Adjusting the focus

Disclaimer: I don't own My hero academia

I really want to thank those who followed, favorited and who reviewed. Your commentary was really sweet and thanks for the critique!

Chapter 2

The first-time Yagi meets Midoriya-kun he's walking through the park after he went grocery shopping. It's a lovely day and the sun is shining. It's warm outside and he's surprised he doesn't see more people out in the park. He is deep in thought, and really just minding his own business when a young and rather plain looking boy collides against his legs.

The boy falls on the ground, quite hard, but he doesn't give any reaction. He sits up, stands up, picks up his bag, moves his head up, looks up into his eyes with his own bright green ones and begins ''I'm very sorr- '' Then he bursts out in tears.

Yagi is understandably confused and panicked. The late reaction only making it worse. And while he could normally just smile and say some encouraging words and any kids would stop crying, that's in his hero form but now he's in his original form, which is more terrifying than comforting. In the back of his mind he also realises that this is a boy around the age of six or seven and where are his parents?!

So, Yagi, tries to comfort him, kind of fluttering and asking where it hurts. The boy takes a few minutes to calm down and after that tells him: ''Nothing hurts, I'm alright. I'm sorry mister, I didn't mean to do that.'' while looking up with big eyes.


Yagi really doesn't know how to react to that statement.



The boy was staring at him.



''Uh… It's quite alright. I'm sorry too.''

After that awkward exchange – at least for him, the boy left and he had expected that they had parted and would never see each other again.

He was wrong.

You see, apparently, something Yagi had done in those awful few minutes had made him worthy of the boy's admiration, or at least attention and a few minutes later he turned up again, this time with two cornets ice-cream, and had shyly apologized again, and somehow had pulled him in a conversation after he had given him the cornet with the sprinkles and vanilla ice-cream, which surprisingly had been his favourite – even though he would never admit the sprinkles thing.

And then, almost two hours later, Midoriya's mother had turned up, looking extremely frazzled.

''Izuku! There you are! I was so worried!'' After their reunion, she had threatened Yagi; she had thought he was some kind of creep or kidnapper. Fortunately, to Yagi's relief Midoriya had hurriedly gotten his mother of that misconception and had told her how he had walked into him and had wanted to apologize to him, and that he had bought an ice-cream for him because Toshinori-san was really cool! and nice! He even tried to pay me the money back when I gave him the ice-cream! – The boy had whispered this to his mother, but it was still loud enough for Yagi to hear and he had turned so red. -

Midoriya's mother had calmed then, followed by a bow and a ''Thank you for taking care of my son!''. She had also introduced herself as Midoriya Inko and even invited him for dinner.

Yagi was pretty sure people weren't supposed to be this open and kind to strangers and was vaguely concerned for them both, at least he could understand the boy because of his age, but the mother!

He had tried to decline, with the rationalization that he was a stranger, and he couldn't possibly impose, but Midoriya-san had given him sad, puppy-like eyes, and Midoriya-kun had followed. Next, he was following them to their home. Next, he stays until Midoriya-kun was so tired his eye-lids were falling down and Midoriya-san remarks that Midoriya-kun's bags under his eyes are already bad enough, so, he should hurry up and get in bed. Next, he is invited for dinner again next week. And at last, he walks away having agreed to that too.

He walked that evening away feeling overwhelmed but surprisingly warm and already feeling secretly a little bit excited for next week.


And this had had become tradition after that day. Every week he would come over at least once and the Midoriyas would enthusiastically invite him in and would essentially fuss over him like some sort of mother ducks and he would stay there until Midoriya-kun would start falling asleep again. (And Yagi agrees that the bags under his eyes are bad. He didn't really notice the first time they meet, but when he comes again and again it becomes more apparent. He hopes it's just bad genetics. - He tries to ignore the fact that Midoriya-kun seems to fold into himself in an exhausted haze when he thinks nobody's looking and Midoriya-san's ever concerned looks when this happens.)

