Title: Tribrid Salvatore

Summary: Zach Salvatore has a niece who got pregnant at seventeen, she has a baby girl that she named Angel, but Angel isn't a normal baby, she finds out when Angel is a few months old that she needs blood to survive, so she thinks that Angel's dad was just a normal vampire. When Angel is six year old her mum gets hit by a car and dies, but she has left a letter with her lawyer that she told to give to her uncle Zach if she dies and only to let him open it. The letter gives information about Angel need of blood and that her father is a vampire, and to not tell anyone about it and will he takes Angel in.

When the lawyer turns up Zach isn't there cause he's dead, but Damon and Stefan are and they decide to take Angel in, but they don't tell anyone about Angel need for blood even Elena cause they know that humans can be compel and they want to keep it a secret, compulsion doesn't work on Angel. When Elijah comes to town and he sees Angel for the first time, he thinks she looks familiar so he gets a piece of her hair to give to his witches to do a spell and that when he finds out she Klaus's daughter. (Start at the beginning of season 2 and try to keep to near to the storyline as possible)

(PM me if you are interested in writing this story, also I will be putting which authors has adopted the story in here as well as on my profile.)