"IRON REAPER SOUL STEALER!" yelled Inuyasha as he slaughtered the demon. "Didn't I tell you that today would be a long day!"
"It's only midday!" responded Kagome as she purified the shard that fell from the slayed demon, "I would hardly say that it's been a long day."
"Humph! Either way I was right!" he mumbled.
"We need to find a river." Said Sango, "We're covered in mud and I don't know about you guys but I don't want to feel dirty all day."
"Sango, my I volunteer my services?" asked Miroku.
"To help you bath, of course! You won't be able to reach your back!"
"Don't worry about it, monk! Kagome will be there to help me!"
"I can help both of you ladies! I have two hands."
"You do whatever you want to Sango but keep your hands off Kagome." Intervened Inuyasha.
"Yeah, sure Inuyasha." Kagome rolled her eyes at him. 'Too little to late, Inuyasha.' She thought.
"There's a river close by. I can smell the water." Stated Inuyasha ignoring Kagome's comment.
They followed Inuyasha and sure enough there was a river with some boulders in it. The women went being one boulder while the men chose another one.
"The nerve of that monk!" Sango said.
"Honestly, Sango, I think that Miroku developed some feelings for you. As in real, deep and romantic feelings." Replied Kagome.
"Oh really? Then why hasn't he stopped asking other women to bear his child?"
"Maybe he doesn't think that he has a chance with you?"
"He doesn't if he keeps doing that!"
"If he came to you and said that he would stop, would you accept him?"
"Yeah, right! Like he would ever do that."
"But listen to yourself, Sango. You're not even giving him a chance in an imaginary scenario. Maybe that's why he's just scared to approach you."
'Maybe he was serious when he said that he'll have to prove himself to me. Am I really that hard on him?' Sango thought. "Kagome, am I really that hard on him?"
"I don't think that you are because he does like groping you and flirt with every woman but the way he looks at you and protects you make me feel like he's in love with you but can't do anything about it."
"I'll think about it."
Meanwhile, on the other side of the river.
"I'm going to get some chips from Kagome's bag, do you guys want any?" Shippō asked.
"Yes and thank you, Shippō!" Miroku thanked.
"Sure." Responded Inuyasha lazily.
As naked Shippō is getting the chips from Kagome's back, some of her schoolbooks fell to the ground and opened up. There was a picture of Kagome and another boy, and a letter on the floor.
"What do you have there, Shippō?" inquired Miroku.
"I accidentally dropped some of Kagome's books and there was a picture and a letter." Explained Shippō.
"Give me that!" said Inuyasha as he got out from the river, naked. He grabbed both things from Shippō's hands. The picture was that of Kagome with another boy. Kagome was sitting on his lap, while his arms were around her. He had short jet-black hair with black eyes. His complexion was olive but he did not look Japanese. Any stranger could clearly see that they were a couple, especially since he was kissing her on the lips.
Inuyasha closed his eyes and started cracking his neck side to side. He then took another deep breath and started to open up the letter addressed to Kagome.
"Inuyasha," intervened Miroku, "this is not right. This letter is not addressed to you but to Kagome. Brother, I know that you are hurt but this is not the way."
Inuyasha, looked at the letter and then at Miroku, then back to the letter. "Shippō," said Inuyasha, "you had better keep your mouth shut about this." He then proceeded to open up the letter.
'Well since it's already opened, why not read it with him.' Thought Miroku.
"My dearest Kagome,
I know that we just started going out but I want you to know that you have made me the happiest that I've ever been. Your kisses and touches are the reason why I am still breathing. The formal dance will be in a month, that night you'll permanently be mine. That night at my apartment was just a snippet of what's to come. I promise to do my best not to hurt you but bear in mind that first times are always painful.
P.S. My parents are going to Italy later in December, I want you to come with us."
'Oh boy.' thought Miroku, 'this is definitely not going to be easy.'
"This means nothing Inuyasha. It is but a simple letter." Miroku said to calm his friend down.
"A simple letter, eh? She was in his apartment. At night. She was in his apartment at night, Miroku! He wants to make her his woman! 'That night was just a snippet' he wrote! And you're telling me that it's a simple letter!" yelled Inuyasha.
"The good news is that we have information and we know what he looks like." Miroku reminded him.
"What is going on? What are you guys talking about?" Shippō questioned but to no avail.
"What good does it do?" Inuyasha asked blatantly snubbing Shippō.
"We have from now until a month to accomplish our task. He did say in a month at the dance, so we have a month."
Inuyasha slowly goes to the river and throws in the letter.
"What are you doing?" Shippō yelled out.
"She might not have known about the letter since it wasn't opened. So she might have not read it, and if she didn't, she won't know what was in it. Do you understand, Shippō? Not a word to Kagome."
