Addressing the comments.

Guest (1)- Well here's MOAR!

BlackDragonShinigami & Anikong & RizomataNyan- Thanks for the comments.

The Kistsune Saiyan- I suppose your right, if I have Raven in the harem then Yang should automatically be in it. Thanks!

duskrider & engineer2172- Just keep on reading then you'll find even more twist endings and interesting things.

SilentSniper05- Yeah, I agree they are on a rise, but not many of them are that interesting because most of them are OC centric.

Shadow Uchiha Avenger- Winter I will definitely add, but the other two won't be as easy, but I'll see what I can do.

DragneelHarem- Every single girl in the RWBY universe...y-yeah I'm not too sure if I can actually write Natsu with that many girls without making it into smut.

natsu de boss- Yeah don't worry dude Natsu does get his Semblance back in this chapter...well it's more like he starts off with his Semblance, but he won't get his Curses until the 4th chapter.

Dragonblaze66- I'll try to fix my sentences up and thx for criticizing me, even though it wasn't harsh.

Guest(2)- Yeah I know that Jacques Schnee exits in the RWBY world and I named Joan and Natsu's father Jacques based on the real father of Joan of Arc.

mrp00pybutthole- Don't worry I don't plan on using them, and I'm ONLY going to use 'nii' in the flashbacks, whenever Natsu and Zeref are talking.

Crimson- This is harem fanfiction.

Anyways, I thank all of you for taking some time to comment, and I hope you guys continue to do so. :)

Enjoy the Chapter!

{«Chapter 2»}

10 years later

In a open field behind a massive Victorian style mansion two figures were trading blows. One was a middle-aged man with almost gold like blonde hair and the other was a young boy with an unusual, pink, hair color.

Jacques was truly surprised by his son's battle prowess, it was honestly incredibly how quickly Natsu picked up fighting in just a month since they began training. Jacques was suspicious of Natsu in the beginning but gradually began to ignore his son's abnormality. While it's a shame that Natsu couldn't wield a sword without looking awkward and a fool, he was utterly incredibly in hand to hand combat.

Looking at his son who was slowly tiring, Jacques stopped causing Natsu to jump back and get into a defensive position, the blonde haired man chuckled at his son, "Well done Natsu, but that'll be all for today."

Natsu sighed before dropping his stance, "Okay."

"Here." The older Arc tossed a bottle of water to his son who caught it and began to drink from it.

"I'm going to take a shower, make sure to clean the area up. Alright." Jacques said as he gestured to the different equipment that were thrown on the grassy landscape.

"Yeah sure." Natsu said nonchalantly as the older Arc nodded his head and walked towards the mansion.

"Fuck." Natsu cursed squeezing the plastic bottle, he was too weak at this rate he might as well be used as a meat shield when fighting the Grimm.

While Natsu had his semblance to 'match' Jacques' blows, he still didn't have his old strength, speed or stamina to actually fight the old Hunter on an equal footing, and that was a major blow to his pride as a Dragon Slayer.

It had been 10 years since he was born as Natsu d'Arc, he has 6 older sisters and one younger sister. June, April and May had graduated from Beacon Academy and were professional Huntresses, while Bianca and Hazel were dating some guys. And as the years went by Natsu's Aura grew powerful, but it still nowhere near its original power, and the reason for that was because how weak his body was. Hell because of his weak body he couldn't even use his Dragon Slaying Magic and he hardly had any access to his Curses.

(A/N: I know that Natsu chose to be human...but fuck that shit, I'm going to have Natsu be an Etherious Demon with Dragon Slaying Magic. I think that way Natsu is more of a badass, also being human is overrated.)

"There has to be a way for me to get stronger. I've spent thousands of years traveling the world. I should have something in my arsenal that would allow me to improve by the second." Natsu muttered as he was in deep thought, then Natsu smacked himself in the face, remembering an idea he got from watching Dragon Ball Z.

"I'm going to kill myself one day for being so stupid. [Gravity x2]." Natsu cast a Gravity spell on himself. What he had in mind was absolutely insane, but if it worked then he would truly get stronger.

"Shit." Natsu cursed as fell too his knees, everything felt heavy, his organs, bones, skin, hell even his hair felt heavy.'How did Goku get used to this?'

The pinkette calmed down and waited for a few minutes to allow his semblance to kick in and adjust his body to the sudden gravity change, "Okay if I can feel comfortable with this much force exerted on me for a month then I will increase the gravitational pressure by 2 and so forth for approximately 24 months, so by The end of the 24th month I would have to withstand over... 16,777,216 times Remnant's gravity!"

(A/N: Exponential formula for 2^24. The first month doesn't count.)

Natsu paused for a few seconds, "...I am going die aren't I?" Natsu asked no one in particular.

