Seeking Sailor Senshi

From space, an alien comes to Earth to capture the most powerful warriors of the Milky Way, the Sailor Senshis living on Earth in their nefarious plans to use them to conquer the universe. Will Sailor Senshis after winning the battle against Sailor Galaixa may get do against this new enemy or will this alien will achieve what the villains that the heroines in the past faced were never able to do with any success that is to bring humiliating defeat for our friends and have them under your control?

Credits go to Damselbinder of (it's who wrote fanfic, so all credits go to him.)

Visit their website for more stories.

It is classified as M for obvious reasons.

And now for the fanfic.

Fifth Chapter - Closed Time! The Power of Sailor Pluto Back Against It!

"Mmmmpphhh...nnyyymmmpphhh..." Muffled sounds of struggle came from behind Rei's gag as she inched slowly across the metal floor of the Invincible. Used as a pawn by Enyx and Sailor Mercury in an ultimately successful scheme to capture Sailor Venus, Rei had been trussed up in chains, and gagged with a thick cloth. When the scheme was finished, neither had bothered to untie her. Hardly able to move in the tight chains that squeezed against her body, the ebony-haired miko was now trying to get to something she could use to get free. Attached to a wall a few metres away from her was a slight extension from the metal wall, some sort of power socket. If she could get to it, she thought, she could use it to pry off her gag. Once that was done, she would be able to transform into Sailor Mars, and free herself completely.

Rei writhed, near-helpless, on the floor, only barely able to make any headway at all, so tightly were her long, fair limbs chained.
"Mmmpphhh!" she complained, wriggling forward on her front, her soft breasts pressing against the ground, the chains binding her clinking loudly with every movement she made. It was humiliating having to undergo this ordeal. Worse than being bound and gagged, she had been made to look pathetic and weak in front of her Mistress, who seemed to trust Ami far more than she did Rei. Rei would obey any order her Mistress gave her, and if Ami was to be made her...superior, then Rei would not question those orders.

But Enyx's conditioning had allowed her slaves to keep much of their exisiting personalities, to allow them to fulfill the tasks given to them more creatively. But each Senshi had her own interpretation of how best to serve her Mistress, and their conditioning demanded that they do their utmost to serve her. Rei was normally a peaceable, almost passive person, but it was her conditioning that was forcing the more stubborn aspects of her character to emerge. Her personality and her conditioning combined made it seem to her as if there was no other choice than to prove herself to Enyx.

And so she crawled forward, just barely reaching the wall after a good ten minutes struggling. Now began the task of rising far enough to pry off her gag. She managed to wriggle her way onto her knees, something that was not easy even for someone with as limber a body as Rei's. Next, she leant forward, pressing herself against the wall for balance, and pushing herself up with her feet. Her long legs were tightly wrapped, and it was exceptionally difficult to keep balance. Finally, however, she managed to get to her feet. She moved towards the socket, and began rubbing her gag against it, trying to get some purchase. But now that she was close to the socket, she saw that it barely extended from the wall at all. Her gag had been tied very tightly between her lips, and it was hardly budging at all.

"Mmmpphhh...nnnnmmpphhh!" It dawned on her that this was not going to work. However, from her new vantage point she spotted something more substantial jutting out from a wall...on the opposite side of that section of the ship. She could crawl...but it could have easily taken her another ten minutes to do so. "I am on my feet..." she thought. "Perhaps I can hop across the room." This did not seem a fit method of travel for the Senshi of Fire, nor for a servant of Enyx, but it would have to make do.

"Mmph!" she squeaked, taking one small leap forward. She could barely keep from falling, as her silky legs were tied so strictly together that it was almost impossible to move them at all. But it was not completely impossible, and Rei kept going, hopping forward one step at a time, her chained up body constantly in danger of plummeting to the floor.

She was about ten steps away from reaching her target when she overestimated herself. She put just a little too much force into a jump, and when she landed her bound legs just couldn't get balanced in time. Feeling that she was beginning to fall back, Rei wriggled her shoulders in a desperate attempt to effect some influence on her momentum, but it accomplished nothing.

"NNNNMMMPPHHH!" she screamed in frustration as she fell, her slender body tumbling to the ground. "MMMPHH!" she grunted, as she landed on her back.

But while the gag had been made very tight indeed, it had not been given the most secure knot possible. Rei's fall was just enough of a shake for it to slip loose.

"UGHH!" Rei groaned, feeling the gag come loose and promptly shaking it from her mouth. "Mars Crystal Power, Make Up!" With that incantation, her body was surrounded in multicoloured lights. Her clothes seemed to vanish, presenting a silhouette that made Rei look almost naked, before, with a brilliant flash, she emerged clad in her Sailor fuku. Her summer dress had vanished, replaced with the short, red skirt, tight white bodice and red high heels that composed the uniform of Sailor Mars.

