Cubis City's Pokemon center: 12:00 noon

N and Blake are sitting at one of the tables, enjoying lunch, while waiting for Tepig's check up to finish. Hector the Gible, and N's Zorua are sitting on the table, eating Pokemon food designed for their specific types.

"So, Blake... tell me what your goals are?" N asked.

Blake gave this some thought, then looked at his carefree Gible, "I want to be a dragon master someday."

"Really, why a Dragon Master?" N asked again.

"Simple, Dragon type is the most powerful, being in tune to nature and all. But, it takes a lot of discipline, and understanding their feelings. With that being said, I'm going to try to understand Tepig's feelings, and hopefully we can bond after that." Blake informed N chuckled after hearing that "I'm sure you two will become close".

The two of them heard a beeping noise, and looked at the counter, "Blake, please pick up your Tepig, it's checkup is complete!" Nurse Joy called.

Blake got up, then walked to the counter, and got Tepig's Pokeball, then opened it up, allowing the arc of energy to shape into it.

"(I told you! Stay! Away! From! Me!)" Tepig warned.

"Tepig... I'm not your enemy." Blake said in a calming voice.

Tepig looked at Blake, it's left eye narrowed.. Blake knelled down to look at it at eye level.

"Please, give me a chance... to earn your trust. you just had a rotten start in life, and I know you're bitter about the experience, but please... allow me a chance to make things better for you." Blake stated.

The Tepig only stared as Blake talked, its left eye losing some hostility.

"(I'm not sure how to feel about this human, it's talking to me as an equal, but aren't we just slaves to them... then again)", Tepig looked to Hector and N's Zorua "(the two of them are enjoying themselves over there like they weren't abused by these humans, or attacked by a predator for that matter.)" Tepig looked down, then at Blake's face, then gave a slight nod.

"Thank you, I'm sure we'll be great partners." Blake smiled.

Tepig and Blake strolled back to the table, and Blake poured a bowl of Pokemon food for Tepig. The fire pig stared, then started chewing on it.

"Impressive, what did you say to him?" N asked.

"I just opened my heart to him, but we're still a long ways away from becoming true partners." Blake sighed.

Route 13: 12:15 pm

Brian and his Squirtle, Jake, now outfitted with the Blastoisinite, are strolling through the woods. Jake, Corina the Seel, and Garb the Noibat are often battling wild Pokemon such as: Pidgy, Starly, and a few Rattatas.

"(Man... these wild ones are pretty weak.)" Garb expressed as he perched on Brian's head.

"(No kidding, what's the next Gym that we're supposed to go?)" Corina asked.

"Well," Brian said as he checked his Pokenav,"Malachite City would be easiest to get to, but the Gym Leader uses rock types, so Garb... you wouldn't be very useful." Brian stated.

"(No worries, I can handle my own, remember?)" Garb asked.

"How could I forget." Brian sighed.

This group of trainer and Pokemon continued on Route 13's path to Cubis City... hoping to find Blake there.

Cubis City's National Park: 12:25 pm

N and Blake are sitting in the grass near the pond as Zorua, and Hector the Gible are playing tag with each other... N rented a fishing rod for use.

"Cubis City's pond is famous for Skrelp and Horsea... so much so that if you show the fishing rid booth's owner a Horsea, he'll give you a Dragon Scale, if you show him a Skrelp, he'll give you a Prism Scale." N explained.

"Why a Prism Scale?" Blake blinked in surprise as N opened a brochure.

"Milotics migrate here from time to time as the pond is connected to the ocean through a riverbank, as such... Prism Scales have become a common item." N read off the Brochure.

"I see." Blake nodded as he turned to the Tepig.

The Tepig blinked it's left eye as it woke up from its nap, "(still can't remember what attacked my home... it might come back to me, as for now,)" the Tepig stared at Blake "(I have to work with a human... disgraceful to a warrior in training.)"

