If anyone is interested in helping me with this lemme know. I dont have the best track record with keeping up with my fics.
and my grammar is garbage.
designer garbage
like me
This couldn't be happening. I absolutely refuse. I will not have anything to do with this. Nu-uh. Nope.
I completely reject this. I abolish it.
"They look so alike." A large blob, who apparently was my mother, dabbed my nose with her pointer finger. A deeper voice chuckled,"They should. They are identical." That would be my father. In his arms was my little sister.
Or rather, what I hoped just happened to be a name coincidence that two parents made. I sincerely hoped my new parents were just trashy teen book fans who happened to have the same names as the main characters parents.
Charlie and Renee.
Please let them just be nerds. Lord Almighty Above, please let them just be book fanatics who like a cruel joke. Maybe it was just bad luck. They were common names right?
Isabella and Jesus fucking Christ, they named me Gabriella.
Gabriella motherfucking HELEN goddamn Swan.
Why my sister gets a cute ass name and I get stuck with this fucking atrocity, please let me know. Not knocking on those cute lil' grannies with those names, but it is 2016, thank you. Wait.. Is it even 2016 anymore? Wasn't she born in the 80's?
Oh no. Please. Throw anything you want at me, anyone. Anything but DIAL-UP INTERNET! I'm getting flashbacks of the horrid noise the computer made connecting to the phone line.
R.I.P. my ears.
I was born in the 90's, I already went through the hellish styles of 2000-2005, I can't do it again. I'm going to die here.
I died once, I can do it again.
"Awww look, Gabby makes the same face you do." Renee cooed. Charlie coughed,"I don't look like that." My new mom threw her head back and I swear her laugh reminded me of wind chimes. "Yeah, you do. I've seen that face so many times!"
That's right. I had died, haven't I? The details were off a bit. I think I was..attacked? Yeah. I was walking with.. my dog? Yes. I had just gotten fired from work that day, I can't remember why for the life of me. After going back to my studio apartment, Bourbon needed to go out so we went for a walk. We had gotten three blocks down and then- I was jumped. I can remember a man jumping out at me, the frightening sight of a knife, Bourbon was snarling-
I had died. I had died trying to keep a stranger from stabbing my pitbull.
I remember his cold blue eyes and the smell of alcohol on his stank ass breath.
I could feel my face scrunching up, I was getting really upset. Oh no, no no nonononono. I will not-
"Whhaaa-aaa!" I shit you not. I started crying. This little body's emotions were getting the best of me. I started bawling, the reality of this situation as making itself known.
Renee gasped,"Oh! Gabby!" She began rocking me, trying to calm her baby down. But I wasn't her baby was I?
Bella started crying too.
At least I wasn't in this alone.
I think it has been a month or two since then.
Since I have been unexpectedly added to this story as what I hope not a main character. Who am I kidding, I better hope I'm not a fucking Mary Sue. From what I've been hearing, I was a little surprise. Only one baby was expected, further confirming whomever or whatever is watching me has a sick sense of humor.
My parents were happy that they didn't have to fight over which of their mothers got the honor of having a baby named after them. Speaking of my new parents, there has been trouble in paradise lately. Maybe. I don't know.
Charlie has been working very late nearly everyday, I think. It's hard to tell. I'm always sleeping or eating, and it is hard to stay awake sometimes. When I was awake, I was busy inspecting my surroundings, as well as my new sister. Bella had normal baby behavior. I think. I've never been around babies before.
I now know, that this was a crazy ass situation.
How I know for sure?
Well, on one of the few days that Charlie was home, he had a few of his friends come over to meet his twins.
Billy Black, Harry Clearwater, and Quil Ateara the I-don't-know-which-one-because-I-never-found-out-how-to-read-roman-numerals.
I think he was suppose to be baby Quil's dad. The dude was never really mentioned from what I remember of the books, but I do think he could have been Embry's dad. It was either him, Harry, Billy, or some other kid's dad.
Watching them interact from the sling strapped to my father's front, laughing at shitty Dad Jokes, I think it was either Quil's dad, or Sam's dad.