The pinkette looked up at the blue sky as he laid down on the ground. Sighing tiredly as he ran his right hand through his shaggy and slightly spikey long hair, "I caused this mess...and I have to be the one who fixes it. The Grimm are the product of my obsession with death and I let them out because I wanted them to get stronger and smarter. I, Natsu Dragneel, with my two hands regressed civilization back to having villages, and having a weaker connection with each other." Natsu muttered with guilt eating his heart.

"Haha. How ironic is it, I used to be Natsu Dragneel the Savior, but now I am turning out to be far worse then Acnologia and Ankhseram as the day goes by..." Natsu let out a dark and broken chuckle.

A few tears escaped Natsu's eyes as he looked at the clouds that were passing by, "What should I do Zeref?"

Even though Natsu knows that his older brother isn't with him anymore, the pinkette couldn't help but think that if Zeref was alive and with him none of this would have happened, if Zeref had been alive he wouldn't have lived a lonely live.

"But your not are you." Natsu said as he closed his eyes to get rid of his dark thoughts.

Contrary to the popular belief that reincarnation was a second chance to live your life in peace, Natsu believed that he received this as a chance to repent for his wrongdoings on humanity. After all how could he live his life oblivious to the fact that his creations are still out in the world killing the race that he once sacrificed everything for. How could he live with himself, knowing that it was because of his selfish desire for death that caused trillions and trillions of people to lose their lives. Natsu couldn't live with that and because of that he is going to become a Hunter, he is going to stop the Grimm. For he was once Etherious Natsu Dragneel creator of Grimm, but now he will be Natsu d'Arc destroyer of Grimm.

Joan walked out of the mansion looking for her long time crush, and now younger brother; Natsu. The pinkette hadn't shown up for lunch after training with their father and it had been 3 hours since then. To say that Joan was worried was an understatement, thinking that he might have just run off scared her, the last time Natsu had left was before she had been captured.

And that brought back lots of unpleasant memories, looking at the evening sky she began to wonder how she could've been reincarnated. Natsu had told her that he didn't know, but Joan couldn't believe that for a second. After all, observing and reading people was the thing that she was good at. And Joan could tell when Natsu lies, the emotional shifts in his voice, the way he begins to look around and the way he twitches.

She knows that Natsu must have been involved in some way and because of that Joan can't help but fear for his safety, because no second chances aren't given freely, someone has to pay the price for a second chance and that's the thing that scares Joan the most, the mere thought of losing Natsu hurts, but if were to actually happen...then Joan wasn't sure how she would be able to live.

"Joan? What are you doing." Joan heard a muffed voice below her.

Joan looks down only to notice that she was grinding the heels of her high heels into Natsu's face, "Ahhh!" The blonde haired girl shrieked, and immediately jumped off the pinkette, she must have been so lost in thought that she didn't notice that she accidentally found the person she was looking for.

"I'm so sorry please forgive me Natsu!" Joan said her silver eyes filling with guilt.

Natsu stood up and wiped the dirt off his face, and adjusted his scarf around his neck, "Yeah Yeah, don't worry about it." Natsu said with a smile.

Joan let out a sigh of relief before she remembered why she was looking for the pinkette in the first place, "What were you doing here?" Joan asked in an almost deadly silent tone that was went unheard by Natsu's ears.

"I was sleeping. Why is Lily missing again?" Natsu asked, while rubbing his eyes and popping his bones. His adorable little sister had a tendency to play hide n go seek with the rest of the family while they thought that she was missing.

The silver eyed girl's right eye twitched, "No. I was looking for you because you didn't show for lunch! And you never miss lunch!"

"Huh. Now that you mention it I'm really hungry." On cue Natsu's stomach growled, "Haha see even my stomach agrees with me."

"You idiot! You don't have time to eat right now, we have to go to the party that the Schnee's family has tonight!"

Natsu groaned, "Are you kidding me!"

"No and let's go!" Joan yelled as she grabbed Natsu and ran to the mansion.

'For a person wearing high heels she sure can run fast.' Natsu noted as he allowed himself to be dragged back into the mansion.

Time Skip

Running out of the Arc family Bullhead, Natsu emptied the contents of his stomach on the snow filled yard of the Schnee's Mansion, changing to once white snow to yellow, "Come along Natsu." Isabella said completely ignoring her son's distressed reply.

The Arc women were wearing matching dresses but in different color, Joan was wearing a silver dress with and some gold jewelry, Jeanne was wearing a magenta dress with diamond accessories, Isabella, like her mother-in-law, wore diamond accessories but had a blue dress on, and then there was Lily who wore a pink hoop dress with a golden necklace. Lily had inherited her grandfather's red eyes and her grandmother's pink hair.

