Chapter 2: On The Way To Hell
Killian was slightly surprised to see the Mayor joining him at the lake, her stance businesslike.
"So," she stated matter-of-factly, "I managed to convince the Charmings and Robin that I'm going to New York for a few days for some urgent work, and you'll be joining. Well, that I'm dragging you with me so that you can spend at least one rum-free day."
Killian was still somewhat confused about what she was getting at, and responded with furrowed brows, "Thank you for making excuses for me, love, but I doubt they would've noticed anyway. You didn't need to do all this. Now you'll have to disappear until I return, and who knows how long that'll take." And that is if he does return. Even though he doesn't want to say it, he knows that there are no guarantees there. The only thing he knows is that he'll return with Emma, or not at all, because Killian Jones would sooner die than give up.
Regina sighed. "I'm not 'disappearing' anywhere. I'm coming with you."
"No, you're not." Killian replied. "It's too dangerous. I can't let anyone else risk there life for this."
"Why? Do you think you're the only one who cares about Emma?" Regina retorted heatedly.
"No, of course not! But..." He sighed, "Regina, this is a suicide mission. We have little idea what this place will be like, and what we do know is that it'll be far from pleasant. There's no saying when we'll be back, and that's if we come back at all."
"I know what I'm doing. I don't know if I can say the same for you; how long do you hope to keep the Dark One on his leash? And when he does get free, do you think he'll be very happy about this?"
"I can take care of it." He said dismissively.
"No, you can't. You don't know what you're talking about." Regina insisted. "Look, Killian, I'm not letting you jump headfirst into the land of doom in just the company of a man who's more likely to kill you halfway there. I'm coming, Jones, whether you like it or not, so please, lead the way."
Killian sighed, knowing that there's no way she'll be persuaded otherwise.
He raised the dagger. "Dark One, I summon thee."
Rumpelstiltskin appeared in a puff of smoke, looking bitter and unwilling as ever. He looked at Regina in surprise. "Didn't expect to see you here."
She just shrugged. "Well, get used to it."
"Now, Crocodile, there will be time for socializing. Right now we have a ferry to catch, so if you will do the honours..."
Sending a murderous look at Killian, the Dark One pulled out a small knife from his coat, and made a small cut in his palm. He let a single drop of blood fall into the lake.
A ripple passed over the lake, along with a haze, which cleared to show them the ferry that will be their ride to Hell.
Killian gestured towards the boat. "After you."
The ferry jerked to a stop.
One by one they got up and onto the outline of a pier that was visible through the thick fog. Two steps further and he could no longer see his companions.
And then the fog was gone.
He looked around. The scene was familiar; it was a dockyard, just like the hundreds he had seen over the years, and yet it wasn't. It wasn't bustling with activity like ports usually are. A few workers did their job silently, a vacant yet haunted look on their faces. It was really odd to see a port so dead.
Dead. Dead.
Of course.
A/N: Short chapter, sorry.
So... Considering how much I hate just repeating stuff that happened in show with just minor changes, I decided to make it completely different. So folks, no UnderBrooke. I have an entirely different version of Hell waiting for all of you.
Ooh, that sounds creepy xD no worries, I won't torture too much ;P