"Fire Soul!" she cried, bursting the chains that still wrapped around her body. Freed, she leapt to her feet, and made straight for the chamber where she knew she would find Enyx. She approached the door, and it opened automatically, revealing Enyx reclining in her Captain's chair. Kneeling before her was a young blond woman, dressed almost identically to Rei, but with orange accents on her fuku instead of red. This was Sailor Venus, Enyx's newest slave.

"Yes, Mistress," Minako said humbly. Rei hadn't heard the question.

"Great." Enyx was flanked by Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune, who seemed to be standing guard, staring straight ahead, their arms by their sides, awaiting their Mistress' commands. Sailor Mercury stood nearby, and her eyes narrowed when Rei walked in.

"Well, look at that," Enyx said. "The gang's all here." All five of the beautiful, skimpily dressed young women who stood before her had been captured, drugged, and hypnotised into submissiveness to their Mistress. "I see you managed to untangle yourself?"

"Yes, Mistress," Rei said, not quite as humbly as Minako had. "I was able to -" Enyx interrupted her by raising a hand.

"I don't want to hear it. The girls and I were just discussing our next move. Bluebell over here," she said, indicating Ami, "thinks we should take out this Setsuna girl before moving on to the other two. She's Sailor...?"

"Sailor Pluto, Mistress," Ami offered. "The Senshi of Time."

"Sounds powerful," Enyx said.

"She is Mistress, perhaps the most powerful of us save Sailor Moon herself," Ami continued. "In addition to wielding powerful energy blasts, she can stop the flow of time in its tracks." Enyx sat up.

"Oh she can, can she?" She pondered for a moment. Capturing such a powerful magic user would be a formidable task, but Enyx could scarcely imagine how useful it would be to have someone so strong on her side. "How do you think you're going to take her down?"

"I can defeat her, Mistress," Rei said. "Allow me to capture her for you." Enyx looked at her for a moment, crossing and uncrossing her legs.

"And just how do you plan on doing that if she can stop time whenever she wants?"

"If I were to attack her from behind -" Rei began, but was interrupted by Enyx raising her hand.

"You won't be able to get the drop on her. Not if she can freeze time. And you can't surprise attack her - I need her to be transformed." She paused again, thinking hard.

"Perhaps, Mistress," Ami began, "if you were to allow me to formulate a plan, I would be able to defeat her."

"No," Enyx said flatly. She bent down to the blond kneeling before her, taking her by the chin. "I think this could be a good opportunity to give you a bit of a test drive, blondie."

"Yes, Mistress," Minako replied, rising from her knees. Rei waited for Enyx to order her to accompany her recently inducted comrade, but the order never came.

"But Mistress," she began daringly, "surely it will take more than one of us to be sure of capturing her." Enyx didn't even bother looking at her.

"I don't need you to point out the obvious to me, Rei. Keep that pretty mouth shut until I ask you to contribute." Enyx was getting into the role of the 'Mistress' with aplomb. Never having been very high-ranking in her Empire's military, she relished the opportunity to have her orders so unquestioningly obeyed. Being able to dominate a powerful, dark-haired beauty like Rei was too great a temptation to resist. "Why don't I send the lovebirds instead?" By this she meant Haruka and Michiru, who stood at her side.

"Of course, Mistress Enyx," the two said in unison. They had always been two of the more serious Senshi, and in their state as Enyx's slaves, this translated into total, unchallengable obedience.

"I need a pair who can work together effortlessly," Enyx explained. "What better partnership than a seme and an uke?"

"Please Mistress," Rei insisted. "Allow me to accompany them." Enyx raised an eyebrow at her. Her slaves were not meant to be this stubborn. But seeing Rei, who had once fought so fiercely against her, trying everything to please her Mistress was so very appealing.

"Fine," Enyx said, deciding to indulge her first slave-girl. "You can go too, Rei. Just don't get in their way." The two outer Senshi barely even registered that Rei was to accompany them. Their Mistress' word was law.

"Of course, Mistress." Rei shot Ami a look. This time, she would be the one to prove herself to Enyx. The capture of the mighty Sailor Pluto would bring her back into her Mistress' favour for sure. Haruka and Michiru had already begun to leave the chamber, and Rei turned to follow them.

"Rei?" Enyx said, her dark-haired servant instantly turning to listen. "I've got a little something that might make this easier..."


At that moment, Setsuna Meioh had her duties as a Senshi far from her mind. This made quite a change - once her entire life had been dedicated to the guarding of the Space Time Door, when she was only Sailor Pluto. She had, however, been given a chance at a life outside of being a Senshi. On the cusp of graduating from university, Setsuna was the eldest of the Sailor Senshi, and with her buxom chest and curvy figure, she attracted the attentions of almost every male on her campus.

But today she had no time for such things. An able physics student - her almost otherwordly intuition for spatio-temporal mechanics no doubt assisted by her role as the Senshi of Time - she was studying for her final examinations.

