Harry woke up the next morning early. Deciding that he needed to get in shape, he went outside and starter running all around the park. After half an hour of sweating, he decided to surprise his family and to make breakfast for everyone.
He prepared eggs, bacon, toasts and by the time everyone was coming downstairs, the breakfast was ready.
"Harry !" exclaimed Olivia "That wasn't necessary !"
"oh , but I wanted to, I'm a good cook and I was up before everyone so I decided to make breakfast, if you don't like it, I can always prepare something else.
"No ! That will do nicely, thank you very much Harry!"
"Not a problem Ma'am".
After everyone finished his breakfast, the parents went to work while the children were left playing in the house. Harry was amazed at Petunia. Since the return of Diagon Alley, she was more happy to be with him.
'She must be thanking me for saving her sister' Harry thought. But Harry was knocked out of his reverie when he heard an owl tap on a window.
"Well, hello beautiful, you got a letter for me ?" Harry asked. The owl nodded and handed her leg for him to take the letter from it. He began reading it.
Dear Harry,
Yesterday you gave us a lot to think about. First, I wanted to tell you that we are with you and we will help you the best we can to achieve the destruction of the you-know-what. We would like to invite you to come at our house this afternoon to talk with you again and Euphemia and I would very much like to know you better. You are after all our family ! So that's why we invite you to our house tomorrow at 3PM. And please keep that owl since you'll need it, her name is Peck and you'll soon understand why ! see you tomorrow !
Harry was ecstatic, he'll have more proper time to meet his grandparents. He was no fool, he knew he'll have to tell them his childhood and his years at Hogwarts but anything to spend more time with them! He went to the living-room and asked his parents.
"Mum, Dad! The Potters invited me to their home tomorrow can I go ? they seem like great people and they have a son that'll go to Hogwarts ! It might be a great opportunity to know another classmate !"
Harold and Olivia exchanged worried look. Harry couldn't blame them. After the fiasco of Diagon Alley, he could understand their reluctance to let him go but he needed to. He played his last card.
"Oh ! And they decided to buy me an owl! Mum, Dad please meet Peck" Just after presenting them, Peck starting to.. Well peck Harry in the hand. He chuckled because he now knew where this owl got her name.
"Ok, Harry you can go but please be back here at 6 PM" requested Harold.
"Sure ! Thanks dad !" Said Harry before hugging them both.
He went to his room and took out a quill in order to write an answer. It was short but clear.
Hey, Thanks for inviting me ! You'll need to get me though since I'm not supposed to be able to apparate. The address is number 4, Privet Drive"
"Hey girl," Harry said to Peck "Can you get that to the Potters ?" After an affirmative nod, Peck flew away.
It was an excited Harry that went to sleep that night after a great dinner made of fish and chips.
At 2:50PM Harry was already ready and waited for his grandparents to arrive. While waiting he started a game of "Monopoly" with his sisters. He just got the "Rue de la Paix" since it was a french game when he heard a crack outside the house. He got up and opened the door to find Fleamont at the threshold of the door.
"Hello Harry, are you ready ?"
Harry invited him in the house while he fetched his other grandparents.
"MUM! DAD! Mr. Potter is there !"
He heard footsteps and went back to living room only to find Fleamont playing with light switches with noises of delight. Harry was quickly reminded of Mr. Weasley but shook that thought away.
"Hello, Mr. Potter, Welcome to our house" said a smiling Harold
"Fleamont please, Mr Potter makes me feel old" he said chuckling.
"Then it is Harold, Fleamont"
Hearing Harold surname, he raised an eyebrow at Harry who was smiling.
"Very well, that was nice seeing you again but I'm a afraid I left an ecstatic James at home with Euphemia and I'm scared he'll put fire to our house if we leave him there for too long. Are you coming Harry ?"
"Sure!" said Harry before rushing behind Fleamont "See you later!" and he closed the door.
When they were out of sight Fleamont spoke first "I'm going to side-apparate you. I'm sure you can do it but we need to keep apparences and I'm not sure you want to become a phoenix in front of everyone do you ?" he said with a slightly mischievous grin.
Instead of answering, Harry grabbed his arm and a second later he was standing in front of Potter Manor.
"You'll find that I added you to the people who could apparate to our house in case of need"
That rendered Harry speechless, by doing that, Fleamont could also say that he considered Harry family it could have the same effects.
Fleamont, him, was very amused at the facial expression of Harry, such an act of affection must be rare for him then, he promised himself he would ask him later.
Harry was then ushered into the house he could have grown up.
When Fleamont opened the door, he saw James flying on his broomstick through the house yelling and throwing things at the house-elves that were trying to reach him while laughing all the same. He could see that the house-elves were having fun too otherwise they could simply petrify him and put him down.
It took several minutes for James to notice the visitors when he saw who was there he rushed to them, apparently not caring to stop. Harry was quickly caught in the fun and when James went just in front of him, he jumped and arrived on the broom just beside James. When James saw that he went down to stop.
"YOU'RE AWESOME" James exclaimed "How did you do that !".
At the same time Harry was laughing at the excited eleven years old.
"James" said Euphemia "please go to your room, we need to talk to Harry there and then he will be able to play with you, okay honey ?"
"Yes mum!" said James before dashing out of the room, surely preparing mischief.
Euphemia then summoned a house-elf and asked some tea before he disappeared with a pop.
They were drinking in an uneasy silence and Harry decided to break it first.
"Well, I want to get to know you but first, I feel as if you should get to know me first. That's why I want you to perform legilimency on me. You'll then know everything, my childhood and my travel. I don't want to have any secrets since we're gonna work together.
The elder exchanged uneasy looks before agreeing with Fleamont starting. He took out his wand and muttered "legilimens!" before falling into Harry's mind. One hour later, he retreated from Harry's mind, breathing heavily as he experienced everything the little boy had to face. From living in a cupboard, to face a basilisk or hunting all the horcruxes Voldemort had made. He poured himself a glass of whiskey wishing he had something much stronger.
In the meantime, Euphemia was worried, every time she looked at her husband while he was reading her mind, she could see he was blanching and sweating.
She then put out her wand and muttered "legilimens".
Another hour later, she finally retracted from his mind and went up to throw up her lunch. The boy in front of her was amazing, he had faced much more than everyone should have and he was still sane. The fact that it was her grandson made her proud.
Harry was anxious because he didn't know what to expect of their reaction. From what he had seen, it wasn't going well, are they going to reject him ?
Finally Fleamont spoke up "I think I speak for both of us when we say that we are going to help you with all of our hearts, you've faced so much and the fact that you still have good in you makes you a great person. But first," he took out a gold key "This is the key of our Gringotts vault, you have unlimited access" he said with a smile.
Before he could answer Euphemia spoke up "There is only one last thing to say to you. I am proud to be your grandmother, prouder than you can imagine" and then Harry found himself engulfed into her arms. She then looked at her watch and exclaimed " you need to go back to your home"
It was a VERY happy Harry that went to bed that night.
A/N: There you go ! Hope you like it ! the next chapter will be the Hogwarts Express!