Chapter 8: Letters and Limerence Part 3
Guest Beta: Knight of Cerberus
In the Valean Kingdom, the breaking of a new day was something that many witnessed. As the Kingdom was primarily that of farmland, workers were already in the field when the sun steadily rose from its hiding place underneath the horizon. Even those who did not tend to the field had been up for possibly hours, setting up market stands or working the large looms for textiles. Few had the luxury to still be in bed at this hour.
Cinder Fall found herself to be in a slightly different group. That being the one that had been awake all throughout the night and hadn't gotten to touch a bed at all. As it turned out, doing the job she'd actually been brought here to do was quite hard. Something that Mercury was not letting her forget, it seemed.
"Cinder, I think you carried a five when it should have been an eight," spoke the gray-haired boy, looking over one of the countless pieces of parchments that were marked with slapdash equations and shambolic notes an outsider would see as the ravings of a lunatic.
Cinder rubbed the soot from her face, which had been blasted from the blackened beaker of their latest Dust disaster. "Interesting. What brought about this observation?" She asked sarcastically, attempting to get ash from her hair.
"Mostly a hunch. Also, the big boom that just happened."
The Advisor might have responded with snark if any was left, but instead, she went to go find a wet towel to get the stinging substances out of her eyes. She regretted not taking the goggles Mercury had offered, but the damn things were so uncomfortable.
After finding one, or rather one being pushed into her hands by Flora, Cinder wiped off her face and walked back over to her assistant before looking over the paper in his hands. Her eye began to twitch after scanning the equation.
"Mercury dear, that is an eight."
The teenager looked back at her then at the paper, squinting hard. "Huh, so it is. Still, though, you have to admit it could be a five in the right light."
"Boy, if you don't desire to be set alight in the next minute you'll start setting up the experiment properly."
Though he started to work on it straight away, he couldn't help but continue his ribbing. Considering they'd been at this for over twenty-four hours with no break she almost couldn't be mad. The fact he had the energy to do so was incredible. "You know, we've both accidentally set ourselves on fire in like the last seven hours, maybe come up with a better threat?"
"Fine. I'll cut off your dick while you sleep, have Felicia sauté it in butter and garlic, then feed it to you for breakfast. Does that threat suffice?"
Mercury held back a laugh. "That might be the most crass thing you've ever said. I like this new tired Cinder. Although wouldn't I notice the disappearance of my willy?"
Cinder, also giggling a bit, responded. "Oh Mercury, it's so small that I figured that wouldn't be an issue."
At hearing this Mercury clutched his chest as if he had been shot and faked a grimace. Cinder rolled her eyes and went to go grab a vial of ignition Dust she'd left to sit.
"I thought you said you'd come up with better threats than burning me alive, and yet I've just been... roasted!" Yelled the boy, keeping up the theatrics. Cinder let out a loud snort as she tried to contain a bout of laughter. The action sent another round of hysterics through Mercury, while shocking the woman the sound came from. That had to be the most undignified sound she'd ever made.
Oh, what should I care? It's just Mercury.
This wasn't a Duke's soiree, a hushed meeting with a Count, or even a one on one with a friend in the court. She wasn't in a red dress that dazzled even in low light, nor was she in high glass heels to accentuate her ass. Right now she had been in a badly lit underground laboratory for twenty-seven hours, wearing a sweat and soot-stained garment, while barefoot and unwashed, in the company of a trusted servant and the closest person she could consider a little brother. Pretense could go to hell right now.
With this realization, Cinder snorted again before letting laughter seep through her lips. A steady trickle of chuckles soon turned into near-deranged cackling as the damn broke. She laughed so hard that her legs nearly gave out. Tears clouded her vision as well to the point she had to sit down and compose herself.
"Jeez Cinder, how long have you been holding that one in? That's like mad scientist levels of laughter," spoke Mercury, mixing the correct solution this time around. Cinder ignored him and attempted to control her breathing. "Though I guess the comparison would be apt considering the location."
"Stupidity is contagious. It's clear I've been around you too long."
"Ouch. Hey, hand me that vial, would you?"
Cinder offered him the special blend of ignition Dust and went back to sitting down. If it didn't work this time they'd have to make a whole new batch of the stuff, which would take hours. The thought was enough to drive someone to pray. Cinder almost got up to do the test herself, but stopped before even trying. She may still be better at the theorem writing aspect but Mercury had long since surpassed her touch in an actual lab work. He practically lived down here anyway.
With bated breath they both watched the two solutions that had just been mixed come into contact with each other. Cinder stood up and walked beside the boy, this time accepting the pair of goggles he offered. She was better at Aura control than him and thus was always chosen as the one to trigger the reactions. The Advisor raised her hand over the large beaker and activated the Dust within.
Nothing happened at first. However, a soft violet glow slowly began to wash out of the container. The heat was more intense than expected as well, but neither looked away or attempted to step back. Red and blue sparks began jumping left and right.
Then it erupted.
Green flames exploded out of the tube and into the air before connecting with the stone ceiling. Around it was splashes of purples, vibrant oranges, brilliant yellows, and chaotic reds. The light was strong enough to illuminate the entire workspace, which was quite large. As the reaction continued, each color intermingled with one another and created new shades, representing the entire spectrum. After two minutes, it had finally lost the majority of its fuel source, weakened, and fizzled out entirely, leaving the room in dim light once again.
"Woah..." spoke Mercury, removing his goggles. "That was intense."
Cinder also removed her eyewear. "Yes. It was an even better reaction than I'd hoped."
She started to giggle to herself before wiping away a few loose tears of joy. "We're finally done."
"I guess? Though we still need to scale up the quantities and write out more-"
"Yes, but all those things can be done outside the lab, my dear. I can finally leave this hole and embrace a hot bath."
