Mia sat, feeling quite dwarfed by the grown-up sized chair in which she was seated. She was currently sat inside the meetings office with Sister Margaret and she did not look happy. Although she never did so this was not a good indicator of what she was about to say.

Pepper Potts sat on the same side of the desk with the Sister, looking oddly nervous. Mia scowled around the room unhappily. She did not like this room. It was where she was taken when she had 'sinned' badly and was punished more harshly. Not to mention, it was rather demeaning, being looked down upon. It gave you the impression that you were inferior as the individual behind the desk was in a position of authority and you were the peon. Mia explained this to the nuns and said, 'I thought the bible said that we were all created equal'. It did not go well. Lesson number one in this place: they did not like when you point out their hypocrisy.

"Amelia, we would like to have a little discussion with you" The Sister began.

She was already growing bored and irritated. Was this about her song and trying to force her into an apology? Miss Potts clearly didn't look very comfortable or happy with the situation.

These formal settings just tended to piss her off, "and this had to be done in here... why exactly?" Mia replied in an empty sounding voice, eyes peering around the room distractedly.

The Sister's lips disappeared into a thin line of disapproval, "Amelia Maria, you will be respectful when you speak to me. We have a guest. A very important guest whom would like to speak to you" The old bat explained.

Mia yawned, her exhaustion was kicking in now that the excitement faded and she looked boredly to the big CEO woman.

Pepper Potts smiled charmingly at raisin looking humanoid, "Sister Margaret, I think it would be best if I explained the situation to Mia here" There was a note of seriousness in the voice that made Mia take notice.

The Sister merely took her in for a moment before nodding and standing, "Very well, that is your choice Miss Potts" She said, rather loftily although Mia distinctly heard her mutter, "May god have mercy on your soul" under her breath.

Mia snorted here and tilted her head to focus on her advanced hearing and listen outside the room. As she opened her ears she heard the heavy breathing of the woman in the room with her, the buzzing of a fly outside the window. The heart beat and footfalls of Sister Margaret as she walked down the hall.

She heard the sister stop and be approached by another. A man, by the sound of his steps. He cleared his throat.

"Sister... Maggie right?" the distinct sound of Tony Stark's voice said.

"Margaret, Mr. Stark" Her voice dripping with disdain.

She heard him clear his throat and shuffle a little, "Right, Margaret. So have you spoken with Mia yet? What did she say? Where is Pepper..." He began, sounding a little nervous and his heart rate was slightly elevated above average.

The Sister took a deep breath of air, "Mr. Stark, Amelia is currently discussing the current... predicament with Miss Potts at the moment" Was all she said.

He took a calming breath before replying, "Right, where is that? Maybe I should just-" He began, talking rather quickly and was about to make move when he was stopped.

"Mr. Stark" The voice was reprimanding, "I do not think-"

"Um Mia?" She heard a woman speak. Mia blinked her eyes rapidly to focus in on where she was. Pepper Potts had moved to the chair beside her and had definitely taken away the 'authoritative' posture she had going on.

She smiled genuinely at the woman and got comfortable. At this Miss Potts seemed to smile faintly to herself for some reason.

"Well, I don't know if you know much about me but-" She began quite tentatively and Mia sighed.

"Look, Miss CEO woman, I get that your wanting to ease into what your about to say carefully because I'm a child and emotionally fragile and yada yada but I would rather you were direct about it" She said honestly and the woman seemed to relax a little, it made Mia respect the woman more.

"Fair enough Mia, I can respect that. I want to adopt you and was wondering how you would feel about that" The woman stared directly at her.

Mia felt like her brain short-circuit for a moment. Adopt. Adopt. Adopt.

She wasn't sure how long she sat in contemplation but in the end, she decided that this was a good logical choice. She didn't expect Potts to become all motherly on her but Mia was obviously ridiculously intelligent. She had her run in with SI before and maybe Potts didn't want children. Her and Tony Stark needed an heir. Mia was obviously the best choice to groom and her genius would be a good fit for the industry. All in all, it seemed like a good idea for all parties involved.

