Hello! Thanks for taking a look at my fic! This is my first one so I hope it goes over well. I read a lot of Harry/Draco Slash and wanted to try my hand at writing one. I work three jobs and therefore cannot update regularly, but I'll get writing in when I can.

Warning eventual romance between Harry and Draco, if that's your thing read on :)

In the Morning

"Look Harry, I'm sorry" Ginny's pained voice reached Harry through the muggle cell phone he had taught her to use.

"What happened to everything we've been through Gin. How can you throw that away?!" Harry could feel the rage burning, his temper, almost as famous as he was, always got the better of him when it would be the least helpful.

"I'm not throwing anything away Harry. The fact that I want to end our romantic relationship doesn't obliterate the past. You're still one of the most important people in my life Harry, you always will be."


"No Harry," she interrupts before he could go into full blown tirade, "you're not actually angry, or upset."

"Bollocks, you can't tell me what I.."

"How many years have I known you Harry? I've been watching you since I was little, years of watching mixed with several more as your girlfriend certainly gives me some right to say I know you. You may be angry but its not at me, because you know I'm right. We haven't been in love for a while now and you know it." Her words stopped the burst of temper cold, and what replaced it was a well of sadness and resignation. She was right, damn her.

They had struck up their relationship again after the war, after all the death and pain. She and her family had lost a beloved brother and son to the war. Voldemort, in the end, had been defeated but at a terrible cost. Remus, Tonks, Dumbledore, Sirus, Fred, their names among so many others adorned that of the war memorial built in Hogsmeade. After all that loss he and Ginny had continued on, they had needed each other desperately, they were tied by loss and love. Eventually life had continued on, the pain and desperation had dulled and they no longer needed to cling to each other like ports in a storm. She was right. Once the present had become the past they were two people who cared deeply, but their fire, born of the urgent need to prove they were still alive, that they had survived, was now gone, replaced by habit and laziness. Ginny started to play Quidditch professionally. Now the Chaser for England, she would see them take the world cup this year, he was sure of it. And Harry…he couldn't forget, not entirely. In the muggle world they called it PTSD. Post traumatic stress disorder. He certainly couldn't blame his scar anymore. After Voldemort's death it had ceased to be a curse scar, and was able to be very simply removed by Madame Pomfry. The scar was gone but the dreams and memories remained. Wealthy enough not to have to work Harry Potter had shirked the lime light as best he could. He stayed at home in Grimmauld Place, which he had had fully remolded into a surprisingly bright and airy home, most of the time. His previous dreams of becoming an Auror seemed to no longer hold an appeal, he had sacrificed everything to destroy the darkest wizard history had known and he was tired…so tired. Ron had kept going though. He made Auror right after the war finished, his advancement assured from the many losses the department had suffered. Hermioine had entered the Ministry as well, what was left of it, as the personal aid to new Minister elect Kinglsy Shacklebolt. She and Ron had married once the war clean up efforts had begun, and they had adopted Tonks and Remus' son Edward or Teddy as they called him. Now two, Teddy was a handful but Hermioine had scoured parenting books and Ron was, surprisingly, a natural. Harry, as his godfather, made sure Teddy wanted for nothing and went to see him regularly. Usually, he went with Ginny, but he had recently been going alone. Seeing Ron, Hermioine and Teddy as a family was hard when he couldn't honestly see it happening with Ginny. She must have felt the same way, and he wondered at how much of their relationship had become unspoken words, because it had been easier not to rock the boat.

Ginny was right, he knew it. They hadn't argued, there were no cold stony silences, they had just drifted. Become distant. Become two friends living with each other rather than two people in love.

"I'm so sorry Gin" He said after his long pause, he knew he was a big factor in their distance. He withdrew into himself after the war, it was hardly her fault that he kept putting up walls. She threw herself into her career and he had worked to put things right after the war. Diagon Alley, Hogwarts, Hogsmeade. The wizarding world had to be repaired so that people could begin to heal, and he had welcomed the distraction. But everything had been finished in mere months, what would have taken muggles years to fix, and Harry hid in his remodeled townhome, at a loss of what to do from there. Over a year later here he was his relationship falling apart…Fallen, past tense now, and he was no closer to the dreams ending, to dealing with the guilt of the dead, and no closer to figuring out what to do with the rest of his life now that he didn't have the threat of Voldemort tainting his future.

"It…its not your fault Harry. I was there too. But I've moved on Har, I'm living despite the past and despite the dead. You can't let it go. I can't be with you anymore. I've tried and tried to help you, to do anything but you just keep shutting me out. Shutting out anyone who wants to help because part of you thinks you don't deserve the help. You're still blaming yourself for things you couldn't control. I know that Fred, if he were here, would be telling you to stop being a wanker and get over it. Remus would put his hand on your shoulder and give you some sage advice. The dead don't blame you and neither do the living."

Harry opened his mouth to reply then closed it again. The supposed love of his life had just broken it off with him, then proceeded to give him life advice. He should be angry, instead he recognized his earlier anger for what it was, going through the motions. He and Ginny hadn't been in love in some time but she made him wish he still felt the way he did when they were in school. She really was the best. To most people she might seem harsh but she said the right things. Things she had been saying to him for months now. But it had taken her breaking up with him to really force the words to sink in. He could feel the guilt he carried like a physical weight. What would happen if he let some of it go? Would he even know how? And the question still remained. Even if he was ready to let it go….what was he supposed to do with the rest of his life? Was he really having a mid life crisis at twenty? It's no wonder Ginny was calling it. He was a mess.

"Harry?" Ginny asked hesitantly, as if she wasn't sure whether the strange muggle device had stopped working or whether she had mortally offended him.

"I'm here Gin," he answered this time there was a hint of laughter in his tone, mid life crisis at twenty. Maybe he would convert some of his galleon to muggle money and buy a shiny red sports car…except he had never learned to drive a muggle vehicle. There was a voice in the distance on Ginny's side, someone calling her name.

"I have to get back to practice Harry, Wood is on a rampage, he has some new strategy…its absolute bonkers but it might actually work."

"It's ok Gin."

"But will you….I mean…are you ok?" she asked, he could tell she didn't want to hang up if he was upset. What was both good, and sad, is that they had drifted so apart that he wasn't nearly as upset or hurt as he should have been.

"I'll be fine Gin. Call me when you can and we'll….figure out the logistics…and I'll think about what you said. You're right, I have a lot of thinking to do." The logistics being, when she would come for her things as they had lived together since the end of the war.

"Good bye Harry" she said, still a little unsure, but sounding more relieved.

"Bye Gin."