Summary: Magic once called out to her, and she embraced it. Death once met her, and she befriended it. Olympus now beckons her, and she will conquer it.

Primary Pairing: Fem!Harry/Luke

Disclaimer: JKR owns HP&co. Rick Riordan owns PJO&co. This disclaimer is applicable to all future chapters.

Warnings: Female Harry Potter. Rating might go up in the future.




"It's time for you to come home, child."

The moonlight is streaming in, and as usual, the visitor lingers by the balcony when talking to her.

"You haven't told me why I have to. Why I need to. I can't just leave this life behind," she protests, knowing that the dream won't last much longer. Wakefulness is almost here.

"You'll understand once you leave. And maybe finally I can meet you away from this land of sleep. Listen to me, child."

"You keep saying I need to go, but you haven't given me any reason to listen to you," she says, crossing her hands across her chest. It's all so real, and yet she knows it's a dream.

The nightly visitor's brown eyes turn amber and they flash.

"I'm your mother, and you have to listen to me. I promise I'll look after you. But you need to take the first step. Trust me. I've been looking after you your whole life, and I'll continue doing so."

"That's the flimsiest logic I've heard."

"So stubborn, just like Lily. She didn't listen to me when I told her to hand you over so I could protect you and them as well."

The woman – no, Goddess – comes closer and envelopes her in a hug, and she can smell the floral smell. The warmth feels so real. She doesn't want the dream to end. It still surprises her, how their hair colours match.

The visitor whispers in her ear, "It's time for you to wake now. I know what bothers you. I will help you. But you need to leave all this and seek me, seek us. Go to the place I've shown you before."

The woman draws herself away, already beginning to fade into the darkness of the night.

"I will never force you. But your actions can help save a life . Choose wisely, daughter."




Hariel wakes up.

A faint smell of lavender and water lily still lingers in her room lingers around her; the only proof that her dream had been very much real.


imho: there are fires that need to be put out.