From the way Quil talks about his wife, I hope it was Sam's dad.
"Well look at you!" The stout one cackled. I think that was Quil? I wouldn't be able to tell. My vision is still shit and I have nearly no control of my neck because I have a big ass bobble head. Currently, Charlie had me strapped to his front, Bella to his back.
"This one is very cute Charlie." I think it was Harry, he leaned in and stroked my head gently. Charlie laughed. "You guys know what cuter than one baby?" He slowly turned around. "Two babies!" I think Bella fell asleep. She seemed to sleep like a rock at this point. Or maybe she was awake. Bella was a very quiet baby.
Billy thought it was funny.
"Haha! This one is cute too! Luckily for me, Rachel and Rebecca are fraternal. Good luck telling these two beauties apart."
I heard some rustling, though I guess it was hard to pay attention. Harry was trying to keep my attention with something brightly colored, and damn it all it was working.
Sooner or later, both me and my sister were taken out of the slings. I swear we were hot potatoes by the way the adults were passing us around. I did make an interesting discovery.
Billy was walking. He was very tall with long legs that went for miles. He had long, shiny, black hair that Bella had an obsession with. She kept grabbing at it, immersed in the locks. I can see where Jacob got it from. Er- Will get it from. Pretty sure Billy only has a set of twins at this point. I thought this dude was in a wheelchair? I was never too sure how exactly he ended up in one. Didn't he have diabetes?
It's weird. The way they just happily bantered with each other. Like they didn't know how Renee will break Charlie in about a month. I felt resentment towards my mother. I've heard her speaking to her mother, my grandmother, on the phone. I've never met Marie Higginbotham, but she sure sounded like a grade A stone cold bitch to Renee.
Gran Marie did not like dad. I could hear her putting mom down and pressuring her to 'come back home.' Even though she's constantly putting Mom down..? Then again, she knows mom.
I quickly developed mixed feelings about it.
Renee was showing signs of depression, along with that anxiety. She wasn't happy.
Mom has been.. droopy, so to say. She looks like she should be living on the coast in Florida eating fro-yo and doing Yoga every Wednesday. The rainy and cloudy nature of this town was wearing her down. She tried to paint the kitchen cabinets a bright sunshine yellow. I didn't really like Renee in the books, but seeing this first hand was a completely different story.
Renee was miserable here. She loved Charlie, she loved Bella, she loved me- She hated this town. She hated how cold it was here, she hated how the sun never shined, and most of all; Renee hated the people in this small town.
The people in this town were poisonous to others who did not fit into their standards. They didn't like how this out-of-town hippy snapped up one fine upstanding young man who had everything going for him. She had trapped him. They even had the gall to imply that Bella and I weren't even his.
Mom wanted to leave this place and wanted dad to go with her. He was taking care of both as his parents, whose health was steadily declining. Charlie couldn't leave.
I can feel the anger deep in my belly. I guess Bella could too. She cried more.
Renee did too when she thought we were sleeping.
I knew this was coming. I hoped it never would, but I've learned hoping does nothing. I'm an infant. What could I have done? What has happened you may ask?
Renee finally snapped.
That's what happened. Renee had finally had enough of this shitty hateful town named after an eating utensil.
"Renee please!"
"Charlie, I can't!" She sobbed, shoving baby bottles in a diaper bag. "It didn't work out, okay? I really, really hate Forks!"
Her and Charlie had fought and Renee started packing up things. No, that isn't true. They've been fighting for a while. I guess there had been rumors of infidelity circling around and they were taking a toll on Charlie. Charlie already knew about the rumors, but one could only hear so much before lies can get inside and mess with their head. I know that well. But Dad had done something wrong.
He asked my mom if the rumors were true.
That was the breaking point for Mom. Even though she was living in a town she couldn't stand, she would stay because her loyal husband stood by her side to keep her head above water. For him to even ask her that even though he knows about all the shit flying around..