Shippō looked at his friend and didn't recognize him. This was a different Inuyasha. Inuyasha mad would yell, kick and hit, but not this one. 'He's way too calm and collected. What's going on with him? Better keep your mouth shut this time, Shippō!' Shippo said to himself. "You have my word Inuyasha."
"Good." Inuyasha looked at the picture once last time and then gave it to Shippō to be put in one of the schoolbooks.
They jump back in the river.
"I know that I'm young but maybe I can help in the situation, but before I do I need to know what's going. Is Kagome in danger?" Shippō asked eager to help. He might be young but he's also an observer. The happier and lighter that Kagome gets, Inuyasha gets more mad and sad. He doesn't understand what changed because before Inuyasha would be happier and calmer every time Kagome came back from her era.
"It's quite simple, Shippō. Inuyasha has a romantic rival." Miroku calmly explained to him.
"Oh really? Who's in love with Kikyo?" Shippō innocently asked.
"It's not about Kikyo! I'm over her! Some asshole wants to steal Kagome from me!" Inuyasha screeched out.
"Oh. Are you sure that you're over Kikyo though? Because the last time you were all like 'I will always love and protect you.'" Shippō stated.
"Wait, how did you know about that?"
"It happened a while back. I couldn't sleep and was waiting for Kagome by the well but then I heard a noise and went to investigate. I saw you holding Kikyo. But then I heard another noise and turned to see that it was Kagome but she didn't see me. And then you confessed your undying love for Kikyo. Kagome was just stunned and tears started rolling down her cheeks. So I hid more so she wouldn't get embarrassed. But then something happened: she cried for less than a minute, whipped her tears, took a deep breath and marched back to the hut. She wasn't mad or anything, she was more determined, but I don't know what she was determined about." Shippō retailed his story.
"That's when she made her decision to stop loving Inuyasha." Miroku concluded.
Inuyasha just put both hands to his face, "I'm fucked. I'm majorly fucked. There's no point in pursuing her. I broke her fucking heart because I'm an idiot and now she has a man in her era! What's the point?"
"The point is you love her. Remember what Sango said? The problem with their relationship is that Kagome has to lie to him when she comes here. Inuyasha, Kagome has no secrets from you. That's something that you have on that Jai character."
"I told her last night." Inuyasha confessed.
"Told her what?" Miroku asked.
"Told her that I'm in love with her and only her."
"What did she say?"
"She said that it was too late and she had a man. I told her that I'd prove my love to her but she said that it was too late. She was loyal to her man."
"Loyalty has nothing to do with it." Miroku reminded him. "Sometimes it's not about having an affair but simply realizing what's best for oneself. For example, during this month we're, well you, you are going to show her that you will be the better husband. That you are better for her."
"It's easier said than done. I don't know what to do! Do I get her flowers? Send her letters like that asshole? Braid her fucking hair!"
"Remember what Sango said, Inuyasha. Be yourself. Now how do we do this?" Miroku wondered.
"How about just spending more alone time with her?" suggested Chippō. "One thing that I noticed is when Kagome and Sango are together and alone, they tell each other everything."
"And how would you know that if they're alone? Huh Chippō?" Miroku inquired.
"I'm just trying to help him! Why are you questioning me for?"
"He does bring a valid point, Inuyasha. The more time you spend alone with Kagome, the more intimate you'll get."
"But don't forget if Kikyo shows up, she eventually will, don't say that you love her or anything like that!" Shippō added.
"I'll try not to forget, Shippō." Inuyasha said.
Moments later, the group left the river and continued on their journey.
Days have passed with no Naraku in sight or a demon with the shards in them. Nighttime was upon them so Kagome and Shippō started undoing their sleeping bags.
"It's been days, it's time for me to go back home." Kagome said.
"What's the hurry?" Inuyasha asked.
"I have school! That's my hurry! And my grandfather is running out of illnesses for my excuses!"
"Sango, we need to very if the premises are safe before full blown nightfall."
"Kirara, come on. Shippō come with us so I can show you how to put some traps."
"What are they doing?" asked Kagome. "If the premises weren't safe, we wouldn't be camping here. Unless…"
"Unless what?" Inuyasha askedō
"Unless I'm right! I think that Miroku developed feelings for Sango!"
"He's been watching her more often, especially when she sleeps. He didn't tell me anything about it." Inuyasha said scratching his head. "He did say something about not wanting to ask other women to bear his child."
"He did? It's a sign then! I hope it works out for them! They're perfect for each other."
"Do you have anymore sushi?" he wondered to try to get off that topic.
"Actually, no. However, I do have some bread and tuna. Would you like me to make you some?"
"Woman, I'm starving so the answer is yes!"
Kagome laughs at his childish ways when he's hungry. She really needs to make sure that they have noodles the next time that she goes home. It's odd that her mother didn't go grocery shopping. 'Come to think about it, mom was acting odd when I was home. Yeah, tomorrow I should definitely head home.'