Blake looked at the Tepig, it's left eye narrowed at him... "Say, would you like a nickname?" Blake asked.

"(What?)" Tepig asked in shock.

"A nickname... basically, trainers give their Pokemon names on occasion... to deepen the bonds of friendship." Blake explained, not understanding what Tepig asked.

"(I don't care either way in all honesty... I just want to fight, to get strong enough to find the ones responsible for my right eye!)" Tepig explained.

N sighed, then looked at Blake "Tepig doesn't care either way, so give him a name if you want."

"I was thinking... Hammond could be your name." Blake said as he looked at Tepig.

"(Hammond... that's fine I guess.)" Hammond the newly named Tepig sighed.

Then, the fishing rod started to shake. Blake grabbed for it, and pulled, on the hook was a Skrelp... a seahorse like creature, this one is purple on its face and belly with a brown forehead, back, and lower body fins, two light blue fins and red eyes.

"Cool, a Skrelp!" Blake thought, then looked at Hammond, "Hammond is a fire type, Skrelp has the advantage being poison/water type... I know what to do".

"Hector, get over here!" Blake called. Hector nodded, and ran to Blake's side. "(Poison and Water type... being a fire type, I wouldn't stand a chance... however, Hector is a Gible, they're Dragon and Ground types... it doesn't resist Water, but it resists Poison with its ground typing.)" Hammond thought.

"(I just wanted to eat, take this!" Skrelp exclaimed as it shot a water gun attack from its mouth.

"Hector, counter with use Dragon Rage!" Blake exclaimed.

"(Take my Brooklyn Rage!)" Hector exclaimed.

Hector opened its mouth, and a purple gas like energy beam matched the water gun in power, then the beam struggle ended in an explosion! "(Take this)!" The Skrelp exclaimed as it faded from existence.

"Hector, it's using Faint Attack... when it appears, use Scary Face!" Blake exclaimed As the Skrelp appeared infront of Hector, the Gible's eyes contorted to make a creepy expression... the Skrelp staggered a few feet back.

"Now, Body Slam!" Blake exclaimed.

"(Bonsai!)" Hector exclaimed as he slammed into the Skrelp.

"(That stings!)" Skrelp yelled.

"Let's go, pokeball!" Blake yelled as he threw the red and silver ball at the Skrelp.

The ball tapped Skrelp on the head, and opened up, turning the Skrelp into a red arc of energy, then it fell beside Hector, and shook once... twice... three times, then it clicked.

"(Impressive, and I thought that Gible was an immature baby.)" Hammond thought

"Alright, Hector.. you did good." Blake said as he patted his Gible on the head.

Blake picked up the pokeball, then threw it to call the Skrelp out of it.

"(I...I'm captured... by... a human!?)" The Skrelp asked itself.

"Hey Skrelp... welcome to the family, since both Hector and Hammond," Blake gestured to his Gible and Tepig respectively, "have nicknames, would you like one?" Blake asked.

("The Rules of battle dictate that the winner gets to do what he or she wishes to the loser.") The Skrelp nodded in response to the question.

"Alright, give me a second to look up your gender... I can't tell some Pokemon genders apart, so..." Blake trailed off as he checked his pokedex app.

"This Skrelp is female." The Pokedex informed.

"Alright... Drencher sounds like a good name to me." Blake stated.

"(Drencher... I like the sound of that.") The Skrelp nodded.

"Alright... good to have you on the team, Drencher." Blake said as he, Drencher, and Hector returned to N, and began fishing once more.

"(Why is he fishing again?" Drencher asked Hammond.

"(Like I know, I really don't like any of you to be honest... infact I pretty much despise being here.)" Hammond stated.

"(If you hate us that much, why are you even here!?)" Drencher asked.

"(If I went back to the wild, I'd be blindsided on my right by any predator Pokemon... being here with a trainer will give me battle experience, enough of which will let me become strong enough to payback the one Mon who gave me this scar, and destroyed my home.)" Hammond explained.

