Chapter One

3rd POV

"How many times do I have to tell you for you to understand that it won't work! Every time you try both of us get hurt and disapointed!"

A door being slammed shut could be heard throughout the house. The statement came from a white haired girl no more that 17, and was shouted towards a black haired woman in the kitchen. The black haired woman in her late thirties gave a big sigh and slumped in a chair nearby as she rubed her eyes. She looked towards a man with white hair and muttered sullenly,

"If only she understood that I was doing all of this for her and her brother..."

She gave another sigh and made her way towards her bedroom as the man followed.

"And all this has to happen right before I have to go on another long buissness trip that will take atleast two months!"

The man rubbed her back sothingly and gave her a small smile. She smiled weakly back before saying,

"We should get some sleep, I'll have to wake up early tomorrow to not miss my flight."

The woman laid down in bed after changing too her pajamas, sighing contently as she cuddled up underneath the sheets. The man made it under the sheets not long after and started petting the womans hair in a calming gesture.

The woman closed her, and before she fell into dreamless sleep she muttered a soft "Goodnight Akito..."

"Goodnight Hikarie..."

The next morning…

1st POV

As I woke up I could feel a light headache throbbing at the back of my head. I tried blinking away the drowsiness in my eyes as I sat up in bed. A quick look around let me see my twin brother still sleeping beside me and I remembered the event that had occured yesterday. There seemed to always be something my mother and I fought about. And it didn't seem to be any different when talking about school chooises. Yesterday was proof enough of that.

I shock my head to try and get rid of the thoughts that left me in a bad mood and shook my brother awake. White sleepy eyes identical to my own peeked out from underneath black covers and I pointed at the clock on the wall that showed the time to be 9:17. I got out of bed as my brother Kei got up with a cute pout on his rose lips. I chuckled slightly before making my way towards the bathroom, Kei not far behind.

I looked at my white short hair and my tomboish looks in the mirror that had made me get mistaken for a boy more times than i would count. My brother came behind me and side by side you could see how we almost looked completly identical. The only noticably big differenc was me being a little shorter that my brother at 168 cm and him at 172 cm, and the eyepatch that covered my brothers left eye. Wouldn't want to reveal our little develish secret without it there.

After brushing my teeth I went downstairs with my black pajamas still on towards the kitchen where I could smell breakfast being made. As I entered the room I gave a goodmorning to my dad that was cooking infront of the stove and started setting out the table. Kei came in with tired eyes and a muttered goodmorning. He looked around and got a confused expression on his face.

"Where's mom?" He asked dad

"She went on a bussiness trip and doesn't seem like she will be able to come back for a few months."

Dad answered simply, and started putting the food he made on the plates I set out. He sat down infront of us when he had finished. Everyone around the table gave a quite prayer and started eating.

"Do both of you remember the way to your schools? There are only two days left before you begin and they are right next to eachother so you could mix the two up."

For a second I think my eyes shined with mischief before I gave a nod to the statement and hid my growing grin by continuing to eat my food. Kei besides me gave a yes and looked at me from the corner of his eye probably seeing the grin. Dad infront of me gave a knowing smile but stayed silent. We continued our breakfest in comfortfable silence only broken when someone asked fro seconds.

Soon I was satisfied with a full stomach and dishes put away and washed. I hurried upstairs to my room after drying my hands with a mischievous smile. It didn't come as a surprise when after a few minutes Kei came into the room too see me on the computer

"Akuma Arrie, what are you planing now?" he asked me.

"Something that will make school become a better time," I said excitedly answered

"I just need to hack into this dumb website, which is harder than one would think..."

Kei shook his head with shuckle before taking over and getting in after only a few tries. He looked at me and asked,

"So, what do you wanna do?"

I gave an evil shuckle and answered,

"I'm jsut making sure that you're not going to Newgate's school alone."

Well, that was it for an itroduction. I'm hoping i can do longer chapters as I go. This maybe doesn't seem like the most intressting piece, but I can promise you we are just getting started, and that most of the good stuff hasen't come yet! Tell me what you think. If it's the worst thing you've ever read or something you'll continue reading. Reivew to let me now your opinions on the story and what I should name the school the're going to with the One Piece characters! But for now, I'll just go cuddle with my cat.

Until next time~