He realised this whole situation was a bit weird; you weren't supposed to suddenly connect so easily with people you don't know, you shouldn't be invited as easily into someone's home and he wasn't supposed to be able to talk as easily as he is with Midoriya-kun, because Midoriya-kun has just become seven. To not even mention that he was All Might. Someone Midoriya-kun was a fan of he learned (Midoriya was a fan of a lot of heroes though, so Yagi doesn't actually know what that means for him). He had been keeping people, especially fans at lengths on purpose for years now, even if it wasn't that hard in his original form; most people thought he looked creepy, and certainly not cool or even approachable.

But, truthfully, he thinks when he walks away from the Midoriya household, he enjoys these evenings far too much to let them go. He wouldn't want to change them for the world.

When Yagi first heard about Midoriya-kun's dream to become a hero, he was horrified. He had already known the boy was quirkless by then and the boy had looked so bright-eyed when he mentioned his dream. Telling him he wouldn't be able to do it would crush the boy.

He did it anyway.

The boy had smiled at him ''I'm not asking your permission, approval or even your opinion, Toshinori-san. Albeit I'm quirkless, I'm going to become a hero anyway, you'll see!'' He hadn't even reacted to the Yagi's rejection. It was like he had expected it. Later Yagi learned that literally everyone was sceptical or disapproving the first time they had heard it after it became apparent he was quirkless. Many were still not convinced after 3 years of hearing the statement, but Midoriya-kun was evidently determined. He had apparently been taking self-defence and all sorts of other martial arts since he was three, before he even knew he was quirkless. Along with his intelligence sometimes able to talk Yagi or his mother in circles or confusing them with too long words that were often scientific terms, and the hints Yagi had seen of Midoriya-kun's analyses of quirks and strategic plans in one of his hero fits, he wasn't the worst choice.

He certainly was a better choice than Yagi was back when he was young.

Izuku remembers the first time he met Kacchan in this life. He remembers hearing his mother in his first memory he can remember of this life too. They have always been here. A part of this new life just as much as a part of his old one.

Meeting All might, or Toshinori-san is different. In his old life, meeting All Might started a new chapter for him, a chapter with a quirk and a chance. And he admittedly freaks out when he meets him entirely on accident in the park. Izuku doesn't think it can be entirely blamed on him though when the first few minutes all he tries is to forget the image in his head of a barely breathing All Might on the hospital bed, looking small and fragile in his real form and the words ''I'm sorry but he won't be able to make it. The wound is fatal. There's no way we can help him anymore.'' echoing. Which is still infinitely better than his actual goodbye after which will haunt him for entirety - a choked and pained ''I'm sorry that I let you down Izuku-kun.'',tears that won't stop falling and a reassurance they both know to be a lie. – but still hurts so, so much and Izuku can't focus.

He freaks out the next day again because All Might has acted like some sort of trigger of acknowledgement for him – Toshinori-san now, he remembers himself-. He's really going to do this. He's going to try and become a hero again. Possibly a quirkless hero, because he doesn't know how their meeting and invite for another will affect the time-line. But maybe the time-line has already changed so much it doesn't matter anyway, or maybe this is a crucial point to the time-line and it will mean everyone is going to die. His mom remarks he's muttering about weird things again, and I don't know what you're talking about, but you're always so pessimistic! There's no way everyone in the city is going to die because we met Toshinori-san.

Izuku thinks his worries are very justified and sticks out his tongue to his mother.

He freaks out again a few minute later when he realises that Toshinori-san hasn't fought Sensei yet and all the things that could imply, and he could change because Toshinori-san doesn't have his injury yet, so he doesn't have a limit on his quirk yet. So, if Izuku prevents the injury in someway he hasn't yet discovered, Toshinori-san would be possibly healthy and easily able to fight for years.

But then there was a large possibility Toshinori-san wouldn't want to pass his quirk to him anymore, after all Toshinori-san had been pressed for time the last time he had met him, and if he had more time Izuku was certain he would choose someone else, someone better. Izuku had never been that impressive after all.