All the while, Jacques wore a blue dress shirt, with a white tie, slacks, suit and shoes. He had a diamond ring on his left hand signifying his marriage with Isabelle who also had a similar ring on her hand. Julius wore a magenta dress shirt, with a white tie, slacks, suit and shoes. Like his son, Julius also had a diamond ring which was similar to his wife's, but unlike his son, Julius had a cane in his right hand.

Jacques, Joan, Julius, Jeanne, Isabella with a seven year old Lily all walked out of the Bullhead and to the giant double doors of the Schnee Mansion. Jacques pulled out an invitation card from his coat pocket and showed it to the Atlas military men guarding the doors, "Hey do you see that kid over there. He's with us, allow him access when he's done with" The Hunter said while pointing at his pink haired son.

"Yes sir!" Both of the guards said respectfully to the Arc head and opened the doors to allow them entry.

Meanwhile with Natsu who finally managed to stop puking, "Dammit. How come I can't adapt to motion sickness...seriously it so pathetic."

"[Re-equip]." Natsu brought out a napkin from his dimensional space to wipe his mouth.

The pinkette then took out his scarf and wrapped it around his neck all the while throwing his white tie into the sub-dimension. Natsu wore a crimson suit, with a black slacks, black shoes and a white dress shirt which had the first three buttons unbuttoned. Natsu also wore Zeref's necklace which was hidden by his scarf. Fixing his hair to its usual shaggy and wild form, Natsu nodded as he brought out a mirror and checked himself out, "Alright, I look pretty normal right now."

Natsu then put the mirror back into the dimension and walked to the doors while unbuttoning his suit, and rolling the shelves up to his elbow. Without needing to say anything the guards opened the door for Natsu, who muttered a quick thanks before walking to the overly decorated ballroom.

"This is seriously too much...even the Arcs don't go this overboard with the decorations." Natsu muttered as he walked by other people who started at him weirdly.

Looking at the table a few meters away from him, Natsu noticed his father, grandfather, Jacques Schnee, James Ironwood, Nicholas Schnee, Qrow Branwen and Can't-guess-my-first-name Ozpin all sitting together while talking about some politics and other things.

And on the table next to them was his mother, grandmother, his twin, little sister, Winter, Weiss, Whitley and Caitlin Schnee. The ladies and Whitley seemed to be gossiping and talking about some other weird things.

"Yeah I'm just going to turn around and look for something else." Natsu said as he saw his mother glare at this attire, Natsu glanced at his father's table and saw Jacques d'Arc beckoning him. Natsu hurriedly walked to his father and tried to hide from his mother's view.

"Your mother's going to kill you." Jacques whispered to Natsu, while shivering at the glare he received from his wife.

Natsu pulled out the chair in between his father and Qrow Branwen, "Hehe she would've killed me years ago. You worry too much dad." Natsu commented as he sat down.

"Hey kiddo." Qrow grinned at Natsu and ruffled his already messy hair. Qrow Branwen had small spikey black hair with red eyes and he had a slight stubble along his jawline. The (Q) of STRQ was wearing black slacks, shoes, suit and a grey dress shirt.

"Sup drunk." Natsu replied with a grin of his own making Qrow chuckle. He had met the pinkette a couple of times whenever he visited the Arc mansion for a drink or to inform Jacques about the Queen.

"So where are your other sisters? I've only noticed 2 of them." Qrow said as he drank some wine.

"April, June and May had a mission, while Bianca and Hazel are with their boyfriends, who I'm pretty certain are probably going to get dumped soon." Natsu replied lazily.

'Shit that gravity thing is really affecting me...there has to be only one possible explanation for this, I've fully adapted to the gravity and this is a side affect. But I've never ha...never mind I guess this is just like my motion sickness.'

"How come?" Qrow asked genuinely interested, the last time he had visited the Arc mansion the older siblings had seemed very happy.

"Those two got super lucky with my sisters and just the other day I heard that they forgot about their one year anniversary. Hell I doubt the two of them were even good in bed."

"Hahaha how do you even know what 'good in bed' is?"

Natsu gave Qrow a sly grin, "I've got my scroll and Porn hub."

Qrow sputtered and began coughing while the other occupants of the table to look at him, "Don't worry I am only joking. I accidentally walked in on Bianca and her boyfriend, Troy, doing it. Bianca wasn't moaning so I'm pretty sure it bad. Hell I hear mom moan almost ever night of the week. I'm going to be honest Qrow I think I might be getting another sister soon." Natsu said with a worried face while Qrow erupted with laughter.

Natsu noticed his grandfather and the others stifle a laugh while his father had a slight blush on his face, "You may think that's funny but I think it's absolutely horrifying, I can barely get sleep at night. And the days that mom and dad aren't going at it are the exact same days that grandma and grandpa do it. I swear Qrow, you would probably end up traumatized if you were in my position."

