Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. Harry Potter is owned by J.K. Rowling and some other companies but certainly not by me.
It was late night when Harry finally got back home where he lived. It was after the war, and he decided to buy a house next to his parent's house, in Godric hollow.
He was depressed.
Sure, Voldemort was dead but everyone he loved too. and that meant Sirius, his parents, Dumbledore, Lupin, Tonks, Dobby. Even Hedwig was dead ! Her first friend in the wizarding world. He couldn't believe it.
Ron, Hermione and Ginny were visiting whenever they could to try to cheer him up but right now, he was a lost cause. Barely eating, he almost never spoke and he was getting thinner and thinner, to the despair of Molly Weasley.
Two months after the end of the war, He decided that he had to occupy himself and that's why he started to train on his animagus.
Having a mandrake leaf in his mouth for a month really was not the easiest thing in the training.
After that torture, he could visualize what kind of animal he was going to be.
He was a bird, well kind of anyway.
He was excited at the idea of having an animagus form, but when he found his shape he was thrilled, he will be able to fly.
Flying was one of the things that eased his mind whenever he was mourning. He would go down to the Quidditch pitch and let the snitch Dumbledore gave him go as he wished before chasing after it.
He woke up from his thoughts and watched around him. He had a very cosy living room with wall painted in red and gold like the gryffindor colours.
On the table beside him laid his photo album Hagrid gave him in his first year. It was one of his most treasured possessions.
To be frank, he was fed up of ginny, ron and hermione's caring. He wanted to be with peoples who truly loved him. Like Sirius, like James, like Lily.
He didn't include Dumbledore. He was furious with the headmaster for all the lies around his life. If Dumbledore had been just a tiny more careful and placed a privacy charm on his table in the Hog's Head, none of this would have happened.
Not one day passed where he wasn't thinking about his parents.
"Come on!" thought Harry "Stop being depressed, and do something useful unless you want to go to sleep drunk and have one hell of a hangover tomorrow morning."
He had experienced hangovers and he could tell that it wasn't he wanted to do again.
With that fear, he went back to his animagus training. Being sick of not being able to transform he became so focused that he could sense everything that was going on in his room.
Before starting animagus training, he first trained himself to learn how to transform back to his human body. Well, it would really be awkward to succeed in being an animagus and not being able to transform back.
What shocked Harry the most was that his animagus form would not be the same animal of his patronus.
But he felt relieved because some kind of bird was much better than a juicy stag.
While trying to do what the book told him to do, he started to feel some dizziness. Not caring, he continued to follow the instructions.
That when it happened.
He wasn't sitting on his chair anymore, he was on his chair, but on his legs. He wanted to yell in surprise but he didn't have a voice anymore. He only made a long and singing bird noise.
He looked at his arms and was surprise that his arms were transformed into fucking wings.
Then it hit him.
It wasn't any bird wings. His feathers were tainted with gold and red. He jumped to see himself in the mirror and instead of seeing his usual messy black hair, he was looking at a gorgeous phoenix with pure emerald eyes, looking straight back at him.
He transformed back, still amazed at his animagus form.
It was a very happy Harry that went slipping that night. Before falling to sleep, he did something that surprised him a lot.
He smiled.
For the first time in months, he had a complete and resting sleep. When he woke up, he rubbed his eyes and tried to remember what happened last night
It took him thirty minutes to transform back into his phoenix form. He got up and washed himself before heading to the kitchen. His light breakfast consisted into two toasts and a cup of tea.
He had one goal right now. He got into the fireplace, and took the floo powder yelling "HOGWARTS" before leave in a dance of green flames.
Finally being an animagus revealed his father side inside of him. The opportunity to pull a prank on his former transfiguration teacher was well beyond any struggle.
Without waiting he transformed back into Firebird (that was what he called himself) and kindly waited for the headmistress to come into her office.
McGonagall was having a tiring day, being headmistress was not an easy thing to do but it has always been her dream, to take the place of the mighty Albus Dumbledore and run this school as well as he had done.
She was walking around the school to ease her mind she felt her wand vibrating inside her robes. She quickly walk up to the castle to see who was the guest waiting for in her office;
She knew it was someone she trusted because he must have the floo password to her office otherwise he would have ended in one of the public floos at Hogwarts.
"Tubby Cat" said McGonagall and the gargoyle leapt aside. When she pushed the door of her office, she found a majestic bird on her desk. When she realised it was a phoenix, she stopped dead.
"Fawkes ?" she murmured
Then the phoenix started heading towards her singing in a soft voice. Her wand was in her hand in no time.
Where stand the phoenix a moment earlier was none other than Harry Potter, otherwise known as "The-Boy-Who-Lived-And-Won", "The-Defeater-Of-The-Dark-Lord" or some other titles they called him nowadays.
Harry was crying with laughter at the face of bewilderment of his former professor.
"Harry !" she screamed "This is no proper way to greet someone as old as me !"
"Sorry professor, but as you can see, I have mastered my animagus shape" Harry said with a grin.
This grin made her anger fly away from her body. It has too long since Harry Potter had had fun.
A sound of clapping was made from one of the painting in the headmistress's office.
"Well done Harry, very well done" said a grandfatherly voice Harry knew too well.
He turned himself and saw the beaming portrait of Albus Dumbledore.
Author's note: hello everyone ! so… This is my first fanfiction ever, and I hope that you like it.
Please review, your reviews are soooo important to me. :)