Mercury scowled, becoming defensive of his primary dwelling place. "Hey, it's not a hole! I basically live down here."
"We are currently two stories beneath the cold, unforgiving ground. Spending every second of the day here wouldn't make it less of a hole. Now come along, boy," spoke the refined woman, walking towards the stairway up. Mercury followed dutifully.
"Why am I coming up with you? What, are we going to take a bath together?"
"Don't forget I didwash your hair as a boy in Vacuo. Actually, now that I think about it, Ashley would wash Emerald's hair as well at the same time. And you two would start to throw water at each other. It was so-"
"Please, don't continue that," pleaded Mercury, hiding a blush.
"Oh, but you were such an unruly thing. You also never wanted me to clean behind your-"
"Nope! Not listening! Go back to brooding Cinder, please. Never thought I'd want her back."
Cinder chuckled a bit as they emerged from downstairs into the main floor. "Brooding Cinder needs at least four hours of sleep to recharge. She also needs to not have three layers of ash coating her skin."
Felicia walked up to the two and bowed. "Master Fall, the private bathhouse has been prepped for you two."
"Excellent. Thank you. Come along, Mercury."
"Wait, are we actually going to bathe together? I don't need help washing my hair anymore, Cinder!"
Cinder stopped for a moment, much to Mercury's relief. However, the faraway look she got didn't bode well at all. "Oh my, now I remember. You used to say that every bathtime. Except you called me Big Sis." She starting giggling again. Mercury, on the other hand, had reached peak mortification.
Berry Newcastle didn't like working his horses too hard. He was just gentle-hearted when it came to animals, and people as well for that matter. His father was much the same when it came to taking care of beasts of burden, interestingly enough.
"Sorry, girl," he whispered into Aurum's muzzle, tenderly rubbing her mane. "Thank you. Take a good rest now."
Aurum had carried two passengers from Vale Proper to Utero in just shy of a full day. It was surely a new record, and the fleeing couple would need every second. Seeing as Blu was the heir of Newcastle, the guards had let him into the city walls with no questions of his purpose. The same went for the city stronghold, where he'd withdrawn funds for the future. Not a lot, and not nearly as much as he could have, but just enough.
Palla stood near the horse they'd be taking for the duration of the trip, waiting in silence. After one last pat, he walked over to the bunny girl, and took her in his arms, before planting a kiss between her ears. "Are you ready to go my love?"
"Are you? Blu, this is your inheritance, your home. Are you sure you want to possibly never see it again, just for me?"
He smiled and placed a kiss on her cheek this time. "I never needed great splendor, nor have I ever craved my inheritance like my siblings. You're all I've ever needed."
When he finally kissed her on the lips, tears had begun to stream down the servant's face. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed back fiercely. The boy lost his balance and fell backward into the hay of the stable, though that hardly stopped the sudden moment of intimacy. Palla had started to paw at his clothes before the boy broke the kiss.
"As much as I want to, we're on a tight schedule," he gasped out, trying to catch his breath. The girl blushed and quickly stood up, letting out small apologizes. Blu smiled and got to his feet as well, walking over to the horse that would be their ride out of Vale. Liberato, a beautiful pure white steed built for endurance. It had been saddled up with supplies already, and was prepped to go.
He led the beast out of the large stable, with Palla following close behind. The guards and the servants nearby all saluted to Berry as he walked towards the large gates.
"Master Newcastle, are you sure it's safe to leave by yourself?" asked one of the servants of the house. "I know these roads are relatively safe, but... well you just never know."
"I'll be fine Benson, I assure you. I'm just taking the main road," he lied, patting the faithful man on the shoulder. "With the wedding of Prince Arc going on, there are more military on the supply lines than grass in a field."
"Yes, I suppose that's true. Still, it would be no problem to organize a detail to protect you…"
"I'll be fine. Most highwaymen will back off if you wave an Atlas repeating pistol in their face," he joked before climbing up on his horse, followed by Palla. "It'll be fine, Benson. Trust me. Now there's no more time to waste."
The servant nodded once more before the gates were opened and the drawbridge let down. The heir gave one last wave to those who had gathered, spurred the horse, and took off down the path. Palla clung tightly to him as the wind whipped past them. The feeling never ceased to be exhilarating.
They rode for around ten minutes on the path to the main road before pulling on the reigns and bringing the beast to a full stop. He and the ex-servant, now his fiancé, dismounted, both knowing the plan. Benson had been right. The threat of thieves was a pertinent one, especially since he wouldn't be anywhere near the main roads for the duration of this trip. A little insurance was needed.
Berry fiddled with one of the satchels before extracting two sets of robes. Both a shimmering gray with a vibrant red trim. Knight attire. More specifically, personal Knights of Advisor Port attire. The garment was quite hard to come by, and it wouldn't have been possible on such short notice had two Knights who patrolled around this area not left spare uniforms at the estate.
The two hurriedly put on the robes, though they were far too big, and remounted the horse. With a kick of the spurs, Liberato shot off in the opposite direction of the main path and towards a far less traveled trail. There was no guarantee that the outfits would deter criminals, but they'd at least think twice, since Knight's under Port had been known for their brutality against highwaymen.
There were still risks. A lot actually. There was also a sufficient chance of success, and that was enough.
The sun had just fully peaked over the horizon when the escaping lovers entered the high grasslands.
"Why must we go through the hidden route? No one knows who I am, Captain."
Captain Irvin looked at the Maiden briefly before pulling his hat down a bit tighter on his head. He, Amber, and Sentinel Glenn were walking through the tight, stone-lined corridors that were Vale Proper. This particular path wasn't known to many, and was accessible to even fewer. The military man had even dismissed his troops before heading towards this pathway.