"Hahahahaha! Holy shit kid your an absolute riot!" Qrow laughed as he put down his glass of wine. The drink had tasted disgusting anyways.

"Natsu where in Oum's name did you learn that kind of stuff?" The blonde Arc asked in horror at the thought of what his wife would do to him if she ever found out their only son knows about the age of 10. And Jacques was sure that he would have pay the price for Natsu's knowledge in that category.

"Internet." Was the simple reply from the physically 10 year old boy.

Ozpin chuckled at his friend's distress, "So your Natsu d'Arc. Jacques has said a lot about you."

"Really?" Natsu asked curiously with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes he mentioned that your Aura reserves passed his own a few years ago." Ozpin said looking at the boy with interest. Ozpin has silver hair and brown eyes, he was wearing a green shirt underneath his black suit. Natsu noticed that there was brown cane with a silver handle next to the said headmaster of Beacon. Ozpin also wore a shaded glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Hmm. Yeah dad and grandpa have said that I've had an unusually large amount of Aura."

"That's very strange. I can't wait to see you in Beacon Academy in 7 years." Ozpin stated making Natsu's eyes widen, the man in front of him was practically giving him an invitation to Beacon Academy.

Natsu laughed a little, "Yeah I guess so."

"Anyways I am curious how all you know each other. I mean Qrow's been to our house multiple time and invites us to all of his parties and vice versa." Natsu asked with interest, after all its not everyday that someone gets to hold a conversation with some of the most influential people of Remnant. But then again Natsu was reincarnated into a family that holds a considerable amount of power in the current society.

"Julius and I fought against each other during the Great War. You could say that we are rivals of sorts." Nicholas answered. Nicholas was an old man that looked to be about the same age as Julius and he was wearing a similar attire as his rival. Natsu also noticed, because of his nose, that Nicholas didn't have much time to live, Natsu would give him about a year or so. The pinkette guessed that he had been around Dust mines for too long.

"Ozpin, Jacques, your father and I were apart of the same team. I was Oz's partner while your father and Jacques were partners." James Ironwood said with a nostalgic smile. James has black hair with grey on the sides. He wore white overcoat, with a grey undercoat, black sweater, a red necktie, grey slacks and shoes.

"Wow that's amazing. What was your team name?"

"OJJJ, it was pronounced Ojay." Jacques Schnee said with a small smile. Jacques had white hair that was combed backwards, light blue eyes and a white mustache. Jacques wore the exact same thing as the blonde Jacques.

"That's a...wonderful name." Natsu said unsurely. The other occupants of the table chuckled at Natsu.

"Don't worry about it son we got over the name a long time ago." The blonde Jacques informed Natsu with a grin. Natsu nodded in return.

"Never mind that! Jacques what do you say about marrying your son with one of my daughters?" The white haired Jacques asked making Natsu groan. Jacques Schnee has been wanting a familial relationship between the Arcs and the Schnees for a long time, Natsu doesn't even know why he is still surprised.

"I think I'm just going to head over to mom." Natsu vocalized before hopping out of the chair and noticing that he made a slight dent into the floor.

'Okay start a list, and add find a way to make sure that gravity only affects my body and not my surroundings, on the said list.'

Natsu walked over to the table where the female half of his family sat. Noticing that there was a chair open between Joan and Weiss, Natsu walked over there and pulled the chair out and sat down.

"Hello Weiss." Natsu greeted the white haired girl.

The said girl looked at Natsu with a slight blush, "Hello Natsu you l-look quite handsome in your suit."

'That wasn't Schnee behaviour Weiss! Schnee's don't stutter. You need to calm down and just smile.' Weiss thought to herself, while putting a smile on her face.

"Is that so? I actually ruined it before I came in here." Natsu said with a shrug until he noticed his mother glare at him while his little sister made hand signals telling him that his mother would kill him.

Natsu just smiled at his cute little sister, "Anyways you look quite lovely in your dress as well. It really compliments your hair."

"R-really? I mean yes thank you." Natsu nodded with a smile, she was going to grow up as a major tsundere, Natsu then felt another glare set upon him.

Turning to face his sister Natsu raised his eyebrows, "What's wrong Joan?"


'Well that just happened. I wonder what's got her so upset.' Natsu thought curiously.

"Why aren't you the little flirt Natsu." Caitlin teased the pinkette who gave her a blank stare. Caitlin had platinum blonde hair with icey blue eyes. Caitlin Schnee wore a fancy white dress with a dark blue diamond necklace. Her daughters, Winter and Weiss both wore the exact same thing.

"I'm not flirting. I'm only giving her a compliment." Natsu retorted.