"What's wrong?" Inuyasha saw the changes of expressions on her face.
"I was just thinking."
"My mom. She was acting odd when I was there the last time. Tomorrow I'm going back to see what's going on."
"Then I'm coming with you."
"What for?"
"What if there is something going on and you need back up. Besides, I like being in your room on the spare bed playing with Buyo."
"You sure that's it?"
"What else would it be?"
"Oh nothing. Just asking to make sure. And here's your sandwich!"
"Thank you." He said as he took a huge bite of the sandwich. Sango, Miroku, Kirara and Shippō were back and started eating their sandwiches. After a couple of hours of talking, everyone went to sleep.
Ever since his decision to win Kagome's heart, Inuyasha has stopped sleeping on trees but slept on top of one of the sleeping bags instead and he would always be as close as possible to Kagome. Kagome was stirring and from her breathing, Inuyasha knew that she wasn't asleep.
"Nothing is wrong with your mother, Kagome. So stop worrying." He whispered to her.
"How would you know? You don't." she responded. "But thank you for trying to reassure me." Kagome then turned around to look at the half demon.
"You never talk about your mother." Kagome noticed.
"What's there to say?"
"Well a lot! What was her name? How was she like? How did she meet your dad?"
"Her name was Izayoi."
"Really? That's the name that they give the 16th day of every month!"
"Really? Why?"
"Because they say that the 16th day is always the most beautiful day of the month."
"Well she was beautiful. You remind me of her sometimes. She was always there for me. She loved me even when I asked too many questions and was being a brat. She was murdered."
"Oh. Inuyasha, I am so sorry."
"She was murdered twice. The first time it was by a samurai who loved her, but she didn't return his affections since she was in love with my dad. She was pregnant with me and it made him jealous. He wanted me dead, so he killed her to kill me. When dad got there, he just used the Tessaiga to bring her back to life."
"That's horrible! What a horrible thing to do! How cruel! I hope that he got what he deserved!"
"My father killed him but lost his life in the process."
'His life has been marked with tragedy even before he was born. Mother died a first time because of him and then father died protecting him.' Thought Kagome.
"The second time she was murdered, she was poisoned. I don't know by whom but it was poison."
He didn't have to say it by Kagome knew that they poisoned the human because of her half demon son. Kagome scouted a little closer to him and put her hand on his.
"I am sorry, Inuyasha."
"I can't change the past," he turned to tell her, "but I can write the future."
"Your mother would want you to be happy."
"That she would. She would have loved you, you know?"
"Yeah. She would have. You are so much like her. Sassy like her as well." He added smiling to which she smiled back. "You never talked about your dad."
"He's an asshole. When mom was pregnant with Sōta, he had an affair with his secretary and left my mom for her because the secretary got pregnant soon after."
"What a jerk! Your mom is so nice."
"I know right!"
"So you don't talk to him?"
"He does try and make contact but I don't want to be in contact with him. Even before all of this happened, he was a distant father. Him leaving didn't really affect me but it's what he did to my mother that affected me. I saw my mother crying. That's not something that you forget easily."
"How about Sōta, is he in contact with him?"
"Infrequently and that's the odd thing. Where he always wants me in his life, he's indifferent to Sōta. He treats him like he's not his son. And it affected Sōta as you can tell by the way he worships you."
"Well, maybe I should be worshipped." He mumbled.
"Oh Lord."
"How about your other brother or sister?"
"Brother. I see him once in a while. Like that's the other thing, he has his new family and I don't want any part of that, I truly don't. The man's a creep and his wife is a bitch."
A couple of minutes of silence passed between them before Inuyasha spoke up.
"Do I remind you of him?"
"Of my father?"
"No. Why?"
"I've unknowingly hurt you a lot in the pass. I know that. I'm just wondering if that's why you're taking so long to forgive me."
"I've forgiven you a long time ago. The heart wants what the heart wants. You love Kikyo and that's okay, Inuyasha."
"Loved, I loved Kikyo. Now I love you."
"Please don't say that to me."
"Why? Because you love him!"
"I don't know if I love him or not, but I do know that I care for him."
"Whatever! He sounds like a fucking asshole to me!"
"You don't even know him! I've never spoken to you about him!"
"You don't have to! Fuck him! He's fucking pathetic!"
"You know what? I can't tonight. Goodnight!"
"Goodnight! And I hope you have nightmares about that fucking pussy! You know he wouldn't be able to defend you against demons or fucking humans! Is that what you want in a mate? A pussy!? I rather see you with Sango!"
Kagome already had her back turned to him and eyes closed. She was not going to give him any attention. Then suddenly, her eyes popped open. Inuyasha had snuggled all the way to her back and threw a lazy arm around her. Once more Kagome ignored him not wanting to give him attention.
"He won't be able to give you any protection," he whispered in her hair, "But I fucking will."