"It's easier this way, though a bit longer. And I might remind you that quite a great deal of people know you. Or the other you I suppose. What's that like, if I may ask?"
Amber sighed. The stone walls on either side of the alley felt like they might close in on her. I hate getting this question. "It's hard to explain really, and to be honest I'd rather not."
"Shame. Maiden Evergreen was much the same though. Worse even. Tight-lipped woman she was-"
Before Amber could even mentally process her actions, she had Captain Irvin pinned against the wet stone of the walls, clutching his lapel, Maiden powers activated, and fist cocked. "If you keep speaking, you'll regret it," threatened Amber in a dark voice that she herself didn't recognize.
Irvin, the old survivor that he was, didn't bat an eye. In fact, his eyes burned with a passion only a veteran possessed. The Maiden felt the cold tip of a single shot pistol push into her throat. When he had time to draw that she didn't know.
"Heh, and Glynda suggested we not call Sentinel Glenn from his chambers for this mission. Ozpin knows how volatile your kind is though. Unhand me."
And she did. Amber rubbed her forehead, feeling a little queasy. "I'm sorry… I don't know where…"
"It's quite alright," replied Irvin coolly, straightening out his jacket and returning his pistol to its holster. He smiled as if laughing at an inside joke. "Who knows, maybe that was a bit of Maiden Evergreen coming out. The two of us never got along."
He turned and kept walking down the path. Amber hesitated to follow, still not feeling whole in her own skin. Sentinel Glenn walked up beside her and placed a hand on her shoulder. Everything in her being seemed to stop and slide into its proper place. After less than thirty seconds, she was feeling normal again.
"Th-Thank you."
Glenn didn't say anything. He simply kept walking to keep pace with Captain Irvin. Amber bent down, picked up the staff she'd dropped, and kept walking as well. She was too embarrassed to say anything, so she stayed a few paces behind.
Why did I do that? I wasn't even that close to Maiden Evergreen. It was like someone else was piloting my body for a moment. Maybe Irvin's joke wasn't so far off.
Amber ran a hand through her hair. It wasn't the first time something similar had happened. Ever since becoming a Maiden, she had felt different, and not the 'unimaginably powerful' different, either. More the 'I'm not the same person anymore' different. That had been what Irvin had been asking about in the first place. It varied - or at least Ozpin said it did - but after inheriting the powers of the Maiden someone's entire personality might change depending on how closely they resembled the original Maiden of that season.
Ozpin said I was a 'spitting image' of Fall though. So my personality should be intact for the most part.
She'd ask him about it again after reaching the castle. Hopefully, Master Qrow would be there as well. He had always proved to be a comforting presence. Maybe I might even get to see Lavender again. She was such a sweet girl the last time we spoke. Wait...there is someone else I need to see first.
"Sentinel Glenn, Captain Irvin. There is somewhere I need to stop by before Beacon Castle. I promise it won't take long."
Irvin didn't even turn around. "Who?"
"Lady Adel."
"Tch," muttered the Captain. "I do have my orders you know, but I suppose it isn't worth you making a fuss, now is it?"
Just as he spoke they reached a dead end. Or at least what appeared to be a dead end. Captain Irvin probed the stone wall before managing to slide out one of the bricks, revealing a small metal keyhole with the Arc family crest engraved above. Irvin withdrew a key from his pocket and slid it firmly into the opening before waiting a few seconds, then turned the lock. A click followed, which was then followed by several other clicks before the stone wall lowered itself into the ground, revealing a narrow passageway.
While the lift system was convenient and a quicker way to transverse the levels of Vale, even before they were automated, these small underground corridors were still used for their discrete nature. Of course, people speculated that there were passages underground, but very, very few people knew that the large plateau Beacon Castle was built upon actually had an entire network of corridors hidden underneath the rock.
They walked forward into the cool passageway, entering a small room of polished stone, carved out of the plateau itself. It was lit by two green torches that were never extinguished, as far as Amber knew. Irvin pulled a lever on the side wall and the entryway closed again, appearing to be nothing more than a wall once more.
The small room led to three different passageways within the complex. There was a staircase leading upward, a staircase leading down - into what Amber didn't know - and a passage in the middle that was guarded by an ancient-looking metal door. Irvin took the lead and began his ascent up the staircase, Amber and Glenn following.
I wonder what made Irvin so special, that he would be given the keys to this place. The Captain seemed to be respected by everyone as well. Maybe she'd do a bit more research into it.
"Oh, and your Maidenship, please do make this tiny detour a short one. Serpico and Dragnet may very well have made it to Beacon Castle by now to report your return."
Amber sighed, thinking of the friends she'd recently left behind. "I promise to be as brief as possible."
The marketplace of Menagerie was quiet. The various market stalls and vendors were open or in the process of opening, but for now, there were only a few actual early bird customers looking to snag the best catch for themselves and were willing to get up early to do it. There was fish of all types, squids, various crustacean, shell foods, shark fins, octopus, seaweed wraps, and just about anything else that could be dragged up from the watery deep.
It would make for a lovely place to walk around and take in the cultural differences from Vale. Neo wasn't here to be a tourist, however. Not to say she wouldn'tpartake in what the island had to offer later, because of course she would. However, right now was the best time to deliver the letter to King Belladonna.
Looking further in the distance, the Grand Hall of the Royal Family was just in view. It was nowhere near as grand as Beacon Castle. Not even close. In fact, it looked downright humble even compared to the Counts' estates in Vale. She supposed it fit with the rather humble livings of the Faunus-ruled island, not like it mattered much. Just made it easier for Neo to walk to.
