Chapter 2 - Talking with Slughorn
Early in the next morning Tom slipped from the Slytherin dorms and went in search of Slughorn. He know, that his original plan had been to talk to the teacher after potions class, but he was to nervous to wait.
He may be one of his favourites, but for that talk he doesn't want any witness to overhear them. With long strides he went to the rooms of his professor. Every Slytherin knows how to find them, as he told them on their first night and a little group of them were allowed to enter them, should the need arise.
Deep breathing in, he controlled his emotions and knocked at the portrait: "Can you please inform the Professor, that I have to talk with him. It is urgent."
"Wait a moment, young man.", answered the portrait of Lucius Licinius Lucullus, which guarded the chambers of Professor Slughorn. "Only Slughorn would use such a portrait for his chambers.", mumbled Tom.
Five minutes later opened the portrait and Slughorn asked him to enter. "Good morning, my dear boy. How can I help you?"
"I have to talk with you, Sir. It is very important for me."
"Follow me, you can tell me, what you have for problems as we have tea and snacks."
"Thank you, sir.", replied Tom and followed the kind invitation of his teacher without a hesitation.
Both seated themselves at the couch near the fireplace and prepared their tea according to their personal taste. Tom drank his first cup before looking up to his teacher
"I wanted to ask for a special permission for me and my friends to go to Gringotts on the next Hogsmeade weekend. As you know, I do not know much about my family history and I want to remedy that disadvantage. Therefore I want to go to Gringotts and take the opportunity for an inheritance test, Sir."
"I see, and who would accompany you, my dear boy"
"Abraxas Malfoy has offered to escort me, his father Marius works as a barrister and advised us at our last encounter to learn more about our ancestors."
"How many of you would go to Diagon Alley?"
"Orion and Cygnus Black are willing to accompany us as well. More would be not advisable, Sir." Still considering the possibilities Slughorn stayed silent and looked into the fire. The silence stretch between the two men.
Slughorn turned his head and watched him carefully, before announcing: "I got no problems with you four venturing to Diagon Alley during the next Hogsmeade weekend. But you should be careful, I do not want to hear any complaints about unacceptable behaviour from your side."
"Yes sir, thank you very much. I will not disappoint you.", answered Tom.
"You should go now, my dear boy. Breakfast begins in half an hour. I'll see you later in my class."
"Good bye, Sir. I am very grateful for your help, Professor." bid Tom him adieu and went back to the Slytherin Common Room.
Orion was already waiting for him. "Where have you been, Marvolo? I have been worried."
"I have talked to Professor Slughorn, I couldn't wait until we got Potions."
"And what did he say?"
"He gave us his permission. Abraxas, Cygnus and you can accompany me to Diagon Alley on the next Hogsmeade weekend."
"That is really the best outcome, for you Marvolo."
"Yes, he understand my reasons for visiting Gringotts. I only hope that the old coot doesn't know it, before we left. He never liked me and would try everything to place obstacles in our way."
"Yes, I have no doubts about it. We have to be careful, when we go to Diagon Alley, or am I wrong?"
"No, the muggles still fighting and even started to bomb the greater British cities. This was one of the reason, why I didn't want to return to that misery orphanage."
"Are there other reason as well?", asked Orion worried.
"Sad to say, there are a lot of reasons. The matron of the orphanage is highly religious and view my magic as demonic. They have tried to exorcised me at least twice and tried to beat the magic out of me. I do not think I would have been able to survive with a smaller core."
"And Dumbledore?" "He doesn't listen to my complaints, he never believe that muggles are bad and in his eyes I am evil. The sooner we get rid of him, it will be better for Wizarding Britain."
"I am hungry, we should go to breakfast, the other will be already waiting for us."
"Good idea, Orion. We can inform them during our free lesson. We can practice our creative spells in our hiding place."
"You have found one?"
"I have found Salazar's chamber and luckily another entrance to it. He got a basilisk there, but it will already be sleeping, as I have ordered him to go back to hibernating, before I call him again."
"Can't you use the basilisk to get rid of the old coot."
"It would be nice, but he isn't so stupid and careless to play into our hands. And don't forget his blasted phoenix. We would have make sure, that he can't find him before we annihilate him.", admonished Tom Riddle jr. his friend.
"This bird is a nuisance, but I understand your reasoning. We will wait for a better opportunity. To see the chamber of secrets, it is like a dream come true."
"Yes, and do you know the best part of it? Dumbledore won't be able to find it. It protect me as the heir of Slytherin. We couldn't ask for a better hiding place.", explained Tom.
Both young men left soon afterwards for breakfast and to talk with their friends, no that their next steps would be secured they could easier plan for the rest of the way. They were more than willing to put their mark on Wizarding Britain and to develop overdue changes for their lives and the other wizard and witches of their society.
Tom and his friends got the needed permission for visiting Diagon Alley. What would be discovered when they entered Gringotts?