I don't own RWBY only my OC, also the story will start from episode 8, and also plz give me a hand and tell me how I did and if you people like it I will continue with this story. Thank you.

Chapter 1: The Reborn of a Knight

There the knight stood, as the cold rain hit his heavy cold armor in slow motion, his now dirty blond hair covering his face, the world around him started to get blurry, the knight slowly look down, fear in his eyes, as he see the end of a dark wooden spear right through his stomach, his red blood slowly dripping to the cold wet dirt, the knight knew this was his end, this was how he was going to die, he started to feel his legs get weak making him fall to his knees, the royal knight couched blood out, his blood drooling down his mouth, as he look up to see the man that had thrown the spear, the man that he wanted to kill so badly for not only taking his queen but his most beloved and close friend, the evil king stood tall and proud, an evil smile across his face, his gray evil eyes staring right to his soul, the man with an evil chuckle turned around, his long red cape moving with him like a battle flag, the knights body gave out and he slowly fell to the cold wet ground, his eyes slowly closing, remembering how all this came to be.

12 hours before the present

"Jack! Jack! Look, look there it is King James palace!" Mary, a young female knight announced, the young female knight was covered in steal color armor along with covered golden stripes, her long pink hair waving sweetly, as the air flew through her hair, she was jack's most loved and important friend in his life, not just that but was his knightly sister. Both of the knights horse's stopped in an opening of the green forest, on the dirt road that lead to the royal kingdom. jack looked ahead, the wind softly blowing his yellow blond hair around, he see the massive castle up ahead and smile, as he see the palace standing tall and grateful as the flags waved at him as if they were happy to see him. Jack smiled more, he always got happy when he see the great kingdom he protected and fighted for.

"It sure is something." Jack reply with a smile as he turn to face his best friend. They both looked into one another's eyes, they both laughed lowly and begun to ride away from the green forest and into the city of the Royal Nation.

The city was as joyful as ever, kids laughing and running around as they plaid with one another, the yelling of market owners filled the air, as they yelled there prices, people walking in and out of shops as they when about their daily life's, not worried about anything that was going on in other Nations.

"Look cool knights!" A small child yelled as he pointed at Jack and Mary, who where now slowly riding down the now stoned rode, kids yelled and smiled as they all ran to see the mighty knights of the Royal Nation. Mary waved at the kids happily, she always acted like a child herself, the kids smiled and keep pointing at them both, jack looked around to see that they were catching not just the kids attention but also other peoples attentions, as if they were well known around the kingdom.

"My lord the knights have arrived." A Royal guard informed his king; the guard got down on one knee and placed his hand on his heart, in sign of respect. "Well….let them in." King James said with a smile on his face, his daughter swiftly like a shadow walked up next to him, placing her hand on his shoulders. The guard nodded opening the doors to the throne room, to reveal the two young knights looking at one another; they looked at the king and walked closer to him, they both got down on one knee and placed their hands on their hearts. "My king we have returned with great news." Jack announced with that smooth tone voice of him, making the young princess smile sweetly at him, "that's fantastic what did the chief say?" The king asked the Royal knight in excitement. The two knights had been send to one of the nation's strongest kingdoms, and one of the royal kings great friend, They where to take a gift to the chief and make offer an alliance with them.

Jack and Mary got up and looked at him, this time Mary spoke with her cheerful voice, "Are travel there was not easy my lord but we-…" Mary was cut off by the slam of the palace doors to the palace walls, the sound echo through the throne room, as a bloody knight wobbled into the throne room, all beaten and cut, a few arrows sticking out from his body.

The knight looked up at the king, sadness in his eyes, "T-the…..Q-queen has….. b-been k-killed…." The knight whispered, loudly enough for them to hear him, right as he said that his legs gave out and the knights bloody body feel to ground with a thud.

Jack and Mary ran to the knight in worry, the king and the princess where frozen in shock, the most nicest, wonderful and beautiful queen had just been killed, all she did was go on a strolled to her favorite spot in the forest, protected by a group of knights ,"M-mother….d-d-dead…" The princess now tearing up whispered, she feel to her knees, jack looked over to her, he see her clear, pure tears fall from her eyes, shocking him, as no one had ever seen her cry, not even his mother or father had seen the joyful and happy princess cry. She looked up a bit and looked right into jack's eyes, she right away realized she was crying and quickly covered her face; she got up and ran away to her room.

