"You were supposed to stay!" Hermione yelled angrily, throwing a glass vase against a wall.
It shattered, spewing glass all over her room. As she watched the glass shards twinkle in the sunlight, she whispered brokenly "You promised me. You were supposed to stay…".her voice breaking as sobs overtook her. She couldn't even be bothered to do a repairing spell
She could handle every other causality of the war; she could handle being "The Brightest Witch of Her Age" and all the blasted fame and attention that went with being part of "The Golden Trio". Hell, she could even handle her parents not remembering that they had a daughter.
But she could not, would not, accept the fact that the man she loved was gone.
Not gone, she reminded herself somewhat harshly, dead. Murdered. Killed by a bloody snake as he was playing his role as a spy.
Severus dedicated every spare minute of his life to protect Harry, and by extension, herself and Ron.
"He, of all people, deserved a happy ending."
She hadn't realized she'd spoken out loud until a knock at her door startled her out of her grief-filled thoughts." Hermione, are you in there? It's me, Harry."
Damn, I forgot to put a silencing charm on my room again. Between the nightmares and Severus funeral, she hasn't had the presence of mind to do much of anything, let alone ward her room.
She quickly wiped her face and repaired the damaged vase before casting a mild glamour to cover up her puffy, red rimmed eyes and her slightly flushed cheeks.
As she pulled open the door she mentally reminded herself "Control your emotions! Discipline your mind".
Harry stood just outside her door, holding a bowl of hot soup. " asked if I could bring you some soup, since she knows you're not feeling well. You look loads better now though. Hopefully the nap helped". Despite herself, Hermione gave Harry a small smile. "Typical Harry, always making sure that your friends are alright and taken care of". She took the soup from Harry and said "I was feeling a bit hungry and was just going to come down to the kitchen but I appreciate you bringing it.I think I''ll eat the soup in my room. I've been reading this very interesting book that I'd love to get back to". .. At the mention of books, Harry's emerald green eyes widened slightly, as if in a panic.
Harry smiled nervously and said "Alright Mionie,if you're sure".
"I am".
With that, Harry turned around and walked down the flight of stairs.