Izuku knew himself though, and he wouldn't let Toshinori-san get injured if he could prevent it, even if it would make his life a lot harder. So, he was going to help toshinori-san, but how? Maybe he could tr-


His mom sighs and slaps him on the back of his head.

Izuku looked in disbelieve to the phenomenon in front of him.

It was Kacchan. A small baby Kacchan. He was chubby with a sprout of blond hair on his head and an adorable baby-blue onesie with baby chicks on it. He was looking back at Izuku with equally big eyes. Izuku heard giggling behind him from his mom and the Bakugou couple. He moved to turn back to them.

Baby Kacchan didn't seem to like his lapse in attention though, loudly demanding it back with several cawing noises and an attempt to move to him. Which failed; Izuku looked with wide eyes as baby Kacchan toppled over from his sitting position with an absolutely terror filled expression on the soft pink pillows next to him. Izuku looked at him hesitantly, this time actually turning a little bit around and looking at his mother for help. His mother, not getting the message at all, just waved her arm at him and gestured back to Kacchan. The adults were still giggling. They didn't have any mercy at all.

Izuku turned back to Kacchan. He looked at him a little closer. Kacchan looked miserable, and ready to throw a tantrum in his awkward position. He was floundering around with limbs that were obviously not listening and Izuku felt a surge of empathy. It was a struggle he had been experiencing for weeks now.

He slowly moved on to his knees and arms. Concentrating very hard on not falling over and moved a little uncertainly to Kacchan; trying to discern if Kacchan would in fact throw the tantrum if he came closer. In reaction however, Kacchan moved his arms awkwardly to him in a gesture Izuku recognized as one to indicate he wanted to be carried.

Again, Izuku turned back to the adults in hope they would help him with dealing with the baby. They were red-faced, and were evidently trying to hold their breath to not burst into laughter. Masaru-san was holding a camera and pointing it at his face.

He felt rejected.

Izuku moved even closer to Kacchan, close enough to touch. He patted him on the head. The tears which were still very close to falling, suddenly seemed to disappear and Kacchan crowed and waved his arms excitingly around, almost hitting Izuku in the face. That was more familiar.

Then Kacchan began to look at him pleadingly, his arms waving becoming more urgent. Izuku grabbed one of his arms when it almost slapped it in the face again. Kacchan, again, made an excited sound.

Izuku looked at him searchingly.

He tugged the arm softly. Kacchan began to baby talk to him gravely. (Izuku was so very lost.) He made a babbling sound back. Kacchan squawked at him. Izuku tugged harder, hoping he was reading the signs right and making the right decision. He managed with a great deal of strength and his own toppling to get Kacchan to sit up straight again. The small blond baby looked very confused for a moment. Looking around in wonder at the never changed surroundings. Izuku made a sound of suffering in his new position.

Again, he heard the adults giggle.

Kacchan looked down at him with a downright befuddled and puzzled expression.

'Oh god, this baby-stage is going to be hell.'

Then Kacchan laughed. A bright sparkling baby laugh that made the room light up. For a second Izuku relaxed until Kacchan's arm stretched out, almost slapping his face again, and tugged him up. With only arm. With ease.

Izuku looked at Kacchan in horror. Kacchan had already been absurdly strong when he was a baby. He was doomed.

Being friends with this Kacchan was strange. Maybe better said, it was different.

The easiest way to say it was that their standings to each other had changed. Kacchan was still an incredibly strong and smart friend, who was going to be an amazing hero but he was also a kid. Things Izuku had learned years ago, he would sometimes struggle with, and Izuku would help him with it. Had been helping with since he was a baby. Kacchan was still stronger than him in terms of strength. He was taller and still with an explosive, proud personality, though it was a lot less explosive than when he was older. However, he wasn't as smart as Izuku, he didn't acquire the way of looking at certain things yet and hadn't been in fights like Izuku had been.

They play with each other and become close. It surprises Izuku, because even though Kacchan, is Kacchan, he's still young, a baby. But they become close, in a way that they talk with each other every day. In a way that Kacchan knows of his nightmares and is able to calm him down afterwards, even if he calls Izuku a crybaby when he does after he learns to talk. And in a way that Izuku feels comfortable to completely relax around him, even if Kacchan is screaming and throwing a tantrum.