Jack got up worried and looked at her run off, the king looked at her and stood up, and started to speed walk after her, he turn his head to jack, stopping for a bit, tears in his eyes as well and a very sad face. "Go…..bring her…" with a broken and sad tone voice the king ordered jack, he turn around and started to run for his daughter. "Yes my…king." Jack replied feeling the kings and his daughter's pain. Do they couldn't tell, jack himself feel very sad of this news, the queen was like a mother to him, especially when he was a small child, but he hide his emotion, as a brave knight ones did.

After jack and Mary had taken their fellow knight to the infirmary, they quickly rode to the area where the killing happen, before they got to the main area they see the body of one of their fellow knights, hanged by his neck, the knights back to them, the wind blew the body slowly around, the knights front body was completely full of arrows, Mary looked away at the horrifying seen. "who would do such….a thing?" Mary commented as they both passed the body, but that was not the most horrifying seen, they both rode a bit more to the grossed seen where the queen had been killed.

Both of them stopped and froze at what they see, more of their fellow knights body's on the floor, decapitated their blood still dripping, covering the whole area around them, they then see the knights heads pierced by spears, that where sticking out of the ground, but the most evil up and horrifying seen was the queen she was completely cut, her arms where cut off and hanged by a tree above her, her body was also on the floor, her head just like the other knights was sticking from the ground on a spear, the blood of their queen still gushing out of her body, blood dripping from the queens arms to her head, the blood going down her face as if she was crying, the sadness still on her face.

Maria looked away at the scene of all of this, feeling like throwing up, as she was not use to such acts, jack got of his horse and walked to the queens head, falling to his knees, slowly cleaning the blood of the queens cheek, a few tears starting to form on his eyes. "I-im sorry…my queen..." he said as he looked down. "Dark….Sun." A disembody voice whispered into jacks ear, making him get up and place his hand on his blade, Mary looking at him with a wired look, trying not to look at the queens body, "you okay jack?" she asked as she got off her hoers, and walked over to him, trying hard not to look at the queens head. Jack looked around and nodded slightly, slowly putting his hand down. "Yeah…I'm good." He replied with a small smile, trying to not show he was hurt by the queen's death or a bit freak out by the voice he heard.

After some time jack and Mary had buried there fellow knights, around the area that they both buried their queen in, jack choose to bury their queen up in the green heels, the spot she liked to go and sit and stare at the sky, the area had green grass and covered by flowers of all sorts, a very peaceful, calm, and beautiful place, just like the queen they had just lost, it was as if the gods themselves had made this area just for her and only her. "my are queen rest in peace…" jack spoke with a sad tone, he gently got down and slowly placed an Amaryllis on the side of the wooden cross they had made for her, Mary looking down, cleaning the tears in her eyes.

Ones jack and Maria where done, they slowly rode back to the king, both looking down at the stone rode, the city was quite and almost dead, no one in sight. "Looks like everyone already know about the queens dead huh." Mary pointed out, as she looked around not seeing anyone. "sure looks that why my friend.." jack answered, they both got to the open gates and rode in, they see the whole city and knights bowing down in the front garden, another place where the queen loved to hang around at as well, the king in tears spoke a few words of her beloved wife.

After all the people walked back to their homes, jack walked up to the king to tell him of what he found in the, the king angry at what he heard yelled out and order. "Get every one of our men ready for war, we are going to take out the black Sun." jack looked at him surprise as he said the same thing the female whispered said to him. "U-um…yes my lord…" jack responded, Maria stepped forward and shocked her head. "No my king...You will not fight alongside us, we lost are queen, we won't lose you too, my king." The king looked at Maria and was about to yell at her, but jack stepped in. "Mary is right my lord, I'll handle this..." jack added looking at the king, the king sigh and looked into jacks eyes and nodded. "You make sure to make them paid you hear my boy." He order as he looked down and slowly walked away to his daughter's room, he stopped and looked back at jack and Maria. "Thank you." He turns around and walked away, the felling of sadness feeling the castle.

