So this is the first time I have ever tried writing. I always just made up situations in my head and told myself I am not creative one bit. But someone told me this morning to just try and go for it just in case. So I have come home and started typing. I know it isn't perfect and the grammar is probably terrible. But I hope you like it.

Ps- I don't own any rights of the vampire academy and the originals even though I wish I did.

Rose pov

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Arghh! I looked up to see that it was 6.20 am. I knew I would have to get up since it was my first practice back and I had already hit the snooze button twice. How is it that I find getting out of bed even more difficult then actually killing strigoi. Internally groaning I got up and started getting dressed. I put on a pair of Adidas leggings, a pick sports bra and a black tank top. I stuck my hair up in a ponytail and put on the tiniest bit of mascara. Just because I was low on sleep and still a bit sore, doesn't mean I couldn't fake it. I also added a bit of my favourite lip balm which Dimitri got me. Once I made sure I looked as good as possible in the situation, I left and ran across the campus. Luckily due to my training with Dimitri I was only 5 minutes late which if I say so myself is amazing for me. I felt driven and eager to better myself so that I do not fail myself and Dimitri when I encounter strigoi. Looking back to the incident two weeks ago I remember letting myself get distracted and looking over to see if Dimitri is okay. Then that is all I remember…

However, when I got there I found that the gym was bare. There was none of our normal equipment set out or any of the practice dummies. I told myself that maybe Dimitri just woke up late but then I realised that this is Dimitri I'm talking about. I decided to set up myself just in case he was held up somewhere. When I went into the stock I saw that Dimitri was sitting there with a grim face. Due to his guardian training he knew I was there. Dimitri did not come visit me once when I was in hospital. I hope he is not too disappointed and angry at me. So much that he didn't even care about me. I didn't even know what to do I had never seen Dimitri like this and to be honest I was scared. After what felt like eternity he finally spoke, 'I am leaving to be Tasha's guardian. I came to say goodbye.' I felt like I was being staked through the heart. I couldn't believe that this was even happening. How could he do this? We were meant to be together. I didn't want to cry and show weakness but my body had other plans. As the tears started to fall the sadness was replaced by anger. 'How could you? After everything you said. You told me you loved me and that you would wait until I graduated and we would be together.' I could see the hurt and regret in his eyes. But that was quickly gone and replaced by his guardian mask. The last thing I remember is him saying is 'love fades, mine has.'