Italic and () means the person is thinking.

I don't own assassins creed or highschool of the dead

Chapter 1: Wait what!

It was one of dose peaceful, calm and cold night in one of many forests. The shine of the stars and the moon was the only light source in this forest, it was so calm and quiet the sound of the wind whispering could be heard, the sayings of the owl, and the singing of the insects. But the peaceful night was to be broken by a loud and horrifying sound of a base alarm, making animals and even the wind itself run away in fear.

"Were the hell are they?!" A tall, blond, silvered armored templar with red markings and a red templar cross going down his chest plate, yelled as he ran through the base second story hall, with 4 other templar's by his side who also whore medieval steel armor. The reason behind this entire ruckus was for the reason that one of 6 templar grandmasters of this world had just been assassinated by non other then the assassins from the brotherhood, the same one that was establish in Rome by the legendary master assassin ezio.

"Commander! We have found 3 of are men dead up in the roof top." A templar guard, dressed in a black suit with a red tie and a sword on his side informed the blonde commander, as he made his way down the stairs that lead to the roof top. "Damn! They could of escaped already…hurry get up there!" The commander yelled at the 4 men that where by his side, the men nodded and ran passed the guard and rushed up to the roof top of the templar base.

Ones the commander reached the area where the body of three templar guards laid, all three stabbed on the back of the neck, blood still gushing out of there cuts, two more guards in suits stood on the side of the body's, their backs to a the wall of big ac fans, where it created a small like square the only gap being where the templar's where heading, the commander eyes sharpened when he feel the presents of the two people behind him, he quickly put his hand on the handle of his blade and quick draw his sword just in time to reflect a throwing knife that was thrown at him, throwing knifes where also thrown at the other templar's, the 4 armored templar's where just quick enough to move out of the way dogging the knifes, do that couldn't be said about the two guards who instead of jumping out of the way they jumped right into them, both getting hit on their chest making them both fall back to the ground.

"Damn I was hoping that would have gotten you, making this meeting a bit easier and clean." A young happy tone voice said from the shadow that was made from the rooftop door building ((sorry don't know what they are called XD))

"Man what a pain" another voice added, this voice was calmer, soft and let out the feeling of death. He stood in front of the first voice that spoke.

"I knew you still where here! Do I did not expect two assassins." The templar commander responded, getting in a battle stance, his blade in front of him aiming the point of his sword at the two assassins, the other 4 Templers got their swords out as well and moved in front of their commander, who with dose blue eyes of his sharply stared at the two unknown assassins. "Show yourselves bastardos." The commander ordered.

"Sure why not, your all dead anyway." The happy tone voice said as he stepped forward, the other assassin walking behind him, ones the light hit the two assassins it raveled two very young assassins, the owner of the happy exited voice was none other than master assassin Leon, wearing robes similar to that of Connors, with a few looking accessories from kenways outfit, as well as the markings on his where green.

"Let's just get this over with." The darker tone voice stepped forward, in front of Leon, this assassin was wearing the robes similar to that of Altair as well as ezios shoulder cape, the color of his robes were all full black, with red markings and accessories, like the cape.

The commander looked at the two young assassins and just begun to laugh at them. "Okay, okay where's the rest of your group." He asked the assassins trying to hold his laughter, as he was expecting someone older and more dangers and not some stupid kids.

Behind the commanders back the guard that had informed him of the dead guards stair at the two young assassins shaking in fear, this was not the first time he had seen this two assassins, he was lucky enough to had escaped last time he had encounter them and by the looks of it he sure was not going to walk away alive this time.

The commander took a sec to get his breath back from the laughing when he noticed the lower ranked templar shaking in fear, as both assassins only stood there, Leon with a smile on his face and nightmares just looking at them, his face cover by the shadow of his hood. "Don't tell me you're afraid of these mere kids." The commander asked the templar who was in fear. "S-sir…they a-are more than you think…were in trouble." The guard loudly replied to him as he moved back away from him and looked at the two assassins, nightmare gave out a small smirk as he put his hand on his black and red chest holster, he took two throwing knifes between his fingers and throw them strait for the man in fear, getting him twice on the neck sending him flying back making the commander quickly face him, right as he looked at them two the second assassin dashed passed the first assassin with a smile on his determent face and a tomahawk on his right hand.

"Get them!" the commander ordered his templar knights who simply nodded and ran straight for the assassins, the 4 templar's broke into two groups two ran straight for the assassin that was running for them and the other two for the assassin that was just standing there.