The Valean Messenger pulled down her silver hood as she walked deeper into the territory and came across a grove of fruit trees that blossomed pink colored flowers. She wasn't sure what species of tree it was, but the falling petals in the early morning sun were mesmerizing. I'll make Roman plant one outside the house.
"It's quite beautiful, isn't it?" spoke a feminine voice from behind.
Neo nodded, not turning around. She had felt the woman's presence a few moments before she spoke. Though, that was still something of a feat to have been able to not be noticed until then.
"You know, they say that this particular species of tree was imported from Mistral originally. But I find the blooms are far more vibrant here, as if saying 'I'm home.' I say that it's just another instance of revision in history," the voice spoke again. It was a husky sort of female voice, one that Neo compared to spiced apples for some reason.
"Do you plan on keeping your back to me the whole time, or are the petals really that beautiful?"
Neopolitan, who had been holding her parasol loosely this entire time, mashed the button on its handle and opened it before bringing it up and allowing it to shield her body from the slowly intensifying rays of sunlight. She almost chuckled at hearing the women behind her jump back at the sudden movement.
The Dame finally turned around to see who the voice belonged to. Upon doing so, both eyebrows raised slightly at the sight.
It was a tiger Faunus, an extremely beautiful one at that. She was clothed in a silk, black and red oriental dress clearly meant for freedom of movement as much as fashion. What truly caught Neo's attention were the tiger stripe tattoos that lined each limb. They blended perfectly with the rich, dark skin and added an animalistic aesthetic that was rarely ever seen. Her eyes were like yellow amber, holding back unseen intent and knowledge. Everything about her spoke 'exotic.'
The Tiger Faunus' eyes narrowed at Neo's outfit before widening upon finally recognizing the green fabric tied to her right forearm. She stepped back again before bowing slightly.
"My apologies, Messenger of the Vale Kingdom. When I noticed someone making their way towards the capital so casually, it made me quite nervous, and I mean no disrespect when I ask this, but can I please see your insignia-"
Neo tossed the women her signet ring, which had been gifted to her. There were only three that existed, and two of them were possessed by Messengers while the other was for the King himself. The Faunus looked over it before handing it back to Neopolitan. "I'll take you to his Highness right away."
As they walked, it became clear that there was more security than Neo had initially thought. Groups patrolling the forested area around the building, watchtowers camouflaged as trees. Even within the ground, Neo could see signs of unarmed traps, but the Faunus beside her still felt like the most dangerous thing within a five-mile radius.
The two garnered all sorts of attention once they reached gates to the manor. The soldiers milling about and going through drills all stopped and saluted as they walked by.
"Excuse my manners once more," spoke the tiger. "You can address me as Sienna Khan, or General Khan if you'd rather that."
Neo nodded, making sure to get a good look around. She also waved and blew kisses to a few of the men milling around. Prince Arc's reputation was on the line, after all, it would be good to make nice with those from allied nations. Sienna cleared her throat.
"If I may ask, what is your name? I've not heard of a Messenger matching your description from the Valean Kingdom."
The Dame placed a finger on her chin. That was the one thing she hadn't counted on. Having to speak. Neo had learned every type of sign language, however, to be able to do business for Roman. So she signed out her name in Valean sign language, since Valean was the language of Menagerie, and hoped the tiger understood.
"Oh, I see," replied Sienna. "I'm not properly versed in sign language, so excuse my mistakes. Your name is... Neopolitan?"
Neo nodded happily, glad to be understood. Though any conversation they might have had was cut short, seeing as they had reached the doors of the large home. The two guards standing by at the entrance stood at attention in Sienna's presence.
"General Khan, madame! Have you come to seek an audience with the King?"
"That I have. I'm sure his majesty is still in slumber, but please send for him to be roused. We are in the company of a Valean emissary and I'm positive Lord Ghira wouldn't wish for them to be kept waiting."
"Of course. Please come in and wait in the drawing room."
The two guards in black pushed the large wooden doors open, allowing them to enter into a spacious room with a few mats for sitting around a long slightly elevated table. Around the room were a few tapestries, vases, and potted flora, though otherwise quite sparse in decorations.
"This must be quite different than what you're no doubt accustomed to in Vale. I never had the opportunity to travel to Vale, but I know the furniture is quite different than here. I'm sure there is much more grandeur on display in Vale as well."
Neo waved it off. The place could have been bare bones to the point of having a dirt floor and she'd still think it was decent. She knewwhat it was to truly have little or for a while, nothing at all.
When Sienna sat down, Neo took the mat next to her and smiled to once again show she was fine with the pleasantries she'd been shown thus far.
"Do you want me to take those for you?" Asked a servant, pointing to the three cylindrical containers hanging from straps on her back. In all honesty, she had forgotten about them for the time being. Though the containers, or rather the continents of them, were vital to her mission and ability to get home. That being the case, she shook her head politely.
"Cervi, what you can do is bring some tea and a translator if possible," commented Sienna. The girl nodded in response and was gone the next second, leaving them alone again. Now left in silence, Neo began to drum her fingers on the low table, waiting for King Ghira to come. The Messenger was never the most social person, so even if she could speak, Neo wouldn't have attempted to make conversation anyway.
Thankfully the woman seemed of the same mindset, as she hadn't looked the least bit perturbed at the lack of conversation. Many military types were like that, it seemed. Either that, or they never stopped talking in an attempt to drown out memories.
"Excuse me if I speak out of turn, but I would have been notified if a ship had been seen near any of Menagerie's coastal fronts. I take it you didn't use one?"
Neopolitan nodded, though didn't go into the specifics. Sienna clearly didn't expect any either. "I only ask to make sure none of my subordinates had become lax at their duties," she explained, despite the explanation being unnecessary. A few moments later, two sets of footsteps could be heard from the other side of the house, gradually making their way towards the meeting room.