Jack and Mary watched the royal army prepare for battle, men and woman running from side to side grabbing there steel armor, placing their armor on there body's they had their helpers tie and attach the armors parts that they couldn't do themselves. Many men and woman angry at the black sun nation grabbed their weapons and got ready to march, many knights holed their helmets under their left arms, they too were going to march beside their brothers and sisters, as it was something they liked doing, even do they had their own horses they could ride all the way to the battlefield they wish not to, they only wish to ride them into battle, so the knights helpers or servants would walk behind there knights holding on to their knights horses, all ready armored and ready to go.

Jack and Mary nodded to one another and they started to ride to the front of the massive army, the army was 5,600 strong, made out of 2,000 warriors, 1,000 archers, 500 mages, 500 heavy shield men, 1,000 knights, and 600 healers. Every man and woman stair at the two young knights ride to the front, everyone nodding at jack, as they where well known strong knight, and fear by many. "Alright my friends…WHERE OFF!" jack yelled and pointed forwarded, at the direction of the enemies nation. "yes sir!" the army replied back and they all started to march, the army along with jack and Mary passed through the royal nation city, lot of people looked out of their windows, as they feel the ground shake, because of the army passing through their streets.

After 5 hours of marching, jack signal the army to stop and rest, they where now and hour away from the enemy castle, jack figured it would be better if he let the army rest and get ready for battle, he did not need his men and woman's to be tired before the battle. They set up a camp in the center of the area; jack walked over to the camp and called out for every commander of every class of fighters over to the camp, to discuses jacks plan to take out the evil twisted king.

Jack was representing the knight class, having more power over them with more victories and accomplishments under his name, one of them being him protecting a village from a dragon, as if it was taken from a fairy tale book

Commander li ju and xin us both armed to the bone with weapons, there purplish light armor barely capable to be seen, they two where the leaders of the warrior class, both had proven themselves in the battlefield as great warriors and leaders, after taking over a base with only a small group of 12 warriors.

Commander lala, a tall elf girl from the high forest was the royal nation, dressed in a very light armor, her long and muscular tights and legs reviling along with a bit of her chest, this beautiful and tall elf was commander of the archers, been a master bows woman as well as known for shooting a great commander from the Star nation with one shoot, from up a high mountain.

Commander MalthrenDoren an elderly mage, dressed in a long blue rove, on both sleeves covered in dark red lines, which had been leader of the mage class for many years, and was well known for having great and powerful magic, the main reason he has taken command of the mage class, that and also the fact that he was the oldest of them all.

Commander heavy, a very buff and tall man, covered in heavy plaited armor and a very big shield on his back, there shields compared to knights was like comparing a dime to a half a dollar coin, he was the main leader of the heavy shield men class, but was better known for a very powerful fighter and for blocking a massive troll attack on the castle and ending the trolls life with ease.

A High pries, in golden and white robes was the leading priest in the royal nation, her name was zindi, she was sent to the battle failed as the commander of the healer class for been familiar with the art of healing.

All of the 5 commanders walked into the small camp and chose a spot around the small planning table, they all looked up at jack ready to hear him out, and heavy was the first one to speak, in a deep manly voice he spoke. "So what's the plan kid?" Jack inhaled a bit, nerves of what was going on, it was his first time planning and giving orders to warriors in higher power then him. "Nerves son?" the old mage asked the young knight with a soft smile, "a bit?" Jack replied, he shook his head and looked up at them all, "anyway…..here is what we shell do." He looked down at the sketch of the caste the scout had brought him not long ago. "according to the sketch the enemy castle has a massive wall heavily guarded." Mary with a small chuckle spoke in. "like we don't know that…of course they have a heavy guarded walls." she chuckled a bit more and looked at jack, "so what we going to do…leader?" she asked with a funny voice, making heavy and zindi chuckle a bit, jack looked at his with a small smile and sighted a bit, "so the plane to take out the walls is…heavy.." jack looked at heavy and pointed at the walls, heavy looked at him, crossing his arms. "I want you and your shield men to go on first and protect the mages..." jack turned his head over to look at MalthrenDoren. "I'm going to need you and your mages to use any type of explosive magic to take out the walls..." the elderly mage nodded in agreement, I moved to look at heavy.

