Sorry guys I was away on holiday with my family and we didn't have any Wi-Fi. So once again I am sorry that there were no updates. But here is the next chapter and it is a little bit longer. If you enjoy the story so far, please review so that I know how I am doing. If there aren't many reviews or if you guys don't like the story, there is no point me doing it. Also thank you to the people who have reviewed.
PS- I don't own any rights of the vampire academy and the originals even though I wish I did. And I know that I have issues with my tenses but I am working on it.
I walked out to see that whilst I was in the shower someone had brought in my breakfast on a table. They must know about my appetite as well since the round table was filled with food. There were sausages on a platter, a stack of toast, a bowl of porridge with fruit and honey, orange juice, milk, muffins and my favourite donuts. I know I have an appetite but how many people do they think I am eating for. My hands head straight to the donuts but I feel like that's a given. I didn't realise how hungry I actually was until I had eaten nearly most of the food on the table which even Rose Hathaway would never do. When did I last eat this much? As I was finishing the last donut I heard a chuckle from the door. I turned around to see that Niklaus guy looking amused and smirking at me.
'hungry love?'
'well do you blame me? A girl has gotta eat'
'I was informed that you had some questions'
'some doesn't even begin to cover it. You better start talking mate'
'well there isn't much to say. Some people wanted you dead. I saved your life and that's all you should know. Be grateful that you are even here'
'did I ask you to save me? No! so why did you save me and even know that I needed saving? Who even where those 11 people and what were they saying? How are you so fast without having red ringed eyes?'
'steady on love. If you must know they were witches and they were doing a spell to kill you. If it weren't for me they would have succeeded.'
'but witches ar…'
'before you say that witches aren't real. Let me tell you that they are. There is a lot you don't know about what's out there love. If your moroi, dhamphirs and strigoi can exist. What's to make you thing that's all that is out there.'
'what are you?' I quickly glanced down at my boot to make sure that my stake was there and ready to use if the need arises.
'I am the original hybrid. Me and my family are the original vampire family. The world of moroi, dhampir and strigoi which you know about is all because of me. Hundreds of years ago my brother Finn who hated our lifestyle decided to get a witch to help him modify his sire line. This resulted in the moroi who didn't need to kill and drink blood as much as us and they could also bare the sunlight better. Due to the witch's magic it ended up being that the moroi could also perform magic with the elements. As time grew by your world started developing into their own societies. A few years down the line dhampir and strigoi branched off from the moroi.'
'so do you have to kill then?'
'out of all the questions I was expecting from what I just said, this is what you ask. Well to answer your question love, yes we do. I am the greatest predator out there. I have more speed and agility than your strigoi. I am immortal. You should also know that besides witches there are also werewolves.'
'if you are so important then why me? I am just an insignificant dhampir what does all this have to do with me?'
'okay love I would sit down for this next bit because this is where everything gets a bit crazy'
'so what everything before was normal'
'If I were you I'd watch that sarcasm after knowing who I am and what I can do. Anyway the witches wanted you dead to get back at me. I'm not going beat around the bush. The truth is that you are pregnant with my child and the witches don't want my child to be born'
To say that I was shocked would be an understatement. Fear coursed through my body. I felt like I was experiencing the same thing which I did when victor's men used that air user on Lissa. But it didn't take me long to realise that this was a joke. This man was playing me around and I needed to leave. 'okay you must seriously be mad! I can't be pregnant with your child. I haven't even met you before! You must have the wrong person'
'before I was turned I loved this girl Tatia. I was planning on proposing. The night before we were turned Tatia told me that she was pregnant with my child. I was over the moon. I could finally be the dad which I never had.' I could see the pain in his eyes. It was as if his eyes held centuries of anguish. Which they probably did. I had this overwhelming urge to do something, anything to take that pain away. As quick as his pain was there it was gone. It reminded me of Dimitri and his guardian mask. Damn it I need to stop thinking about him. Niklaus started speaking again and even though I couldn't believe it, I listened more intently.
'But when we were turned my mother who was a witch killed Tatia for her blood. But because my baby wasn't fully human it didn't exactly die. All I know is that a legend says that some protection spell from the elders kept my baby safe until they found a suitable mother for it. Legend says that the mother and the child will rule both kingdoms and rid the earth of true evil. So no ordinary person could carry my child and harness the power which is why it took so long. Believe it or not that mother is you Rose…'
Rad x