"Alright, I'm well-rested, bikes fully gassed up, got some cash on me, pistols reloaded, I'm ready to get out of here." I mutter as I look at my phone. After much debate and inner turmoil, I decided that it's probably best to get out of here. If those robots have made this town their base, or at least a location they come to on a regular basis, then I should get out of dodge as soon as I can. They could have transformed to try to catch me, even in the town, but they didn't so I hope that means they are trying to keep some sort of a low profile with humans.

Guess they didn't try hard enough with me.

In any case, I'm now sitting on my bike in the parking lot of the fast food place, KO Burger, I washed my scrapes in the day before with a bag containing a burger and the soda on the ground next to me. Can't go on the run from giant robot creatures on an empty stomach now can I? As I put my phone away, I pull the burger out of the bag and quickly take a large bite from it. It's not the best but it tastes alright for now. "Not bad. Better hurry." I say as I hear a vehicle pull up next to me but I reach down instead to grab my drink. "I should get out of here soon before they find me." I say under my breath and take a sip.

"Too late."

And the paved concrete surrounding the burger place just got coated in coke. At the sound of the familiar voice, I do a spit-take, spraying the soda in my mouth all over in front of me. I cough a few times and I do what I can to regain my breathing. When I do, I breathe in and out a few times before looking to my left. "Aw crap." I mutter as I see the familiar blue Kawasaki sports motorcycle than can transform into the giant blue robot that is almost twice as tall as me.

"Yeah, crap is right." She grumbles and I see the front wheel turn in my direction. "You may have gotten away from me before but I can assure you that you won't be getting away from me again." She tells me in what sounds like a vague threat.

I look left and right to make sure no one is watching before turning back to her. "Listen, I'm sorry I shot you, okay, but it's not every day I see giant robot staring at me and asking me to come with them. So excuse me for freaking out, shooting first and ask questions later." I hiss at her lowly.

"Yeah, Optimus told me the same thing after I said I wanted to teach you a lesson for that."

"You're not filling me with reassurance here." I tell her with a deadpan look.

"Not supposed to." She replies with a hint of snark in her tone.

"Great." I grumble annoyed as I rub the bridge of my nose. With a sigh, I lean on the front of my bike, propping my head up with my arm, and look at her. "So what do you want? What's going to happen now?" I ask. If she wanted to silence me permanently without a second thought, she could have crushed me while I was distracted. Seeing as we are talking now makes me believe she wants something else, hopefully.

"I need you to come with me so we can 'properly' talk about what you saw and so you can promise to me and everyone else you WILL not go blabbing to everyone about us." She harshly but sternly tells me.

"Seriously, I—" Before I can continue a kid walks out of the burger place and pulls out his phone. The both of us shut up as he begins talking to his mom on the phone. "Act casual." I whisper to the bot motorcycle next to me. She goes still while I grab my drink again in one hand and the burger in the other, casually eating and drinking them and acting like I was not talking to a super advanced robot than can transform into a motorcycle next to me. I don't really keep track of what the kid is saying but his choice of words gets my attention.

"I love you. Uh yeah I love you too mom gotta run." And with that he hangs up and starts walking to the bot. If I wasn't staring at him through the corner of my eyes, I would have thought he said 'I love you' to his mom but from his field of view, that's not the case.

"Hello Beautiful. Where have you been all my life?" He compliments her as I take a bite out of my burger. "Ni-i-ice." I almost choke on the piece of burger as he begins caressing her.

'Holy crap man. You have no idea what exactly you are doing.' I think as I suppress a giggle and instead let it out in my mind.

"It may take a few KO paychecks, but someday I am going to own a ride like you someday." He dreamily says as he gets on her. 'Wow man, I don't think there's any form of money that can buy her.' I think as I take a sip from my drink.

"Are you talking to your motorcycle?" A couple girls come by and one of them asks him. They think it's funny because they laugh afterwards.

"My motorcycle? No, I mean, yes, yes! It's mine, but I-I'm not talking- It Was to you- I-I am." The kid begins to stammer and overall make an idiot of himself in front of the girls. I roll my eyes and take the last bite of my burger before chucking the wrapper into the trashcan. "How's things, Sierra? Take you for a spin sometime?" He tries to be smooth but the damage was already done.

My attention shifts however as I see the bot subtly shift her mirror. Seeing what's in the reflection, I glance to what's got her attention, across the way to the other side of the street are two sleek purple and black cars. Thing is they are the exact make and model as each other and they are pointed directly at us. 'What the?' I question in my head and narrow my eyes at the vehicles trying to see who's so interested in us.

My eyes widen as the driver seats are empty. "Oh no." I moan under my breath as the kid introduces his name as Jack Darby. Before I can do anything, the two cars suddenly shine their high beams directed on us and drive towards us. The girls run off and the bot immediately springs into action, pulling out of the lot and taking off with Jack still on her, screaming and freaking out at being on a self-drivable motorcycle. She barely squeezes past the cars but as one turns around to go after her, the other drives straight towards me. "Damn!" I curse and drop my drink before peeling out as well. I drive away from the car coming after me and head around the burger place before getting onto the road. As I do, I see the bot and Jack driving away so without much other choice, I drive straight for them. I pass by the other car chasing them and catch up to the duo. Jack is beyond freaking out at this point as he desperately clings to the motorcycle. Both cars spring forward and come up on either side of us.

"Back!" I hear the bot yell and without any argument, I hit the break as does she. Both cars hit each other instead of us and we both take off around them before turning onto another street. After that, we turn into an alleyway before stopping. Jack gets off almost immediately and backs away.

"What… are you?" He questions.

"I don't exist. Tell anyone about me and I will hunt you down." She menacingly threatens him before turning to me. "The same goes for you."

'Well, she did already find me. Guess she's not making things up.' I think and nod.

"Good, now get him out of here."

"Hop on man." I order Jack to. He looks at me hesitantly but as the cars from before enter the alleyway, his doubt is gone and he hops on. "Hold tight." I warn him and I drag my tires around 180 before heading into another alleyway.

"Wha-what was that back there?" He asks frantically.

"You got me man! I'm in the same boat as you." 'Somewhat.' I say and think as I continue driving down the alleyway. Some engine noises behind me get my attention. Looking in my mirror, I mentally curse as I spot one of the cars coming after us.

"Uhhh, duuuude…?" I hear Jack moan worriedly behind me.

"I know, I see." I reply and get ready to ride faster when a new engine roar stops me. Readjusting my mirror, I see the bot motorcycle ramp off the car behind us before speeding towards us.

"Follow me!" She yells and speeds ahead of me.

"Hang on!" I shout to my passenger and hit the gas.

"Wait- whoa!" He shouts as I put in a burst of speed and keep up with my ally, at this point at least. We make a hard left and head onto the road before I see we are heading towards the highway. I would be relieved to see that but as we get closer, I spot many vehicles driving on the paved roadway.

Just before we get onto the busy highway, a staccato fire of what sound like sci-fi blasters erupts around us. Looking back, I see that the cars brought guns out of their hoods and are shooting at us. 'Damn, I'm too big a target here.' Quickly thinking of an idea, I pull up next to the bot. "Get on her." I tell Jack.

"What?" He asks like I grew a second head.

"Do it!" I order him. He looks fearful about doing it, especially since we are currently driving, but he does nonetheless with ease since the both of us are kept in sync. The bot needs a driver bar none and even though they are shooting us, I for one think a non-driving motorcycle raises some red flags. Plus if they do decide to shoot us, Jack won't be my human shield.

We make it onto the highway where it's just as busy as I thought. "Why are those guys shooting at us?!" He asks over all the sounds around us.

"I swear I didn't shoot them!" I reply and look back to see them still on our tail. "Yet." I add as an afterthought. If they continue to try to vaporize me, then I will be inclined to shoot back. My pistol isn't the only firearm I have.

"It's not you two and there is no us." I hear the bot say as we swerve left and right through the traffic. Because of our swerving, the enemy has trouble keeping up with us so we are able to keep ahead of them. Another shift of engine noise behind me makes me look to see a familiar looking yellow sports car speeding down an off-ramp towards us. He drives towards the purple and does a PIT maneuver on them, making them crash and swerve, buying us time and him getting ahead of them.

"Friend of yours?" Jack asks the bot.

"Family." Is her reply.

"No kidding." I say as we speed along. Not long after, some crashing noises emanate behind us and looking back, our backup just got thrown off the road. "Uhh, guys? Our backup just got halted."

"Scrap." I hear her mutter, presumably a curse.

Our enemies get a bit impatient with all this because as we continue along the busy highway, they start shunting people out of their way. "We need to take this someplace else!" I call out.

