Piercing silver eyes snapped open and darted about rapidly, the owner of said eyes tried to get hastily but fell out of the bed he/she lay on with a cry of agony.

The figure was revealed to be a female of about twenty or twenty one years of age (give or take), she had an athletic build and platinum blonde hair that was styled into a page boy, if the colour of her hair did not strike you as odd then her eyes definitely would.

Her eyes were a startling silver colour that seemed to be able to look through ones soul.

"Where am I?" she asked herself in a delirious tone of voice that showed that she was dizzy (or at least tipsy, though the former seems likely), she looked at her surroundings and couldn't help but be awed by the architecture of the room that she was in.

The room seemed to have been carved out of glowing marble with realistic images carved into roof, said images depicted various scenes of a boy at various stages of his life.

One image showed a boy defeating a man/bull combo with what appeared to be a horn, another showed him (as a teen this time around) defeating a male who appeared to be coated in flames.

She raised an eyebrow at the odd choice off art but regardless she was able to deduce that whoever the male that was depicted in the picture he was the master of the house she was in (her senses told her that she was in a large mansion).

She tried to get up once more but crumpled back to the floor in pain as a sharp pain tore through her right side.

She looked at her side and her eyes widened in alarm as she saw that her mid section had been bandaged meticulously and she knew that she was badly injured, though the bandaging was pointless now as her excessive movement had re opened the wound.

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the sight, 'I should have healed by now' she thought to herself in alarm and slight panic as she saw that the injuries appeared to be healing at a human pace.

Loud foot steps echoed through the quiet mansion making her widen her eyes in alarm, she quickly scrambled back to the bed despite the pain she was feeling and covered herself with the sheets before shutting her eyes and slowing her breathing.

The door to the room opened and the footsteps continued until the stopped at the side of the bed.

"I know you're awake" a male voice stated flatly, she decided to ignore him maybe he would see that she was asleep and leave.

"You know, there's a saying that goes 'pretenders are the worst'" he said again but she still ignored him.

The male huffed in annoyance, "Oi! Lady with the fat fore head….", her eyes snapped open and she quickly sat up and turned to face him (barely managing to hold back a grimace) with narrowed eyes, "My fore head is not fat!" she hissed at him.

The male smirked, "Got ya" he stated smugly making her left eye twitch in irritation and she instantly knew that the man in front of her would be a pain.

Getting over her irritation she studied the man in front of her and despite her nature she couldn't help but agree that he was attractive.

He had wind swept jet black hair with a strong face that appeared to have been carved out of marble, he had a jagged scar running from the top of his right eye to his upper lip and it somehow made him look even more attractive in a trouble maker kind of way.

He was dressed in a strange kind of clothing that consisted of what appeared to be a vest and a skirt (wtf), she would've stared at him a bit longer but him clearing his throat made her blink back into focus.

The man rolled his eyes as he realized that she had zoned out on him (and here he was thinking that doing so was his thing), "I asked if you have a name" he repeated himself making the female scowl at him.

"I think the real question here should be who you are" she said in a biting tone making him raise an eyebrow at her, "You're in my house" he remarked dryly.

"But not by my choice or will" she retorted icily, the man stared at her for a few tense minutes making her feel slightly nervous (if by slightly nervous you mean utterly terrified) before he smiled wryly, "Good point, my name is Per…" he paused for a millisecond, almost too fast for her to register but she was what she was for a reason.

"Percy, Percy Jackson also the guy that treated your wounds." he continued with a smile, she narrowed her eyes at him because of his hesitation but chose not to comment on it.

"Clare, number 47" she replied coolly, he raised a quizzical brow at her "Uh, forty seven to what exactly?" he asked in a confused tone.

Her eyes shot up in surprise but she still managed to speak, "I am a Claymore" she answered hoping that would clear up his confusion.

All she got was a blank stare in response.

"You know, half human half yoma" she added but was still answered with the same blank stare. She began to get frustrated, "How can you not know what a Claymore is?" she almost yelled.

The male now identified as Perseus rubbed his jaw, "I don't know what part of the world you're from but I sure as Hades know that there are no such things as yoma or Claymores…why the hell would you want to name yourself after a huge ass sword in the first place?" Percy said/ asked.

Clare gave him a strange look and on seeing the truth behind his words shook her head in resignation, "Did you at least find me with my sword?" she asked.

Percy raised another quizzical brow at her, "You've barely recovered from your injuries and the first thing you intend to do now you're awake is to grab your over sized meat cleaver?" he asked with a hint of incredulity.

It was the Claymore's turn to stare at him blankly.

He returned her stare with a wolf glare, "Absolutely not, you just re opened your wounds and as your host I have to re stitch the injury and you carrying a gigantic sword will not help your situation so you will do as I say and stay in bed" he said with a note of finality.

Clare pursed her lips before sighing in resignation and laying back down, "Good girl" he chirped happily before getting some stitches to close up the re opened wound.

'If he calls me a girl one more time…'

AN: Sup, so I know I should've updated my other stories, but I felt the need to challenge myself, you know get out of my comfort zone and considering the fact that I'm a dolt when it comes to anime or manga, this felt like a perfect challenge *shrug*