"What if they send spearmen at us and the mages haven't taken the walls out?" heavy asked, spearmen been the only weakness to heavy shield men, as they moved fast and could strike them from any side. Jack pointed at the hill tops in the sketch. "That's where lala and her archers comes in, I'm sure the distance from the hills to the castle are no problem for her archers." Jack pointed out, getting a simple correct from the elf archer. "And what shells are troops do..?" asked xin, as he placed his gloved hands on the planning table. Jack looked over to him and pointed to himself then them, "use knights and you warriors will stand by until dose walls fall, ones they are down well send and all out attack and hope the gods are on our side and let us win this battle….for are dear queen." Jack looked at them all and nodded. "Now let's get are men and woman ready for this battle." They all gave him a nod. "Aye."

The commanders walked back to their chosen areas and started to chat with their brothers and sisters, jack walked over to his horse and lean on him and started to think of the battle up ahead, Maria walked over to him. "You did horrible…I almost feel like going to the enemy side." Maria teased jack, jack elbowed her softly and laughed, "ohm...shut up...you got noting on me.." jack responded to her tease, he smile trying not to show he was worry about her, yes she might be a knight and a powerful one at that, but she had never been in a battle with many enemies, or at least one as strong as the king of the dark sun. "So are you ready big leader?" she asked him, getting up close to his face, making him smile, he poked her cheeks and nodded. "Yep I'm always ready." They both smile at one another; jack picked her up from the hips and helped her up on her horse. "Get ready okay." Jack smiled again and walked over to his horse and got on, he rode to the center of the area, close to the camp house. "Okay everyone let's get going!" jack yelled every man and woman got up, getting there weapons and forming up again, they all started to march ones again, the leading commanders in the front of their troops.

After the hour march jack and the royal nation army was now facing the enemy castle, jack got in front of the army and looked at every fighter. "This is it my brothers and sisters, this ruler and his kingdom took are beloved queen from us, he shell not be left unpunished. So please lent me your power and lets end this kings ruling!" jack yelled racing his sword in the air, the whole royal nation yelled in agreement, racing their hands up into the air, they right away got the dark sun nations attention. "The enemy is here, sound the alarm!" archers of the enemy nation yelled. The enemy archers getting ready to shoot them down.

"Men and woman, wall of steel!" Heavy yelled, pulling his big shield from his back and slamming it on the grown, before picking it up and getting in a defensive stands, his men and woman's got side to side making a straight line, all there shields placed side to side. "lets move!" heavy order, been in the center, his troops started to slowly march forward, all matching heavy's pace and walk, there shields up. "Mages get behind heavy and his group…they will provide cover for us!" MalthrenDoren informed his mages. Every mage got behind one of the shield men and woman's, lala and her archers right away ran up to the hills to get in position. Ones heavy and his group, along with the mages, got a bit closer to the castle; enemy archers right away started to aim there bows at the shieldmen ones they got closer to them, say about a few more feet. "FIRE!" the enemy general yelled the order, every enemy archer relist, sending a steel wave of arrows strait for heavy and his men and woman. "halt and prepare!" heavy yelled, as every one of his group stopped and holed there ground firmly, the arrows hit the shields with massive force, making a few slide back a bit, do the arrows did not seem to pears the shields but bounce right off them.

"Mages start your spell casting!" MalthrenDoren order, as he stood up and put his staff in front of his face. "With the power of flame and darkness I call upon the power of..." a flaming red blot was forming on the elderly mages staff, he then pointed with his staff at the castles massive walls, "...EXPLOSION!" a bolt shot of his staff, follow by flames, the bolt hit the massive walls causing a great explosion, making the walls crack, just after that the rest of the mages fired their attacks at the walls causing more damage.