The sliding door to the next room was pulled open and in walked Ghira, King of Menagerie. He was enormous, though maybe it just seemed that way because Neo was sitting down. Behind him came a beautiful feline Faunus, who Neo assumed to be his wife. The two were followed by another Faunus in less extravagant wear, who Neo assumed to be a servant.
Neo started to stand but stopped when Ghira took a seat on the other side of the table. Kali did the same, sitting close to her husband.
"You're quite young for a Messenger," spoke the King, looking at her intently. "Hm, no matter I suppose. So, what does Vale need of me?"
Neo reached into her jacket and withdrew the silver letter addressed to him. Ghira gingerly took the letter from her and broke the wax seal. As he withdrew the parchment inside, a servant appeared with tea. By the time everyone was served, the King had finished reading. Afterward, he handed it off to his wife and began sipping the tea.
Neo sipped from her own cup patiently while the letter was passed around. Kali let out a 'hmm' while looking over it, but was otherwise silent. The letter was then finally handed to Sienna, which was somewhat a surprise. That the Tiger Faunus was part of decision-making affairs led Neo to believe that she was more important than just a General.
Finally, after the letter was handed back to Ghira, he spoke. "Please inform Prince Arc that I would be honored to be a guest, and feel free to sign at any time. Davis here is a translator," spoke Ghira, gesturing to the servant that had walked in with them.
"The King will be very pleased to hear that. Thank you for your time, King Belladonna," signed Neo, which the translator relayed to the rest.
"I don't suppose you have time to stay for pleasantries, Lady Messenger? We have many different cuisines that can be found nowhere else. I'm sure we could prepare something before the day is out."
The girl thought back to the market she'd passed through. All of the different varieties of fresh fish she knew to be delicious since Roman imported a regular amount of goods from here. Plus, despite still feeling strong enough to fight, teleporting such a long distance had taken a chunk and a half of energy. Doing it twice in such a short time frame would leave her unable to move.
Plus, what was the point of traveling everywhere if you couldn't enjoy it? She was pretty sure she'd heard Qrow say something to that effect once.
"I'm afraid I can't stay longer than a day."
Ghira clapped his hands, a smile growing on his face. "More than enough time. I'll tell the chiefs to begin a feast!"
Tai Xiao-Long was a lot of things. A retired Knight, father, Advisor, and even a lady's man in some circles. At the moment, though, he was Tai: Tournament Organizer Extraordinaire, and when finding contestants to participate, it was only right to start at the top.
"Glynda, I'm just saying, you won't even consider joining the Tournament? Think about Vale's reputation!"
The Head of Royal Guard rubbed her temples in frustration. "Tai, you come into my barracks, come into my office - all unannounced I might add - and you ask me this? Despite knowing I'm manning security as well..."
"You can't do both?"
"No, I can't," muttered Glynda, reaching into her desk for a slip of paper, which she handed to Tai. "This is a list of the Guard I can spare during the Wedding. Feel free to use them in the Tournament."
Tai looked over the paper before looking up again, eyebrow raised. "This list is pretty short."
"Yes, it's almost like we'll need every bit of security possible when hosting four kingdoms at once. Be happy there's anyone on that list at all."
Sigh, well, it's a start.
"Understood, Glynda. Feels like just yesterday me, you, and Jonathan were entering our first tournament together."
Glynda smiled at the memory, taking off her glasses and leaning further back into her leather chair. "Yes, occasionally it does." She idly ran her hand over the old marble desk. "I can still remember calling the man who used to sit here 'a right hard ass.' Then one day I woke as that same hard ass."
Tai chuckled. "I don't know, your ass seems much softer than his."
Glynda raised an eyebrow before looking past her old friend at the closed door. "Tai, if you're trying to get back on the horse I'm surprised you'd start with me-"
"No, no, no! I just meant that you were much easier on punishment than he was. Damn, but if you're offering…"
Glynda looked at the papers at her desk, a sea of chaos she needed to organize. She looked back up, giving her old friend a dangerous look. One that vanished a few moments later. "Maybe another time, if you're serious, though youhave work to do at the moment. Same as me."
Tai scratched his chin a little and grinned. "Yeah, guess you got me there. Also, I'm sure Jonathan set the bar too high anyway," spoke the man, standing up and heading to the door. Glynda's eyes widened for a split second before she sunk lower in her chair, letting out a puff of frustrated air.
"You're the only one I'd let slide for a comment like that," spoke Glynda, her voice just a tad bit brittle. Tai's eyes softened and he attempted to step closer.
"Glynda, I didn't know you still-"
"Shut up. Just leave, will you?" she whispered out, clearly swallowing a lump of emotion. "It's just... damn it I thought I was over this."
"I'm not leav-"
"Damnit, Tai," chuckled out the usually upright women in a sort of half laugh, half cry. She withdrew a handkerchief and wiped at the tears that had started to fall. "I'll be fine, I promise. I just got a bit emotional is all. Now leave. I honestly can't finish my work until yours is finished. Maybe we can talk more then."
Wow, I feel like shit.
"R-Right. Take care," he muttered before walking out the office and shutting the door softly behind himself. Feeling tired and beating himself up over making one of his only close friends cry, he walked down the long hallway towards the staircase that led to ground level.
"Mr. Xiao-Long?"
Tai stopped at hearing the familiar voice. He turned around and was greeted by the surprised face of Velvet. Damn, this girl shows up in the weirdest places.
"Hey, Carrot, what are you doing here?" Asked Tai, rubbing the girl between her ears. He'd known Velvet since she was born and since he didn't have kids of his own at the time, had doted on her for most of her childhood. Not to mention Mrs. Scarlatina was a long time acquaintance of his.
