Italic and () means the person is thinking.
I don't own assassins creed and highschool of the dead
Chapter 2: Well Here We Go.
In the airport
That same night around 10:26 Pm both assassins had their belongings and where in a taxi with Rey, making their way to the airport. "I can't wait; this is going to be my first time on a plane." Leon joyfully blurted out as he laughed lowly. "I call bull on that." Nightmare added as he sat forward. "A normal plane ride, not a ride in the cargo holds." Leon replied to him looking straight at him, this little discussion made Rey chuckle a bit. "You two haven't changed at all have you?" he smiled as both looked at him. "What do you mean with that?" asked Leon as Nightmare lean on to the cars door and sigh knowing for sure what his mentor meant despised both of them now a bit older they still argued like childes even for small things. "Oh noting." Answered Rey as he chuckled ones more, making Leon pout. Not long after their little talk the taxi stopped at the airport and all three of them got off, grabbed their bags and walked in to the airport with their mentor.
"Just look at this place!" Leon said with an excited tone, as he looked around at every shop inside the building but mostly what got his attention were the young ladies in the airport. The airport was full of people like it should always be people walking from place to place getting to their gates and heading out of there gates.. All three had to wear normal clothing to blend better with the people, but what their mentor had was not their type of clothing, especially for Nightmare he was just grateful the hoodie he was warring had a good hood to cover his face, as for Leon his bright yellow ugly color hoodie did not bother him.
"Dude look at dose chicks over there, they are smoking hot." Leon smiled as he removed his hood and faced the girls to show them his good looks; the group of girls looked over at him and giggled to one another before spiking to one another as the lady lover made flirtation looks at them.
"Dude I think dose girl like me." Leon chuckled as he softly elbowed Nightmare on the side. "I don't care." Replied Nightmare as he looked over at the group of four girls that were facing Leon he then looked back at Leon and ones again faced the girls. "Let's just go." He orders hitting lean on the back of the head casing the girls to softly laugh at Leon. "I'm…going to…kill you." Treated Leon behind the fake smile he had on his face as he faced the girls.
Both of them turn around and made their way to their mentor who was softly smiling from seeing dose two fighting with one another, reminding him of his young days and all the crazy things he had also done with his best friend.
"Quite the fun you're having." The mentor jokingly said putting his arms on their shoulders. Both of them looked at him and Nightmare was about to speck but was cut off by Leon. "Yo Rey did you see dose hot girls that where interested in my looks?" he gave out a smile and gently ran his fingers through his brown hair making Nightmare roll his eyes.
"no my boy I did not, but I'm sure they did admire your looks." Replied Rey with a low laugh. "Any who we shell get moving or you two will miss your plane." They both nodded at their mentor and started walking beside him to their gate.
One near their gate they both turn to face Rey who was just smiling at them feeling quite sad for letting them go, he had taken care of them two since they were just babies and raised them up as if they where his, he plaid it cool to not show any emotions do he wish he could just keep them with him, but he knew this was the right thing to do. "Well I guess now is time to say goodbye." Rey announce, Leon smiled and walked up to his mentor and hugged him, Rey returning the hug. "I'm going to miss you old man." Replied Leon with a bit of sadness in his voice, Nightmare just looked at his father like figure and his best friend and simply smiled. "Don't worry Leon well make sure to come back and see him again." Added Nightmare with that small smile of his, do he did not know that this was going to be the last time they see their mentor Rey. "We'll see each other again mentor." Nightmare smiled at him as Leon let go of Rey. They walked into the plane after their small goodbye and ones inside they begun to look for their seats.
After they had found their seats, witch where next to one another, both took their seats and waited for the plane to take off, not soon after 3 girls from the group of girls who Leon was flirting with got on the same plane and took their seats 4 rows ahead of them two. Leon sees this and smiled before facing his best friend. "Later man." He placed his hand on Nightmares shoulder and stood up. "I'll see you in the Tokyo airport." Tapping his friends shoulder twice he scooted out of his chair and walked over to them, somehow convinced a business man, that was sitting next to the girls, to trade seats with him, did this surprise Nightmare you ask, it sure did not for the main reason that Nightmare knew how well Leon was with talking and befriending people something he could never do. "Oh brother." He thought as he sat there looking out the window of the plane.
