Knowing that I don't have the skill to write a full narrative I decides that instead I would write a number of drabbles focusing on Kenshin, this one was scribbled in my note book during a lecture when I got bored. I'll try my best to put out one at least every week if not fortnightly.

The Select Few

To the most of Tokyo he was simply Himura-san, he young tenant of the rather scandalous Kamiya Dojo. To them he wore a sword on his hip, despite the sword ban, had a horrid scar on his face and flaming red hair that made people question his heritage.

Fewer yet, knew his skill with the sword and his polite and deferent disposition. And even less knew his history, of a war and an epithet that still put fear in the hearts of men.

And finally only a select few knew that despite everything, what a wonderful man he truly was.
