Ghastly and Ezra walked into the Tearoom and destiny smiled at them.
"Everything alright?"
"I was wondering if I could go to my room? I haven't any other clothes with me right now but-"
"Don't worry about that we will be going to the tailors tomorrow morning. I will give you one of my girl's nightgowns for now. Have you met anyone yet?"
"I was just speaking to Damien but I haven't seen anyone else."
"Well you can see them in the morning. Ghastly dear would you mind terribly if I asked you to ask that devil hopeless if he has a home to go to and if so to go there."
"Of course Mrs."
Ezra followed Destiny down corridors and around corners and then they stopped outside a cherry wood door.
"This is where you can sleep."
"Thank you."
Ezra opened the door and sighed. Peace.
"I will have one of the servants wake you and bring you to the morning room. Please bare in mind they are only mortals. Even if they do know about magic it can scare them."
"Thank you so much Mrs. O' Connell."
"It's Destiny. And please, enjoy."
Ezra closed over the door as she slipped inside. Damn. What the hell am I going to do?
She went over to the bed where there was a small, light blue dressing gown. Shit.
When she was dressed and sitting on her bed she started practising her magic. She had wondered if her magic would be affected. She had been doing it for a while when both Damien and Skulduggery burst through her door. Ezra, who had given up on sitting neatly and was leaning against the bed throwing a light bolt up and down, yelped and dropped the light on herself.
Skulduggery jumped forwards to help Ezra but she swatted him away, standing up.
"What the hell are you two doing here?"
"We saw flashing, we though you might need help..." Damien muttered watching her, "What are you?"
"Other than insulted?"
"Other than insulted."
"I'm… I'm just Ezra." She said helplessly, emotionless.
"That's really not good enough just Ezra."
"It's good enough for Destiny."
"Well I'm not my mother. I want to know who you are and why you're here! If not you can go back to your own family!"
"Ever think that I might not be able to?" Ezra asked still calm and icy. It was a mask she had perfected against the insults years ago.
Damien visibly flinched and Skulduggery took his place.
"How did you know Ghastly's name?"
"I just did."
"Why can't you go home?"
"Because I can't."
Skulduggery watched her with the same face he used criminals, when he was wearing his facade, back in her time. She knew most people would spill their guts at this look but, being used to him, Ezra looked back steadily.
"It won't work you know. That look. I'm used to it now."
"And how could you be used to it. I've only just used it on you."
Ezra pressed her lips together and watched him placidly.
"Ah, so we've met before?"
"What would make you think that?"
"Please don't insult my intelligence."
"I'm not. If I was going to insult anything it would be your stutter, or your co-ordination."
"I don't have a stutter. And my co-ordination is fine."
"You did have one. And I've seen better."
"How do you know that?"
Ezra shrugged.
Back in the present:
The woman hadn't been helpful. Other than the point she was cowering from Skulduggery's silent anger she said she couldn't bring Valkyrie back until she had finished her purpose of being there.
"She knows the basic rules. She won't tell anyone who shouldn't know. It was always meant to happen! I'm sorry!"
Skulduggery strode out and started back to the meeting room.
"Well?" Dexter asked looking over as he entered.
"'It was always meant to happen' according to her."
"How come I never heard about Valkyrie? Or met her for that instance?" China asked looking up from an ancient tome she was reading.
"Valk- Ezra didn't want to be heard about. No credit, no attention. Obviously now we know there was a reason. She knew we wouldn't recognise her but she wasn't certain for others."
A pause.
"To be fair not many of the people we worked with protested too much against her 'no credit' rule. She really hated people judging her age." Anton pointed out from his seat.
"What do you mean by that?" China asked impatiently.
"Never looked a day over eighteen no matter what. We guessed it was her magic. Everyone else assumed she was so kid running head first into trouble." Ghastly explained.
"Ah. So her respect for authority never changed."
"Not completely. Few people got her respect."
"She had a lot of influence on how we all met."
Saracen glared at them. "No. Do not bring that up."
"We'll get her back."
You all hate me now! I'm so sorry! I heard about SPX and then got pulled into all three SuperWhoLock fandoms and it's been so hard to get back into this!