Hello people. I know it's been a while since I updated. So here is chapter 2.

Disclaimer: I Don't Own Gundam Wing or Sailor Moon.

I do however own LeLe and Anilea.



Duo walked into his room and was greeted by(

"Hey babe!" Duo said with a grin before closing the door.

"Hey cutie. So you're my room mate huh?" LeLe asked looking at Duo with a smirk.

"Looks like it." Duo said looking LeLe up and down.

"Great." LeLe said.

- Wufei -

Wufei walked into his dorm and was greeted by a the onna with a bow. "You're my room mate?!" he asked somewhat pleased that it was the 'crazy onna with a gun'. Minako stopped bouncing around and grinned at him.

"Yup! I hope you don't mind. I took the bed on the right." Minako said. Wufei just shook his head.

"Are you always this wired onna?" Wufei asked mentally hoping she wasn't.

"Yup!" Minako said and started bouncing around the room again while Wufei groaned.

- Quatre -

Quatre walked into his dorm and was greeted by(

"Ms. Relena! You're my room mate?" Quatre asked pleased but shocked as well. Relena stopped reading the news paper and nodded with a smile.

"Just Relena, Quatre. There is no need for formalities." Relena said. "I was waiting for you to get here so you could tell me which side I could take."

"Any side you want M- Relena." Quatre said smiling.

"Well then( may I have the bed on the left side?" Relena asked. Quatre nodded.

"Of course you may." Quatre said in his usual polite manner.

- Trowa -

Trowa walked into his dorm and was greeted by an overly excited odangoed girl. He walked passed her and into the room without as much as of hello.

- Hiiro -

Hiiro walked into his room and was greeted by a gun pointed at him.

"Oh. It's only you." Anilea muttered and put her gun away before turning to her lap top and playing pin ball. Hiiro was surprised though it didn't show. He closed the door and walked into his room and saw that she left him the bed at the left and didn't touch any of his stuff. 'At least it isn't the girl with the bow.' he thought and opened his lap top to see if he got any missions. Seeing that he had no mail he inwardly sighed and went to play solitaire. Basically that was all that happened that night. (A.N.: BOOOOORING!)

-Next Morning-

Hiiro awoke to the smell of chocolate chip pancakes and bacon. If he wasn't awake with the smell he was awake when he heard.


"Buuuut 'Nilea it smells sooo good!" Usagi was heard whining. Seeing that he wasn't going to get anymore sleep he went to take a shower before going to the kitchen where he saw Usagi, Duo, Minako, and LeLe eating the food as if it were going to run away. Anilea looked up at him when he walked in and pointed to her lap top.

"Read the email that says 'to 01'." Anilea said and went back to making pancakes for everyone else. Hiiro nodded before walking over to Anilea's lap top and reading the letter addressed to him.

It Read:

'01 I need you and 06 to meet me at the hanger in 20 minutes. Don't be late.

Dr. J'

Hiiro looked at Anilea with a look that said, 'What time did he send this?'

"5 minutes ago." Anilea said then put the rest of the food on the table and put two paper plates of food and orange juices in a bag. Since it would take 15 minutes to get there they left THEIR dorm room and no one paid them any heed.


Dr. J looked at Dr. L and nodded. "They will be here soon."

"They aren't going to like this you know." Dr. L said.

"I know. But this is the only way the two groups will be able to work with each other and not fight." Dr. J said and the heard the sound of two motorcycles screeching to a halt in the parking area of the hanger. Dr. J and Dr. L rolled their eyes and watched as their two 'perfect soldiers' walked into the conference room.

"Hn." Hiiro and Anilea grunted at the same time. (A.N.: oi -_-'')

"01 and 06 your mission is to go to base Z396 undercover as the assassin couple 'Oden and Zada Arson'. You will be doing whatever they tell you to and stay as long as it takes. You will tell us of every new plan they have, get any important papers and two disks labeled 'Lunar 5' and 'Mercury 2'. Along with those disk you are to erase every file on their hard drive. Mission Accepted or Declined?" Dr. J said/asked.

"Mission Accepted." Anilea and Hiiro said.

"Now. You must act like any normal couple does as well as assassins." Dr. L said.

"WHAT?!" Anilea and Hiiro yelled out in shock. Dr. J and Dr. L fought to hold in their smiles. "It is a part of the mission you accepted." Dr. J said simply and walked out of the conference room with Dr. L. Hiiro and Anilea looked at one another.

"For the sake of not failing a mission. we have to do this." Anilea said. Hiiro nodded. Dr. J walked back into the room.

"And one more thing 01." Dr. J said. Hiiro looked at him. "You have act like you care. So that means you have to talk." With that Dr. J walked out of the C.R. again. Hiiro's eyes widened.

"Well I wasn't expecting that one. Were you?" Anilea said slightly amused and Hiiro glared at her. "Guess not."

"This is only a mission." Hiiro said stiffly.

"Yes well I'm well aware of that. Are you trying to imply something 01?" Anilea asked with a smirk.

'Maybe this wasn't better then the girl with the bow.' Hiiro thought. "Let's go. We have to get the layout of the base and when they are expecting us."

"I know. I'm not stupid." Anilea said. 'This is the start of the worse 'relationship' of my life.'

"I wouldn't be to sure." Hiiro muttered and the two left the hanger avoiding being near each other at all cost. After all they would have to be together for a while.

- Back at the Dorm -

After Usagi, Minako, LeLe, and Duo finished their breakfast they noticed that Anilea and Hiiro were gone. They looked at each other and got up to walk back to their dorms.


Okay, okay I know it's short. Sorry! Please R&R.

Oh! Oh! I know some might be disappointed but well. The pairings are the same as the room mates.

Again R&R please.