Shiba."
The girl's silver-haired friend stepped forward and she followed suit, though dropped down to kneel in respect for her superiors, "An unexpected summons," Gin spoke. "Tell me, should I be appalled or impressed?"
Daiki shot a not so discreet look at the captain, "GIN, WHAT'RE YA DOIN'?!"
The man obviously did not hear the girl's hysteric thoughts and continued with his show, "And look at this distinguished crowd, the captains who control the Soul Society." His grin grew, "All here just for us?" Gin looked at Daiki from over his shoulder, "I'm sure Fourth Seat Shiba is quite overwhelmed."
"Well, he's not wrong about that..."
Gin tilted his head, "Or am I mistaken?" Stepping forward, the male continued, "I see the captain of Squad Thirteen is conspicuously missing. What's wrong? Did something happen to him?"
"He's not feeling very well," Kaname Tosen of Squad Nine replied without looking to the silver-headed soul.
Gin's grin dropped, "Oh no, not again, I hope he gets well soon." Daiki didn't appreciate the mocking undertone in her friend's voice when regarding her captain's health, who she was admittedly worried for.
"Quit joking around," Daiki turned her head to look at the man who spoke, that being Kenpachi Zaraki of Squad Eleven, "you know that's not the reason you were summoned here." The bell-ridden captain sneered, "It is to my understanding that you both went and played with that ryoka by yourselves, didn't you?" The ravenette stared at the scarred male, "And I also heard that you failed, explain yourselves. Especially you, Ichimaru, you should have no trouble handling four or five ryoka."
The snake-like captain also turned to look at Kenpachi, "I see, so ye're saying that they survived?"
Daiki tossed her down in despair, "Why did I decide ta trust this asshole?!"
"They what?"
"Well," Gin drawled as he scratched at his head, "I was under the impression that they were dead."
"But I guess my instincts are starting to fail me."
"Stop all this monkey business right now!" the captain from Squad Twelve Mayuri Kurotsuchi exclaimed. "There's absolutely no way that captains such as us could fail to instantly tell whether an opponent's spirit has cease to exist."
"Oh no, not again," Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya of Squad Ten muttered, looking to the side, "old fools caught up in stupid bickering..."
"Ye're tellin' me," Daiki slipped then quickly shut her mouth hoping no one heard.
"Can you not see," Gin spoke, "yer petty accusations seem to imply that I let him go on purpose."
"Which ya did," the ravenette thought, quirking an unimpressed brow.
"That's exactly what I'm saying!"
"An' ya wouldn' be wrong."
"Shut up, Kurotsuchi," Kenpachi ordered. "Can't you see that I was the one talking to him first, or would you rather be done in by me?"
"What did you say?!"
Captain of Squad Two Soi Fon watched the bickering captains, "So stupid."
Shunsui Kyoraku of Squad Eight, who is also Daiki's captain's best friend, tilted his straw hat down as he smiled, "Well, well, tempers are running high today."
Daiki also watched the two captains and sighed, "Seriously..."
"STOP!" the head captain ordered in his monstrous voice, causing the tanned soul to flinch in surprise. "Enough of this foolishness!" All eyes looked to the elderly captain, "I think the true reason you both were summoned here to stand before your peers and superiors has been made abundantly clear." Wing-accentuated eyes blinked, surprised that her presence hadn't been totally forgotten about. "It is the fact that you acted alone, and that you allowed the target to escape."
Yamamoto opened his eyes and stared down the standing and kneeling reapers, "So then, how do you defend your actions."
"I cannot." Daiki looked up to Gin. "Well, you see, there's nothing to say." The young female shot him a look, considering that's probably the only truthful thing he said in the meeting so far. "I'm not going to stand here and make excuses, I'll accept any punishment-"
"Just a minute, Ichimaru." Sea green orbs turned their attention to Squad Five's captain as he stepped forward. Aizen pursed his lips, "I have something I want to ask you first." Everyone waited for this question, but it didn't have the chance to be asked.
"Red alert, red alert," Daiki heard along with the alarm that was being sounded, "intruders in the Seireitei. All squads get into position!" The fourth seat looked up, "I repeat, red alert!"
"Those ryoka?" she heard Captain Sajin Komamura of Squad Seven inquire.
"It can't be!" Kenpachi replied.