Over with lala, her archers where all ready in position and where firing at the walls archers, they where all highly train by lala that the distance between them and the walls where nothing, they one by one where taking out enemy archers. just like heavy said, the castle gates opened up reviling spearmen on horseback, the spearmen right away started to charge at heavy and his group, "archers….forget about the enemy archers… and aim your arrows at dose spearmen!" lala commanded her archers, as she aimed at one of them and swiftly shoot the arrow, the arrow gratefully flow through the air stopping ones it parsed right through the spearmen's helmet sending him fly off his horse, her arrow was then followed by a hundred more, all of them hitting there mark.

Heavy cheered as he sees spearmen flying off their horses. "haha that lala sure knows how to shoot!" his men and woman's all cheered as well, some of them thankful they had them on their side. MalthrenDoren looked up at the wall now falling apart, stone falling, walls cracking, and enemy archers falling. "Mages one final grouped attack will do!" MalthrenDoren said, placing both his hands on his staff and getting it close to his face, his mages doing the same, they all started to say the same spell, taking a bit longer. Heavy and his group put there shields up a bit, to make sure the mages where well guarded, not worry about the spearmen as lala and her archers where dealing with them.

Jack slowly rode in front of the warrior and knight class, looking at them all, he pulled his blade out and looked at them all, every men and woman looking up at the young knight, many of them ready to charge and fight for revenge, of their queen who did not need to die. "My brothers and sisters, the wall to our enemies have almost fallen….please lean me your strength and power…to take this evil king down!" Jack spoke in a loud confident voice, changing his gazed from the army, he looked up at the now dark clouded sky, he knew that this battle was not going to be easy, but he knew that the gods where looking over him and every one of this bereave and loyal men and woman. Jack looked up ahead at the mages and the shieldmen who stood strong.

The mages all piled up one massive explosive fire ball and all together fired the deadly magic attack, the explosive fire ball shoot straight to the huge wide wall, as the fire explosive ball flow through the air it burn any arrow that crossed its path. "INCOMMING!" an enemy archer yelled, dropping his bow and making a run for it, but he along with many more did not make it far, as the fire ball hit the center of the wall, the same area where they had been bombarding, right when the fire ball hit the wall, a massive explosion shook the grown as the wall blow into pieces, taking out many enemy archers, just like that the wall was now falling down, massive boulders rocks and enemy's feel to the ground, a cloud of dust covered the area the wall fell, but you could see and feel the wall falling down.

Jack looked ahead and quickly aimed his blade at the cloud of dust that was racing up after the wall collapsed. "ATTACK!" he shouted as loud as he could, right away the air was filled by the shouts and yelling of the Royal army, as every warrior and knight charged passed him, like a flash in the middle of a really bad storm. The army charged to the fallen wall, the dust slowly clearing out.

Mary rode up next to jack and holed his helmet on his laps; she closed her eyes and with a smile asked. "Is the leader read to fight?" the knight looked at her and gave her a small smile, he grabbed his helmet and put it over his head, "stay close to me at all times, Mary.." he said in a soft worried voice, Mary looked at him a bit confuse, not knowing why he would say such a thing, he never hear him say something like that to her, "I mean I wouldn't want to have my back open to the enemy..." jack added to what he said with a small guilty like chuckle, she looked at him knowing that was not the reason but with a sweet calm voice said. "Okay my leader!" she tapped his armored leg and giggled as they both rode to the fallen wall

Li ju and xin us along with their warriors charged passed heavy and MalthrenDoren. "Make them all feel are pain for the death of are queen!" li yelled in anger, as the warriors charged right through the dusted fallen wall, all of them holding their weapons ready. lala and her fellow archers took hold of their stuff and started to run down the hill to regroup with the rest as they were done with their part, heavy placed his heavy shield on his back, after pulling out his long heavy silver great sword, he holed it with both his hands and started to charge to the fallen wall. "Lets go…they can't have all the fun!" heavy laughed and jumped over a fallen part of the wall, his group all chuckled as they also pulled out there weapons and charged.