"Where?" Jack asks. So far the highway is still filled with cars and we'll be hard pressed to finding a good way out of here. Soon I come upon a rapidly closing blocked off road.

"There!" The bot says, saying what I'm thinking before she turns onto it. She slams through the wooden barrier with ease and I follow after her. The whole road is completely empty so we will have no problem fighting back without causalities.

As we drive down the now empty roadway, I smile at the freedom we now have. "Perfect." I mutter and pull out my pistol.

"You have a gun?!"

"What are you doing?! That's not gonna stop them!"

"Yes! And it'll buy us time for your friend to join us!" I answer their questions in order and aim back. Before the cars can open fire, I fire first.

My rounds fly through the air and impact the windshield of the cars, lightly cracking them but they continue moving. Aiming a little lower for one, I shoot at the grill of one of the cars. The bullets impact hard against it, forcing the car to waver slightly and nearly crash into it's partner. With the remaining bullets in my gun, I wait to see a clear look at my right's left most tire.


Firing the last of my rounds, they impact the tire and like the one I shot the other day, they don't pop but the car does jerk harshly to the side, forcing it into it's partner. Both of them crash into the metal barrier between the two lanes of the road and stop in a heap. With a satisfied smirk, I holster my gun and resume looking forward. "There. That should buy us a few."

"Nice job, I guess." I'm a little irked at her vague compliment for me but after our less than stellar first encounter, it's progress for not being on her bad side.

"Guys, we got a problem." Jack pipes up and points ahead. To my annoyance, the barrier we passed at the beginning of this turn wasn't kidding because we are rapidly coming upon a set of concrete orange barriers blocking the road for construction. No way we can crash through those with ease.

"Hang on!"


I hear her warn and Jack cry out as she speeds forward and the next thing I know, she manages to catch a small ramp piece going over the barrier, launching the both of them off the road itself. "hm, good idea." I smirk and follow her example. Aiming for the same spot she went on, I tuck myself into my bike as much as I can as I hit the ramp. I grunt a bit as I launch into the air momentarily and see just how far down below the highway is from the dirt below. I grunt again as I land on the ground and follow after the two towards the canal at the bottom. We launch off the piece of the concrete and land on the smooth flat piece of the concrete ground before both I and the both slide to a halt. Jack and I take a moment to catch our breaths but mine hitches as I spot a kid in front of us with a remote in his hand.

"Whoa." The kid says in awe. While Jack struggles to breathe from the ride of his life, I just chuckle.

"You have no idea." Jack manages to say.

"Ditto." I agree with him. Very carefully Jack gets off the bike but the sound of tires screeching gets my attention. Looking back up to where we were launched off, two pairs of headlights shine down towards us. "Great." I groan on how quickly they were able to catch back up to us. The cars drive off the pavement and head straight down towards us. Just as they launch off and before they land in the culvert with us, they transform.

Right before our very eyes, the two cars shift around mid-flight and land on the ground in their now robotic forms. The same ones that I saw back at the crater before the other ones showed. They right hands shift and I hear the tell-tale sound of blasters whirring up, ready to fire. I go to grab my other gun from my pack but the sounds of more transforming stops me. Me, Jack and the kid turn around to see our friendly bot transform into her mech form. They back up and I roll my bike out of the way as stands to her full height. "This ends here, Cons." She challenges them. We move over against the wall as the bot takes off towards them. At first I think it's stupid running straight at them when they have guns but despite her smaller stature compared to them, she moves fluidly amidst their blaster fire, dodging the shots with ease before jumping up and kicking one of them away. She rolls back and does the same to the other.

"Woah." I whisper in slight awe at the destruction she brings against these guys.

"What are they?" I hear the kid ask but I'm too focused on the fight.

"Talking cars that turn into robots… Or the other way around." Jack answers.

"Heya!" The female bot yells as she punches and kicks one of the enemies. "This! Is! For! Cliff!" She punctuates each word with a punch to its face. Unfortunately a momentarily lapse in her assault allows them to fire back. She dodges their blaster shots by jumping and somersaulting backwards repeatedly. "Aaahh!" Unfortunately her dodging wasn't the best because a shot manages to nail her in the stomach, surprising us as she is sent flinging onto her back and sliding particularly painful on the floor.