I don't know what possessed him to even question her. Sure, Mom was an air-head. She forgot things. She was insensitive sometimes, a bit selfish at times, and others she didn't really know what to do. But she would never cheat on Charlie, she loved him so much it made me nauseated. However, she loved her babies so much more.
Bella was sleeping in her pink car seat next to my yellow one Our seats were perched on the coffee table. I was wide awake watching my distressed father try to convince my fed up mother stay. It was too much for them. They loved each other, I could tell that for sure. They were so head over heels for the other, yet one couldn't stand it here.
I was in full view of it all unfolding in front of me.
This is making me strangely reminiscent of my past life. Only, my first father was making my first mom leave, this one was trying to get my second mom to stay. In my past life, I can remember at a young age my father making my mother leave because she was caught stealing his medication. I'm pretty sure she was a pill popper. They also fought over the stupidest shit. I couldn't tell you how many times the police were called.
Renee was done packing. She had already carried almost everything to the old beige van,basically slamming the back hatches shut. All that was left was Bella and I. Renee rushed back, her hands shaking. She was practically clutching the handles to our car seats.
"Please." Charlie could hardly choke the word out. "Don't break up our family. Don't take my babies, please." His normal deep voice cracked. I've never heard him sound like that before.
Charlie loved all of us so damn much. Even though he was always working, he did it for us. Charlie tried so hard to make sure we would never have to go without what we needed. He had so many unnecessary photos of his small family littered all over the house, it was ridiculous. I'm not joking. I've been carried by so many and I know for a fact that he had so many pictures of Bella and I in his wallet. He even had one of all of us tucked in his car. Some nights he would come into the nursery just to make sure we were still there and breathing.
We were his entire world.
I was set on the ground. I watched Renee strap Bella into the seat behind the driver's seat, avoiding looking at Charlie. "I'm sorry." She shut the door and picked me up, walking to the other side with Charlie close behind; he was still pleading with her.
The man had tears in his eyes. I watched him break down in the driveway as Renee put me in the car. I started to whimper as we drove away. I didn't want to leave my dad alone in that house. I didn't want to move in with Gran.
I didn't want any of this.
The first year.. was the hardest. For me. Bella wasn't that old when we left, so after a week or so, I guess she had forgotten about dad and stopped crying for him. I never really did. Then again, I have the awareness of a 22 year old woman. Wait..wouldn't it be a 23 year old woman now? Ugh.
Mom didn't really understand why I would start crying. She didn't seem realize that I was looking at things that reminded me of dad. For example, every time I saw flannel, I immediately started blubbering. Bella cried when I did, only because I was sad.
I hate this baby body.
I made sure Bella and I hit all our milestones around the same time. I waited until Bella started to do things, then I did them about the same pace as her.
I didn't want either of us to be singled out.
In a way, I made things worse. Mom had stopped thinking Bella and I as separate children with separate likes and dislikes, as well as personalities. Renee and Helen, Gran, had started to think and treat us as a single unit.
They stopped dressing us differently. I didn't really mind, but most of the time mom would get us mixed up.
We started being referred to as 'The Swan Twins' or 'Belly and Gabby'. When people wanted our attention, they would call "You Two!". Not Bella Swan and Gabby Swan. I was afraid of that. Well, that and spiders.
A spider bit me when I was almost two and I had to go to the hospital. Bella started screaming when I cried as the doctor gave me a shot. I had gotten a Big Bird Band-Aid and a cherry sucker. Even with the bandage, mom still had mistaken me for Bella. And her for me.
Bella wasn't really afraid of anything. She would just stare at things stoically. Just silently judging them with her baby old man look. Bella did that more than mom thinks. Then again, we are attached at the hip. I see more than Mom does. I never felt this way with any of my other siblings in my previous life. Maybe it's a twin thing? Or perhaps it is because I am always there. I don't know. What I do know is we have this weird...thing.