"Oh really? And your only going to compliment Weiss?" Caitlin asked with a teasing grin.

" I am appalled by your comment. How can insinuate such a thing?" Natsu asked with a fake gasp making Caitlin, Isabella, Jeanne, Weiss, and Winter gain an amused smile, while Lily looked at her brother in confusion not understanding the words he said.

"I think your looking very lovely in your dress, and your necklace matches your beautiful eyes. Winter you my darling look very lovely with that smi— glare, it's almost as if I've been graced by the Winter Maiden herself. Whitley you look very cute with the suit on but I'm not sure why you would want to pretend to be a boy though...I won't question your preferences." Natsu said with a smile at the Schnee women and boy. While Winter blushed at the compliment but quickly schooled her features. Whitley gave Natsu a hateful glare.

'Fine don't compliment me...stupid jerk.' Joan thought with a pout.

Of course Natsu knew that Whitley was a boy but he couldn't help but antagonize the little cunt, 'Whitley is akin to a snake hiding behind a flower. You make think that the flower is beautiful and harmless but when the snake reveals itself you would already have been bitten by the creature.' Natsu thought as he gave the little boy a fake smile.

"Why thank you for your compliments Natsu but I think now would be a good time to begin eating our dinner." Caitlin stated with a warm smile, the rest of the table nodded.

After a few minutes of listening to Weiss talk about the uses of Dust, the butlers came out of the kitchen and placed the different cuisines. Jacques Schnee gave speech about coming to his party and some other things and causing Natsu to zone out for the entirety of...until the Schnee finished the speech off with "enjoy the dishes made by our world renounced chiefs."

Natsu looked at the steak in front of him and was about to pick up the fork to eat before he remembered something very important, 'How will eat without destroying the utensils.'

"Hey Joan." Natsu whispered to his sister.

"What?" Joan asked in an irritated manner.

"Can you—"


"What I didn't even get to finish my sentence."


"Geez fine then. I'll just ask someone else." Natsu clicked his tongue.

Natsu then noticed that Weiss had already finished eating, 'Well she doesn't waste time.'

"Hey Weiss." Natsu whispered to his friend.

"Yes Natsu?" Weiss asked.

"Can you feed me?" Natsu asked with a slightly embarrassment smile.

"W-whaa—" Weiss was taken aback by the sudden request, and began to think about the things that I could mean. 'Only couples do that kind of things. Is Natsu asking me to be his g-girlfriend, oh my I don't think I am ready for this...'

"You don't have to do it if you don't want to." Natsu said quietly.

"No I'll do it!" Weiss said out loud getting the attention of everyone else that was sitting with them.

"Natsu what's wrong...why aren't you eating?" Jeanne asked her grandson with slight worry.

"I can't really eat..." Natsu trailed off.

"Is there any particular reason why?"

"Yeah my Aura grew again." Natsu lied which was noticed only by Joan, who narrowed her eyes.

"Oh." Natsu's grandmother along with his mother sighed in relief.

Meanwhile the Schnee ladies of the table looked at Natsu curiously, "Is there something wrong with Natsu, Bella?" Caitlin asked her friend and partner.

"No...actually we're not too sure about it, but Natsu was born with an abnormal amount of Aura... and it's been constantly growing, Natsu's Aura has already passed Julius's and Jacques's a few years ago and it's not showing any signs of stopping anytime soon." Isabella explained to her old friend.

The Schnees looked at Natsu in shock and with eyes, "Amazing." Winter muttered with Weiss nodding her head. To only be 10 years old having more Aura than trained Hunters was...

"Incredible, you have the potential to become a very powerful Hunter, Natsu. You should be proud of your son Isabella." Caitlin stated getting over her shock, Isabella nodded her head in acceptance.

"Thanks." Natsu responded with a grin.

Weiss meanwhile was cutting Natsu's steak into small pieces, so it would be easier to feed him, "Open your mouth." The white haired girl commanded.

Natsu complied and chewed on the juicy meat, meanwhile Isabella and Caitlin gave each other amused glances. Joan was glaring with such intensity that it could go through a steel door, "You know we should should get those two engaged, after all a family connection between the Arcs and Schnees will be most beneficial for both Atlas and Archos." Caitlin mused out loud. Natsu groaned. Joan and Whitley looked horrified for different reasons, Lily looked confused, Winter looked almost uncaring, but Jeanne and Isabella looked thoughtful.

(A/N: Archos is going to be a city in the Kingdom of Vale. It's the hometown of the Arc family, even though Natsu's aunts, uncles, and cousins live in other Kingdoms bar Atlas, cuz it's too cold there.)