Ones the knights had passed the opening of the fallen wall, they where meet by a massive army, the knights without a second thought charged at them, there lance ready, the enemy charged strait for the knight, which was a bad idea, as the lances pierced right through the enemy armor and through there body's, soon after that the enemy warriors that did not get killed where meet by the raging royal warrior class, both army clashed in a strong force, as the clashing of swords, shields, and the yelling of every man and woman. Heavy charged in and shoulder ram through the enemy, sending many flaying back, the shield class joined him after some time and together they all started to kill the enemy.

The evil king walked out of his throne room, angry at the situation, he walked down the stairs to the front of his palace, two royal warriors see him and charged at him, the kings guards charged at them, and both speared them, the warriors body's where thrown out of the kings way, as he walked down the second part of stairs, heading for jack and Mary, who he right away knew where in command, as the way they fought, the kings guards, all dresses in black light armor, along with a black hooded cloak, along with faceless masks, made a path for their evil king, many warriors from the royal nation where foolish enough to attack, getting themselves killed.

With his shield Jack blocked an attack from one of the enemy warriors, he pushed his shield forward sending the enemy back a bit, that's where Mary ran to the man and stabbed him, jack looked over to his left to see the evil king heading his way. "Mary, get behind me now!" jack said as he placed his shield in front of him, ready to get in a strong defensive stance if he decides to attack, Mary rushed over to jack and got behind him, looking over his shoulder. "I suggest you give up and not fight, look around you, your army has fallen!" jack informed to him, with a confident voice, the evil king looked around to see his last few men get killed, the king looked at jack, the royal army surrounding him, mages, archers, warriors, shield men, and knights.

The evil king looked over at jack and chuckled. "So you think it's over…you think you won." The evil king spoke in a dark voice followed by an evil laughter, the evil king put his hand in the air and smirked, as a glowing purple orb appeared in his hand "la zing u ha ku ku sim gimal go di!" ones the evil king said dose unknown words a blast of dark purple light blasted to the sky, making the grown shake crazily, making everyone trying to keep their balanced, the rain right away started to fall hard as from behind the king a gigantic snake shoot out of the grown, sending many warriors and knights flaying around it, as many where near the area it shoot out, the snake looked down at the royal army, the king laughed ones again and slammed that orb he had into the grown, a massive shock dark purple wave spread around the battlefield, right when that happen the fallen enemy warriors along with some of the royal nations fights started to slowly get up, their eyes glowing dark purple.

"You are all dead!" the evil king says, every mage, warrior, archer, shield men and knight looked at their two big problems, one the massive snake and the now unliving army. "KILL THEM ALL!" the evil king ordered, the giant snake right away attacked, with a quick strike bit taking many warriors off guard and instantly killing them, the unliving army charged strait at the royal army, heavy yelled and charged at them making the rest of the army follow him, ones again the two armies clashed, but this time every time an enemy warrior got staved or cut, they would simply fall and right away get up.

Jack looked at the evil king. "You won't get away with this." He said to himself as he tighten his grip on his blade, jack dashed strait for the king who was distracted looking at his pet snake, jack got closer but he quickly reacted, placing his foot in front of him he pushed himself back doing a back flip, nearly

Dodging a spear stab by one of the guardians, jack landed on his feet scraping back a bit, his reflects ones again reacted, he quickly leaned back another spear passed by his face, a few inches from getting him, Mary ran over to the guardian and side kicked him, sending the guardian back, the guardian hit the grown, rolling ones before pushing himself up and landing on his feet, next to his partner. Jack looked at Mary and nodded. "Thanks." He said as he got into a defensive position, Maria pulled her shield from her back, along with her sword, a special sword, the handle of her blade was made out of a dark skin with belong to an ancient dragon called old black, and the bones from old black where heated and hammered to make the sharp blade of the sword, this blade was well knows by many people as the dragon blade of death, with had been passed down Mary's family, Maria got next to jack and smiled. "Lets take them out together." She said, with no worry or fear in her tone of voice. Both guardians twirled there spears in their hands and then aimed the tip of their spears at them both.