"Hmmm," she sighed, flicking her long, green hair from her face, perusing for the fifth time the textbook on which she was to be examined. She knew things about how time worked that were not even hinted at in this book, but if she started using her knowledge as the Guardian in her academic work, she would attract a lot of awkward questions. Again.

She glanced at her clock. For one who was meant to guard the flow of time, who could even bend it to her will when she had to, she was very bad at keeping track of the hour. It was half past four in the morning, and the library in which she worked was, save for her, deserted.

"Perhaps I should start back," she said to herself, slotting the book she'd been studying into a satchel which she hung over her shoulder. "I suppose in the end, one can study too much."

Getting up from her seat, she started strolling back through the half-lit library, her sandals making quiet footfalls on the carpeted floor. There was a kind of eerie hush at that time of night, with only the quiet hum of the lights to make any sounds that Setsuna did not make herself.

But as she walked through the quiet halls, Setsuna fancied that she could hear something other than the lights and her own footsteps. It was only half-heard, at the absolute edge of her hearing. Anyone else would have dismissed it, but Setsuna had been through too many battles not to trust her instincts: and her instincts were that she was being watched.

She was careful not to change her pace. If she was being watched, making sure that they did not suspect she was aware of them could be a significant tactical advantage. She attempted to keep up the appearance of being nothing more than a pretty college student out late in the library.

Suddenly, Setsuna heard something much more clear than before. A book had been knocked from a shelf. But Setsuna could tell that that had been no accident. Whoever it was who had the skill to follow her so stealthily would not have been so careless to knock something over accidentally. Setsuna was being goaded.

Sure enough, another book was knocked over a few moments later. Then a second. Then a third, each getting closer to Setsuna. Her breathing began to increase in rapidity as it became unmistakably clear that she was being targeted. It could conceivably have been a college prank, but there was a sinister air about what was happening. Setsuna's eyes darted around the gloom, but she could not see anyone. In addition, no more books had been knocked over. Setsuna paused, and listened.

"There!" she gasped, stepping to the right, and narrowly avoiding a bolt of energy that had been fired at her. Careening past Setsuna, the energy bolt exploded dramatically when it struck a wall, sending books flying everywhere, and almost knocking Setsuna down. Her attacker was no longer making any attempts to conceal their footfalls, but was still evading Setsuna's sight. The energy bolt had travelled so quickly, Setsuna realised, that if her attacker had any competence whatever they would have been able to prevent Setsuna from dodging it. She was being challenged. "In that case," she thought, planting her feet firmly, "I must accept."

She had grown used to being Setsuna Meioh, grown used to her life as an ordinary young woman. But she had not by any means forgotten her roots. She was still Sailor Pluto. She was still a warrior.

"Pluto Crystal Power Make Up!" she exclaimed, the incantation instantly triggering her transformation. The gloom of the library was dispelled by shimmering lights that danced over Setsuna's body. Power slept within her, power that was now awakening.

When Sailor Pluto appeared at last, it was immediately apparent that she was no ordinary Senshi. She, like the others, showed off a pair of long, shapely legs with an extremely short skirt. Like Sailor Mercury and Sailor Moon, she wore heeled, knee-high boots, and her bodice had the same pattern of ribbon, and left her arms bare in the same way as those of the others. But her skirt and the accents on her bodice were black, the colour of the ribbon on her chest a subdued burgundy, and her red eyes were veiled with ancient mysteries. In her hand she carried the Garnet Rod, a powerful staff through which Setsuna could channel her mystical powers, as well as use competently in hand to hand combat. Everything about her seemed that little bit more cryptic, and more dangerous, than the other Senshi.

"Show yourself, coward." Setsuna brandished her staff. "If you think you are a match for Sailor Pluto, then step forward, and learn just how mistaken you are." Out of the corner of her eye, Setsuna caught sight of a figure in the gloom, for the first time being able to see that her attacker was human, at least in shape. When this person stepped into the light, however, Setsuna was baffled.

It was Sailor Uranus, one of Setsuna's fellow Outer Senshi. What she was doing there Setsuna did not know, but from the way she had appeared, and from the slight smirk she wore on her face, if Setsuna had not known better she would have thought that Haruka was the one who had attacked her.

"Sailor Uranus," Setsuna began, but was not able to finish before, without a word, Haruka lobbed another ball of crackling yellow light at her. "What?!" Setsuna exclaimed, as the energy ball bore down on her. At the last moment, she raised her staff, which was struck by Sailor Uranus' attack.

"Ughhhh!" Setsuna cried out, as she was pushed back, her staff barely able to keep the energy sphere from impacting into her directly. Just as it seemed she would be overwhelmed, she stepped deftly to the right, changing the angle of her staff and redirecting the sphere away from her. Having spent most of it power in the struggle, the energy ball fizzled and died before it could cause another explosion. "Sailor Uranus! What is the meaning of this?!" Setsuna gripped her staff tightly, confused and not a little angry.