It's hard to explain. Bella and I can just..know how and what the other is thinking. Not literally, like I want strawberries and Bell just automatically knows I want strawberries specifically. More like.. If I am upset about something, she knows, even if she's in another room and I am across the house. Or when I wake up in the middle of the night because for some reason, I knew my sister had gotten sick. When we play together, we almost never talk. We already knew what the other would want. Renee was worried that we had trouble speaking. So was Gran, even if she was kind of mean about it.
We were taken to a specialist when we were about two and a half. It was quickly explained that we could fully comprehend what was being said to us and that each of us were perfectly capable of speech. We just chose not to talk with the other because we didn't need to. The woman had told our mom that it was common with twins. I didn't think that was true.
We started talking to Gran and mom more after the visit to the specialist. Bella really didn't want to go back. I didn't either. The doctor smelled weird. We didn't like the way she baby-talked to us either.
"Miss you Daddy," I spoke into the phone. "Aww, I miss you to Gabbs." My dad's voice crackled on the other side. I hope he hasn't been drinking.
When we started talking more, mom began to have us call and talk to dad. She didn't want to keep us from him. I hated sitting in the tall chair with the phone attached to the hook on the wall. It was ancient and the sound quality sucked, but I loved talking to my dad.
I miss my iPhone. And my memes.
At least I got out of voting.
I was able to get Bella to talk to Dad more too, but not as much as I would have liked. Then again, she doesn't remember him like I do. Charlie is practically a stranger to her. We actually fought because she called him Charlie instead of Daddy once. She insisted on calling him that because she heard Mom calling him that.
We refused to talk to each other for about 3 hours before we were bawling to the other that we we sorry. Mom thought we were cute. Gran thought it was stupid.
My sister calls Charlie, Daddy now though.
It was during that summer that mom started letting Daddy have us for the entire summer. I loved it. Bella was okay with it, but she'd much rather have a sunny day than a cloudy one like me. One of our few differences.
When we were three, during a summer visit at dad's, Charlie learned while watching us that his twin daughters could communicate without even talking. Like we knew what the other was thinking. He asked Billy about it, since he had more experience with twins, but I guess Rachel and Rebecca acted differently than we did. Maybe it was just our thing?
Daddy asked because he caught me standing on Bella, who was on all fours, so I could reach the cookies Sue baked on the counter. Even with his cop skills, Daddy never heard us speak even though he were sitting at the table in the very same room we were in.
This child's body was affecting the way I thought and acted. I started calling Charlie, Daddy not even a year ago and I've long stopped thinking him as Charlie. I literally threw a temper tantrum because I didn't want him to go to work because heard there was a convict loose and I didn't want my dad chasing after him. Once Bella learned why I was crying, she started crying too.
Charlie thought it was sweet, he started to cry a little. I saw those tears in his eyes. Billy called him out on it, laughing.
"I'm not crying, it's man sweat!"
It was that summer, during one of our visits to Billy, we met baby Jacob. He was the cutest, chubbiest, best little baby I had ever seen. He was cuter than I was, and I would know; I've had a walking mirror next to me my entire life. He was two and just full of smiles. I was immediately smitten.
"Daddy! He's cute!"
Billy crinkled his eyes, holding tight to the giggling Jacob. "Of course he is, he takes after his old man!" Sarah smacked him playfully on the shoulder,"Oh hush up, you."
"Can we keep him?"
This time, Sarah laughed.
I liked the Blacks. They were so full of laughter and they just made you feel so happy when you were around them. I'm grateful Billy and Sarah took care of my dad when Mom left and took us away.
Even Bella was taken with Jacob. I could see why. After we met him, it was a common sight for me to hold on to one of his hands and Bella have his other. We legit helped this kid learn how to walk. This continued on years later. Dad, Billy, and his wife Sarah thought it was the funniest thing. Well, Billy did. Sarah shipped it and Charlie was struck with that thing all dads of young daughters get when they realize they have daughters. He didn't think it was funny after that.
We kept trying to come back to Forks and in turn, La Push, as so much as we could. I kept trying to tell myself that I was just trying to get my sister to have as many roots as possible. I didn't want her to go with the Cullens. I knew it was a lie. Well, partially a lie.
