When night raid came back in HQ everyone got settled in to hear his story. Most of them had bruises excluding mine & sheele. And giving him a look that said what just happened except for Tatsumi he looked pissed Najenda sat down as mine & sheele explained everything about him saving them najenda who he guessed was the leader turned to him and said "so what's your story young man" Najenda asked "my story's is a bit crazy" ken said mine simply huffed and stared directly at ken "try me" mine dared ken looked over finding Akame inhaling a meat leg as they spoke rolling up his sleeve revealing a tri-claw tattoo "first off I got my training from the Pai Zhuq a combat school that specializes in multiple forms of hand to hand combat and weapons training "ken said "I've never heard of this school" Leone said "I doubt you would the school is highly secretive its location high in the mountains and only handpicked students may enter its walls" Alex said getting them ready for the bombshell he was most likely about to drop "along with the fact that it's in another dimension "Alex added

In response Akame did the one thing she never thought she would do spit out a bit of meat Najenda merely raised her eyebrows while angry expression of Tatsumi was shattered as his jaw just hung open "that's… un expected although it does explain your abilities please elaborate. "Najenda said "my powers come from a special network called the morphing grid which is where all power rangers get their powers "power… what" lubbock asked "a power ranger is a person regardless of species who selflessly protect the innocent at the risk of his/her own life by using special weapons and vehicles proof of being a ranger is a morpher a device which is activated by different voice commands" ken clarified "so that's what you used" Najenda mused ken suddenly thrusted his wrist in a small flash of light the morpher appeared "cool" Tatsumi beamed "i can summon them mentally from the morphing grid unlike my predecessors i can morph into rangers from other universes "ken demonstrate "white ranger Dino power!" ken cried as the drago morphers beak opened and its eyes flashed red

Morphing sequence

Ken is swept up in an arctic whirlwind sucking in shards of ice and stone forming his ranger suite below his neck as he lands in a crouched stance his helmet forms while the Drago zord roars in the background

end of morphing sequence

"Drago power: white ranger" white dino ranger cries his suite is primarily white with a black diamond pattern on his legs arms and torso with a gold belt and a black and white shoulder patch shield his helmet is white with a crimson X visor with a black frill with two green eyes at the base everyone except Najenda looked stunded"interesting so for what purpose do you have for coming to our world "Najenda asked ken let out a heavy sigh demorphing while pulling out his badge displaying a hologram of the psycho society

Tatsumi and Mine tensed slightly even though they were in no danger "they are the psycho society a group of intergalactic criminals wanted for more crimes then i can count they broke into a military instillation using a teleporter to send themselves to a random universe i followed them through and ended up here" ken explained "how dangerous are they" Najenda asked staring at the demonic beings "they've destroy countless planets in their quest for universal domination they have thirteen members each with their own elemental ability's,weapons and their member psycho red is capable of resurrecting monsters "answered ken grimly while the others sweated nervously "I take it once you've completed your mission you'll return to your world" Najenda asked "hopefully but it may take longer than you think I've fought each of them only once, and they've been in hiding for the past year so I'm back to square one" ken said "I want to make a deal with you ken" Najenda said "ok" ken said ...would you like to join Night Raid?" The boss noticed ken's hesitation, and let a small smile graced her face. "You won't be killed if you decline. However, we'll make you work in our workshop. He looked up what happen to this world. "The countryside is destitute because of its rotten center thanks to the prime minister honest it has become a you'll be able to uproot the rotten core,Tatsumi said with a twinkle thinking that there is somebody that can bring the empire to justice and avenge

Sayo and Ieyasu's even Bro he thought with sadness in his eyes.

"Night Raid is a perfect fit for you ken." The boss said, causing ken to quirk an eyebrow. "Far to the south of the capital, lies the hideout of an anti-empire fighting force, the Revolutionary Army." "The Revolutionary Army?" ken repeated,

as his eyes slowly widened. "They started out small, but eventually grew rapidly over time." The boss explained, pointing to a map on the wall next to her. "They, inevitably, needed a special unit to carry out covert operations. That eventually led to the creation of us, Night Raid." The boss gestured to the several Night Raid banners around the room. "Right now we're eliminating the worms festering in the capital. But if the army ever attacks, we'll utilize the mass confusion and kill the Prime Minister ourselves!" The boss tightly clenched her metallic fist. "He's our main target. There are others, but I'll leave them for another time. Although I can't give any specifics on when the Revolutionary Army will strike, I can guarantee you that we have a plan to win when they do. This country will change for sure." "This new country, will it treat people well?" ken asked, locking eyes with the boss. "Of course it will." The boss said with a nod of her head. "A country where people won't be impoverished. A country where people won't have to worry about fighting for survival." ken thought, as he stared at the ground. "That sounds like something worth fighting for. "I see...""I'd be honored" ken said

"It's decided then." The boss said, as she extended her hand towards ken. "Welcome to our hellish path, he took her hand and shook it. Training begins tomorrow for combat exercise we'll see what your full potential is she said for now i believe all of us deserve some rest the others nodded and ken was led into a room where he just fell flat on the bed and driffted to sleep.