After 20 minutes of waiting the plane was ready to get going, everyone in the plane put their seatbelts on and the plane took off into the air, ones they were in the clear everyone removed their seatbelts and started to do their own things. Nightmare just sat there, still looking out the window thinking of how life will be now since he will not be out there killing templar's but living a life, he for sure knows things will have to change and might even have to learn a few things from his buddy that had just left him. Leon in the other hand was not worry of any of this for the main reason that he was too busy telling the girls on both side of him the story of how he and Nightmare saved a group of people from a burning building, do he did take out many part so he made sure he did not say anything about them being assassins.
"Blah…why are we here again?" asked a bored Leon who was lying on top of one of the historical building, his leg waving forward and backward from the edge of the building.
Nightmare stood up strait on the very top of the building as he looked down at the dim lighted street his hood covering his face. "If are scouts where correct, there should be a templar meeting in one of this buildings." Replied Nightmare with a bored like tone as he keeps looking around.
"Ahhh…it's so boring." Leon said again as he stood up and looked up at Nightmare. "Agreed." Replied the cold killing assassin, before facing the opposite way of Leon and sniffed the air as he had gotten the smell of smoke not too long ago.
"You smell that?" asked Nightmare as he looked over at his partner. "Smell it! I see it!" yelled Leon with a shock tone as he pointed forward to were smoke was coming out of a apartment building far from where they were, ones Nightmare turn around to see it soon burst into flames.
Without even thinking twice Nightmare jumped from where he was to the next building to him, soon followed by Leon who had to get up. Jumping from building to building they headed to the direction of the burning building not caring about their main mission. Ones closer they heard the fire trucks already there trying to calm down the flames that had started.
"No move! My wife and daughter are still in there!" yelled a man who was being hold back by fireman. "My kids! My kids!" cried an older woman who was on the floor tearing up, as fireman and woman try to calm the fire so they could go in.
Both assassins stopped on the end of the building in front of the burning one and scattered the area as well as hearing this. "You take left ill take right." Ordered Nightmare as he turns and faced his assassin partner.
"Got it." Replied Leon along with a nod as he quickly turn around and ran to his left making his way to the next building that was in front of the left side building from the burning one. Stopping and looking around Leon see an oddly shaped roof top that he ran to and used to make his jump from his side to the other building easy.
Over with Nightmare it was not as easy as he found no way to the other building so quickly he jumped down from window ledge and balconies to the ground below with a roll, not wasting any time he dashed from one side of the street to the other building and with quick speed climbed up the building.
"Damn no open windows." Leon said to himself as he was now running to the burning building. "Oh well guess I'll have to make my own." Running faster he jumped from the ledge of the roof and tugged himself in as he crashed through the window making to what looked to be a living room. "Hello anyone here!" yelled Leon as he try to look through the flames and smoke.
Ones up Nightmare rushed to the right side of the building and to his luck there was a window open unfortunately there was smoke shooting out like crazy from that window. Holding his breath Nightmare ran to the window and jumped to it, diving right through the window and passed the smoke he rolled on his side to his feet, staying quite he lessoned for any nose beside the cracking of the burning wood.
"Over here! *cough cough * plz help!" came a young girl voice from the far end of the apartment room Leon was in. "hold on I'm coming!" yelled Leon back, quickly he walked past the burring furniture heading to where he heard the voice. He was meet with a young teen girl, around Leons age, trying to protect her passed out mother from the flames. The girl gave him and odd look for what he was wearing and the fact that he was no fireman but she did not ask or say anything about it. "Plz save my mother first." Pleaded the girl. "Sorry dear but that's not happening." Replied Leon, slowly picking the unconscious mother I his arms he got down on one knee. "Get on my back and hold on tight." The girl did as the young assassin ordered and got on his back and placed her hands around his neck. "Now let's get you two out of here."