"Oh man." I groan at seeing her get taken down like that. I zip open my bag but before I can take out my gun, a set of tires punctuates the air. The three of us look up to see a familiar looking yellow car flying off the bridge. Mid-air, it transforms into a bot and crashes right onto one of them, right before delivering a right hook to the other one. I smile at how easy he took them down but as he steps back, he steps on something that crunches. Lifting his foot, its a crushed yellow RC car.

He looks down sadly at the toy before he lets out a series of beeps and looks at us. "No problem. Really." The kid says to the yellow mech. Just as he finishes saying it, a blaster shot comes out of nowhere and nails him in the chest sending him flying back onto his stomach. I wince at the damage and before he can get up, the purple mechs step on him. He turns onto his back as they both aim their blasters at him, about to execute him.

"Leave him alone!" I and Jack's eyes widen at the loud voice and we look down to see it's the kid. We look back up to see the purple mechs aiming at us now. "Please." He adds.

"Bad call." Jack tells him. The two mechs look at each other before one of them starts lumbering towards us.

"Split up!" I shout and rev my bike forward and away from the two. I expect to start getting shot but as I don't hear anything, I look back to see it still going after the others. "Damn." Quickly looking around, the blue female bot is still dazed and the yellow one is still being pinned to the ground by the other. I grit my teeth and reach into my pack before riding close to the enemy. "Hey!" I yell loudly. He looks down at me just as I pull out my double-barrel sawed off shotgun and aim right at his head. Without missing a beat, I pull both triggers, sending the 12-gauge slugs straight at its face.


Both shots impact its face, forcing it step back and grips its face, allowing the yellow one to get up and push it to the ground. It looks at me for a second and lets out a couple beeps but I ignore it and aim where the others went. "Help them!" I order it, pointing towards where the other purple mech is. It nods back to me before sprinting to attack it. Satisfied with my action, my grin disappears as the one knocked down gets back up and aims at me. "Crap." I groan. Revving my tires again, I peel out on the ground before riding as fast as I can towards one of the pillars under the bridge. Almost immediately the thing opens fire on my and I almost feel the searing hot blaster shots almost hit me. Thankfully none of them do as I make it behind the pillar. The thing pins me down behind it so I get off and pin myself against the stone structure. Quickly I reload my shotgun before waiting for a lapse in the fire to shoot back.

I don't have to wait long as the blaster shots are replaced by metal punches. Using the pillar as cover, I look out to see the yellow bot engaging the both of them but is quickly getting beaten. "Now's my chance." Jumping back onto my back, I move it forward just as the yellow one is sent flying back to the blue one who finally recovered. The two purple mechs get into a combat ready stance just as yellow and blue do as well. With the perfect opportunity for a goodbye, I gun my engine out past the pillar straight between both sides. I catch a glimpse of a truck coming but my aim is focused on the purple ones that tries to kill us. As I pass in front of them, my shotgun goes off, firing two rounds, one each at both of them before I holster it in my back and head out of the culvert. Using the slanted wall as a ramp, I launch back onto the dirt ground before heading back onto the highway road and away.

After around 15 minutes of near constant driving, I finally pull into an alleyway and hide behind a large dumpster. Shutting off my bike and putting the kickstand down, I get off and lay down on the ground against the wall.

My breathing is ragged and heavy from all that transpired recently. Placing my hand on my chest, I steady myself and my breathing until I finally calm down. After a few seconds of slowly steadying my breathing, I let out one final deep breath before opening my eyes. Looking up, I find that it's starting to get dark. Letting out a groan, I lay back against the wall and my head thuds against the wall. 'It's late… darkness is starting to creep up… I fought giant robotic mech creatures.' I sit and lean out from behind the dumpster before looking left and right then lying against my bike. 'I can't leave now. I can't hope to just ignore this now. I opened fire on the enemy and now I'm sure I'm a target.' Sighing through my nose, I start to remember that female motorcycle bot that was both angry at me and actually cared for Jack and I's well-being. I smile at the thought. 'Afterall, she found me pretty easy. I can't imagine what those others guys can do. They found her too so that'll involve some problems.' Without many options, I get up and pull out my phone and do a search before rolling my bike out of the alleyway.

"For now, just rest… then go from there." I mutter to myself as I head to the nearest hotel.

This was in storage longer than I intended. These mixed writings between all my stories was a bit different than I originally thought but I think things are still going alright.

I'm not sure but I think the next chapter might be somewhat small so hopefully it won't take as long to put out. Either way I hope things are going alright for you all.

As always, have a great day and have fun reading.