"You don't need to know that," the short-haired blond replied. "All you need to know is that this little life of yours, playing at being an ordinary human, is over. You've been called to a higher purpose."

"What are you talking about, Haruka? Why would you attack me? Have you forgotten what it is to be a Sailor Senshi?"

"We haven't forgotten," came another voice, from another figure stepping out of the gloom. "I guess it just got changed when you weren't looking." Setsuna's eyes widened when she saw that this, too, was someone she recognised: Minako Aino, otherwise known as Sailor Venus. She looked Setsuna up and down, her eyes taking in her tall, shapely figure. "Man, is the Mistress ever gonna love having you around!"

"What 'Mistress'? What are you talking about? I demand an explanation!"

"You are in a position to demand nothing." A third voice, a third Senshi, a third puzzle for Setsuna. It was Sailor Neptune, Haruka's partner and another of the Outer Senshi. She had emerged from behind Sailor Pluto, her eyes even colder than usual.

"She's right, Setsuna," said the last of Sailor Pluto's four assailants. Sailor Mars emerged with fire at her fingertips, obviously ready for battle. More than that, she had closed a circle formed by Enyx's four servants. Setsuna was surrounded. For the first time, the bewildered Sailor Pluto felt a tinge of fear.

"You don't stand a chance," Rei continued. "Against any one of us, you would almost certainly be the victor. Against two, I would still say the odds were more or less even. Three, and you wouldn't have much chance of winning. Against four, you can't possibly win."

"I don't understand! Why are you all doing this? I have never had the best sense of humour: perhaps this is some sort of practical joke?"

"Heh!" Haruka scoffed. "The joke is that you haven't got the picture yet. We're taking you prisoner, Setsuna. You're going to be our captive. So bend those pretty legs and get down on your knees. Don't make this any more difficult for yourself." As power once again crackled to her fingers, Setsuna realised once and for all that this was no joke.

"Someone has done something to your minds, haven't they?" Setsuna, looking around, saw all four staring hungrily at her. They were not the women Setsuna knew - almost, but not quite. "You've been hypnotised, or brainwashed."

"We've been given purpose," Minako said. "It's a funny process - gawd, I remember how scared I was! But it's really not so bad, Setsuna. You'll find that out for yourself before long."

The situation certainly looked bad for Setsuna. She was surrounded by four brainwashed, but otherwise competent Senshi, and they were all powerful. Someone else in her position, being so hopelessly outnumbered, might well have given up on the spot. But Sailor Pluto was no ordinary Senshi. Her conviction did not waver.

"If you have been forced off the paths that you were meant to follow," she said, "then it is my duty to return you to them. I shall prevail." She pointed her staff at Sailor Uranus. "It is you who ought to surrender!"

"Such arrogance!" Michiru hissed. "To think that you could resist the will of Mistress Enyx...I shall punish you for your insolence before she bends you to her will. Deep Submerge!" Her incantation brought forth a ball of energy shaped and coloured like the deep blue planet for which Sailor Neptune was named. Throwing her arms forward, Michiru launched it towards Setsuna, the energy travelling along the ground, tearing up the floor as it did so.

"Crescent Beam!" Sailor Venus called out, eager to press the attack, and launching a beam of light at Sailor Pluto. The two attacks approached the outnumbered Senshi from opposite sides, and it seemed she would surely be hit by at least one of them.

"Garnet Orb," Setsuna pronounced calmly, holding her staff aloft. From it a shimmering sphere, like a bubble of purple energy, descended around Setsuna. Both Minako and Michiru's attacks impacted this bubble - and glanced harmlessly off.

"What?" Sailor Neptune gasped.

"Don't be so surprised," Rei said. "We knew she was powerful. Keep your cool, and keep up the assault. She won't be able to hold us off forever."

"No she won't," Haruka said, smirking. "World Shaking!"

"Crescent Beam!"

"Deep Submerge!"

The three attacks converged on Setsuna, who held fast where she stood. They struck her barrier at the same time, reflecting back a great deal of their energy, enough almost to knock Enyx's servants from their feet. But as the dust thrown up by the explosion settled, Sailor Pluto's barrier was gone, Setsuna herself wearing an expression of pained effort at having to resist such powerful strikes.

"Fire Soul!" Rei had been waiting for this opportunity, and launched a volley of flames. She would be the one to bring down this mighty prize for her Mistress.

"Dead Scream." Setsuna was not done yet. As she spoke, a bitter wind surrounded her body, before being sucked into her staff, as Sailor Pluto called upon the dread powers of the underworld to protect herself. Her staff then fired out ripples of energy, instantly dissipating Rei's attack. That was not all: as the waves of energy travelled outward, they not only knocked down virtually every bookshelf in the library, they knocked all four of the other Senshi onto their backs.