Daiki looked back to her friend in uncertainty, though the only response she was given was his ever present grin. The girl's attention was averted to the now sprinting Kenpachi Zaraki. "Is he... leavin'?" she muttered in confusion.
"Wait, Kenpachi, where are you going?!" Aizen called.
"This is most unfortunate," Yamamoto spoke, gaining the remaining occupants of the room's attention, "but such a major disruption leaves me with no choice in the matter. This squad captain meeting is hereby dismissed. I shall inform you later as to how Ichimaru and Shiba shall be dealt with." Daiki gulped at this while Gin remained unphased. "All squads are to heed the alert and report immediately to their battle stations."
Daiki rose and stood by Gin, waiting for the other captains to leave. That is until Aizen paused by the silver-haired male. "Saved by the security alert," the bespectacled brunette spoke. "Convenient timing, aye Ichimaru?"
"Why don't ya just come out and say it?" Gin replied, both with their back to the other. "Ye're not making much sense."
"You don't really think that you'll get away with this, do you?" Daiki stared at the fifth captain as a glare reflected ominously off his glasses. "Just remember, don't underestimate me, Ichimaru."
The Shiba clanswoman watched him stalk off, jumping slightly as she spotted Toshiro beside her. "Freakin' chibi, didn' even notice he stopped by, too!" Teal eyes glanced to her sea green ones before also walking off.
Daiki felt a hand rest on top of her head, "Come along, now, Daiki," her older friend said, starting off without waiting for her. The fourth seat only grumbled before following suit.
Stepping back into the Seireitei streets, Daiki expelled a big sigh, "Tha' ordeal prob'ly made me shed fifty years off my life." Turning her eyes upward, she spotted a giant glass-like ball headed for the shield membrane surrounding the Seireitei itself.
"Wait a minute," the girl mumbled, "why does tha' look like those spirit orbs Aunt Kuukaku has?" Daiki narrowed her eyes, "No way, Uncle Ganju wouldn't allow them ta help tha' kid, no matter how much Aunt Kuukaku beat him inta submission..." The ball smashed into the membrane but remained intact. The youngest of he Shiba clan's eyes widened in shock, "Woah, it's still in one piece."
However, this statement was soon proven wrong as the ball exploded, separating the intruders and sending them into four different directions.
The Shiba female raised a brow, "Looks like I spoke too soon." As she watched the soar down, Daiki noticed a familiar spiritual pressure. Sea green eyes rounded, "No way, did he seriously decide ta help tha' Soul Reaper kid? Tha's not like Ganju ta do..."
The raven-haired soul kept her eyes on that particular orange streak until it crashed, "I'll need'a keep an eye on them. I can a'ready tell Ikkaku and Yumichika are there with them." She threw her head back and sagged her shoulders, "What was he thinkin'...?" Shaking her head, Daiki turned and made her way to her captain's quarters to see how he was fairing, "If Uncle Ganju and tha' kid end up a'right I'll go ta them and see what they're here fer."
Jumping up, she landed on a roof above and began her trek to her captain.
After assuring that Ukitake was indeed fine, though he was asleep when she visited him, she began scouring the streets for any of the ryoka. She could sense Ganju was still dealing with Yumichika, and she wasn't going to lie that she's surprised he's lasting as long as he is. In the meantime, Daiki figured she could find one of his companions and question their reason for invading.
"Uncle Ganju would need'a damn good one if he's aidin' a Soul Reaper," she thought before noticing two oddly dressed teenagers running from a mob of Squad Eleven members.
The tanned girl paused and watched them go with a deadpanned expression, "I think it's safe ta say those two are ryoka..." Daiki began tailing them and stopped when they did, looking as though they were prepared to fight. "They can' be serious-" She cut herself off when she heard more rapid thuds of footsteps. Turning around, the Shiba reaper spotted another horde heading their way.
"WHA-?!" all three's expressions turned into comical shock before turning to look in another direction where a different mob was coming from.
"These kids are gonna get pummeled!" Daiki voiced, though she had no need to worry as the two ran the only way possible and allowed the three hordes to collide behind them. "Better keep up," she muttered as she followed suit behind the intruders.
Daiki continued her silent pursuit of the outsiders; however an incredibly loud voice from not far over caused her to pause in her step. The two she was tailing also paused, though continued to run after sharing a brief glance at each other.
"HEY, GANJU, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!" the female heard, the voice unmistakably that orange-haired kid.
