Dean/Cas ~ 24
"Honey, I'm home!" he heard Dean at the door.
"I can hear that, Dean. Could you be a little quieter please? I need to get this paper done, it's due on Friday," Cas said, exasperated. Dean just shook his head a chuckled a bit, before sitting down in front of Cas. All was silent for a few minutes before Dean got bored.
"What'tch'ya gotta do?" Dean said, squeaking his chair next to Cas' and looking over his shoulder at the laptop in front of him. Castiel sighed in annoyance.
"I have to write a 10 page essay, Dean. Now, can you please leave me alone so I can work with out being distracted?" Cas asked his friend. Dean gave a great exaggerated sigh.
Again the room falls into silence as Dean got up and left the room. After a few hours of silence, Cas figuring Dean had fallen asleep while he waited for him to be finished his essay, Castiel actually did finish. He gave a relieved sigh and looked over his work, hearing a slight shuffling coming from the other room.
Probably just Dean getting up. Cas thought, and soon all was silent again.
That is , at least, before a soft voice singing began to fill the room and Castiel looked up from his finished work.
Dean had been nervous when he got back to the apartment complex after work. He had been thinking about doing this for years, and had finally decided to do it today. He knew that if he didn't he might not ever, and wouldn't that just be a shame. He really hoped if Cas said 'No' that it wouldn't ruin what they had as friends. When Dean got to their apartment, he put a smile on and tried not to let his anxiety show.
"Honey, I'm home!" Dean said with as much sarcasm as possible.
"I can hear that, Dean. Could you be a little quieter please? I need to get this paper done, the good copy is due on Friday," Dean shook his head and chuckled a bit. Of course this is what Cas was doing on a Saturday night. He thought fondly, It's Cas, what did I expect?
So Dean acknowledged what Cas had said, silently, and sat down in an empty chair next to Cas. It was silent in the room for a while, until Dean got bored. Which didn't take all that long, considering. So Dean pulled his chair up next to Cas as noisily as possible and looked over his shoulder.
"What'tch'ya gotta do?"Castiel sighed.
"I have to write a 10 page essay, Dean. Now, can you please leave me alone so I can work with out being distracted?" Dean sighed dramatically.
"Fine..." he heaved, before standing up and putting his chair back. He then stepped out of the room quietly and went to his own room. Dean sat on the edge of his bed and ran his hand trough his hair.
"C'mon man, you can do this..." he mumbled to himself. But he couldn't do it at that moment. So instead he lay back on his bed and thought. He guessed it was a good thing Cas was busy at the moment, because it gave Dean more time to think about how he was going to go about asking Cas.
Before Dean knew it, hours had passed and Cas was sighing in the next room. Dean smiled sleepily, knowing that sigh. It was the little relieved sigh Cas did when he had finished something important. Dean could picture the cute little proud smile on Cas' face, the small crinkles in the corners of his eyes, his blue eyes shining with pride. Dean sighed again, and sat up, figuring better now than never.
Dean stretched out his legs and prepared himself mentally for this. He then slowly walked into the room Cas was in, humming a very familiar tune to calm himself down. As he entered the room, he didn't stop humming till Cas turned to look at him. And when their eyes met, Dean's humming faltered a bit, before he swallowed the lump in his throat and did the first thing that came to mind.
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are grey..."
Dean trailed off, looking down. But he looked up again quickly, using his eyes to plead with Cas to finish the song. Cas' face filled with recognition, after the slight confusion, and was followed by a shy smile. Cas then stood and made his way towards Dean, stopping when he was only a few inches from Dean himself. Then he began to sing the last small bit, his voice deep and rough, but melodic and hypnotizing.
"You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away." After that, neither would be able to tell you who leaned forwards first. All they would be able to tell you was it was their first 'official' kiss, and it was perfect.
Dean pulled back, only when the need for air won out over his want to kiss Cas. He leaned his forehead against Cas' and laughs a bit. Cas smiles fondly at him.
"So," he said, breathless, "that happened." Dean smiles at Cas, a hopeful gleam in his eyes, before yawning a bit. Cas chuckles at that and answers Dean's unspoken question.
"Yes Dean, we can do it again. Later, 'cause right now, I think it's time for bed." he says, watching as Dean's eyes begin to droop, "Come on, bed time" Cas says, Dean nods sleepily, holding Cas' hand as he walks back to his bed.
"Yea, sleep... that sounds good..." Dean yawns again and sits down. Cas helps tuck him in and Dean looks like he passed out as soon as his head hit his pillow. Cas smiles and kisses his forehead gently, before getting up to leave the room. He turns though, when he hears a soft whine, and he sees Dean making little grabby motions with his hands.
"Stay... please..." Cas smiles even wider and slides into bed behind Dean, feeling the blonde snuggle up to him, resting his head on Cas' chest.
"G'night Cas..."
"Goodnight Dean."
Dean was practically bouncing with nerves as he waited for Cas to get done changing. He pulled at his shirt collar, and adjusted his shirt multiple times. Hell, he even started messing with his hair, trying to get it in what he deemed the 'perfect position'. And that was what he was doing when he felt two arms wrap around his waist, and Cas' mouth against his neck.
"Dean. You look fine. Now come, or we're going to be late." Cas says, gently pulling his arm and leading Dean out the door. It had been about a week since the kiss, and it was their first date. And Dean had no idea where he was going. All he got was a sly smile and a kiss. Dean sighed as he reluctantly handed his keys over to Cas.
"Could you at least tell me where we're going?"
"No." was the only answer he received. Dean sighed, watching out the window as Cas drove them to wherever they were going for dinner. To his surprise, it wasn't an overly fancy place, it was a burger stand on Dempsey. 'Dempsey's Burger Stand'. Dean smiled as Cas pulled over and they got out of the car, and he couldn't help but lean over and kiss Cas on the cheek before entering.
The new couple had grown up together, and spent the night doing what they normally did when they went out for food. Just, to them, it seemed more special, more intimate than normal. After their dinner of burgers and fries, the two went to a drive in movie to watch some old horror flick. They laughed and talked throughout the movie, and got a couple strange looks, but other than that, the date went well.
By the end of it, the two were happily giggling like five year old's, smiling at each other when they would think the other wasn't looking, and all was good, happy.
"Best. First date. Ever." Dean breathed out as they walked back into their apartment. Cas chuckled a bit in agreement.
"Yeah, Dean. It was awesome. Thank you..." Cas trailed off and looked into Dean's eyes carefully, before he leaned in and kissed Dean. After a few moments, they pulled back for air and smiled at each other.
"Goodnight Dean," Cas whispered, before he retreated to his room, leaving Dean to smile dumbly at the space where he once stood.
Chapter oooooooooooonnnnnnnneeeee!
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