I was building so many bonds. Bonds and friendships I could only dream of having in my previous life. I wanted Bella to have lots of friends too. Maybe if she did, maybe if she listens to me, my sister will stay human.
Daddy was getting promoted fast. He wouldn't be able to watch his young children as much as he wanted, so he left us at The Black's house a lot. Bella and I didn't really mind. We liked being around Jacob.
We played with each other as much as we could, although, sometimes Jake got me and Bella confused with each other. It was okay though. He got it right than most people did anyway. Even our mom could hardly tell us apart. We later got Quil-the-youngest to play with us too. Sarah didn't mind watching us while dad worked. She liked that Jake had some girls to play with, seeing as his own sisters didn't want to. Then, one day when were outside playing in the mud, I saw him.
I noticed a young boy watching us from a ways away. He looked very lonely and sad.I quickly got up and rushed inside. When I asked Sarah who he was, she said his name was Sam and that I should play with him. He was gone when I ran back outside.
I never got to talk to him until I was 9 years old, when I had pushed Paul Lahote and Peter NightSky down into the mud for trying to bully Jake because he hung out with girls. Paul had also pulled my pigtail hard before I pushed him, the ass. Bella was back at Jacob's house with Sarah watching her. She had gotten sick and daddy was working.
"Don't pull my hair!"
Paul had looked up at me with his face burning a bright red. He scrambled up off the ground and took off running while Peter ran in the opposite direction crying.
Jesus, Paul was cute, but he was a little shitbag. He tried to be mean to me, but I wouldn't put up with it. Paul kept coming back though. He was mean to me and I was mean back, sometimes.
I tried my best to be nice to him because I knew his mom was an abusive bitch who left his dad. And I know that him and his dad moved to La Push from Tacoma. And that his dad drinks a lot. And that they lived in a nasty two bedroom house near the edge of town.
I didn't pity him. I didn't dare give him pity, because I knew how it was to be in that situation. I did my best to be nice. I tired to be nice to everyone, even though I didn't talk much. I actually really liked Paul.
He was the only one who never got me confused with Bella, even if we were wearing the same thing that day. I don't know how he could tell us apart, but he did, and by God it made me warm inside. He knew it too. I know he does.
Shut up.
So what if I was nursing a small crush on that stupid boy who pulls on my hair and always has scapes on his stupid knees.
I blame this body.
It was those big stupid puppy brown eyes.
"Why are you nice to him?"
I've never heard that voice before. When I turned around, I found a boy taller than me. The same one that watched me playing in the mud years ago. His eyebrows were furrowed at me. "He's always mean to you, but you're nice to him. You're only mean when he's mean to Jacob." I tilted my head at him. "You should always give others a chance, no matter what you've heard about them b'fore."
I think what I said to Sam Uley that one stay had stuck with him the rest of his life.
When Mom moved us to Phoenix, Arizona, I thought I was going to die.
We moved there from California when we were six years old. It's been years since then, but I still think it sucked. I looked forward to the holidays and breaks we got with Daddy, just to get out of this desert.
I was never all that good with the heat. Hot water, yes. Blanket straight out of the dryer, fuck yes. Hot, humid, sunny day in a desert climate? Get out of my way, my sweaty ass will bite you.
Bella didn't mind when we moved here. In fact, the very first cactus she saw when we moved here, she called it cute.
I bought her a cactus for her our birthday with allowance money I had, the week we moved here. She named him Steve.
Bella loved it.
My other half grinned so big, I still remember it. Did you know I'm one of the few people that can get her to do that? It makes me feel special.
Bella use to keep Steve in her windowsill.
She still has that cactus to this day, y'know? She somehow kept the damn thing alive. It really warms my heart. She loves it to bits. We had to put it in a bigger pot that took up space on the floor now. It has flowers growing on it.
When we moved to this bigger house, it was large enough that Bella and I didn't have to share rooms. Renee didn't think anything of it and put us in separate rooms. We didn't like it and we still sleep in one or the other's bed at night. We were never apart. Not even at school.