"I see. You would like to adopt me? All by yourself or as a couple?" She raised her eyebrows at the question, in consideration. Mr. Tony Stark was here also, would she be solely Peppers or...

Pepper didn't seem to mind the question, "Well, legally you will be my child but of course you will live with Tony and I and we will both we responsible for you"

It was rather a simple answer but spoke volumes. This meant that they wanted her as an heir as she will be the sole child of the CEO. Part of her didn't want her future to be set in stone like this at such a young age and a bigger part was sickened by all the responsibilities but all in all... that much power? Too tempting to pass up and how much fun it would all be.

She smiled at the woman, "Okay. I'm cool with that, if your prepared to adopt me that is. I would like to have a chat with that mustached man of yours to see if he's alright with this. I would also like to ask a few questions to the both of you, Miss CEO"

Pepper seemed to beam brightly at her and stand quickly. Happiness and relief was rolling off of her in waves and she definitely heard her whisper 'thank god'. Mia watched in amusement as Pepper Potts motioned for her to leave the room.

As they made their way back to the rec room, Mia took her hand to hold as she pulled out a phone to presumably send a text. As she took her hand, Pepper looked down and smiled at her so warmly that she beamed back, "please, call me Pepper" Was all that was said between them.

Mia decided that she couldn't keep this information in any longer and pulled out her phone with her other hand.

OMG, your were so right. Turns out Iron Man and CEO woman want to adopt me! She sent to her bestie.

Huh, I thought they would have more money to afford like a fancy pet or make one themselves or something. Be careful this isn't a whole Cosby sitch- you know what they say, every famous person nowadays. Was the reply.

Mia rolled her eyes but smiled happily as the phone beeped again.

Ask Tin Man if it hurts when he gets an erection in his suit, I've been wondering about this. Must be like a Chinese Gong. There no room for the pushing and it makes his ass look like a piece of Tetris. He should get some tips from Captain hall monitor, that man kick-started every young girls puberty for the last forty years. God bless America.

They made their way to the room and everyone was still seated.

Although said Iron man was standing and smiled slightly at her, phone in hand. He motioned for them to sit down on the soda, the rest of the team looking on.

She wondered why they didn't do this alone. Pepper sat on her other side, keeping their hands intertwined.

"So I don't know what Pep said-" He began what looked like to be a ramble when she cut in.

"She wants to adopt me. Do you? Or is this a kind of, I accept it cos' I have to situation" She but in, wanting to get the point. It was annoying how they were all walking on eggshells around her. She wasn't a child... well, maybe but not really! That didn't count, she was much smarter than most people so age didn't matter.

He raised his eyebrows and stroked his beard thing a little, "Yeah I do too, kid" Was all he said but it sounded really sincere to her. She nodded.

"Okay. I have a few conditions" She said seriously.

She heard a laugh come from Clint, eyes roll from Steve and a smirk from Natasha.

Tony Stark grinned brightly at her for some reason, "anything" He breathed genuinely.

"Okay. First, I want to pick my school. I already had one in mind, It's in America and I was planning on going there as soon as but this can really speed things up" He was nodding seriously and Pepper seemed to be making notes. Good.

"Next, I want training from Tasha" Tony frowned and looked about to object when the woman herself cut in, "deal"

She beamed at her hero and turned back to the billionaire, "I want veto rights on rules and restrictions. Absolutely no bible study. I can tinker and create things all I want. I can dress the way I want and most importantly..." She paused to show her serious she was, "I want a iPhone"

She heard people laughing around her but only had eyes for the man in front of her.

He did not look happy.

"An iPhone" He repeated.

She nodded seriously.

There was a serious stare down going on here.

Mia was sure she heard a whistle and tumbleweed pass by in her peripheral vision.

He had his game face on when he replied, "Alright. I can agree to all of your stipulations but how about I get you a Starkphone, Starkpad and top of the range laptop. How's about that?" He tried to tempt her.

Mia smirked and shook her head, "No can do, mustacherino, that's a deal breaker right there"

Tony Starks face fell but he didn't seem to want to give in.