A political marriage between two of the most influential families of Remnant did sound tempting to Isabella, the Schnees were well known for their Dust while the Arcs were known for producing talented Hunters and political figures in all of the Kingdoms bar Atlas. But she didn't have the right to just force her son and her teammate's daughter into what may end up as a loveless marriage. "I wouldn't mind it at all. But the decision lies with Natsu."

"No thanks." Natsu cut in, Natsu did not want to have a Fiancé, after all the things he has seen happen to guys that have fiancés in animes and real life...well it doesn't turn out pleasant for any party if you end up falling for another girl.

"That's a shame I would've loved to have Natsu as a son." Caitlin added with a smile which Isabella returned.

"Maybe we should give them some time to be with each other, then after Natsu graduates from a Hunters Academy we'll talk about this." Jeanne suggested adding her piece into the conversation.

"Yes. That sounds reasonable." The Schnee matriarch agreed.

Meanwhile Natsu's ear twitched, 'What the hell was that ticking sound?' The said ticking sound was drowned by loud laughter. Weiss put the last piece of steak in Natsu's mouth and gave him a napkin to wipe his mouth.

"Thank you Weiss." The pinkette spoke politely, wiping his mouth of steak juice. Weiss just gave Natsu a polite smile.

'There's that sound sounds a tim—' Natsu's thought process was cut off by a loud explosion that destroyed the reinforced doors. The untrained humans began to panicking and screaming, while the Hunters looked at the table that held the most important guests, before nodding and turning away.

Out of the corner of his eyes Natsu noticed that his father and Qrow were moving away from the group along with his mother, Caitlin and Winter. While his grandfather shared a glance with his rival and the other people in his table, but they stayed put.

Jacques, Qrow, Winter, Caitlin and Isabella crossed paths as they were sprinting for the kitchen door, "Okay listen up. First things first we are going to need to find out if there are any intruders in the other rooms of the mansion. Winter, I want you and Qrow to check all the rooms. While Caitlin, Isabella and I take care of the intruders on the outside. We'll meet back here in 10 minutes to discuss our next course of action. Good?"

Winter and Qrow nodded and set off to do their job, while Caitlin silently opened the back door to see of anyone was directly outside. The trio quietly made their way outside.

"Isabella use your semblance to block out any sounds we make." The silver eyed Arc nodded and did as she was told.

"Okay from here let's split up and take out all of the intruders out here, and meet up here in 10 minutes." Jacques said as the two women nodded before each of them went separate ways, making no sound whatsoever and only leaving footprints on the snowy terrain.

Meanwhile with Qrow and Winter. The two had spilt up to search different sections of the mansion. Winter heard something from one the room on the side of her. Quietly and quickly she moved to the side side of the door, getting her handgun loaded with tranquilizers.

Twisting the knob and pushing it Winter faced the interior of the room with her gun pointed straight, narrowing her eyes in suspicion, Winter walked in the room cautiously, looking around she noticed the window was open, "Strange." Suddenly the door clicked shut, Winter turned around and fired a dart.

"GAH!" The man gasped in shock as the tranquilizer hit his forehead, through his mask and extremely weak Aura. The chemicals in the tranquilizer immediately began to take affect.

After a few seconds, Winter looked at the fallen cat Faunus, before using some gravity Dust to lift him as she began to search for more intruders.

Qrow on the other hand had finally found a intruder after searching for some time. The moment the Branwen saw the intruder he punched the stripped Faunus in the face with enough strength to force him down on the ground but not knocking him out.

Taking his flask out of his suit's pocket, Qrow took a gulp of the drink, he then pulled out a dagger, "Alright start talking. Who are you and why did you come here."

In response the tiger Faunus spit at the brunette, "Go fuck yourself!"

The black haired Branwen stabbed his dagger through the intruder's shoulder, "If I were you I would begin spouting everything I know."

"Ahhhh!" The tiger yelled in pain as the dagger went passed his Aura and this time through his knee.

"Hurry up your time's running out." Qrow warned coldly. While he doesn't enjoy torturing people, he recognised that sometimes it's important and if the man in front of him didn't answer then...

"I'll ask you one last time before you kiss your life goodbye. Who are you people and why did you come here."

The tiger Faunus looked at Qrow defiantly, "Screw your—"

The dagger sliced through the Faunus' throat. Without even sparing the body a single glance, Qrow left to find another intruder. After a few minutes of searching the area Qrow decided that there was no one else in the mansion other than the hostages. Walking outside the black haired Hunter noticed that the enemies were trapped in blocks of Ice.

"So Caitlin used her Semblance...huh. The only Schnee that didn't inherit the hereditary Semblance." Qrow muttered, taking out his flask and drinking from, the wine had left a bad taste in his mouth.

"And here I was being to think that Killer Frost wouldn't come out again." Jacques quipped as he popped up behind Qrow, slightly covered in blood.