"(Sounds like your mind's in turmoil... you hate being here, but you can't do much about it... interesting.)" Drencher giggled

"(Watch it!)" Hammond Snarled.

"(Oh, I'm going to have fun with this one.)" Drencher thought.

Blake concentrated on fishing, his Gible still resting, and playing with N's Zorua. "(Your fun to play with.)" Zorua told Hector.

"(Thanks, My half sister used to say that as well.)" Hector informed.

"(Half sister?)" Zorua asked.

"(Yeah, she's a Dragonite now... we have the same father, a Hydreigon, but my Mother is a Garchomp and her Mother is also a Dragonite... all three of them are owned by Blake's father, Drake.)" Hector informed

"(Interesting, you'll have to fight your father and mother to earn the eighth badge sooner or later.)" Zorua pointed out.

"(Yep, and it'll be an amazing battle.)" you can practically see Hector's eyes sparkle.

Meanwhile with Blake, he's concentrating on fishing for a Horsea, and failing at it.

"I must be too eager or something." Blake said as he sat the rod back down.

"It's possible, because Murphy's law: anything that can go wrong, will definitely go wrong." N quoted.

Thirty seconds later, the fishing rod shook just a bit, Blake reached for it, and pulled it up; on the end of the rod that goes into the water, a Horsea... a bright blue seahorse like creature with a big open snout jumped out of the water.

"Hector and Drench need to get healed at the center... so, Hammond is up, but being a Fire type, and with it being so stubborn.. will he listen to me?" Blake thought.

Hammond raced towards the Horsea, and tackled it, then hurried to Blake's side.

"Hammond?" Blake asked

"(I didn't get a turn today, I'll defeat this one to get stronger!)" Hammond exclaimed.

N sighed, "if it knows Tail Whip, that Tepig won't use it... this'll be a long battle."

"(I just wanted to eat that worm, dammit!)" The Horsea yelled as it shot black smoke into the air.

"Smokescreen! Hammond... don't let it escape, Ember!" Blake ordered. Hammond opened up its mouth, and fired several balls of fire, all of them collided with the smoke, and ignited it.

"(Oh yeah, you won't like this)!" Horsea exclaimed, blowing several big bubbles at Hammond.

"Bubble... Hammond, dodge that, then go in for a tackle!" Blake ordered.

The Tepig dodged the jet of bubbles, then rammed into the Horsea once more.. forcing it back a few inches.

"Alright... let's go, Pokeball!" Blake exclaimed.

Horsea saw it coming, but when it dodged, Hammond whacked the ball with its tail, and the ball hit Horsea in the back. The ball opened, and forced Horsea inside it, then shook three times, and clicked.

"Nice, I caught a Horsea!" Blake exclaimed as he went to, and grabbed the ball.

"Well, this was an eventful day." N stated.

Blake opened up Horsea's pokeball, releasing the seahorse.

"(Great... I'm caught now.)" The Horsea thought.

"Horsea... is it alright if I nickname you?" Blake asked. Horsea looked at Blake, then contemplated the question... finally nodding.

"Alright, let me look you up." Blake said as he checked the pokedex app on his device.

"This Horsea is female." The pokedex informed.

"Alright... if that's the case, how about... Maddie?" Blake asked.

Horsea nodded its answer, then Blake returned his Pokemon to their pokeballs, and Blake N went back to the shack to return the fishing rod.

"Made good use of the rod?" The cleric asked.

"Yeah... caught both a Skrelp and a Horsea." Blake smiled as he opened up their balls, and shown him.

"Well, I'll be... here you go... one Prism Scale, and one Dragon Scale." The cleric said as he handed both to Blake.

"Thanks... after Maddie becomes a Seadra, the Dragon Scale will come in handy, but I'll need a Feebas for the Prism Scale." Blake thought.

The two of them were about to head back to the Pokemon center, but suddenly...

a/n: i wanted to add something else, but this chapter was running a little too long, hope to see you guys next time.