When they come to an age that they also begin to socialise with others, Kacchan still likes to play with him most of the time. Sometimes though, Izuku plays with him and some of Kacchan's other friends. They look up to Kacchan like he did to the other Kacchan and it feels strange and wrong. One time after Kacchan finally got his quirk again, he sees Kacchan brag to them about his quirk, and power. It makes him realise that Kacchan doesn't do it to him anymore. He doesn't boast about how cool his quirk is, or how he could already read somethings. He is still a prideful kid sure, and sometimes he gives a smug comment, but never a full boastful rant. Izuku wonders why.


Kacchan is one of the first ones who gets told that Izuku is quirkless. He frowns at him and says ''That's not right.'' Izuku blinks at him.

'' Izuku isn't weak.'' He frowns in indignation and confusion.

That clears it up to Izuku. It had become apparent after a while to him that Kacchan saw himself and Izuku as different from the rest of the class. They were smarter and stronger. Kacchan was prideful and had easily ascended them to the top dogs, so to speak. Which means Izuku is his equal - and hadn´t that been the most world-view changing realisation. So, if Izuku is quirkless, which basically means weak to Kacchan, Izuku is weak. If Izuku is weak and Kacchan's equal, it means that Kacchan was weak too. But Kacchan wouldn't see himself as weak.

Izuku just had to convince him quirkless didn't mean weak.

So, Izuku tries. He participates more in class. He works harder in the dojo. He begins a weekly run. He starts with side-projects. Reads thick books on every topic he can find. Kacchan doesn't seem to notice his struggles though. The time Izuku spends trying to become more well-rounded, a stronger person, Kacchan plays with other kids and vice versa. The space between them grows, and it leaves an empty feeling in his stomach. They still talk and play but the space between them both don't know how to cross anymore.

Sometimes Kacchan looks frustrated with it, those are bad days. Other bad days are when Kacchan curses and lashes out to others including Izuku or days where Izuku is nervous with everything around him, never touching and ready to fall apart at any second. Their interaction becomes forced and strained then.

Sometimes there are good days though. Days where they talk, play and laugh. Days where they comfort each other when the other has been hurt or is bothered in anyway. Days where the space in between them seems forgotten. But then when Izuku comes home the hollow feeling will come back three times as bad and he will feel sad the whole evening. He wonders if the good days are really good.

Their friendship was a broken little thing.


Izuku had been really glad that Kacchan became his friend in this life again.

The first time Kacchan actually calls him Deku again is when Izuku's almost eight and Izuku jumps in to protect someone from the bullying of Kacchan and his friends. He gets mad at Kacchan, telling him he shouldn't bully other and ''Kacchan don't you want to become a hero?! Heroes don't bully others!''

Kacchan, of course, becomes mad and he and his friends attack. He manages to overcome all of Kachan's friends, even with their quirks, careful but determined. Yet when Kacchan himself attacks Izuku hesitates. This only seems to make Kacchan madder.

When Kacchan actually manages to punch him in the face, he combusts in an outburst of indignation and wounded pride ''You idiot, you could have intercepted that punch! Why aren't you trying your best? Why aren't you even protecting yourself to the best?! Do you think I'm so weak that you don't even have to give it your all! Even though you're fucking useless and quirkless. Even though you're a Deku!'' Then he pushes a surprised Izuku so hard he falls on the ground and storms away.

Izuku isn't sure what he supposed to think. On one hand, he finally got his hero name back; it was a name that meant a lot to him. One the other hand, this indicated that his and kacchan's relation had decreased so much that Kacchan actually called him that again. It also reminded him back to the first time Kacchan had admitted he had thought that Izuku had always looked down on him and that just made him feel awful. Because this time he had held back. He hadn't wanted to hurt Kacchan. He hadn't meant to look down on Kacchan, but he realised that maybe he had. Kacchan was only a kid after all, and he hadn't yet seen the things Izuku had. Except this didn't mean a thing to Kacchan because to him Izuku was also just another kid, smart and good in fighting, but all the same just another kid.