"Ugh!" Sailor Uranus grunted. She had expected Sailor Pluto to be strong, but not powerful enough to do this, to knock all four of them down so easily. She could hardly move after being struck so hard.

Michiru was not faring much better. The elegant maiden baulked at being tossed aside like that, as if she were nothing. Setsuna, the tallest of the Sailor Senshi, now towered over the girls who had fallen before her, powerful and unmoving. But for those who served Enyx, failure was not an option.

"Deep Submerge!" For the third time, Michiru fired a blue sphere of energy towards Setsuna. It was no more effective, as Sailor Pluto effortlessly deflected it but, as Michiru had hoped, it provided an excellent distraction.

"Venus Love Me Chain!" Behind Setsuna, Minako had got back on her feet, and now threw at her target the same chain she had used to bind Rei so effortlessly. Sailor Pluto could not react in time, and when the chain struck her it instantly obeyed its master's wishes, and rapidly wound itself around Setsuna.

"No!" Setsuna cried out, as the links of orange metal spun down her body, pressing her arms tightly against her sides, and jamming the Garnet Road against her chest. As she tried to free her arms, her bare legs became entwined in chain as well, as her knees were pulled together, before her boot-covered calves and her slim ankles. Sailor Pluto had been completely bound, and it had only taken a few short seconds.

"Down you go." Minako tugged hard on her end of the chain, pulling the long-legged damsel down to her knees.

"How easily you were deceived," Michiru said, approaching Setsuna with a rag soaked in soporific fumes. "I told you that your arrogance would be punished."

"Nnnghh! Unhand me at once!" Setsuna thrashed in Minako's chain, but could not loosen it. She could already smell the chemical in which Michiru's rag had been soaked, and she did not want to discover whether or not she had accurately guessed that that chemical was chloroform.

"I shall do no such thing," Michiru said, bending down and looking Setsuna in the eye. "Not until you, like us, serve the wishes of the Mistress." She then moved the rag over Setsuna's mouth.

Or rather, she would have done. For as soon as she brought the rag near Setsuna's lips, the green-haired young woman suddenly vanished, chain and all.

"What?!" Michiru gasped, scanning the immediate area. "Where is she?!"

"Keep calm. She must have used her Time Stop ability. She won't have gone far," Rei said. She'd hoped they would be able to incapacitate Sailor Pluto before it came to that, but it was always a possibility that they would fail in that regard.

"She'll pop up soon," Minako said. "And when she does I'll just snag her with my chain again, and...huh?" Minako had been about to step forward, but found that her legs would not move.

"Minako, what the hell?!" Haruka exclaimed. The confused blond looked down at herself, and found to her great surprise that her long legs would not move because they had been fixed together with Sailor Venus' own chain, attached together at her knees, ankles, and her soft thighs.

"What the - ?!" she gasped, finding that her arms had been immobilised completely, bound behind her back. Her entire body had been wrapped in the chain she'd tried to use on Setsuna - in one instant she had been completely tied up. "How is this - NGGMMMMPPHHH!" Minako cried out, but found her mouth muffled by a damp rag, pressed over her face by a gloved hand. As Sailor Venus wriggled, she felt the body of another holding her tightly, the voluptuous body of a woman much taller than Sailor Venus, Minako's head only just coming up to the woman's breasts, even in her orange heels.

It was Setsuna. Stopping time with her great power, she had been able effortlessly to untangle herself, to bind Sailor Venus, and even to snatch away the drug soaked cloth from Michiru.

"Nyyymmmmmpppphhhh..." Minako moaned, as the chloroform began to make her drowzy, her limbs already slackening. Having to do this to a fellow Senshi was not something Setsuna relished, but needs must, and she needed Minako neutralised. Enyx's other servants were flabbergasted that the situation had been turned on them so quickly.

"Quickly!" Sailor Mars cried, the first to return to her senses. "Take her down!" Obeying the one who had quickly asserted herself as the group's natural leader, Haruka leapt forward, power surging to her hands. Michiru quickly followed suit.

"Dead Scream." Setsuna once again sent waves of energy rippling out from her, throwing her three attackers clean into the air before they could get so much as a finger on her. They landed on their backs, all winded.

"Mmmmpphhh...mmmmppphhh..." Minako mewed, as she watched the others get knocked down. Her naked, trussed up legs were now too weak for her to support her own body weight, and she slumped back against Setsuna. Her first mission on behalf of her Mistress, and she had already been captured, her fair body bound in her own chain, and drugged into a state of helplessness. "Mistress..." she thought, as she began to pass out, her whole body soft and limp, "I've failed you..." With that thought, she slipped into unconsciousness, and was allowed to sink to her knees, before falling onto her front.

"Forgive me, Minako," Setsuna said. "I will find a way to free you from this spell." She then walked over to the other three, who lay on the ground, still unable to rise. They were beaten.