Right when jack and Mary where about to attack the two warrior commanders dashed passed them; the two commanders pulled their swords out. "well handle them, go and fight against the king!" xin yelled as he and li both sword blazing clashed against the two guardians, the two commanders with all their might pushed the two guardians back, jack and Mary looked at one another and nodded as they started to run pass the guards, who both try hard to push the commanders out of the way, "thank you boys, I'm counting on you two to take them out." Maria cheerfully told them, both the commanders chuckled and looked at the guardians, "you heard her xin, let's get rid of them1!" they both pushed the guardians back and begin a battle of their own.

Jack and Mary slowly stop as they approach the king; they both start to slowly walk to the king, their shields in position, and swords ready. "Well what a shame, I was really hoping my guardians would of killed you, and I wouldn't have to get my hands dirty." The king smirked and placed his hand on his swords handle; he slowly pulled it out and aimed it at them. "If the rumors are true, you're a master in the art of defense, correct?" the king asked, jack looked at the evil man and spoke. "That's correct." Jack tighten the grip on his shield, "good, this should be more fun!" the king said, the king dashed strait for jack, in an amazing speed that if jack did not have such fast reflects he would be done for, jack right away placed his foot down and in quick speed moved his shield to his left, to right away to be meet with a golden blade, the king smirked and jumped back, "haha very good." The king praised him, Maria smiled a bit under her helmet and dashed strait for the king, "don't worry jack ill get him." Jack looked at her and yelled. "Mary no!" Maria got closed to him and with all her strength gave her family sword a powerful swing, "Dragon death claw!" she yelled as the blade burst into a dark flame, covering the whole blade part of the sword. The king smirked and easily parried her attack, Mary was surprised as there was only one man she know could so easily parry that attack, the king moved his leg back and kicked Mary on the stomach, sending her flaying back, crashing into some fallen stones, even do she had armor on her stomach, she still felt the power of the kick. "Maria are you okay?!" jack asked as he rushed over to her, Mary looked up at him with a smile, trying not to show him she was in pain from the kick. "Yeah I am." Maria replied, jack stood up angry and looked at the king, anger in his eyes, the king smirked as he just got the info he needed for his next move, jack ran straight for the king and slashed at him, only for his blade to be parried , the king quickly spine to his left, to try and cut to his side, but jack ones again blocked the attack, jack pushed the kings blade back, sending him back a bit, ensue time for jack to attack again, he swung his blade at him with speed, the king right away tried to move back as quick as possible but fail as he was scratched on the stomach by the tip of the blade, as he we was only wearing royal robes, he touched where he had been cut, the blood of the cut slowly staining his finger, he pulled his hand up to his face and looked at the blood and smirked, licking the blood from his fingers.

"The fastest way to kill a strong opponent, as if they were weak, is by breaking them from the inside." The king pointed out as he finished licking his finger, he looked up at jack and smirked as he dashed strait for him, jack grind his teeth in anger and also dashed strait for him, his shield in front of him, ready to block the attack, not knowing what was in the kings mind, the king smirked as jack got a few feet away from him, the king vanished from where they were to meet, jack then figure out what he said, as he quickly stopped himself and turn his head around, facing Mary. Maria was cleaning the dirt of her armor, not knowing what awaited her, and she looked up at jack, and gave him a bright smile, her sword in her hand, her eyes glowing in happiness, saying she was ready to fight again. The kings appear behind her a smirk on his face, jack knowing he couldn't do a thing reached out to her. "MARIA!" he yelled as the evil king with that evil smile of him, stabbed his blade right through her back, piercing right through her, jack yelled in sadness as he see his best friend killed right before his eyes, she looked up at jack and gave him a small smiled. the king slowly removed his blade from her, a gush of blood shooting out from the stab, before it stopped and only stared to drip out of her body, she feel over on her back dying slowly, Jack throw his shield and sword to the dark dirt floor and ran straight for her. "no, no Mary!" he yelled as he picked her up in his arm, her blood stunning his armored arms as well as the floor, she smiled looking up at him, she slowly moved her hand up to his "give…t-the blade…t-to pure…d-darkness." She harshly requested as she smiled and let go of the blade on his hand and slowly died, her sweet smile still on her face.