Qrow looked at the old Hunter with a knowing look, "None of them talked."

The blonde Arc sighed sadly but nodded his head, "They wouldn't have to lose their lives if they just answer the question."

The black haired Hunter shrugged, "What can you do? Pest will keep on being pests until you kill it."

At that moment Winter walked out with a person floating behind her. Winter had to double take at the scene in front of her. "What happened here?" She asked incredulously.

"Your mother." Was the monotonous reply.

"Did you get anything from your captive?" Qrow asked the Ice Queen.

"No. I used a tranquilizer to knock him out." Winter replied.

"He probably isn't going to say'd be best to just kill him." Jacques spoke lazily with Qrow nodding his head in agreement.

Winter looked at the two with wide eyes, "W-what?"

"Kil—gah" Jacques's head was now planted in the snow along with Qrow's.

"What do you think your teaching Winter." Isabella's silver eyes glared at the two Hunters.

"Nuhtiang" came the muffled reply.

"Calm down Bella. It's not like she wouldn't have to kill someone before she graduates from Atlas." Caitlin's calm voice came from behind her old teammate, "After all its a requirement to become a Hunter."

"Yes. But she shouldn't have had to learn about it till later on." Isabella countered while looking at her partner. Isabella hadn't fully gotten over the fact that as Hunters they had to kill humans.

Winter just looked at her mother in horror, "W-why?"

Wincing at the slightly broken voice of her daughter, Caitlin gave her a apologetic look, "We'll take about it after we've taken care of business."

By that time Qrow and Jacques had gotten up, "Now the second part of this plan is taking out the people on the inside. We'll need a distraction, to make sure the main group don't have any bombs on them. And if they do then I will use my Semblance to stop the said bombs from going off."

The others nodded, "Whose going to be the distraction?" Qrow asked.

"It has to be someone from the inside, because if any of us were to cause some disturbance then who knows what the terrorists might do to the people." Jacques explained.

"We can't have Ozpin go because he is well known and that applies to James and Jacques too. Father and Nicholas are also well known. So we only have one option that is to use either Natsu or Joan to be the distraction. I suggest we have Natsu do this."

"NO!" Isabella glared at her husband her, silver eyes glowing with anger and disbelief. The power of her eyes were activating.

Jacques sighed and rubbed his forehead, "Bell this is important. If we don't do this then people will lose their lives."

But Isabella wasn't listening, "I will not allow you to endanger our son. He barely began training a month ago—"

"I know. But you need to listen to me. Natsu wants to become a Hunter to protect people, he would understand. And besides if something were to happen we would make it time to save him."

Isabella took a few seconds to decide, "Fine." The silver eyed warrior growled, after they save everyone she and Jacques were going to have a long talk.

Soon 10 to 20 men and women ran in with Dust loaded semi automatic rifles, every single one of them were wearing masks, and black hoodies as they came into the mansion, and every single one of them had a distinguishable Faunus trait, "PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" The man bellowed. On top of his head were green antennas.

'My God this has got to be the most pathetic hostage situation ever. I don't even think the Wiggly Butt Gang was this bad.' Natsu thought as he saw the other guests actually put their hands up, but most of them actually looked scared, a few of them were trying to hide their smirks and smiles...well except for Weiss, Lily and other kids that were around the room.

"Should I use my semblance?" Joan whispered to Natsu.

"No. Remember what I told you. We need to keep everything hidden until the right time comes." Natsu whispered back.

"Hey pinky put your hands up!" Natsu heard someone yell at him. The pinkette noticed that he was being looked at by everyone else.

Natsu noticed that the bunny Faunus walking to him, "Uh, yeah sure." Natsu complied and put his hands in the air, the said Faunus walked back to her group.

"Now all of you will follow our order or pay with your lives. One by one you trashes will come here and put all of your jewelry and valuables into these bags. To refuse to do so means death." The bug Faunus said with a smug grin. He was going to kill them after getting the jewelry from the guests.

Natsu watched as people began to put their items in the bags, Natsu saw Joan and Lily go at the same time, next was Weiss and finally it was his turn and he was the last person left.

Natsu cause a distraction. Natsu paused as he heard his mother's voice.

It's my semblance, Sound manipulation, one of its powers allows me to send sound waves to the people I want hear me. Holy shit that is one useful semblance.

We've taken care of the terrorists on the outside and are currently watching you, stop standing there in shock and walk! Natsu winced at the sound, but that would explain why he has heard anything from the outside for the past 25 minutes. Natsu slowly walked towards the group of terrorists with a his hands in his pockets.

"Hey since I don't have anything, can I just ask you a question?" Natsu asked the masked group.

They looked at him with matching sneers, "No leave!" The bunny Faunus spat.