"Ughh...World...World Shaking!" Haruka pointed her palm at Setsuna, but the attack did not manifest. It was only loyalty on Setsuna's part that had prevented her Dead Scream from killing all three of them outright, as she easily could have done. As it was, she had merely exhausted them to the point of being totally unable to fight.

"I told you," Setsuna said, addressing all three, "I would find a way to free you. And so I shall." Rei, lying closest to her, looked up at the tall, powerful Sailor Pluto. Next to her, Rei felt as if she were lacking, that even if somehow they succeeded in capturing Setsuna, she would surely be testament to the fact that Rei was no longer needed.

But this was not important. Only Enyx's desires were important, and Rei's conditioning meant that if she knew of a way to further those desires, she would be impelled to act. The calmness and serenity of Rei's character was now channelled into cold, cunning thought.

Setsuna stood over Rei, pointing the end of her staff at the defeated maiden.

"It's over. Change back into your civilian form." Rei struggled to rise, climbing to her knees, and supporting herself with her hands.

"Fine," she said, "you win, Sailor Pluto." Setsuna took one step forward, and that was when Rei struck. She did not use her powers - Setsuna was too quick for that. Nor did she hit Setsuna particularly hard. Rather, she seemed simply to slap at Sailor Pluto's left calf.

Out of sheer instinct rather than any actual fear for her safety, Setsuna stepped back, unsure of what had just happened.

"Now it's over," Rei said, grinning. Setsuna, baffled, looked down at where Rei had touched her, and saw a small wad of sticky, black goo stuck to her boot.

"What the...?" She tried to get the strange substance off with the end of her staff, but as soon as she touched it something odd happened. The goo seemed to shiver when touched, almost as if it were alive. Setsuna realised that someone with the capacity to enslave the minds of her comrades might have all sorts of nefarious tools at their disposal, and she realised it was imperative that she remove the stuff as quickly as possible. But before she could make another attempt, the substance began altering itself, and stretching over Setsuna's leg of its own accord. This was what Enyx had given Rei on the Invincible.

"Ugh!" Setsuna could feel it wriggling over her bare thigh, the substance oily and sticky at the same time. Astonishing Sailor Pluto, it began to stretch to an incredible degree, at once moving up her thigh and down to her foot. What moved Setsuna from bafflement to shock was when the goo stretched itself across to her right leg as well. The goo oozed over that leg too, now covering Setsuna's thighs right up to the hem of her black skirt, before it suddenly tensed, pulling Setsuna's legs tightly against each other. She realised too late that the substance was attempting to bind her.

"Time Stop!" she exclaimed, using her most powerful technique in desperation. With time held still, she thought, she would be able to pry off the sticky substance with ease. But as the moments ground to a halt for all but Sailor Pluto, the goo did not stop moving. As it began spreading over her hips, Setsuna realised that it was pressing so tightly against her body that her ability - which of course did not stop time for Sailor Pluto herself - did not distinguish between the slimy bindings and Setsuna's own skin. "No! Auughhh!" Setsuna watched as the goo began spreading over her taut midriff, and up her back, before she made the mistake of trying to peel it off with her hand. As soon as her fingers touched the goo, they too were seized, and Setsuna, horrified, saw the sticky black substance slither over her fingers, pressing them together as it travelled up her wrist, and began wriggling over her arm.

"Dead Scream!" Using her other powers while she held time in her grip was difficult for Setsuna, but she strained herself and once again threw waves of power out from her body. But the goo was pressing so tightly against her that the waves of energy radiating from her were unable to touch the stuff. This did not make Setsuna powerless. She could still use her staff to fire beams of energy directly, and she made attempts to do so. But the sticky resin had not ceased stretching itself over her, wriggling against every contour of Sailor Pluto's body. It had already trapped her legs. Now the part that had stretched over Setsuna's left arm and the part that was wriggling over her shapely chest met at her right shoulder. Swiftly travelling down her slender limb, the goo did not merely cover her arm, but yanked it behind her back.

"What?!" Setsuna gasped, as her other arm was pulled behind her back as well. Her back and her pert breasts had now been completely covered, and with her arms pulled and held tight, she could not point her staff towards herself. Her upper arms were simultaneously covered with the black resin, then her elbows, then her forearms. As the goo began slipping over her wrists, Setsuna was starting to panic. The foul substance was wrapping her up completely, and she seemed completely unable to escape it.

"Unnngghh! Nnngghh!" Setsuna groaned, struggling against the sticky sheath that held her, as her white gloved hands disappeared beneath the resin as well. The staff she had been clinging onto so tightly slipped from her hand, and clattered to the floor. The instant this happened, Setsuna's charm broke, and time returned to its ordinary rate.

The others had, of course, been oblivious to Sailor Pluto's struggles from the moment she had stopped time, but once the spell wore off they saw that Rei's manoeuvre had been successful. Setsuna's limber body was covered in the wriggling black binding, and only becoming more so. It had begun stretching over her neck now, pressing so tightly against her skin that you could still make out her pulse throbbing gently beneath the sticky resin.

"Rei! Haruka, Michiru!" Setsuna called out as the goo reached her chin. "You must remember who you are! You must - GMMMPPHHH!" The resin had finally reached Setsuna's mouth, and now formed a seal over her lips. "MMMPPHHH-MMMPPPHHHH!" The long-haired college student was now gagged as well as tightly bound, her shapely figure writhing and wriggling beneath the sticky resin, every contour of her body visible under the living latex that held her captive.

"Hmmpph," Haruka snorted, struggling to her feet. "She wasn't so powerful after all." She approached the tall, bound Senshi, ready to carry her off for her Mistress, but before she could, she found herself thrown back by a wave of energy from Sailor Pluto - her Dead Scream, activated wordlessly. "Oooff!" Haruka grunted, landing hard on her back.

"Don't be a fool!" Rei said, having risen herself. "She isn't beaten yet." Rei was right. Setsuna had been disoriented and taken off guard by the sticky trap in which she'd been caught, but even the loss of her staff had not robbed her of most of her powers. Sailor Pluto, moaning and struggling, was beginning to collect the dread energies she controlled to be released in one mighty burst. This was not easy, but it would free her if she could do it.

But Rei had planned for this contingency. She could not simply drug Setsuna into unconsciousness - she would just stop time and wriggle away. Still, she knew of a way to incapacitate her.

"Sailor Mars to Invincible," Rei said, accessing the mode of her replacement tiara that made it act as a communicator. "Target Black is down but not out. Requesting she be transported to safe zone." She was speaking to the ship's computer. After a few seconds of processing, Rei was answered with a satisfied buzzing sound.

"Mmmmpphhh!" Setsuna did not like the sound of what Rei had said. To protect herself, she prepared to freeze time once again - made even more difficult by the fact that she was accumulating energy - but before she could, she found herself surrounded in orange light, before the library, and the four other Senshi vanished before her eyes…


In reality, it was Setsuna who had vanished. She found herself alone in a dark, featureless, grey room. The floor and walls were metal, dim light coming from fixtures built into the ceiling.

"A prison cell?" she wondered. Rei had said something about a 'safe zone', and with the technology that this Mistress possessed, it occurred to Setsuna that as well as having the ability to teleport objects and people, the Mistress might have found a way to jam her powers, that that was what was meant by 'safe zone.'

But the process Sailor Pluto had begun, of gathering power to escape her sticky bonds, had not stopped. She still had her powers. The only thing that was amiss was a low hissing sound, one that seemed to be coming from all directions at once. Setsuna did not pay it much heed, though, being more focussed on getting out of her bindings. The vile substance felt oily and rubbery against Setsuna's legs, and she was desperate to get out of it.

"Nnnmmpphhh!" she mewed, wriggling her shoulders, the power she needed gradually building up inside her. Mercifully, the resin had stopped covering her once it had reached her mouth, but she was still almost completely enveloped, from her long legs all the way to her pretty lips. The stuff still moved against her occasionally, seeming amorously to squeeze her breasts and her bare thighs. Sailor Pluto, embarrassed, was more than impatient to free herself.

But something was wrong. The energies inside her were not gathering as quickly as they should have done. It should only have taken her a minute, but three had already passed in the grey cell, and she was not even halfway to gathering the power she needed.

"Mmmmpphhh..." she moaned, beginning to feel tired from her struggles. Very quickly, it seemed, she had gone from feeling vigorous to drained, almost as if…

The hissing sound. Setsuna hadn't paid it any attention before, but she realised now its meaning: a colorless gas was being piped into, clearly some kind of sedative. It was already taking effect.

"MMMMPPPHHH!" Setsuna screamed from behind her gag, as she realised that her body was beginning to weaken. She looked around, and saw the tiny vents through which the gas was being piped in. She couldn't hope to block them. Desperately, she focussed her power to freeze the passage of time, to halt the progress of the sedative. This she did, and the hissing stopped. But it was no use: the air around Setsuna was saturated with the gas, and she could not help but breathe it in.

"Mmmpphhh...mmmppphhhh..." she whimpered, as her voluptuous body became steadily weaker. Even with her legs tightly bound, Setsuna had managed to stay on her feet until then. But as her strength began to fade, so did her balance. Weak-kneed, she tumbled to the floor, her landing somewhat cushioned by her soft breasts, her long green hair falling about her.

The instant she hit the floor, time once again slipped from Setsuna's grasp, and she discovered that she had wasted her energy. With the sedative making Sailor Pluto ever weaker, she could no longer summon the energy she needed to burst the resin cocoon in which she was wrapped up.

"I can't believe it, they - they defeated me," Setsuna realised with horror. "I'm helpless."