Jack tightly grabbed her sword and slowly laid her down on the floor, his eyes turning blue in anger as tears fell from his eyes, he slowly got up and faced the evil king, angrily looking at him, the king just smiled, as his two guardians walked up behind him there spears dripping in blood, jack looked around him as he see his men and woman's getting slaughter by the undead army as well as the snake, jack roar in anger as he dashed strait for him Mary's blade in hand, the evil king smiled as he had just done what he wanted, he took his guardian spear and in quick speed throw it strait for jack parsing right through his armor and going right through his stomach stooping the angry knight, the simple mistake of not getting his shield ended his life.


"All Knights must bleed. Blood is the seal of their devotion." A holy female voice said, as the winds and battle noise were saline's, the knight on the floor verily alive, his blood covering everything around him, the evil king stopped and looked back at the body, but instead he was meet by a very bright and holy golden light, he cover his eyes and try to block the light, as the holy light was slowly picking up jacks body ones it was of the ground a powerful blast of light send everything and everyone flaying back, before everyone and everything, even time itself was stopped in this world by the god of time.

Jack slowly opened his eyes, as he feel the pain in his stomach gone, ones he opened his eyes he was meet by 5 glowing figures, all warring a white rob, hovering high in front of him, one of the robe figure put their hand out, her hand was pale and soft looking. "stand." The same female voice he heard said, jack was confused and a bit worried, as he slowly stood up and looked up at the gods. "w-where am I, and why am I not dead?" he asked softly, as he looked at the god in the center. "you son are in the realm of the gods, and we have spared your life." The female god informed him with a smooth and soft voice. "But why?" jack asked still very confused to what was going on. "We were hoping you would of killed zero, the king you just lost to." She hovered a bit close to him. "but I fear you where to weak to take him down." Jack looked up at them. "Then why save me, why did you not save…m-Mary?" he asked, the god, as it was one proven that she was a lot stronger then jack, from her left the second god hover forward and simply told him. "do not worry about her." The female ones again spoke "the reason way we have saved you from dying is to make you stronger, by sending you to another world where you can get stronger and learn how to be more of a leader of a team." "And ones you are powerful enough we will send you back to your world, so you can face the dark king again." The one on the right added to what she had spoken.

Jack looking down at the white floor still thinking of his queen and Mary and all of dose who die on the battlefield, he feel sad but mostly angry at himself for not being strong enough to save them all, he slowly looked up at the gods. "Give me my sword and shield and let's get this started," he said as he was determent to get a lot stronger and finally bring an end to this evil king. He was going to make sure to get a lot stronger to get revenge from dose he lost; he was going to make sure he was not taken down anymore.

The gods hover back and they all nodded at him and placed their hands out to him, creating a light aura around him. jack closed his eyes as he feel his body relaxing and calming down from his anger and sadness, the feeling of this light aura made him feel at peace, as if he was flying through the sky not worrying about anything that had happen, he smiled a bit at this feeling wanting to enjoy it as long as he could, knowing he was never going to feel like this again.

After a while that feeling when away making jack slowly open his eyes and was meet by green tall trees, he was sitting on the ground his back leaning into the trunk of one of dose trees, his silver and golden shield was also lean on the tree beside him, on his right there was two swords also lean on to the trees trunk. Jack put his armored hand on his head, feeling a bit of a headache, he looked around the area searching for anyone or anything, and he let out a sigh. "Man let's hope I don't get into any fights right now." He slowly stood up, the clashing of the steel plates of his armor made him worry a bit, hoping noting around the forest heard it, he quickly picked up his shield and placed it on his left arm, he walked to the swords and picked them up, he placed both them on his side, marys sword on his left side, as for his own blade he placed it on his right, he looked at the tree ones again and smiled as he see his silver with golden markings closed helmet, he slowly picked it up and slowly put it on, ones again looking around this forest he was in, feeling a bit uneasy. "okay, well now it's time to find a village, right when he was about to walk east in search of a village he heard the screaming of a girl loud and clear before it was follow by a roar of some type of beast, jack grind his teeth before running in the direction of the scream.