Velvet pouted and moved out from under his hand. "I've told you a million times that nickname is racist. I don't even like carrots that much. And to answer your question, I was simply visiting a friend who has been a bit lonely recently."
"I see, but I remember when you used to gnarl on carrots all the time when you were a toddler. It was so cute. Although, I guess a new name is in order. Celery it is!"
Velvet sighed, though otherwise seemed to give up on the matter. "So, what brings you here, Mr. Xiao-Long."
Tai rubbed his neck, the conversation he'd just had moments ago still left a bad taste in his mouth. "Just scouting out our Tournament roster... hey, you wouldn't happen to know anyone on this list, would you? Since you have friends over here."
The Advisor pulled out the small list and handed it to Velvet. She quickly scanned it and handed the paper back. "I do know oneperson on that list, and she could use the distraction right now as well. In fact, why don't I introduce the two of you?"
"Lead the way."
The sea finally calmed as The Ironwood passed through the Staubig Strait along with The Spee. From here on it was simply a straight shot to the Valean Kingdom through warm, and more importantly, calm waters. The General which the battleship was named after was finally able to breathe a small sigh of relief. At least the threat of capsizing could be checked off the very long list of things to worry about.
As the man walked on the deck of the vessel and he was saluted by each person that passed, Ironwood's thoughts lingered on the homeland that was currently being left in the hands of Admiral Bismark, a shrewd but fiercely loyal man to the crown. James also thought of the fact that regardless of his insistence to reconsider with Whitney and Jacques, they had insisted on bringing over half the army with them.
Despite us being at war.
"Sir, permission to speak freely?" A feminine voice spoke behind him.
"Permission granted, Lady Schnee."
"May I ask why you are attempting to strangle the life out of the railing?" Questioned Winter, who had come to stand beside him. Ironwood, lost in thought, hadn't even registered his white-knuckle grip on the metal rail. Tentatively, he loosened his grip on the metal.
"I take it you didn't come here to enjoy the sunset?" asked Winter. It was a rhetorical question, one solely made to start a conversation. Ironwood knew that and Winter knew he knew that. He played along anyway.
"No, I can't say I did. I take it you didn't come out to see the sunset either?"
"Sorry to disappoint, but that was my exact intention. Though I was hoping to be able to take Weiss above deck with me since she's been cooped up for over a week now. The poor thing was sleeping, however, so I came alone."
Winter looked down at the water below for a moment, her neutral expression turning into that of a frown. Bathed in the glow of the setting sun, the Amicitia Channel appeared to be a rippling ocean of orange dye rather than a salt water. "James...I thought I asked to not be addressed as 'Lady Schnee.'"
Ironwood sighed, feeling far older than he should have. "I apologize."
Even if Winter wasn't in line for the throne. Even if the King and Queen wanted nothing to do with her as a family member. Even if she was technically under his command… to him, she was still the little girl he swore fealty to all those years ago. You'll always be Lady Schnee to me.
They stood in silence for a while after that. The sea's unique roar filled the air between them with the conversations of seamen men littered in. As the sun descended and the day became night, neither spoke even then. Only when a cold wind blew in did Winter speak again.
"Hmm, it's beginning to feel like home again."
"It's the closest we'll get for a while."
"General Ironwood, do you fear for Atlas?"
And there it is.
"Winter, you didn't have to stand here with me for an hour to ask that question. Certainly not one you surely know the answer to. Do I believe that we are taking the Mantle insurgence too lightly? Yes. Has splitting our fighting force in half just for an escort bristled my nerves? Yes. But if you're asking if I believe Atlas will be a heap of smoking ruins when we return home, then no."
The majestic Atlas spires may not have been as legendary as Beacon Castle's impenetrable defense, but the city itself could easily withstand a siege for over a year. It went without saying that Atlas was leaps and bounds ahead in firepower, though he still couldn't help but worry. Maybe having children and getting older had made him more sentimental.
Of course, there is still the problem of 'that man.'
"I see. Thank you for putting my own fears to rest then." Winter smiled, though it didn't reach her eyes. Before he could say more a small hand latched onto his jacket from behind. Turning around and seeing the beaming expression of his niece, Ironwood's heart melted and he just about went into full doting mode.
"Well, well, what do we have here?" He asked with a smile, pulling the girl close for a hug, which she returned with vigor. After releasing, Penny didn't even hesitate to go to Winter for a hug, who returned it as well, nearly taking the smaller girl off her feet.
"Salutations, Uncle! Salutations, Miss Schnee!"
Winter's contemplative smile immediately softened into a goofy grin. Penny often had that effect on even the hardest of men and women. To say everyone loved the girl might be an understatement.
"Hello, Ms. Polendina," spoke Winter still trying to contain a smile. "It's nice you see you."
"A pleasure to you as well, Miss Schnee. I've come to inform you that my Miss Schnee is awake. I know you came to visit her earlier."
Winter patted the girl on the head lovingly. "Thank you, Ms. Polendina, I think I'll go visit her right now."
She tipped her head slightly to Ironwood. "Try to have a good rest of the night, General."
"You do the same."
She nodded and left his presence, heading down to the lower areas of the ship. Ironwood turned back around to his niece. "How about we head back to my room so we can talk or would you rather stay out here?"
"Let's stay here a moment longer. The stars are particularly bright this night."
Ironwood smiled. "Sure. Let's stay here a bit longer."
Blake was often amazed at her ability to space out while horseback riding, something that should be impossible considering how taxing it was to sit on an ever-shifting hard piece of leather. Regardless, she managed it somehow. There were so many things to think about at the moment. First and foremost, at the moment, her good friend Ilia.
