"I'll be right in," Killian said, still grinning from the kiss outside Granny's. Emma merely nodded and made her way into the diner.
Killian pulled out his phone - not talking phone, just phone, he remembered - and called Regina.
"Hook," she answered. "What do you need that you couldn't just wait fifteen minutes until we all got to Granny's?"
Killian's grin slid smoothly into a smirk. "Regina. I was hoping you could distract Henry for the rest of the day and maybe the night, if you catch my drift." If she could see him he would have raised a suggestive eyebrow.
"Ugh," Regina scoffed. "Say no more. I have no wish for Henry to be scarred by...you two."
"Much obliged, Regina."
"Let me know when the coast is clear." She hung up before he could reply.
And now for the other potential distraction, he thought as he entered Granny's.
He spotted Dave in the second booth with Snow (and boy was he glad she decided to go by Snow again, Mary Margaret was a bloody mouthful) and Neal and made a beeline.
"Dave?" he asked. "May I have a word?"
David glanced at Snow and got up, following him to the corner by the bar. "What's up?"
"Well, since my miraculous return," he started, gesturing with a wave. "And even before, Emma and I have had very little time to ourselves." He paused a moment, keeping eye contact, just to let his meaning sink in. When David's expression started to change, he continued. "I, and I'm sure Emma, would be forever grateful if we could just nip out early and have a private sort of celebration at home, aye?"
David had scrunched his eyes closed, not quite able to believe he was hearing such a thing from his little princess'...True Love.
"And why exactly are you telling me this?"
Killian looked at him like he'd grown a second head. "Why else? So you can keep Leroy away." Then he grinned again. "And also so you'd know to steer clear of the Swan-Jones home for a while." And with a wink he whisked himself to Emma's side.
His hook sliding across her waist from behind to rest on her hip, he nuzzled her right ear and whispered, "Emma, love, how would you like to spend the rest of the day at home with me?" His heart clenched when he said the word home. It was their home.
Emma sighed and leaned into him. "I'd love to."