Purple accented eyes narrowed, "So Ganju really is here..."
Daiki slapped her forehead in exasperation, "Numbskull, is he tryn'a call all o' Seireitei ta him?"
"DUMBASS!" the late lieutenant's daughter went into full dramatics and collapsed at the teenager's sheer stupidity.
"I see he doesn' see the irony in callin' Uncle Ganju a dumbass," she muttered with a twitch in her eye. Jumping to her feet, she quickly ran to where the teen was before she began to pursue the retreating carrot-top, "If he's lookin' for Ganju then I'm bound ta find him while followin' this idiot."
"Ganju! Ganju, where are you?!"
Daiki huffed in annoyance, "Boy, he really doesn' get the concept o' bein' discreet."
Both the girl and Ichigo stopped in the tracks at seeing fireworks go off in the sky, "Huh?" the boy muttered.
"Definitely Uncle Ganju," Daiki said before taking off.
"WAIT A MINUTE, HOW LONG WERE YOU UP THERE?!" the brown-eyed teen cried, watching the ravenette run ahead. He sagged his shoulders, paying no heed to the unconscious reapers around him, "Wait, did she say uncle?"
Ganju was running like a madman away from a horde of Soul Reapers chasing after him, "Why is it no matter where we go I'm always the one bein' chased all over the place?!"
"Come back you, you sideburn clown!"
"You're gonna get a beating for being so ugly!"
"Who ya calling ugly?!" the raven-haired male cried, blood dried on his face from his fight with Eleventh Squad's fifth seat. "That Soul Reaper with the funky eyelashes is a real looker, but that's not my fault! And you guys are no fashion models yourselves!"
"Oh, ye're gonna pay for that one!"
"We're gonna turn your head into a door knocker!"
"A really ugly door knocker!"
Ganju spied a familiar carriot-top turning a corner up ahead, "Ichigo!" Said teen looked at the distressed Shiba. "Just in time! I could really use some back-up right about now!" Ganju's eyes widened at what turned the corner behind the teenage Kurosaki.
"Ganju!" Ichigo called, running from his own horde as he waved a bandaged hand in the air.
"AAAAAAHHHHH!" Ganju cried. "You got a mob chasin' you, too?! Fight them there, Ichigo, I got enough problems already!" The teenager paid no heed and just continued to wave his hand. "Quit waving your hand at me, you idiot, you're only making them madder!" Ganju watched in panic at the approaching reapers, "Back off, I said, you're brining them towards me!"
As Ganju screamed, Ichigo drop-kicked a Soul Reaper behind the Shiba clansman and whipped out his Zangetsu. "Ganju, duck!" Ichigo exclaimed with an excited grin.
"What're you're doing swinging that overgrown blade of yours so closed to me, ya moron?!" Ganju cried as a foutain of tears sprayed from his eyes. "You almost took my freakin' head off!"
"Shut up, I told ya to duck, didn't I?!" Ichigo retaliated in annoyance.
"What good is a warning if it comes at the same time as the thing you're getting warned about?!"
"If you didn't have the reflexes of a banana slug!"
"Just be more careful, you idiot!" The two looked to the remaining Soul Reapers behind them, "Yeah, we've got other things to be worried about." Ganju smirked, "They backed off after your little surprise attack, but I have a feeling that isn't gonna work a second time." Ichigo looked away with a scowl. "And anyway, we're heavily outnumbered. We're gonna need a miracle."
"Need some help with tha'?" a voice asked as a figure dropped in front of them. She rose from her crouch and shot them a smirk, one very similar to Ganju's very own.
"Hey, it's you!" Ichigo exclaimed.
"Daiki?!" the elder Shiba cried.
"Wait, you know her?" the substitute Soul Reaper inquired.
"'Know 'im'?" Daiki snorted. Jabbing a thumb to her chest, she grinned, "We're related!"
"What, seriously?!" Ichigo yelled in shock. He wasn't just hearing things when she called Ganju uncle then!
"Enough with that, what're ya doing here?!" Ganju asked semi-aggressively, causing Ichigo to blink in shock.
Daiki, already prepared for his aggressive nature towards Soul Reapers, turned her back to the two and cracked her knuckles, "Here ta help with tha' miracle and figure out what ya both are doin' here."
However, it didn't come to that as the trio heard a commotion coming from the group of Squad Eleven members. "Huh?" Ichigo voiced. "What's that all about?"