First templar to fall was the first one that ran straight for the tomahawk arm assassin, ones the templar's sword was in range he swung his sword strait for his head but only for noting as Leon simply stepped back spanned around the blade and behind the templar, with in that same spin he slammed his tomahawk onto the man's back hip making the templar move forward pulling his tomahawk Leon made another quick spin hitting the man on the center of the neck, the body dropped to the floor when Leon pulled his tomahawk out, some of the blood of the assassins enemy splattering onto his robe sleeve. The second templar knight was quite far in front of him standing by in a defensive stands now in a bit of fear at what he had witness, Leon smiled as he look straight into the eyes of the last man in his way to the templar commander. "Your next buddy." Leon said, the templar now in fear let out a battle cry and charged at Leon who just let out a small chuckle, he throw his tomahawk up into the air spinning ones before falling into his hand and in quick speed throwing it right at the templar's chest hitting him right smack in the middle crushing his manubrium into pieces the force of the impact was great it send the templar knight back and into the ground killing him.

The other two templar's charged at the assassin that was just standing there, waiting for the two knights to come to their deaths. "Die you assassin!" yelled one of the templar's as both of them started to swing their swords at Nightmare over and over again for the reason that nightmare was easily dogging their attacks, Nightmare scooted back a bit as both templar knights raised their swords in the sky both ready to strike down the finishing blow from both his sides of the assassin, Nightmare smirked a bit under his hood ("fools.") he moved his hands to his back where he grabbed the handles of two daggers from his belt and quickly pulled them out and with ease blocked the two knights swords, he pushed the blades back and dashed passed the two templar's slitting their throats in the process, the body's stood there for a sec before the cuts open, gushing blood out as their body's fell to the ground.

"Shit…" The templar commander commented in a whisper as he see all of his four templar knights fall, he feel a bit uneasy as he now looked upon the two young assassins who where slowly making their way to him. ("Damn! What the hell do I do….from what I see there's no way I can take on both of them.") The commander slowly stepped back his blade in both his hands ready to protect himself.

"Well looks like you're on your own now, what a shame." Leon said as he twirled his tomahawk in his hand, Nightmare placed both his daggers on to the back of his belt as he slowly made his way to the commander; the commander clicked his teeth with his tongue in anger "Tch." ("if I can at list take one out that would make my death not in vain.") The templar commander looked at both assassins and examine them before choosing nightmare as his target. "Well if I'm going to die I'm going to take at list one of you with me!" The blonde knight yelled as he ran straight for Nightmare who just stood there, the commanders blade when strait for Nightmare but before it could even reach nightmare his sword was stopped by Leon's tomahawk. "What?!" the commander in shock commented at Leon's quick speed. "Sorry pal but I can't let you do that." Leon sassily spoke; the commander looked as Leon's hooded face before slowly looking over at Nightmares hooded face, Nightmares arm quickly moved forward to the commander his hand wrapping around the blonde knights neck and pushing him up into the air his legs leaving the floor, this made the templar commander droop his sword and place both his hands on Nightmares arm trying to stop the assassin from chocking him.

"Search him for the Letter." Nightmare calmly ordered Leon who nodded and begin to search the commander for the second part of their mission. "D-don't…" was what the templar commander was able to say through the choking. "Got it." Leon announce as he pulled out an old looking envelope with red templar cross wax seal. "N-no." The commander said knowing if he lost this letter could mean the end of the templar order and he was not going to allow this he softly kicked the back of his boot making a hidden blade appear in front of his steel boots he kicked forward at Nightmare how scooted back letting go of the commander. The commander did not have time to catch his breath as ones Nightmare let go he turn to Leon punched him in the face, took the envelope and ran off to the end of the roof top and jumped into the forest trees.

Nightmare looked over at Leon to make sure he was okay before he had in mind to run after the templar commander but when he was about to Leon stopped him. "Let him go." Nightmare looked at his partner but most importantly friend. "The letter." He informed him; Leon chuckled and put up a piece of paper. "What letter." Nightmare looked at him and let out a small chuckle as he put his arm around his shoulders. "You damn rat." Nightmare jokingly named him as Leon added. "Years of training." Despised Nightmare being a dark, quite and mysteries guy he was always open with Leon the only guy he could actually call best friend or even friend in that fact. "Hey Nightmare last one to the hide out is a rotten templar!" Leon challenged Nightmare who with a simple nod accepted the challenge and they both where off into the forest.

