"Do you, Mary Campbell, take this man to be you're lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"And do you, John Winchester, take this woman to be you're lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do"The priest nods his head and turns to the couple next to them.

"Do you, Mary Novak, take this man to be you're lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"And do you, Charles Shurley, take this woman to be you're lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." The priest smiled at both couples before him. "Then you may kiss the bride."

"CHUCK" Mary called from the bathroom, "CHUCK GET IN HERE"

Chuck appeared at the doorway. "Yes dear?" he asked, smiling at his wife. She held up the small stick in her trembling hand.

"I'm pregnant."

Chuck fainted.

It turns out, Mary Shurley was pregnant with not one, not two, but three children. And the two parents-to-be couldn't be happier. They celebrated with their close friends, the Winchesters, and family. It was a joyous occasion.

But their happiness was not to last.

Eight months after they discovered the pregnancy, Mary went into labour, a month early. And she gave birth to two healthy boys, who she named Michael and Lucifer. The third child, also a boy, did not make it. His name was Raphael. His parents, aunts and uncles and grandparents were heartbroken over his loss. But there were two new youngsters that were brought into the family, and they couldn't be happier.

Two and a half years after the Shurley family grew by two, another little bundle of joy was brought into existence, and nine months later, little Gabriel was born. And he made a name for himself quickly in their family. 'The trickster' became his endearing nickname as he grew older and showed his mischievous side.

Mary and John Winchester had been content to watch their friends family grow. The Shurley's were happy, and the Winchesters were the godparents of three beautiful children. Life was good for the Winchesters and the Shurleys. And then, it got better.

"John! John, I'm pregnant!" Mary shouted to her husband, as he came home from work one evening. And one month later, in the household across the street, some of those same words were called from the master bedroom of the house.

"Chuck! I'm pregnant!"

Mary Shurley smiled, as her three boys ran towards her, after they got home from school.

"Hello boys," she said lovingly, as she held her arms out for a hug, "How were you're days at school?"

"It was cool, Zach showed me this cool book about sword fighting, and we practiced during break with our banana's" Michael said, holding his hand out as if he were holding a sword, a big smile on his face. Lucifer nodded.

"Yeah, mom, it was cool, me and Rowena teamed up against Michael and Zach and we totally kicked their butts" he said, laughing when he saw Michael's face.

"We weren't THAT bad" he said indignantly, pouting a bit as Lucifer laughed.

"You should have seen you're face when Rowena hit you, even Uriel laughed at it" he pointed out, smiling as his brother pouted even more.

"Well, we have homework to do," Michael said, grabbing his brothers arm and dragging him towards their room. Mary chuckled a bit and called after them, "No rematches while you're working!" she said before turning to her golden eyed boy, "What about you, Gabriel? How was you're day?" she asked, as she pulled him into her lap."It was awesome mommy!" Gabriel said excitedly, "Ms. Sarah let us colors today!" he said, smiling brightly. "An' I drawed a picture of our family. See?" he asked, holding up a picture with eight little people on it.

"That's me" he said, pointing to a little yellow haired stick figure with a giant lollipop, "An' does are Mikey and Luci" he said, pointing to the two figures who looked as if they were hugging, "I drawed them hugging 'cause they brothers an' not supposed to be fighting. An' here's daddy, reading one of his stories," he pointed to a taller stick figure, who had a little square, presumably his book, in one hand. "An' this one is you, mommy" the young boy smiled, showing the stick figure with blonde hair and a blue dress standing next to his dad, "An' I also drawed Auntie Mary and Uncle John with their baby," he said, pointing to three little figures on his paper, one with long blonde hair and a white dress, one with darker hair and a jacket, and one little one, with nothing special about them except for their big smile.

"I don't know what baby Winchester will look like yet, so I didn't drawed anything special For dem." he said simply
Mary smiled brightly at her son, hugging him close. "It's beautiful Gabriel" she said, "Why don't you hang it up on the fridge after adding one more?" she said. Gabriel turned and looked at his mother funnily.

"Is Auntie Mary having two babies, like Mikey and Luci?" he asked confused.

"No baby, Mommy has another little baby growing inside her tummy," she said, looking at her little boys big eyes, "You're going to be a big brother." she said.

Gabriel looked at his mom, then down to her stomach, then to his paper. He smiled big and wide and looked back at his mommy, "Can I sees?" he whispered, his golden eyes as big and wide as his smile. Mary nodded and set her boy down, lifting her shirt slightly to show her son where his little brother or sister is growing inside her. She took his little hand in hers and placed it just below her bellybutton.

"You're little brother or sister is growing right here" she said, watching her son. Gabriel looked at where his hand was, before bringing his face closer and whispering.

"Hi baby" he whispered, "I'm you're big brother, Gabriel. The other two you prob'ly heards earlier were you're other big brothers, Mikey and Luci. Don't worry though, their nice, even if they do fights sometimes. And little baby, could you be a boy? It's okay if you're not though. I love you baby" he said, leaning it a bit more to kiss his mommy's tummy. Gabriel then stood up and ran to get his crayons, before sitting down on the floor and adding another little figure to his picture. He smiled at his mum before he stood up and almost ran into his dad on his way to the kitchen to put his masterpiece on the fridge.

"Sowry Daddy!" he called behind him as he passed. Chuck smiled at his son, before turning to his wife, "You told him about being a big brother soon?" he asked, chuckling as he heard Gabriel make his way up the stairs shouting for his brothers. Mary just nodded her head and smiled at her husband, standing up.

"Come here, you" she said, pulling him into her arms and leaning up to give him a kiss.

"Ew," they heard behind them, turning to see their three sons standing in the entryway. All three of them were smiling. "And how come you told Gabey before we got to know?" Lucifer asked his mother, still unable to hide his smile at the prospect of another little brother or sister. Mary just smiled and shook her head fondly, "Come here" she said, her and her husband turning to envelope their boys in a big group hug.

The two Mary's spent the majority of their pregnancies together, raising Hell on their husbands and babying the Shurley kids. Mary Shurley helped Mary Winchester through her first pregnancy, telling her what was normal and what to expect the coming days. And during this time, the two friends somehow managed to get even closer. If that was possible. They were already practically sisters.

Mary went into labor January 23, at 11:00 pm, a few hours later, her son, little Dean Winchester, was born, January 24, 1979.

Both family's adored the young boy, his big green eyes watching them after they first opened. He was the most precious thing in the Winchesters lives. A month and a half later, on March 14th, 1979, Mary Shurley went into labor. It was a hard birth, and Mary was not doing well when it was over. She had just enough time to hold her newborn son, and name him before she passed on, the big blue eyes of little Castiel looked up at her as she closed her eyes for the last time.

Alright ya'll, this is my first AU, so, be nice I guess


10 reviews will bring chapter 2 along!

Okay, till next time, bbyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeee