I own nothing. Thank you J.K. Rowling for creating this magical world for us to play in.

A/n: As I said before, this is the first story I have ever written and is still a work in progress. If you have nothing nice to say, then do us all a favor and stop reading this story.

Chapter 2
"Normal Speech"
'Mental Conversations'

Standing amongst the flames, all he could think was, Now onto that insufferable mudblood. At least if that half-blooded twerp survived that, I could completely crush her by taking her out of the equation and leave the door wide open for a particular redhead to comfort him.


Meanwhile, at a little cottage near a quaint small town, there was a sudden pop two men, and a large dog suddenly fell to the ground.

"Remus, what the hell just happened?" asked Harry with a little quiver in his voice. At least the world has stopped spinning for the moment. "Where are we anyway?"

With a quick glance around to make sure they weren't followed, Remus replied, "We are at my cottage Cub, and are perfectly safe here. This place is not only under a Fidelius charm but is also unplottable. The only ones who know about it are us three and the goblins. They helped ward the property." He was still in his defensive stance looking around to triple check that it was safe when he added, "Let's quickly get inside so that we can finish our earlier conversation."

With that statement, all lines of questioning were dead in the water, and they all walked towards the front door of a typical looking English cottage that was made of stone, had brown shudders and a red door. Just as Harry started to open the gate that was attached to the white picket fence, he felt this sudden sense of fear creep up his spine, and he screamed, "Hermione!" This was all he was able to say before he fainted.

"Sirius! Quick, get Harry inside, and I'll go for Hermione! Something is not right". Remus yelled just before he apparated away. Sirius quickly changed back to human form, picked up his Godson and ran inside.


It seemed like just a normal beautiful summer day in Crawley. So of course, Hermione was sitting in her backyard under her favorite oak tree reading. Just as she was about to turn the page, she felt the ground start to rumble. She managed to look up just in time to see her childhood home burst into flames seconds before exploding. The explosion was so powerful, it threw her back into the tree and knocked her out. She did manage to get a quick look at a man who managed to pop up right next to her. All she saw was someone who looked like Professor Lupin bend down to pick her up. "Harry?" Was all she managed to croak out before the darkness took her.

In the front of the house stood Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore, supposed Leader of the Light. With an evil grin distorting his face, he turned away from the remains of the house he was still burning. "Now that the trash has been taken care of, if Harry has miraculously survived, he can turn all his attention to who he is SUPPOSED to be with." With that thought, a terrifying smile on his face, and a twinkle in his eye he turned and apparated back to Hogwarts.


"SIRIUS! Where are you? Where is Harry?" screamed Remus as he came running through the front door.

"We are the parlor. Harry is still passed out. I put him on the sofa near the fireplace." Sirius said as he was just about to walk into the hallway to greet his old friend. "What the hell?" He asked as Remus came rushing in with Hermione in his arms.

"Quickly, make the sofa bigger. The need to be touching" said Lupin. That was all he had to say. The look in his eyes told another story, one that Sirius knew all too well. Without asking any other questions, Sirius enlarged the sofa and then went over to the fireplace to make a call. "Madame Pomfrey, can you please come through, we need your help! Something has happened to Harry and Hermione. Bring Minerva with you". With that being said, he quickly stepped back knowing that at any moment, the Healer and Deputy Headmistress would come bursting through.

Sirius turned and looked to Remus in an attempt to try and get some answers, but the fireplace roared to life and out stepped Madame Pomfrey and Minerva McGonagall. The healer went straight over to the kids and started running multiple diagnostic charms. While she was doing that Minerva walked over to both Sirius and Remus who both seemed to finally begin to relax and put their wands away.

"What happened? You were only supposed to pick up Harry? Why is Hermione here as well?" Minerva asked slightly annoyed that the two grown men could not follow the simplest of instructions.

"I can explain," replied Remus. "We went to get Harry like planned. It turns out that Harry's relatives are on holiday for the next month and he was alone. After we got all of his things together, we were just about to start heading towards the back door when all of a sudden there was a loud boom. We just managed to escape as the house burst into flames and exploded. Then, as we were walking up to the cottage, Harry got this look of fear in his eyes and screamed Hermione's name then passed out." Remus motioned for them all to take a seat so he could finish his tale.

"Dippy, could you bring us some tea," asked Sirius. Then he thoughtfully added, "and some muggle whiskey as well." With a blink of an eye, a simple tea set appeared on the coffee table with some small cakes and biscuits, and a slightly large bottle of Glenmorangie single malt scotch.

"Well, I see it is about to get a whole lot more interesting if I see a large bottle Glenmorangie in front of me," Minerva said with a slight crease to her brows. "Now, would one of you care to tell me why one of my favorite students is in the other room passed out next to Mr. Potter?"

"Not one to dance around a subject are your Minnie?" Chuckled Sirius.

Before anything else could be said, and Remus knew that something would have been mentioned with the look on Minerva's face, he continued, "As I was saying after Harry passed out, I had Sirius bring Harry inside, and I went to check on Hermione. When I got there, I felt the ground quake and managed to hide behind a shed that was in the backyard as the house suddenly exploded." Before Remus could finish telling this tale, Minerva gasped and looked over at her two favorite students. Remus saw that she was about to ask several questions and put his hand up to stop her so he could finish. At this point, Madame Pomfrey walked over and sat down. "As I was saying. Hermione was very lucky. She was outside sitting under a large oak tree reading when the explosion happened. It was so strong that the shock wave threw her back into the tree. I ran over to her and bent to pick her up. All she managed to say was Harry's name before she passed out." With that, Remus picked up his tea and took a long restorative sip.

"Poppy, what did you find?" Minerva asked before anyone else could say anything.

"Those two should be fine eventually. Harry's body responded to the threat to Miss Granger's life. He should be coming around shortly. Somehow, he knew something was wrong. However, Miss Granger, on the other hand, the force of that explosion must have been incredibly powerful. She has a concussion and a fractured skull from hitting the tree. She will make a full recovery, but will most likely be out for the next day or two. I'll leave some potions for the both of them."

While the adults were having their conversation, even though Harry was still out, he was currently having what you would call a visit.


"Where am I? What happened?" Harry asked while looking around.

With a slight crease of his brow that indicated him being deep in thought, he heard, "Harry?" He looked up and saw a woman about 20 years old with auburn hair and brilliant emerald eyes standing in front of him. "Who are… Mum? Is that you?" Asked Harry, completely shocked by what he was seeing.

"Oh my darling boy!" replied Lily Potter as she took Harry into a warm embrace. Both had tears in their eyes and just stood there clinging to each other for a few minutes. "Harry, we don't have much time. What is the last thing you remember?" Lily asked.

"I was getting ready to walk into a cottage when all of a sudden I felt this great fear take hold of me. I screamed Hermione's name and then…Hermione! I have to get back, I have to make sure she is OK" stated Harry as he started to turn away from his mother.

Lily quickly reached out and grabbed Harry's arm to stop him and said, "Harry, she will be ok. Remus managed to save her and brought her back with him. She is lying on the sofa next to you right now." With that, she saw her son visibly relax.

"Mum, what is going on? There was an explosion at the Dursley's seconds after we left. And now you're telling me that Hermione is on the sofa next to me after being involved with an explosion herself?"

"Sweetheart, I can't explain that just yet. I wish I could, but we don't have enough time left. I need you to listen to me. Can you do that for me please?" asked Lily. All Harry could do was give her a solemn nod. "Good. I wish I could do more, but you have to do what I say. The people who you thought were your friends are not. You need to avoid the Weasley family at all costs. More specifically, Molly, and Ron. I believe Ginny is currently under some potions and loyalty spells. Someone may have also altered her memories. They will try to steal your fortune and your one true love. Also, do not trust Dumbledore. He is stealing from you as we speak. He was the one who tried to kill you. He saw you slipping from his control and is more worried about the Greater Good than your own wellbeing." Lily stopped for a moment to make sure Harry was taking this all in. "When you wake up, the very first thing you are to do is to kiss Hermione. I won't tell you why, but what I will say is that she is your one true love. Once she is recovered, go to Gringott's and ask for an inheritance test, take up the mantle of the Potter House and any other House that is available to you. Have Hermione do the same. Next, by doing this, you will become emancipated. This will keep you from having to get back to the Dursely's. You were never supposed to go there in the first place. Ask for a reading of our will, all will be explained." With a look down at her watch, Lily managed a deep sigh. "I wish it didn't have to be like this. Harry, it's time for us to part ways for now. When you see Minerva McGonagall and Poppy Pomfrey, ask them to check the holes in their memories. Also, when you see Severus Snape, call him Uncle Sev. He needs to reminded of who he once was. He is currently under a spell, and you are the only one who can break it."

Lily turned to Harry and took him in her arms. "Mum, do you really have to leave?" asked Harry with tears running down his face.

"Yes sweetheart. But know this, I will never truly leave you. In one way or form, I will always be with you." With a kiss placed on the top of Harry's head, Lily Potter turned started to walk away.

"Mum! How do I get back?"

Lily stopped and turned around with a loving smile on her face and said, "All you have to do is wake up. And while you're at Gringott's, ask for a healer there to examine yourself and Hermione. I love you Harry, and I'm proud of the man you are becoming." With that, Lily Potter faded away.

With the sudden sound of ruffling sound coming from the sofa and a soft groan, all the adults were on their feet and rushing over to check on the teens. "Easy their pup. Don't try to sit up too fast," said Sirius as he placed a hand on his Godson's shoulder.

Harry started to reach out with his hand and felt another person lying next to him. "Hermione? What happened?" Harry took her hand in his and looked down on to her face and thought, she really does look beautiful. As the four adults stood by, they watched Harry gently take Hermione's face in both of his hands and leaned down to give her the sweetest, most gentle kiss. Unexpectedly their bodies started to glow a soft golden color that seemed to get brighter and brighter. The light was getting to the point of almost blinding, when all of a sudden, they saw Hermione's arms start to move and wrap around Harry's neck. With a pulse of magic that was felt by all, a loud chime and a quick burst of light, it was over just as quickly as it started.

Everyone just stood by catching flies. They all were thinking the same thing though, what in the bloody hell just happened? As they stared, what they saw made all their hearts melt... Harry was gently cupping Hermione's face, and they were both staring deep into each other's eyes.

First Edit: 6/29/2017

Second Edit: 3/13/18