Over at the other side of the base at the bottom of the forest trees the injured commander laid grabbing his ankle. "Fuck you tree." He softly said, he had managed to get away jump into the forest but fail to land the landing after the branch he had stepped on had broken and send him down to the ground making him twist his ankle. "Well at least I have the letter." He put the letter up into the air only to see the bottom of the envelope ripped. "Wait no!" he opened up the envelope only to find the letter missing. "ASSASSINS!" yelled the commander as he raised his arms into the air getting up and forgetting his injured ankle making him fall into the ground in pain again. "AHHHH!"

At the assassins hide out.

"Mentor we have returned." Leon yelled with his hand in the air hood off and a big smile from being back home, Nightmare followed behind Leon with his hood still on, the hide out was busy like always, the clashing of blades could be heard coming from the training room, fellow brothers and sisters cleaning the weapons from the armory, and many helping the mentor organized his massive library in the main room.

"Welcome back my dear sons." Rey the name of their mentor happily welcomed them as he walked down the few steps that lead to his desk "And how was the mission for my two youngest master assassins?" Rey asked as he walked in front of the two assassins. "It when quite well." Replied Nightmare as he pulled out the letter they where to retrieved and handed it to Rey. "And the grand master?" Asked Rey ones again, this time Leon replied. "Dead."

Rey was about to speck when behind him a new assassin recruit slipped from the latter and fell back into a table full of books breaking it in the process. "Watch it!" Yelled an older assassin who had fallen back from the recruits fall. The mentor see this and with a smile walked over to the table. "Slik calm down." Rey said as he put his hand out to the young recruit. "I'm so sorry mentor, I really am." Apologized the recruit as he took the mentors hand. "Don't worry my boy accidents happen, besides a life is more valuable than an old dusty book." Rey gave the boy a friendly smile as Nightmare and Leon along with other assassins watched, many see him as a father for the fact that he cared and watched out for everyone there was no one who did not look up at him, especially Nightmare and Leon who both did not have a chance to meet their parents. Nightmare was born into the brotherhood and just 5 days after he was born both his parents were killed in a mission that he latter accomplished in their name. Leon in the other hand was actually broth into the Brotherhood after he was found in the forest in the middle of nowhere and even today like he did when he was a lot younger he believes that his parents are still alive.

Both Leon and Nightmare looked down remembering their pass which were not very pretty, Rey looked at them both and then remembered. "Oh I have just remembered what it was I was going to show you." Rey walked over to his table and took a sit, Nightmare and Leon looked up at their mentor as he looked through his papers making quite a mess, both assassins where curies at what his mentor was looking for. "What is it mentor?" Leon asked as he made his way to his desk Nightmare right behind him. As Ray looked through his stuff he spoke. "Okay well as we know you two have been the youngest assassins to have earn the tiled of master and have done so much for I and this brotherhood." He keeps on specking as he now looked through the drawers. "So I have decided to let you two live a normal peaceful life." He looked up at them both with a big smile.

Both assassins stared at him in confusion. ("Wait what does he mean by a normal life?") Thought Nightmare as he looked at his smiling mentor. Leon returns the smile as he also thought of what he could be talking about.

Rey looked down and chuckled as he found what he was looking for. "Here they are." Their mentor ones again smiled and pulled out two airplane tickets to show the young master assassins. "I have arranged plans for you two to live and study in Japan."

""Wait what?!"" both assassins softly yelled both for their own reasons, Leon was quite happy of this as much as he liked being an assassins he always wished he could live like the normal people outside this made him very happy the smile on his face said it all. Nightmare on the other hand was not happy in fact he was quite worry for the fact that all he ever know was how to kill templar's he was not the civil type of guy and that was noted by both sides both the templar order and the brotherhood, both sides considered him a killing machine having more kills under his name then anyone in the brotherhood.

"quite the good idea don't you think?" Ray said as he sat down ones again. Leon laughed a bit as he nodded. "That's just a great idea mentor thank you." Nightmare looked away from them and softly added. "It is best for me to stay." Rey chuckled a bit as he looked over at Nightmare. "You especially my boy, you will head their or I along with Leon will force you." Rey and Leon smiled at him. "Fine, fine." Nightmare replied just to stop them looking at him, well it looked like he was now going to have to learn something new.

"Very well then, now you two should go and gather your belongings and get ready to start a brand new life." Rey stood up turn around and walked back to the book cases to help out. ""Yes sir"" both replied as they both left the room both with different thoughts in their heads.