This prompt was given to me by LilyBolt, who I want to give special thanks to for all of her recent reviews. You don't know how much they mean! The prompt was "It looked like a kid's drawing." I wasn't sure where this was gonna take me and especially didn't expect to end up here, but here it is. Hope y'all like it!
Dean wasn't sure what it was but he was one hundred percent certain that he had never, in all his years of hunting, ever seen anything like it. It was about six feet tall and bright yellow. It had three legs, all of which were about the size of a maple sapling and arms that looked more like tentacles with hands than actual arms, and then there was its shoes. They were about the size of Dean's torso, which had to be what, a size one hundred, and were bright red with hot pink laces. Dean was taking all of this in, frozen to the spot when Sam came running around the corner of the building at the end of the alleyway Dean had run into, not realizing that it was a dead-end and where he was now cornered as a result. Dean pulled his gun out and squeezed the trigger right as Sam began to say something, effectively drowning out what his brother had to say. But instead of the usual reaction to something getting shot which was usually either getting extremely pissed or dying, the thing just kept coming, its googly-eyed, doctor's office sticker face taunting him as he backer further away. Now trapped with no way out. It was then that Sam, who had been forced to dive out of the way of the oncoming bullet, came up behind the creature with what looked to be a garden hose and began to spray.
"What the hell is that going to do, Sam? It's a monster, not a freaking flower garden. I know you've always been a girl at heart but now is not the time to start living your dream of professional gardener!" He was now all the way to the wall at the end of the alley, his back pressed up against the brick when he started to notice a change in the creature. It was slowly beginning to, well the only way he could describe it was wilt. Before long it was no more than a puddle of yellow, brown, and pink goo on the ground. It had completely melted when it came into contact with the water. He stepped away from the wall and slowly walked forward, stopping to stare down at what used to be a six foot tall monster with googly eyes, "What the hell?"
"I figured it out."
"Well I can see that, Sam, but would you mind sharing with the rest of the class?"
Sam rolled his eyes at his brother's sarcasm before continuing, "I realized what was happening when I noticed some drawings on a bulletin board at the library. I noticed that they all looked remarkably similar to what we had been hunting. I mean they all had different features, but they were all basically the same fantastical things that only a kid can draw, and that's when I figured it out. The witch has been animating the children's drawings at the library and sending them after people who pissed her off. It's actually not too different from that case we worked that time with the unicorn. Just a little less complex and a lot less deadly. Most of the drawings here were just animated to mess with people because only the people who they were after could see them. I guess this one was sent after both of us since we could both see it, and they couldn't even actually harm anyone since they're just made of paper and crayon. Although I guess if someone started babbling about a giant children's drawing following you around, people would start to think you were crazy which could eventually harm someone in the long run, but anyway, now that I know what's happening I'm pretty sure I know who's doing this so c'mon, let's go find them," and with that he turned around and began to roll the hose he had apparently stolen, back up so that he could return it.
Dean just looked at him incredulously before turning back to look at the "thing" that had chased him down like it was going to murder him while he ran for his life. Apparently from a freaking kid's drawing. "I freaking hate witches," he said kicking the pile of goo and sending it splattering onto the back wall of the alley before turning to follow his brother back to the library so that they could take care of this witch and get the hell out of dodge before some other creepy ass thing from some other deranged kid's imagination decided to come after him too.
A/N If anyone out there has a prompt, I would love to write it. They need to be a coherent six or seven word sentence. Reviews are love and prompts give me life. Thanks for reading! Love and hugs!