"Hi Ace, good to see you again."
Why did he have to look so good? Even on a phone screen he looked smug smile of his did not really help the situation at all.
"I'm sorry I didn't call sooner."
She didn't know why she hadn't. Who was she trying to protect? Part of her had waited to be sure, to be sure that this baby was actually going to become reality. Before he threw his life upside-down too.
"Way to jump in there."
He was trying to lighten the mood, but he could see through the screen, even if they were miles apart, that she was worried. He didn't blame her.
"I went to the doctor's yesterday. There was a heartbeat. I had a sonogram."
She held it up to the screen and he couldn't help but be amazed.
She grinned, no, it sounded more like a suppressed snort. Why was she doing that?
"What's so funny?"
"Jess had the exact same reaction at the doctor's office."
As soon as the words had left her mouth, she knew she shouldn't have said them. Looking at the puzzled expression on Logan's face, she knew she was right.
"Why was Jess at the doctor's?"
From her expression, he knew exactly who Jess was. Why was he there? Were they dating? Did Jess have some weird idea that he was going to let him raise his kid? That hardly sounded like the person Rory had told him about.
"He, well, he's just been supporting me. As a friend, I mean, it's not like I'm feeling up for a relationship at the moment."
The more she said, the less convincing she thought she was. Maybe she should just be quiet.
"Listen Ace, if you want to be with him, don't feel guilty. After all, I'm the one who's about to get married."
He had been trying to figure out where he wanted to go from here. Odette still didn't know and he would have to tell her soon. She was great, really, this beautiful tall French girl with a great sens of humour and she understoof what it would mean to
be a Huntzberger bride. Rory would never be that. She could be, she had after all been an active DAR member at one point, but it wasn't really was part of what had drawn him to her. Even her grandmother hadpulled herself out
from that world.
"Does she know?"
"I haven't found a way to tell her."
"Just tell her it was a one-off thing."
"I think she deserves the truth."
"Let me know what happens, okay?"
Did she really want to know? After all, she wasn't expecting a relationship. These hormones were just clouding her thoughts.
"It's a baby Ace, not cancer. This is a good thing that happened."