At that moment, Setsuna was dazzled by a much brighter light emerging from one of the walls. As her eyes adjusted, she realised that the wall had not illuminated itself, but had opened out into a much larger, much more well lit room. Standing in this doorway was a thin, strangely proportioned figure. It had grey skin, odd eyes, and a too-wide smile flashed across its face.
"Welcome to your new home, Sailor Pluto," Enyx said.

"Mmmmpphhh... nyyymmppphh..." Setsuna complained, far too weak to fight, her long body pressed against by her wriggling bonds. She now looked upon the face of the Mistress of whom the others had spoken. She didn't seem like much - and yet she had single-handedly captured at least four Senshi. Now Setsuna lay drugged and bound at her feet.

"I understand that you were quite difficult to snatch up," the alien crowed. "You even managed to capture poor Minako in her own chain!" Her already wide grin widened. "But here you are."

"Nnnnmmmpphhh..." Setsuna bleated, struggling even to keep her eyes open.

"I see the drug is working nicely." She took in a deep breath. "Good thing it doesn't affect my species or I'd be down on the floor to keep you company." She snapped her fingers, and the hissing stopped.

"Mmmmpphhh...mmmmmppphhhh..." Setsuna still couldn't believe what was happening to her. Her incredulity only increased when Enyx knelt down, and took her by the chin, lifting her head to look straight into her eyes.

"I haven't just captured you, Sailor Pluto, although I think you already know that. You saw the others - faithful Senshi once, now faithful only to me. Soon, I'll tell you to kneel before me, and you will." Saying that, she grabbed Setsuna by her shoulders, and turned her onto her back. The resin seemed to be selectively adhesive - while it clung tightly to Setsuna's skin, it didn't seem to impede Enyx at all. That being the case, she was able to slip her hands under Setsuna's long legs, and lift the helpless Senshi into her arms, carrying her off like a bride, her tall body too limp and weak for Setsuna to resist.

"Mmmmpphhh..." Setsuna whimpered as she was taken away. Enyx was clearly shorter than Setsuna herself, and this somehow made her present state all the more humiliating, that someone smaller than her had been able to overpower her, and could manipulate her body so easily. She didn't even try to struggle. This was not just because of her physical weakness, but because the gas with which she'd been drugged was the same that Enyx administered to her captives when she was in the process of enslaving them, to make them compliant and docile.

As she was brought into the brainwashing chamber, Setsuna - lying bound in her captor's arms - saw the others standing, waiting for their Mistress. Minako, still unconscious, was slung over Haruka's shoulder.

"Hhhmmmmmmmmmppppphhhh..." Setsuna moaned. When Enyx laid her down on the slab, she saw that Sailor Mercury was standing with the others. She had been captured as well. Setsuna realised that only Makoto and Usagi were left: Enyx had enslaved almost all of them.

A mask was placed over Setsuna's face to ensure the gas would keep her good and weak. She was strapped down to the table, restrained to prevent her from wriggling away. The other Senshi stood round her in a circle, the process having become almost ritualistic at this point. As Enyx took Setsuna's tiara, replacing it with yet another twisted facsimile, the alien had the appearance of a priestess conducting a dark ceremony, Setsuna her whimpering, helpless sacrifice.

"To think," Enyx said, "the guardian of Time reduced to this. A powerless captive."

"Mmmmmmppphh!" Setsuna protested, as she felt her sticky bonds squeezing her body, the Senshi blushing as the goo pressed against her thighs, naked but for the bindings themselves. "I am a fool...I was powerful enough to defeat them...but I was defeated instead...I could not look at Usagi for my shame…"

"Look at her," Rei said. "Did you see her cheeks go red like that?"

"Yeah," Haruka replied, "I think she just might be enjoying this!" The others began to laugh, only compounding Setsuna's plight. Seeing her mighty allies made the slaves that they now were instilled a sense of hopelessness in Sailor Pluto that was only increased by her humiliation. Where they had failed, how could she now succeed?

"I have failed..." she thought. "The fight is already lost...they are right to laugh...look how pathetic I've soft..." The resin squeezed against her body as these thoughts ran through her mind, emphasising her utter helplessness.

"The mighty Sailor Pluto," Enyx whispered in her voluptuous captive's ear, "brought down to nothing more than a damsel in distress." This taunt captured precisely what Setsuna had been feeling. Her mental resistances, such as they had been, could take no more.

"Mmmmmppphhhh..." She let out a long sigh, as her head fell slightly onto her shoulder. Her eyes were half closed, her expression blank. Just as a test, Enyx began running her hands over Setsuna's body, which was caught so tightly in the sticky black sheath, stroking her legs, and fondling her voluminous breasts. Setsuna did not protest, or wriggle. She hardly even seemed to notice.

"It's done," Enyx chuckled to herself, as she looked down on the submissive Setsuna: now the most powerful slave under her Mistress' control…

To be continued…