I don't own RWBY only my OC, and also plz give me a hand and tell me how I did. If people like it I will continue with this story. Thank you.
Chapter 3: The start of a new life.
"Russel Thrush. Cardin Winchester. Dove Bronzewing. Sky Lark." Ozpin spoke as above him on a screen there photos appeared, as the four where line up in front of Ozpin. "The four of you retrieved the black Bishop piece. From this day forward, you'll work together as team CRDL, led by…Cardin Winchester."
The student clapped for the new team, as team CRDL started to walk off the stage. As four more student made their way up to the stage while Ozpin called out there names.
"Jaune Arc. Li Ren. Pyrrha Nikos. Nora Valkyire. The four of you retrieved the white Rook piece. From this day forward, you will work together as team JNPR. Led by Jaune Arc." Said Ozpin as on the screens the letters appear on the team members names.
"Huh? L-led by…" Jaune question in shock, as Pyrrha smiled, as Nora hugged Ren.
"Congratulations young man." Responded Ozpin to him, before he was sent to the floor on his butt after Pyrrha gave him a shoulder bump as a congrats.
"Blake Belladonna. Ruby Rose. Weiss Schnee. Yang Xiao Long." Ozpin spoke again as team JNPR walked down the stage and the four girls started to walk up and line up in front of Ozpin as the girls photos appear on the screens. "The four of you reactive the white Knight pieces. From this day forward you will work together as team RWBY led by…Ruby."
Weiss looked over at Ruby surprised that she was choose as leader and not her, while Ruby's expression was shock from the news. "Oh I'm so proud of you!" Yang with a big hug congratulated the still shock Ruby.
"Now I like for are new student to come up onto the stage." Ozpin requested as he looked over at the tall knight still in his dented armor, which was too busy looking at the screens above Ozpin, as he had never seen such a thing.
"Hey man the headmaster is calling you." Said Jaune snapping the knight from his thoughts on the screens. "Oh sorry." Jack looked up at team RWBY and Ozpin who were waiting for him. Jack made his way up to the stage as people looked at him and whispered amongst one another, wondering who this guy in full knight armor was.
"I'd like for you all too met Jack Sky-Blade, a new student to are academy." Jack looked at all the other students of Beacon and slowly removes his helmet, revealing his looks to them all. "It's an honor to meet you all." Jack softly spoke as he gave them all a small bow and a smile. Girls looked at him in awe at how handsome he looked, while guys looked at him in awe but of how cool his armored looked as well as his shield and swords now that they got a better look at it.
"I have seen how well you handled yourself agents the swarm of Beowolfs, which alone is not easy, and not just that but an alpha Beowolf as well. So from showing great skills I have assigned you to team RWBY as a guardian and helper." Ozpin announced to Jack and the rest of the student's.
This news made Ruby happy and excited to have her savior on the same team as her, the rest of team RWBY smiled at the news. "I shell give it my all to make this team proud." Jack with a smile promised to the team he would be working with.
Back at Kinstone
Time had been stopped back in the world of Jack thanks to the god of time from Kinstone. The Dark Sun king was frozen in mid air after he was sent flying back by the goddess, his dark guardians where frozen getting ready to land when they were shot back. The massive snake was frozen with its mouth open and ready to chomp down on a group of warriors that were still alive when time was frozen. Many of the undead where frozen in mid air since many where near the blast of the goddess.
All around the land of kinstone, people and animals where frozen in time as well, many people frozen in their daily routines, kids frozen in their games, farmers and smiths frozen doing their jobs. Army's of other Nations where frozen in the middle of their trainings, in the middle of marching to enemy lands, and some even stopped in the middle of their own battles. The god's doing even effected the most powerful people of this world such as the Five Royal Knights of Kinstone.
The five gods hovered in a line, looking at Jack from light blue clouds that showed them what was going on in the new world they had sent him to. "Good, his getting along with the people of this world." spoke the 3rd god, who was known as the god of destruction and left hand god of the goddess of Kinstone. "Of course, that's a good trait about this young man" responded the second god who was known as the god of Life and the Right hand god of the Goddess of Kinstone.
