Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto only my oc.

Warning: yaoi, don't like I don't care.


I'm sorry to all of you that I didn't update lately but I realized that I was stuck because I didn't know who I want to pair with Naruto and because of this I couldn't continue the story and couldn't write the characters according to this.

So, I need your help to whom pair Naruto with:




-Someone else(male).

Please tell me, because the faster you write this the faster I will be able to write the next chapter.




Hello everyone,

I didn't want to post a new chapter to tell you all this so I wrote it here.

Thanks to you all I chose who will be with Naruto. (YAY!)"\-.-/"

It wasn't easy but at the end I am happy with the pairing. Some of you might get upset so sorry but I still hope you will still like it anyway.

To the next topic,

One of you said my writing is not the best, and trust me I know it, it is after all my first fanfiction and English is not my first language.

But with the next chapters that will come, I will correct and might even add to the first ones.

The next chapter will be posted this week.

So, have a good day and happy new year.