Nightmare looked around the burning apartment, moving from place to place soft like a shadow, his attention was soon caught by a small whimper and a few soft couches, making his way to the room the sound came from he found two kids on the floor almost passing out from the smoke they had taken in. "No…* cough* stay away." Try to say the small boy as he covered her sister. "I…I won't let you take her." Spoke the boy again, thinking that Nightmare was death himself. Knelling down slowly Nightmare offered the boy his hand. "I'm here to help you." He replied with a small fake smile. The boy hesitating slowly took the assassins hand and nodded slowly before letting Nightmare take her smaller sister in his hand and him on his back, slowly he made his way to the window he had came from.
Leon ran passed the fallen burning wood as he made his way to the stairs of the apartment he had luck on his side as it was free of fire and was able to get down to the last floor, he looked at the bottom floor as it was completely on fire and the front exit not too far in front. "Hold on tight love." The girl grabbed onto her hands tightly. Leon started to speed walk passed the flames he then heard a cracking sound, looking up he see there was a big crack going across the top floor and it was starting to break apart. "shit." Stated Leon as he holed the passed out woman closer to him and made a run for the door as the roof behind him started to fall. "Ahhh!" yelled the girl as Leon jumped over a fallen plant and through the burn down front door just in time as the whole second floor feel down.
As the floor gave out Nightmare had managed to jump out the window and grab onto a window balcony just in time. The force of the jump was too much for the small boy on Nightmares back, his gripping giving out he slipped out of his back. "Ahhh!" cried the boy as he feel, Nightmare quickly put his feet between the balcony's bars and grabbed tightly the girl on his left arm as he let go falling backwards he was just in time grab the boys arm. "Got you." Softly spoke Nightmare as he was upside down along with the girl, using his strength he pulled the boy up to him making him grab his neck hard. "Don't let go." He again said as he used his stomach muscles to curl up and grab on to the balcony pulling himself up he sigh at the close call, looking at the two kids in his arms.
People looked at Leon after he had dashed out the smoke and fire. "Honey!" yelled the man as he pushed the socked fireman out of the way and ran for Leon who had gotten on his knee to let the girl down. "Daddy!" yelled the girl as she ran to her father crying, hugging her daughter tightly Leon smiled a bit as he walked up to them. The man looked up at the Leon with tears in his eyes as he sees her wife in the arms of the young assassin. "T-thank you." Softly thanked the man, as he stood up and took his wife from Leons arms only getting a smile from the happy assassin.
"M-My…M-my kids!" happy and in tears cried the older woman as from the shadows of the other building jumped down Nightmare and slowly made his way to the mother, as both kids hugged him tightly, without saying a word Nightmare handed over the kids. "Thank you so much! Thank you!" in tears thanked the killer assassin, nodding Nightmare he turn around and put his hand up and sign to go as he took off running to the buildings shadows, soon followed by Leon.
"That's when I told my friend that this had been one crazy night." Joyfully told Leon. The girls were frozen in surprise from the story as they looked at him. "Wow, you're so amazing!" whisper yelled one of the girls. "And so was your friend!" whispered yelled the second one. "You two became heroes of your city after that right?" asked the third girl, shaking his head Leon proudly replied. "Nope. Me and my friend have a thing to not take credit for the good we do." The girls fan girl over him at this one liner of his.
Nightmare over at his sit see this from his side vision and faced forwarded to see one of the girls arm in the air, making him shake his head and sighed.
Now 4 hours into their flight everyone on the plane was asleep except for the pilots one passenger that been Nightmare who rarely slept. it became a bad and good habit of his as some times in missions they needed to stay up all night to ether be a watch out or to wait for their enemies, do he did sleep at least one or two nights during the weekend. There Nightmare was as he looked out the plane window to the dark clouded sky, like last time thinking of what to do to make his life normal, as well as a name he could use because Nightmare was giving to him by both the assassin order and templar order. "What a pain." Stated Nightmare with his normal bored like tone, as he when back to thinking.