The crisp fall air was cold and fresh as it blew through his plain, Star Fleet issued long-sleeved shirt. He almost wished he'd worn another layer, but the biting wind felt too good.
He'd been cooped up inside a hospital for so long, first for nearly six months after the Vengeance crash, then for one more additional month after the building collapse.
Freedom felt good. As did the solitude. He knew they were just trying to be helpful, and he realized what happened must have really scared them, but there was only so much smothering he could handle.
It had taken four weeks in the hospital for him to snap.
The doctor had just informed him that they wanted him to stay a few more days for observations, and he'd almost exploded. The frustration boiled over later that very day.
"A few more days of rest won't kill ya." Bones said, smacking his shoulder lightly.
'That's what you think.' Jim thought, but responded out loud, "I can rest at home, I don't need to be here any more!"
"Look Jim, just give it a couple more days, like the doctor said." Uhura tried to reason gently.
Sulu caught her intention and forced a grin on his face, "You'll be out by the end of the week for sure, just wait!"
Except he was so fucking sick of waiting. Waiting for the trial, waiting for word on the Enterprise, waiting for his goddamn legs to fully heal. Waiting, waiting, waiting. "That doctor isn't the one I trust, he doesn't know what I need." He spat incredulously, crossing his arms over his chest. He realized he was pouting like a child but he was very quickly losing control of his emotions and he couldn't help it.
"Laddie, the man's a professional, give 'im some credit."
"Mr. Scott is correct, your physician served for nearly twenty years aboard a star vessel as CMO before retiring to work Earthside."
The others continued talking, all trying to reassure him, but it was just white noise at that point. He couldn't really hear them past the beating of his heart and the loud rush emanating from inside his head.
Trapped. He just felt trapped. He couldn't breathe, memories were twisting together in his brain and playing out a chain of events that had never even happened. He had to escape; 'I have to get away, get out.'
"Keptin, Keptin!"
The sudden addition of Chekov's over-excited tone was enough to send him over the edge, all the pent-up anxiety and anger spilling over in one explosive moment. "Shut up, will you all just shut up!"
The room lapsed into silent shock as wide-eyes turned to stare down at him, most surprised some, like Chekov, hurt. Then Uhura calmly ushered them all out of the room, not even pausing in the doorway for a glance goodbye.
Bones was the only one who hadn't seemed startled by his outburst; he was also the only one who'd stayed.
"I didn't- I didn't mean that." He finally mumbled feebly, as if that could make up for his mistake.
"They know."
Jim fell back against his pillows in defeat, tears of frustration prickling his eyes. "I need to get outta here. Bones, you have to get me out of here."
Bones stood, brushing a gentle hand across his slightly tender knee. "Okay." He promised, before exiting the room with his eyes low.
He'd been released that same day with orders of strict bedrest for one more week. That week was finally up.
As soon as it had ended he'd been up and out the door, eager to stretch his newly healed legs.
He hadn't even been paying attention to where he was going, simply relishing the feeling of freedom the simple act of walking brought him.
Somehow though he'd ended up at the shipyard, his mind subconsciously bringing him closer to his home. A smile touched his lips as he watched his ship undergoing construction. It was going to be quite a while before she was ready for the open void once again, but he could tell she was just as eager to get back out there as he was. She, like him, was not meant to remain on Earth.
He felt a presence behind him, before they even spoke he guessed who it would be. 'Bones hasn't checked up on me in a while.' "She's pretty spectacular huh?"
"Showing favoritism towards one vessel over another is not logical."
Jim gasped, pivoting with wide-eyes to see Spock standing comfortably in a warmer version of the outfit he wore.
"However, if I were forced to choose, I much say the Enterprise would be at the top of my list." Spock's eyes drifted to meet his and they sparkled with amusement, a hint of a smile ghosting his lips. "Expecting someone else?" He questioned knowingly.
Jim rolled his eyes with a grin, "Bones actually, I was preparing for his usual rant: Ya can't be standing out here in the cold, you're gonna catch your death!" He began in an exaggerated southern accent. "Dammit Jim I'm a doctor not your babysitter, learn to take better care of yourself."
"Those were not his exact words, but the message was implied. He sent me to retrieve you."
"Of course he did." He couldn't quite suppress an eye-roll.
"You have been gone for almost six hours. We were all beginning to grow concerned."
His eyebrows shot to his hairline in disbelief. Had he really? "Wow, I guess I lost track of time."
The Vulcan inclined his head, "I surmised as much."
Jim inhaled deeply through his nose and turned back to face the dock before exhaling quickly. "She really is something else."
"Yes. We must wait patiently for the repairs to be finished, but I believe it will be most pleasing to once again," Spock paused, as if considering his words, "be home."
The simple word filled his heart with warmth and made it swell, he was glad he wasn't the only one who thought of the Enterprise as home. "Yeah. Ya know, they say home is where the heart it."
"That they do." Spock turned but did not walk away. "Come Jim, if we wait any longer I fear the anxiety will cause Doctor McCoy serious, irreparable damage."
Jim laughed in surprise, looking up at Spock with joy in his eyes. "Lead the way Commander."
"As you wish Captain."
Oh it felt so good to be called that.
Jim's smile sobered and a feeling of content washed over him for the first time since Pike's death. He began to chat about trivial things with his First Officer as they made the trek back to Bones' place, but his mind was elsewhere.
'Home is where the heart is.' He concluded. 'And mine, mind will always be with them, with my crew. With my family.'
No matter the trials or the place, no matter what life threw at them, he knew without a shred of doubt that each and every one of his friends would be there for him if he needed them.
And come hell or high-water, he would be there for them too. That's what you do, for the people you love.
A/N: Holy cow guys, this does it. This is the end. *large sigh* Wow. I did not expect this little idea to turn into such a huge undertaking, it was an adventure. I super wanna thank everyone who has supported me through this little adventure, without the reviews and follows and favorites, I know I wouldn't have been able to finish this. Alright, so for now this story is gonna be done. I have a few ideas swirling in my brain about potential follow-ups, I can post an update to this story if that ever happens. But right now I really just need to write what my brain wants me to write without the pressure of updating and stuff like that. :D I'll see ya whenever I see ya (in a sense), so until next time, thank you very much! 3