They tried to separate us and it ended..badly. It was like Bella ceased to function and I was causing so much chaos trying to get back to her. It was like I felt incomplete. Empty.
For the first time in my life, I found out what Bella was scared of.
She was terrified of being separated from me.
It was different other times, she knew where I was always, that I was safe, and that I would be back soon. She didn't feel comfortable being away from me 8 hours of the day.
They never really tried to separate us again after that horrid week. After that happened, we never again caused any trouble at school, but they did make us talk to a counselor. They never did figure out why Bella and I had such terrible separation anxiety. People called us creepy. I couldn't help it. While Bella was a little anti-social in the books, she didn't outright reject strangers. She did now.
I should feel bad, but I don't. I don't feel like any of these people have the right to be close to us. They couldn't even tell us apart.
They didn't deserve to be Bella's friend. One time, Bella convinced me to let an older girl become friends with us. I foolishly let it happen. We were 10, and I decided that Bella should be able to have other friends here besides me. I let her out of my sight.
That little bitch asked Bella to go to her house after about a week of being 'friends'.
Bella went and within an hour she came back bawling her eyes out. Her so called friend was really an evil conniving bitch who set 'the weaker twin',her words not mine, up so her and her stupid circle of friends could bully her without me stepping in. Did they think I wouldn't know? The next day, I sent Bella home without me and I caught up to those kids. Turns out, they walked home everyday. There were two boys and three girls.
I beat the holy hell out of them, I was just so angry. Sure, I got a black eye and a bloody nose, but they were quickly reminded why nobody messed with Bella.
They apologized to her the next day.
Bella knew what I did, and Jesus Christ on a Crutch, I'm pretty sure she's one of the few people who scare me. That's how bad her scoldings were. I was surprised when she hugged me.
"Bella! What happened?!"
Renee thought it was Bella who had got beaten up.
Of course, one of the parents called Renee, angrily demanding I apologize, and for a while- Renee thought I should have to. Until I explained what happened. Then she got mad and told the other parent to stuff it. Mom hugged me and told me I was a good sister. She said Swans were very protective birds, kissed my forehead, and went to a palm reading class.
She made me and Bella take self defense classes with her the week after. About a week after that, she switched to a pottery class. Bella and I stayed in the self defense class. If Bella was messed with again, she'd be able to hold her own until I got there. Bella never really wanted to hurt anyone, even if they hurt her. Girl was a people pleaser. I told her to always be truthful with me, and she was always open with her feelings about things to me.
She did not like when I beat people up for her.
When we went back to Forks that summer, Jake thought it was the funniest thing he'd ever heard. I pushed him in the mud when he said we should become tag team wrestlers.
When we were fourteen years old, I was walking home from detention.
I had gotten into a fight with another kid because he tried to pick on me, thinking I was Bella. After all those years, everyday Bella and I dressed exactly the same. You ask me, it wouldn't be that hard to tell us apart. Looking at us side by side, I looked scarier than Bella. I guess I had that look on my face.
Bella had to go pay bills that day, so she couldn't wait for me like she always did. I had missed the bus, so I was stuck walking home alone.
I never knew that danger could literally be around the corner.
Something had followed me. I couldn't hear shuffling and the odd growl or two.
It wasn't a vampire. No, it was too sunny for them to be around where we lived. But other supernatural creatures were around. I didn't have much of a warning before something jumped out at me.
It looked like a large, mangy dog.
I had hoped it was a mangy dog.
Last thing I remember was it lunging at me and I screamed.
I woke up in the hospital covered in bites that burned, Bella beside me and my mom arguing with my dad in the hallway with the doctor.
I was so angry.
It had better been a dog that bit me. I swear to God, I will not be a Mary Sue if I can help it!
Well thats chapter one.
I hope to get at least 5,000 words per chapter.
if you want gabby to be a werewolf, lemme know, or else it was just a dog that bit her.
i kinda do want her to be one.
you decide dudes
add in your suggestions!