"He shell be the one who saves this World and Ours from the darkness that is to come.." Said the goddess as she looked at the cloud which was showing a smiling Jack. The other four gods nodded as they looked into the cloud, watching over the knight. The gods themselves not knowing what was to happen in their own world.
Back at Beacon
Jack slowly open his eyes and let out a small soft yawn, he rubbed his eyes as he stood up from the covers on the floor and looked over at the still sleeping girls. Since Jack was grouped up with team RWBY he was now roommates with them, and since there were only four beds he decided to sleep on the floor after some time of him watching the team arguing who was going to give up their bed for this knight.
This brought a smile to Jacks face, as he slowly and quietly got up and stretched his body, he looked out the window and see the sun barely coming out he nodded his head. 'I have enough time.' He said to himself, as he quietly made his way to his armor that he had placed in the corner of the room last night before going to sleep.
Jack picked up both swords, his and Mary's black dragon sword, he stood there looking at both blades and remembering the times with her, making him tear up a bit and remember how big of a failure he was. 'No…..I must not think that….I must be strong….for her..' he slowly leaned Mary's sword on the wall and picked up his shield and walked out of teams RWBYs room, without his armor only his black full under armor and sheath belt. He slowly opens the door and closed it ones he was out and headed for a place to practices in.
After sometime he was able to find his way to an on opening in the forest near the academy. Jack looked around and then looked up at the little brighter sky, he took a big breath in and then let it all out, before pulling his sword out from his side and starting to train with normal sword swings and slashes as well as shield bashes and defensive moves, as just a warm up. Jack thought to himself about this whole change to his life, and how it was to help him get stronger and be able to face up against the dark king again, do he did not know it was going to be more then just that.
"Speed boost." He softly said as he looked at the tress nearby with sharpness in his eyes, he with amazing speed dashed away from the spot he was leaving behind a dust cloud. He dashed passed many trees in a flash the only thing visible was being a blur of him, Jack stopped at the other end of the trees he dashed past with his sword out pointing to the floor, as behind him all the tress he had passed by started to fall down from a prefect cut. "Speed boost recall." He softly said as he slowly looked back at the still falling tress.
"Strength boost." He now announced to himself as he started to make his way to the fallen trees, he got down and started to lift up the tress he had cut down with one hand and putting them on his shoulder as a way to grow more in strength by exercising his strength boost with more weight he could lift, he ran back to the same spot as he was at before, holding above his head all the trees he had cut down. Jack throws all the trees at the same time a few feet away from him, before falling onto his knees panting. "Strength recall." He softly spoke, trying to get his breath back. He looked up at the tress he had thrown and just shacked his head with a small smile on his face.
Jack slowly opened the door to team RWBYs room and quietly walked in. after an hour of training he thought it was enough for today so he had headed back. Jack took the school uniform, the only clothes he had right now, and headed for the bathroom to take a shower as he was all sweaty from his training. After 20 minutes in the shower jack stepped out and put on his uniform except for the red tie he was not able to put on. 'oh just forget it.' He said to himself as he put it in his pocket.
Jack walked out from the bathroom to see Ruby, Yang, and Blake up and dressed, do all of them had something different added to their uniforms which he found interesting, as for Weiss he see she was still asleep on her bed. "Good morning lady's." Jack respectfully said as he walked passed them with his under armor folded in his hand.
"Morning, jack." Blake responded in a cool tone, taking a look at Jack in his uniform.
"Good morning Jack." Ruby happily responded to her savior, followed by a big smile. Before getting close to Weiss with a whistle in her hand.
"Good morning to you to big guy." Yang with a smile responded looking at jack walk pass them to place his under armor next to his armor and sword.
Jack looked around at the team just as the same time Weiss open her eyes and both of them were surprised by Ruby blowing the whistle loud, Jack jumped back a bit but Weiss had it worse since it was right next to her, it freaked her out so bad it made her jump of her bed and fall onto the floor.
"what in the world is wrong with you!" Weiss yelled from the floor at Ruby, as Jack made his way to her and extended his hand out to her, with a soft smile on his face from Ruby's action which he had to admit was a bit funny. Weiss gladly accepted his hand.
Ruby did not answer her question as she joyfully and loudly when back to talking. "Now that you're awake, we can begin our first order of business."
Weiss gave Jack a nod as a thank you and looked at the team. "Excuse me?" she question as she dusted herself off.
Yang looked at her with a smile holding posters, some pillows, and a few more things. "Decorating!"
"What?!" Weiss ones again question as she looked at Yang, the knight next to her also looking at Yang.
Blake picked up a suit case and looked at Weiss. "We still need to unpack." The suit case flung open and everything in it fall to the ground. Blake, Yang, Weiss, and Jack looked down at the mess before hearing Blake add. "And clean up."
Weiss gave them all an unamused look before she was ones again sent to the floor from Ruby blowing the whistle she had. Jack just chuckled a bit and offered his hand to Weiss again.
"Aaaalright! Weiss, Blake, Yang, Jack and their fearless leader Ruby have begun there first mission! BANZAI!" Ruby yelled.
"BANZAI!" yelled Blake and Yang with their arms up in the air alongside Ruby. "Come on join us." Ruby said looking at them both.
Weiss let go of Jacks hand ones she was up and looked at the rest of her team with a disappointed look. "I and Jack will not be doing that." she said as she looked over at the blond Knight.
"Come on big guy join us." Requested Yang. Jack just looked at Weiss and smiled putting his hands out in a sorry way, as he walked up next to the girls and raised his fist up as well. "Banzai." He said normally.
The team started to work on their spots to make it perfect for them. Yang put a poster of a band group called "THE ACHIEVE MEN" on her spot of the room, a smile on her face as she looked at the guys in different poses. Weiss hung up a painting of the Forever fall forest and made sure it was not in an angel before moving on to something else. Blake was on her side putting away books, but she made sure to quickly put away one book that her eyes widen when she looked at the name of it. Ruby was doing her own decorating that she did not see how she cut the curtains of the room in a perfect diagonal piece. Jack looked at them all as they moved around the room, he did not have much stuff so all he did was organize his armor, shield and Mary's sword.
The girls alongside Jack moved back to look at the room and see how it looked, everything was just perfect except for the girls beds which where all cramp together in the center of the room.
"This is not going to work." Weiss complained to the rest as she looked at the beds.
"It is a bit cramped." Blake added to the complain as it was true.
"Maybe we should ditch some of our stuff." Yang suggested as she too agreed.
"Yeah you guys are right." Ruby also agreed as she looked at all the beds.
Jack looked at the beds and started to think. "Hmm back when I was in military camp we used to have this beds that were stacked on top of one another to make more room for even more beds."
"Hey that sounds like a great idea Jack!" yelled ruby as she looked over at him and almost hugged him nut stopped herself.
"Yeah good thinking big guy." Added yang as she punched his shoulder playfully.
After some time of working on the beds they walked back to look at the finished results, in front of them stood real bunk beds thanks to the crafting skills of the Knight who made sure they where save and perfect. "It looks great!" yelled rwby from happiness. "I agree." Blake stated as well. "We even have a spot for in the middle big guy." Pointed out yang as she looked at the free open space in the center of the bunk beds. "I must agree it worked out at the end." Weiss said as she looked at the bunk beds, her arms crossed.
As they looked on Weiss noticed that jack did not have his uniform tie on. "Jack, where's your tie?" she asked him, turning her body to face him. "Oh its here." He pulled it from his pants pocket and with a shy smile showed it to her. "I kinda…don't know…how to tie a tie." He faced her rubbing the back of his neck. "Here let me see it." She took his tie from his hand and pulled jack down a bit, and started to help him with his tie.
The rest of the team watched as Weiss helped jack with his tie, ruby a bit jealous of this, as she jumped on her bunk bed and spoke again so she would not feel like that anymore. "Well are first objective has been completed, and we can now start on are second objective, are classes we have a couple of classes together staring at 9 o'clock."
Weiss placed the tie on jacks chest ones she was done, ones hearing ruby new objective she quickly looked at her and yelled. "Wait did you say 9 o'clock!" all of the girls looked at her as she yelled ones again "its 8:55 you dunce!"
Weiss ran out quickly from the room and through the hallway as team JNPR all poked their heads out from there room as well as the rest of team RWBY.
"uhh, t-t-to, to class!" ruby said as she, Blake, yang, and jack all quickly ran after her to their class.
"Class? Wh-whaaa! Uullg." Jaune said as the whole team feel on top of him, but he quickly got up and ran after team RWBY. "we're goanna be late!"
Ozpin and Glynda walked down the court yard and see both teams run pass them to their class. Ozpin took a sip from his cup as he watched; Glynda took a look at her watch.
"Monsters! Demons…prowlers of the night. Yes, the creatures of grimm have many names. But I, merely refer to them as pry." Professor Peter Port, a middle age man with gray hair and a mustache, lectured already making many of the students bored.
He laughed a little bit, trying his best to lighten up the mood of the students, but it was no used as all it did was wake up ruby and some other person in the back as well. Yang and Blake only pay attention to him, as well as jack and Weiss but both where writing down the info on the board on to their notebooks.
Jack had a smile on his face as he heard the professor and wrote down at the same time, really enjoying the class and the new info he was getting, which is odd for most teens to like, but for jack it was just fun. This was one of the reasons he became a strong knight from enjoying lessons and learning new things.
"uhh, and you shell to, upon graduating from this prestigious academy. Now as I was saying, Vale, as well as the other three kingdoms, are safe heavens in an otherwise treacheries world. Are planet is absolutely teaming with creatures that would love nothing more than to tear you into pieces. And that's where we come in. Huntsmen! Huntresses…" He said as he clicked his tongue, which disturbed yang a bit.
Jack looked over at yang and gave her a smile as he fun it a bit funny, yang looked at jack back and just smiled back at him.
Professor Ports continue lecturing the students before staring a story about his past, which Jack happily pay even more attention to, that he did not see the drawing that ruby drew that got yang next to him laugh. He also did not see that Weiss next to him was about to blow from anger at the actions of ruby.
"I do sir!" answered Weiss to the professor's question, beating Jack at answering.
"Well then, let's find out." He responded to her as he presented a cage which holed a Grimm with red angry glowing eyes. "Step forward, and face you opponent."
Weiss stepped forward now dressed in her usual outfit, as she got in her battle stance, and held on to her reaper tightly ready to face the Grimm.
"Goo Weiss!" Yang cheered hit her fist in the air and a smile.
"Fight well!" Blake said with a small smile and a small flag with RWBYJ on it, waving it around.
"Yeah, represent team RWBY!" Ruby shouted to cheer on Weiss.
Weiss lowered her weapon and sifted her head to face ruby. "Can you be quite, I'm trying to focus."
"Oh, um…sorry." Responded ruby softly move her shoulders up.
Weiss looked over at Jack actually wanting a cheer from him, and she did.
"Good luck Weiss!" Jack cheered with his right fist in the air.
She smiled from the cheer of Jack and stood ready again. As professor port walked to the cage with ax in hand. "Alright, let the match, begin!" said before swinging his battle ax at the cages lock and releasing the Grimm inside. The Boarbatusk right away charged at Weiss ones the cage was open, making Weiss think fast and using her reaper to reflect the attack and roll to the side to get ready for her attack.
The Boarbatusk turn around slowly to face Weiss again, but this time it did not charge but just stare at her with its red 4 glowing eyes.
"haha, wasn't expecting that were you." The professor said what a laugh as he watched the fight going on.
"Hang in there Weiss!" the cheerful ruby cheered.
The Boarbatusk dud not charge at her so Weiss made the next move and charged at the Grimm, reaper aiming right for the Boars head. The Boarbatusk see this and charged at her as well and ones the reaper was close to the Grimms head, her attack was stopped when the Grimm swung its head stopping the reaper and getting it stuck on its tusks.
"A bold new approach! I like it." Professor Port said.
"Come on, Weiss show it whose boss!" cheered ruby with a big smile on her face.
Weiss turn to glare at ruby, which caused her to lose her weapon from the head shakes of the Boarbatusk, sending the Myrtenaster flaying to the other side of the room, and sending Weiss to the other end of her weapon after getting hit by the boars tusks.
"Oho, now what will you do without your weapon?" asked professor Port. As jack looked at her fighting in awe.
Weiss looked up after slowly getting up to see the boar charging at her again, she rolled to the side just in time and made a run for her reaper, as the grimm smashed its head on the desk.
"Weiss, go for the belly! There's no armor underneath.."
Weiss snapped and looked over at her and yelled. "Stop telling me what to do!" this caused ruby to lower her body down depressed.
The Boarbatusk jumped into the air and rolled into a ball and started to roll, quickly gaining speed. Ones it when back to the ground it right away shoot with great speed at Weiss. Weiss created two glyph, one in front of her to protect her and a second one behind her. The boar slammed into the defensive Glyph, causing it to flip onto its back and exposing its biggest weakness. Weiss flipped back to where her second Glyph was, ones she landed on it, it turn black and shoot her forward with force and speed, which Weiss used to stab the Boarbatusk on its belly, causing it to squeal loudly before going silent.
"Alright Weiss." Cheered Jack as he stood up from his sit out of excitement and awe of the skills of Weiss. Weiss panting from her fight looked up and game a smile to the royal knight.
"Bravo! Bravo! It appears we are indeed in the presence of a true huntress in training. I'm afraid that's all we have for today. Be sure to cover the assigned readings and, stay vigilant. Class dismissed."
Weiss looked over at ruby with a dirty look and angrily walked out of the class, making the whole team as well as other students to wonder what was wrong with her. Ruby rushed after hear to try and figure out why she was so upset and angry at her.
"Hey man what's her problem?" Jaune asked the royal knight who responded to him. "I don't know but I will go and see."
With this he stood up and chased after the two girls, leaving Yang, and Blake behind.
A Dark place in Kinstone
There frozen in time, a massive army made up of four kingdoms was stopped in place in the middle of their charge on to an ancient castle that inside lived their most hated enemy.
The inside of the castle was old, broken down, and dark. Many of the stone inside was cracked as well as some of the wood rotten, and banners of the castle ripped and tarred, but yet the Ancient castle still stood strong. Deeper in the castle the soft glow of candles shining out from the dinner room could barely be seen. The dinner room was also broken down and in rubble, the dining table was still in good shape do many of the chairs around it where broken.
At the very end of the table a figure sat with his hands under his chin, his eyes close and a blank expression on his face. As the figure sat there frozen in time a grin started to slowly form across his face, before his right eye shoot open raveling his bright blood red eye. A massive shock wave blasted from him and rushed all across their world breaking the frozen time power used by the god of time.
"AHHHH!" yelled in pain the god of time as he grabbed his head and fell to the ground, his mouth and nose dripping blood from the sudden and forceful cancelation of his power by the guy in the castle.
"God of time!" responded the good of life as he floated down from where the rest hovered, he kneeled down and picked up the god of time. "What's the matter god of time?" asked the god of destruction as he looked below him, along with the other god and goddess. The god of time coughed some blood from his mouth as he looked up at them and in pain softly spoke. "His…broken….m-my power." The goddess quickly looked down at the world and at the direction of the castle as she frowns a bit and whispered to herself. "Yuro.."
"HAHAHAHAHA!" laughed Yuro as he stood up from the chair he sat at and looked up at the ceiling of the castle, at the direction the goddess was at. The sound of the armies yelling could be heard ones again as they got closer. "I was starting to really get bored kiddo!" Yuro responded as he started to crazy laugh again and face the direction the armies where charging from and dashed to them in a blink of an eye.
"Goddess! It has begun!" Spoke the god of life as he looked up at the goddess with a concern expression on his face. The goddess locked back at the other four gods who were looking at her she looked at the cloud with Jack and team RWBY in it, she smoothly spoke. "We must stop it, it's not time for him yet."
Yuro slowly walked to the end of the cliff the castle stood at, as his fingers dripped of blood, looking far out to the land he smirked and spoke. "Hehe..this..will..be..fun! HAHAHAHAHA!" Laughed Yuro as behind him the armies laid dead in a bloody mess.