Daiki crossed her arms and quirked a dark brow, "No clue."
From the sea of black spat out a familiar dark-haired boy, "GAH!" he cried as he fell before them.
Sea green eyes rapidly blinked, "Hana?"
Ganju looked to his niece, "You know this kid?"
"Uh, yeah, he's a friend," she replied.
"Oh, that didn't turn out as I planned it," the Squad Four member groaned.
Ganju smirked mischievously, "Ichigo, I think I have an idea on how we can get out of this place."
"Is that right? Me too."
"So, you guys," Hanataro began as he raised himself by his arms, "are trying to get out of this place? But why would you be trying to get away from here? Unless you happen to be the ryoka everyone is so worried about..." the smaller lad trailed off.
"Bingo," Daiki commented with a snap of her fingers.
Hanataro was quickly swept up and help at knife-point by Ichigo and Ganju, "NOW BACK OFF!"
"UNLESS YOUR LITTLE FRIEND IS GONNA BE MISSING SOME PIECES!" Ichigo finished followed by the Yamada's hysterics.
"Wrong move," Daiki said, giving the two an unimpressed look.
"Wait, what do you mean?" Ganju harshly whispered.
"You'll see."
"Do what they say! Do what they say or else I'll..." the three looked at the group of reapers that all held blank looks.
"Not the reaction I expected," Ganju muttered.
"Ya didn' but I sure did," Daiki retorted.
"Maybe they didn't understand," Ichigo guessed. "Try again."
"If you say so," the Shiba male responded. "Listen, riffraff, stand aside and let us through."
"Or else my blade is gonna take the life of your friend here," Ichigo ended.
"I'm tellin' ya, it ain't gonna work," the tanned female grumbled as she looked away.
"C'mon, you, sound like your scared of us," Ichigo whispered to Hanataro as he nudged him.
"Uh, yes, please, I think they mean it," the smallest of the group said, not even trying to sound scared.
"Yer such a bad actor, Hana."
"Will you knock it off already?!" Ichigo yelled to the only girl amongst them who replied by sticking her tongue out at him.
"Very strange," one member drawled.
"What the hell are you idiots doin'?" another questioned.
"Huh?" Ganju voiced.
"What does it look like?" Ichigo asked. "We took a hostage."
"I see, and does he look like one of us to you?"
The orange-haired teen looked from the group to Hanataro, "Uh, who are you?"
"We're all on the same side, but I'm Squad Four while they're Squad Eleven."
"An' therein lies yer problem," Daiki supplied, gaining two confused expressions.
"Why's that?" Ichigo spoke.
"Ha, I guess these bumpkins really are from the outside," a brunette smirked. "I shouldn't have to explain it to you but it's much too insulting to have you lump us together so listen up!"
"There are thirteen guard squads assigned to protect the Seireitei. We of Squad Eleven are led by the strongest captain, as such, we are the strongest unit and always the first to head into battle." Cheers rose from the men of said squad.
"I just noticed these guys all have weird hair except for you," Ganju commented. He looked down to the weakest of the quartet, "What's your squad again?"
"It's Squad Four."
Ichigo looked down at Hanataro as well, "Is that a good one?"
"Oh, sure!" Hana whispered happily. "Squad Four is a great squad to be in!"
"Don't make me laugh!"
"Squad Four is just a rear echelon service squad that provides first aid for minor injuries. That's where all the loser wimps who can't even wield a sword get assigned."
"That's right! The rest of us can't stand the little weasels!"
"So whatever ya do, don't confuse them with us! Because when it comes to Squad Four-"
"If you wanna kill this one, go right ahead! We don't mind!"
"GAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" Hanataro gave a strained cry.
"Wait a minute, don't ya think it's kinda cruel recommending death for someone just because they have different responsibilities?!" Ganju exclaimed.
"Hey, that almost makes sense," Ichigo muttered.
"Ya'll find tha' Squad Eleven members usually lack tha'," the fourth seat commented, not at all phased by the hatred being showcased.
Said squad members began to charge at the four of them. Daiki lowered herself, ready to engage with them, "Hope ya boys are ready ta fight," she grinned until a yellow light came from the wall in front of her.
The wall exploded as the four shielded their eye. "What in the hell was that?!" Ganju yelled.
"I don't know, and I don't care," the high schooler replied. "What I do care about is that it cut our enemies in half!" he yelled and charged forward to take care of the rest of the Soul Reapers.