She'd brushed it off pretty casually at the moment but their relationship or lack of one would surely have to be addressed once she returned to camp after this mission. Then again... I don't want to lead her on but nor do I want to reject her either. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad… sigh.
The Faunus took one of her hands off the reins to feel her lips, thinking back to the kisses. They weren't unpleasant. Far sweeter than the rough and desperate kisses Adam would leave. I do kind of like it rough though…
"Ugh, what am I thinking?" Groaned the girl, dragging a hand down her face, attempting to wipe away the fatigue. Besides a few fifteen-minute breaks littered in between the journey, she hadn't stopped riding for over a day. Though, considering Yuma actually had to fly for that long curbed any complaints she might have had. She wouldn't be surprised if he slept for 48 hours once they actually arrived at New Eco.
Speaking of, what am I even going to say to them once I get there? If there is a new leader of the city then it would have been advantageous to bring an offering of sorts. I suppose our agents helping to protect the city could be used as leverage. Maybe that's a bit too aggressive though...
Blake's ear twitched. A moment later she was pulling on the reins of Mutatio as hard as possible, bringing the horse to an abrupt stop before leaping from the mount entirely and landing a few meters away, Gambol Shroud in hand. She panted softly, the sword's blade kept level with her eyes as she lowered into crouched position. The princess had definitely heard something.
She stayed crouched for another minute before lifting up slightly. Everything in her was still screaming danger, but other than the initial rustle, nothing was sticking out now. Not to her heightened eyesight or hearing. Was it really nothing?
In the distance, she heard the beating of wings before Yuma crashed through the forest canopy and landed in front of her. He looked tired more so than annoyed.
"Tch, what's the hold-up, Blake? We were making good ground." His demeanor changed once he saw her expression.
"What spooked you?"
Blake stood but remained on the balls of her feet. "I heard something."
Yuma scratched his chin and did a look of the perimeter again. Nothing. The likelihood of bandits this far out was next to zero, so that could be marked off. The only other thing it could be was a Grimm, but a Grimm that hides was extremely concerning. As the seconds ticked on, Blake's hackles gradually lowered until she felt no danger at all.
"Whatever it was, it's gone." Blake sheathed her sword. "Let's get going again, sorry about the delay."
"It's fine," he assured, flapping his wings a few times before getting a running start and leaping into the air. Blake sighed and walked back over to her horse, feeling foolish.
"Come on girl, let's go," she spoke, patting down the animal's flank affectionately. However, doing so made her realize that the animal was quivering, so much so that Blake felt the need to soothe it. Seems I wasn't the only one who got scared.
Even after calming down the beast, mounting, and continuing on her way, she didn't shake the feeling that something was off just beyond her line of sight, just beyond her senses. As if there wasn't already enough to worry about.
The small border town of Wymondham was an oddity among the many fiefs in the Valean Kingdom. In decades past, it had been a small, extremely poor, muck ridden area only lived in by the destitute and despondent. Grimm attacks used to be frequent and the only time this tiny village was ever remembered was during tax collection.
Not much was different in the present day in terms of its notoriety. No one in the ruling class gave it a thought except when Roman Torchwick - the current owner of this area - and his pedigree was brought up. However, the town's means of living had spiked quite dramatically. Well paid militiamen in gleaming uniforms marched the parameter walls to ward off any manner of Grimm. Speaking of which, the walls were now reinforced stone rather than flimsy wood. The village was equipped with a town hall, public court, cobblestone pathways, watchtowers, windmills, and most luxurious of all, a school.
It, along with the neighboring village of Norfolk a few acres over, was a sparkling gem in the sea of grime that was the outer border of the Valean Kingdom.
However, it was not the history of Wymondham that interested Berry, despite his love of all things historical. No, it was the fact that he could ensure to be able to take a small respite from his journey with little worry of danger. Four days and three nights of horseback riding through dense forest and sporadic downpours had left him and Palla so tired they could barely stay atop the horse. He was an avid rider with custom equipment and was thus able to escape with little to no chafing. Palla wasn't as accustomed, leading them to take short breaks more frequently as the days passed. A proper rest was surely in order.
"We can soon take a rest, my dear," spoke Blu in a muffled voice, slowing the horse in front of the village gates. The rabbit Faunus mumbled a few unintelligible words, only half awake. By the time Blu had dismounted, at least three militiamen had noticed his presence, noticed his robes, and had come to greet him.
"Sir Knight, your presence honors us," spoke the first one, who seemed to be the leader. He wore a black, wool-rich poncho with golden underlay unlike the others, who had simple gray variants. His head was shaved bald, though possessed a very thick and neatly cut red beard. "Paul Wicker, at your service."
Berry thanked the stars that out here in the boonies it was rare that anyone asked to see identification like would be common closer to the Castle. The shimmering silver robes were more than enough identification. "Thank you mighty, Mr. Wicker. I and my compatriot have been tasked with patrolling the border and identifying any possible bandit encampments before the arrival of Atlas emissaries. If it's possible, might we stay here for a few hours to regain our strength for the journey ahead."
"I wouldn't dream of casting away such honored guests. Please come, come!"
Palla dismounted as well and allowed the horse to be taken to a holding stable. Blu would have helped her down like a gentleman, but surely such a thing would be out of place for Knights and Dames. Subconsciously, he also pulled his hood tighter, praying they wouldn't notice his young age or the fact the oversized robes were practically swallowing him and Palla.
Once they entered the walls of the town, Blu swore it got warmer. As winter was just around the corner for Vale, the ride here through the rain had been just short of hellish. However, as it turned out, the Knight robes did actually repel water and even retained heat. So, it could have been much worse.
