Disclaimer: I do not own the work that this story is based on!

Author's Note: This is my first fan-fiction story so i apologize if it's a little ruff around the edges. ^_^

Patient #560

Name: Tony Stark

Doctor: Charlotte Pike

Transcript of session 1 recording

Tony Stark: "So how does this work Doc? I tell you what I see in a bunch of paint splotches and you give me some magic woohoo pills to make me feel better?"

Doctor Pike: "Not usually,no. Although I can prescribe medications I only do so for my worst patients."

TS: "And how do you tell the worst apart from the rest?"

DP: "Well, I talk to them, ask them questions, listen to their problems and what they say."

TS: "So why would anyone tell you their problems? No offence."

DP: "None taken, and sometimes it's easier to tell a stranger your problems, they have no preconceived notions about you, they don't know you so it feels safer, in a way, to tell them your thoughts and feelings because they can't hold it against you, or judge you the way close friends or family might."

TS: "Hmm, that makes some sorta sense, i suppose. So what do you wanna do? Ask me questions?"

DP: "I could, or you could ask me some if you want."

TS: "Really?"

DP: "Really, really."

TS: "I can ask you anything and you'll answer?"

DP: "Go ahead, I'm an open book."

TS: "Alrighty then how did you end up being a human sounding board to a bunch of super enhanced whiner babies?"

DP: "Well that's actually a pretty cut and dry story, ya see I was in foster care until I was about 8 or 9 and like most I didn't have the best experience there but I got lucky, I was adopted out of the system at an early age but I was not left without my scars and my parents thought it best for me to see a therapist and after a few years I decided that's what I wanted to do, to help kids like I was and I was doing just that until one session with a child turned into a session with that child and their parents, and then just their parents specifically the father who then recommended me to a friend, who recommended me to another friend and so on until here I am."

TS: "Huh. That's it? No saw your parents murdered in front of you? No had to kill your best friend who went nuts or they would kill your family? no super tragic backstory to make you seem more approachable to me?"

DP: "Nope."

TS: "I think your the best Dr. I've ever had and I love you."

DP: "Well that's very sweet of you Tony. I appreciate that and I like to think that you and are going to be great friends."

TS: "That would be nice. I don't have to many people I can trust right now."

DP: "you sound like you're talking about someone specific."

TS: "Yeah I've had a...let's say difficult last few days."

DP: "Yes I've heard people are calling Civil War. Must have been some hard shit you had to deal with."

TS: "(clearing of throat) yeah, hard...um I..I can't do this anymore today so I'm gonna go and I, I'll see you next week."

DP: "Tony if I upset you I'm sor-"

TS: "Nothing to be sorry for Doc, I just have to go. Now. So same time next week yeah?"

DP: "Ok, have a good day Tony and if you need me before next week you have my number."

TS: "Yeah, Ok, tha-(Static, noises, silence.)"


As stated before this is my first story so any constructive criticism would be appreciated. Thank you ^_^