"Ha! Ya got tha' right!" Daiki cried with a grin, joining him in eliminating the Squad Eleven buffoons.
"My name is Hanataro Yamada," Hana introduced.
After taking care of the reapers, the quartet quickly found refuge in a supply building so as not to be found so easily.
"Dude, that name is so lame," Ichigo and Ganju spoke together.
"No, I like my name and it most certainly is not lame!"
"Well, you're wrong," Ichigo replied, sharing an unimpressed look with Ganju. "Where I come from 'hana' means 'flower' amd there's nothing lamer than that!" He waved a hand flippantly, "You might as well call yourself blossom."
"Hey, c'mon..."
Ichigo and Ganju swiftly received two fists to the top of their heads, "Don' be jackasses, an' ye're one ta talk, strawberry," Daiki scolded as the pair rubbed their heads.
"Who do you think you are?!" said carrot-top cried.
"Why are we learning the name of the enemy anyway?" Ganju asked indignantly.
"But I-" Hana started.
"And why are you being so friendly and introducing yourself in the first place?"
"That's a good question, I don't really know why," the Squad Four member muttered, raising a finger to his chin while Daiki shook her head at the lovable reaper.
"And here's another question: what'd you bring him for?!" Ichigo exclaimed as he gestured to the pondering flower.
"I couldn't help it, okay?! He was just sitting there, so I picked him up by accident!"
"How do you pick something up by accident? What are you a garbage man? Ya just pick up whatever you see lying on the ground?"
"Shut up! You didn't notice him until now, so what's the big deal?!"
"This is useless, you guys, please!" Hana tried cutting in. "You've got to stop fighting over me!"
"Okay!" the smaller lad replied. "But you need to keep your voices down or you'll lead the guards right to us." The moronic duo quickly placed their hands over their mouths.
Ichigo shuffled to the door, "Anyone out there?" he whispered. When he received no response, he relaxed some and scratched at his brightly colored hair. "We're still screwed 'cause even if that bald guy I beat up was tellin' the truth about Rukia being held in some white tower, we still don't know where it is or which road we need to take to get there." Daiki and Hanataro's eyes widened at the mention of the female Kuchiki.
"Hey, wait a minute," Ganju said before ruffling through his pockets, "what about this map?" He then produced a crudely drawn map of sorts, "This'll help us avoid any captains out there. If only it showed us where the enemy was..."
"This is a map?" Ichigo questioned. "It doesn't even have any streets marked on it. That's just stupid." The brown-eyed male looked to the corner of the page and saw an equally crude drawing of Ganju, "Huh, what's this here?" The fifteen year old shot his head up to glare at the bloodied soul, "You idiot, you drew this yourself, didn't you?!"
"It's better than nothing! Where's your map, smartass?!" the raven-haired male defended.
The squad member duo both came out of their shock as another argument began to ensue. "Uh, excuse me!" Hanataro attempted.
Ganju and Ichigo turned to look at him, "Just stay out of this, will ya? We're doing some serious strategising here," the latter spoke.
"Strategisin' my ass," Daiki muttered.
"Why don't ya beat it, kid?" Ganju drawled. "You're not gonna be any use to us anyway, no offense."
"Good idea," Ichigo finished and began to turn away.
"It's Rukia Kuchiki you're looking for, isn't it?" Hanataro questioned, causing the teenager to stop in his place. Ichigo turned to the boy still on the ground, "I thought so, it all makes sense now. The younger sister of the Squad Six captain who's currently being held as a capital offender."
"Meanin'," Daiki continued as the pair before her turned, "the white tower yer talkin' about is prob'ly the Repentance Cell." Hana shared a look with the ravenette. Looking back to Ichigo, she spoke, "If you'll trust us, we can help ya out."
"I know a hidden way into that tower," the healer supplied.
Ichigo stared at the two Soul Reapers then looked back to Ganju who was staring intently at his niece. The elder Shiba then returned Ichigo's look and nodded his head. Turning back to Hanataro and Daiki, the teenager gave his own nod, letting them know their answer.
A/N: I now have a character sheet prepared for Daiki in case any of you are interested in what she looks like! You can find it on my deviantart page arinamday ^^
I'd link it but links in chapters are so buggy that it's a bit of a hassle;;;
also sorry it took so long to update ehehe