He also recognizes that he doesn't exactly have to hold back, only be careful with his not quirk. While he holds back with all children and sometimes even adults, Kacchan has always been strong. He has had an amazing and destructive quirk since he was four and holding back would only make him angry and hurt, and on top of that Izuku is only seven. He is not yet that strong and he doesn't actually have a quirk he fights with.


Next morning Izuku comes to school with a massive bruise on his cheek and several nasty scrapes on his knees and elbows that are covered by bright coloured plasters and bandages. (His mother is even worse than his previous life, which says a lot.) He walks to angry Kacchan with a determined expression on his face before classes.

''I'm sorry for yesterday, Kacchan, it was mean of me. I won't do it again.'' He says while he bows.

Kacchan growls, huffs and mutters ''Stupid Deku.''

He is smiling though.


Izuku never sees Kacchan bullying anyone again after that.

That evening Yagi comes to the Midoriya's house, finding Midoriya-kun bruised and bandaged. His first thought is – shamefully – to search for the culprit and give them a nice hard punch to the face. Midoriya-san – Inko-san, just as Midoriya-kun actually is Izuku-kun now, he just isn't used to that yet. – sees the look on his face and sighs. ''Izuku got involved with the bullies again. Really, he should know better by know. He always ends up black and blue.''

His unspoken question gets answered with: ''He has always felt like he has to protect everyone who's in need of it. This isn't the first time this has happened. I think it's really admirable of him to stand up to bullies, especially if he does it for others, but I wish he would stop. He often ends up with more than a few bruises and scrapes, even if he wins the fight.''

Then she rounds on Midoriya-kun. ''And you, young man, were it the older kids this time again?! You promised me you wouldn't fight with bullies older than sixteen last time! Don't think I've forgott-'' Midoriya-kun's shoulders pull up and he curls in on himself. ''It wasn't the older ones this time. It wasn't eve- '' Inko narrows her eyes and interrupts him ''Ha?! What do you mean with that?! 'This time' Izuku, have you been holding out on me?'' in a manner which Yagi will later recognize which is quite like Bakugou Mitsuki when she's scolding Bakugou-kun. Midoriya-kun looks like a deer in the headlights.


Later that night Midoriya-kun tells him his mom was exaggerating; he's been having martial arts classes for years and he had almost perpetual bruises on his skin because of that, so really, he has had worse. Plus, someone has to help the victim and the fact is that the bullies most times don't even win, so it's not like he's taking extreme risks. He sounds a little bit proud of that fact.

It's the first glimpse for Yagi of what being a hero truly means to Midoriya-kun. He's slightly awestricken.


Maybe... He couldn't though..


Whoops, there it is, my second chapter.


Eh, This chapter is a little bit more light-hearted and somewhat shorter I guess. Nothing really happens but me trying to flesh out the relationship between Katsuki and Izuku now, which is hard. Ugh, Katsuki is way too complicated.

- I do want to make clear that Katsuki and Izuku both want to be friends. They're both just really confused, Kacchan isn't able to communicate like a normal human being and Izuku is being his ever-pessimistic self when he says their friendship is broken.

Besides that, All Might (or Toshinori Yagi) appears! I personally adore his real form, so of course they had to meet each other while he was in that form. There will probably follow some scene's later where you will some more of the Midoriyas and him together and just bonding. Wanted to add that to this chapter at first too, but sadly it didn't really fit in there.

- Small comment on that if it's unclear: Inko and Yagi don't know each other at all and Inko mainly asks him for dinner because Izuku is slowly decreasing in interaction and happiness, so she's becoming desperate, and Yagi brings that back even if he's an adult unknown person.

Also, Izuku knows that Yagi is All might (duh) but Yagi doesn't know Izuku knows.


I've already begun with a third chapter; I had some inspiration and ideas. So, that I will probably upload that one soon after this one. Again, if you have any tips, critique, or see mistakes please tell me!

Thank you for reading this chapter, and please leave a review!