"Geez what got up your ass bunny girl." Oh God that sounded like something Gajeel would say, Natsu noted.

"What did you call me!" The female bunny Faunus yelled at the pinkette with her semi automatic rifle pointed at his head. Most of the crowd gasped, Joan was about to use her semblance to end everything but suddenly stopped.

"Wow! Calm down I just wanted to know your group name! You know every group has a name!" Natsu spoke with slight worry, he wasn't strong enough to beat all of the guys in front of him...not yet anyways and without his Dragon Slaying Magic he was even worse and the only magic he actually had available to use were Re-equip and his Gravity magic.

Re-equip was useless because Natsu didn't have any thing that could help him without killing everyone else in the room. But his Gravity magic might be able to, 'I could probably crush them with x4 Gravity but I'll also crush the others as well.' Yeah long story story Natsu had nothing.

"Are you going to stare at my face the entire time!" The Faunus yelled at the pinkette.

"Uh yeah sorry about that. But what's your group name?"

"White Fang." She replied with a haughty tone.

Natsu looked at her with furrowed eyebrows, "Wait do you mean the White Fang? The equality wanting, peace loving hippie group?"

"Ye— What did you just call us!" The bunny Faunus bellowed, the rifle touching Natsu's forehead. The other members of the newly formed terrorist group; White Fang all pointed their guns at the other guests.

"Hey! Get that away from me you Playboy Bunny!" Natsu yelled jumping back.

"YOUR DEAD!" Everyone had a look of horror or shock as the female Faunus was about to pull the trigger. Natsu started to concentrate his Aura to cover his head to protect himself from the bullet...but it never came.

The pinkette blinked as he saw all of the terrorists looked paralyzed. Natsu wondered why they all stopped, but he didn't have to because 5 pair of foot steps walked in through the blown up door.

"Is everyone alright." Jacques asked his blue eyes scanning the ballroom.

Time Skip

On the Bullhead ride back to the Kingdom of Vale, Jacques and Isabella were arguing...well it was more like Jacques was getting berated for his plan to use Natsu as a distraction while he charged up his Semblance. All the while everyone was looking in amusement...except for Natsu who had a green face and was trying to hold in his dinner.

After Jacques and the others had come in, James had called for a Bullhead with Atlas soldiers to take the terrorists to prison for questioning. Qrow had found suicide vests on at least 3 of them and began his search for more.

After half an hour later, Qrow had come back with 2 more Dirty bombs that were carefully placed in separate sides of the mansion. Jacques by that time had searched the outside and found some Dirty bombs underneath the snow. The total number of bombs that the Hunters had found were over 30...that much raw explosive power would not only kill the Hunters and Huntresses, but also cause an explosion that would expose radiation to the nearest city killing hundreds of humans and Faunus alike.

As soon as the terrorists were taken into custody and bombs diffused, the guests gathered their belongings and began to leave. The Arcs were invited to stay the night with the Schnee family but they politely declined, stating that their daughters and son had to attend school. The Arc family went to their Bullhead, promising to visit again and stating that the Schnee should come to Archos whenever they have free time from their respective professions.

"What would you have done if you couldn't have charged up your power in time?!" Isabella yelled at her husband.

"You know this never gets old." Julius whispered to his wife as she had Lily in her arms, asleep.

"I agree. It reminds me of the times you used to run off to fight in the war." Jeanne nodded her head while chuckling. Julius chuckle, and Joan was slowly becoming drowsy.

"When are they going to stop." The silver eyed girl yawned tiredly, her two grandparents gave her a shrug.

'Someone please help me!' Natsu internally screamed, begging with his eyes while looking at his family members who met his gaze but instantly turned away.

...Not wanting to get barf on themselves, like the last time.

Next Update- March 11th, Training and Learning (Zeref)

Well this chapter was significantly longer than the last one.

Anyways now many of you must be wondering how is Weiss's unnamed mother still alive or how is Weiss's grandfather still alive or how the hell his Jacques Schnee so f-ing nice. Well the answers to those questions are all coming up in the 4th chapter...where things are going to change.

Jk, anyways the reason why I think that Jacques was such a prick in the anime was because of the fact that his wife died and since she is still alive he's a good father to Weiss, Winter and the little cunt.

Now can anyone figure out why I named Weiss's mom Caitlin. The clue is that Schnee means Snow in German. Anyways thanks for reading as usual and till the next chapter.

Also I have a quick question can you guys, again, please tell me if this chapter was good or bad and review, honestly it really motivates me to write more for you guys and helps me improve as a writer.

[Natsu's Harem: Fem-Zeref, Pyrrha, Raven, Joan, team RWBY, Winter...] I'll accept two more girls then that will be it.

~ Natsu vi Kurosaki