Ok, so it's my 21st birthday today and I wanted to post something in honor of it so I decided to post a birthday fic. Hope everyone likes it. :)
Sam scrambled to finish up before Dean got home from the part time job at the convenience store. He had gotten it to supplement what their dad had given them when he had left two weeks before. It was Dean's 21st birthday and though Dean had been drinking since before he was sixteen, Sam wanted to make this birthday special for him. Dean had been hoping that their dad would return in time to take him to a bar for the first time as a legal adult but Sam had a sinking feeling that that wasn't going to happen and he was pretty sure that in the back of his mind Dean knew it too.
It had been hard for Sam to pull this together as busy as he had been with senior year and college applications, but he had managed to scrape up enough money for a pie and some movies and a small gift for Dean. He just hoped that he liked it.
He had just finished putting the candles on the pie when he heard the rumble of the Impala coming down the driveway of the small, rundown house they had rented for the semester so Sam could finish out his senior year in one school. He heard the car door slam and grabbed the zippo Dean had gotten him for his birthday last year and finished lighting the number 1 on the pie just as the key turned in the lock. He quickly stashed the lighter and turned around just in time for the door to open.
"Happy Birthday!" he yelled, backing up a few steps so that Dean could see the pie he had bought.
"Sammy, what…" Dean stopped just inside the door, surprise evident on his face, "what is this?"
"I got you a pie. I mean it's your 21st birthday and I thought that since you had been drinking for a while anyways that we would do something besides go to a bar so I got Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Die Hard, all three Back to the Futures, as well as three other movies to choose from. I also got pie and popcorn and Twizzlers, even though Gobstoppers are the best movie candy ever, and I ordered pizza and it should be here in about thirty minutes and the pie is cherry because I know that's your favorite and…" Sam took a deep breath and was about to continue when Dean interrupted him.
"You didn't have to do all this," Dean said, rubbing the back of his neck and looking down, then he looked back up, meeting Sam's eyes, "Thanks, Sammy, you're the best."
"Yeah, I know," Sam said, grinning from ear to ear, "Now come on and blow out your candles. The wax is getting all over your pie!"
A few hours later, after they had eaten all the Twizzlers and finished up their third bowl of popcorn they were about to start the third Back to the Future when Sam decided to give Dean his gift. It wasn't much. Just a little trinket Dean had been eyeing in the thrift store the week before, but from the look on Dean's face when he opened it, it could have been a million dollars and his reaction wouldn't have been any different.
Dean looked up at his brother after opening the gift, eyes shining, "Thanks, Sammy." He looked away quickly, doing that little thing where he jerks his head to throw any tears that might be in his eyes out without anyone noticing and cleared his throat before continuing. "This is great."
With that Dean got up to go get more popcorn, whistling AC/DC as he went and Sam knew in that moment that no matter what happened in the next few months with graduation and college, that everything would be alright in the end.
A/N I will also be posting in my drabble series later as well. Thanks! Love and hugs!