"Thank you for your hospitality," spoke Palla from behind. It was only in her nature to be apologetic and wholeheartedly overwhelmed at any act of kindness sent her way. Once again, Paul waved it off as nothing. They were lead through the streets towards a small but lively looking tavern, already having garnered the attention of all those outside or those toiling indoors.
It made him nervous. Anyone of these people could see through the disguise at any moment, and who knows what would be done at that point. Stopping here might have been a mistake, but at this point, he was quite desperate for proper food and rest. Paul opened the doors to the tavern and the three were greeted with a large gust of warmth.
Upon walking in, Berry's senses were quickly assaulted by all the coziest of sensations. The aroma of beef and vegetable stew wafted in the air and the idle laughter of villagers could be heard. There were around 7 tables fit comfortably into the limited space, though only four were filled at the moment. A bar and kitchen area rested on the far side of the tavern while a staircase probably leading to rooms that could be rented upstairs.
"Oi, Paul. Who do you got there?" Yelled one of the patrons, a large man with an even larger mug of ale. His voice was good-natured and helped to put Berry at ease a bit. Paula still seemed to be doing everything in her power to not cling to him in assurance though.
"These are honored guess, moron," spoke Paul harshly, yet contrary to what one would expect, everyone, including the man insulted, bust out into laughter. Afterward, each table went back to their own conversations. "Feel free to find a seat anywhere, I'll go see about getting y'all some ale and whatever Betsy has cooked up today."
Berry removed his hood and Palla followed his lead. It would be rather odd to keep it on while indoors. The pair sat down at a table alone, though they were quickly bombarded with children who had left their mothers' laps to come at gaze upon them in wonder.
"You're pretty," spoke one the small boys to Palla. Blu could tell she was furiously fighting back a blush at the attention.
"Thank you, young man," she replied sweetly, patting him on the head. After that the children started fighting over her hand, all wanting to get patted by her. Palla soon lost the battle with her blush. Blu chuckled along with some of the adults at the display.
While the children continued to play with her a few of the older men pulled their seats over to him. "So, Mr. Knight, got a name?" Asked one of them, slurping down whatever brown liquid sloshed inside his mug. "Mine's Brutish."
Blu shook his hand and nearly winched at the pain that lanced through his arm. "Uh, the names B-Bors. Sir Bors." Whew, I nearly said Berry.
"You're pretty young looking Bors. How old are they making Knight's nowadays?" While the words could have come off as an interrogation, it was clearly framed as a joke because afterward everyone burst into laughter.
Blu played along. "Yes, I got quite the amount of flak for looking so young when I'm actually twenty-four. Eternal baby face and what not. In fact, the others used to call me Bors the Younger as a joke."
"Huh, Bors the Younger? I like that," spoke another, patting Berry on the shoulder. By this time Paul had come back with two large bowls of stew and two large mugs of mead, which he was somehow carrying all at once. He set the meal down in front of them and pulled up a seat as well. A few of the children invading Palla's personal space climbed onto the militiaman's lap so as to see above the table. It was clear the community here was quite tight-knit. It was a heartwarming scene. The sight of four children trying to fit in his fiancé's lap also brought a smile to his face.
"So, Bors the Younger, and... actually I don't believe I caught your name Miss Dame," spoke Paul, looking between the two of them. Blu tucked into his stew as casually as possible, trusting Palla to come up with something convincing.
"Oh, well I'm P-Palamedes! That's my name."
Paul clapped his hands together. "Excellent. Bors the Younger and Palamedes. I must say that this is quite the welcome surprise around here. We don't get many guests in these parts as you can imagine. I say we toast to our new friends!"
The rest of the tavern shouted in agreement and raised a glass. It was only then that Blu realized that lots of other villagers had made their way inside while he was distracted because the shout that came forth was near deafening. Then the next second it turned to laughter, which proved to so infectious that he and Palla began laughing as well.
It wouldn't be so bad to stay here. I almost wish I could stop here for good.
But the fleeing noble knew it couldn't be. This wasn't nearly far enough to not be caught eventually. He needed to keep moving to a place where he and Palla could live free.
Jaune always found the behavior of those with strong pride infinitely interesting. He himself as the current Crown Prince and future King was obligated to a strong sense of pride, though that didn't come naturally to him. With as much power as he had, some would think that impossible. Though it was funny that power was often a reminder of how little you actually had.
So the actions of the Nobles never ceased to surprise him. They would cut off their nose to spite their face, excluding a few.
It was pride that kept them from wanting to appear to seem weak to the other families. Loss of face sent a cold shiver down their spine and reputation was their god. Maybe it really had nothing to do with the people and everything to do with the system. Jaune wasn't sure. Though he knew that it was pride that drove the families to his doorstep every time something went awry.
Many assumed, and rightly so, that the Crown had tabs on everything and if it wasn't aware now, it would be soon of anything amiss. This being the case, the Crown was the perfect place to come to for help, because there was no need to fear losing face to a power that couldn't hope to be overcome. On the condition that no one sees, of course.
So, it was pride itself that Jaune blamed when a Newcastle servant came begging for an audience at two in the morning. Of course, Jaune had people for this trained to say 'make a damn appointment' in every language, so for him to actually be woken up it must have been important.
"Alright, explain to me what's wrong?" Asked Jaune, still half asleep and still in sleepwear. The Newcastle servant was hooded and out of breath, possibly having run all the way here.
"Berry Newcastle has gone missing, Your Highness."
Jaune's eyes widened, the memories of sleep falling away.
"Blu's… missing?"
A/N: Another chapter done. So I'm aware this is beginning to feel like Long Live Blu but I promise there will be more Jaune in the next chapter if you dislike OCs. Also, thank you for your continued readership.