Thus began the war of the phone. By war she meant him listing off bigger and bigger replacements but she was only interested in the phone. No ponies, planes or nuclear weapons would do. In the end, it was a matter of pride not monetary value that was more important.

Mia sighed and stood, "I told you, deal-breaker. I don't think I want to be adopted by someone who can't understand that. Good day, Mr Stark" She said as she was about to turn tail she felt a hand touch her arm.

"No, wait Mia, fine, fine, that's fine. An iPhone, alright. I can do that" He said a little panicky but she didn't care.

Mia looked at him a little skeptically before she said, "Yeah?"

He was nodding a little frantically, "Yeah kid, sure. I'll order it right now" He said before pulling out his phone to presumably buy the iPhone.

She smiled a little smugly and nodded, "Good"

Mia looked around the room to the Avengers. Dr. Banner wasn't there, neither was Happy but everyone else was smiling at her warmly.

"Welcome to the family Mia" Rhodey said to her.

Her mind was racing and she turned to look at Pepper curiously, "So this is why you guys came all the way to little old Scotland? You wanted to adopt me?" Mia asked, glad that things finally made sense.

Pepper smiled and nodded, "Speaking of, I better go get Sister Margaret so she can sign the forms for your official adoption.

Mia watched her leave then let out a disappointed sigh, "So you none of you want me as Sidekick? I thought you were here cos you thought I was special and had potential" She pouted in true disappointment and looked at the room at large. Tony looked sympathetic at least. Here she thought they wanted her as back up...

"No Mia, no fighting for you" Steve said firmly and she looked at him in desperation.

"Really Steve?" She gasped, "First you say Santa isn't real, then I am just a lowly orphan girl, then I am not good enough for Tasha to train and now I'm not even special?!" Mia burst into tears.

"CAPTAIN ROGERS" Pepper bellowed.

She heard him stand abruptly but ignored the world around her. Mia sobbed openly and covered her face with her hands.

In hindsight, she would blame sleep deprivation and emotional shock for her reaction but at the moment all she felt was crushing disappointment that no one wanted her as a Sidekick. It had been years since she had cried and it felt awful and raw but helped deal with all of the high emotions she had been feeling lately.

Mia felt a hand on her back and on her hair. It was strong and soothing. She leaned into it. She heard a man's voice humming softly and leaned into the touch.

After a while and a few sniffles, she looked up to see Hawkeye looking at her sadly. He didn't say anything just continued to stroke her hair.

She shuffled over to him to tuck herself into his side and he immediately moved to accommodate her. Mia didn't think about it but Barton had kind of a comforting side one wouldn't expect. It was a strong presence that immediately made her feel safe. It was amazing.

When she felt brave enough she peered up to see the reactions of people around her. Black Widows face was empty but eyes kind. The Colonel looked a little uncomfortable but made a good attempt at a smile. When she looked towards Tony Stark she was... well, confused.

The man looked a wreck. His hair was sticking up in all directions and not in an artful messy stylish way but an actual rolled out of bed look. His clothes were skewed, eyes wide and panicked and he was seated on the edge of the sofa as if not sure whether to move or not. It was odd.

She watched him as he watched her. His face was... she wasn't sure what he was going for but it was definitely a grimace. Or constipation.

"You okay there Mr. Man. Your looking a little mad scientist" She said hesitantly.

He seemed to smile and attempt at relaxing when it looked like he was sitting back on Thistles.

She moved – very reluctantly - from Clint's side and placed herself firmly on his lap again. He seemed to appreciate it last time so she hope-

Oh well, the man was an octopus. He wrapped around her and placed her more comfortably.

She sighed and wiggled around a bit for the perfect spot.

Mia found it. There was a slight cold part of his chest that leaned on her cheek but she ignored it. He held her securely and did that petting thing that Clint did and it was wonderful.

Mia was a very touchy-feely person. Maybe it was the lack of affection she had in her life. Maybe it was the trauma. Maybe she just didn't care for personal boundaries. It didn't really matter.

Nothing felt as right and safe as being snuggled up in Tony Stark's arms.