I don't even know where to start. First, thank you to all the people who have followed, favorited, and left reviews for this and all my other stories when I have been so absent and especially when I haven't updated in years. Your compliments and faith in me have been very encouraging.

Second, to Jazzy. You are a gem of a person. I am sorry this has taken so long to finish. You were so gracious in saying the last chapter was enough. Especially tender and caring at the time because my life and health were so overwhelming. But the story was kind of like cake without icing or hot cocoa without marshmallows or whipped cream. Here is your whipped cream. ;) I hope it makes up for it taking so very long.

Third, you all really need to give a hearty thanks to doge for my return to writing and finishing up this and hopefully Sound of the Sea (as well as a couple new stories I've been writing to get back in the swing of things). She has challenged me, encouraged me, waited patiently on me, and listened to me all in just the right way and here I am because of it! I honestly thought I would never write again, I had no idea how I would get back to it for many reasons or where to start. I couldn't even begin to tell you how she did it but she worked some kind of magic and now here we are. Doge writes, by the way, I love her writing and think she is incredibly brave and daring for writing in English as it isn't her native language. Go read her stories! You will love them (and her) too! She's posting a new one today!

So without further ado - here we go!

If you like it, please review...pretty please with a cherry on top!

"The whole fish, Bones, they fried the-"

"Well, tempura, technically," her voice trailed off as Booth's excitement poured out.

"Yeah, that...tempura-ed...they tempura-ed the whole damn thing."

They were walking back from dinner, quiet night, breeze blowing, their path lit by small lanterns. It felt perfect, almost magical to Booth, he chuckled to himself, Bones would call it science and give some long explanation for how all these things came together and caused chemical reactions in the brain of some nonsense. He would love her for it though. It was her.

"I know," she answered, cutting through his drifting thoughts.

"I mean, fins, tail...head." His face scrunched up with distaste and he shuddered when he said it, which made her chuckle. "Eyeballs."

"You ate it."

"Yeah, I did."

"You didn't have to."

"I know, and don't start with all that vegetarian, 'nothing with a face,' stuff because usually, my meat doesn't actually have a face, okay?" Bumping her shoulder he smiled at her, his eyes sparkling in delight. "Turns out you were right, I was hungry." Her only answer was a satisfied nod as Booth stuck his elbow out, offering her his arm. Smiling, she slipped her arm through his, leaning her head against his shoulder as they continued to walk.

They hadn't walked more than a few steps when she stopped. "Did you feel that?" Looking up, she raised her open hands up into the air waiting. "I think it's starting to rain." She hadn't even finished the sentence before the downpour hit. Laughing, Booth stood there face to the sky, mouth wide open. "Booth," she begged, "come on, we're going to get soaked."

Grabbing his hand she tugged to no avail. He wasn't budging, in fact, he pulled back, gathering her up in his arms and holding her close, rain pouring down around them. "Booth." She protested, but before she could finish his lips covered hers in a searing kiss. No more complaints just pleasured moans egging him on.

It reminded him of another kiss, a first kiss, with a completely different outcome. Maybe that's why he held her so tightly, kissed her so completely. "Do you ever think of our first kiss?" Her lips brushed his pulling him back from the memory momentarily. "I do." He added, his kisses traveled as he whispered memories and tucked in tighter around her. "Sometimes I'd look at you and all I could see was the way you looked at me that night."

There was something growing between them she couldn't quite identify, an intensity, a depth, connecting years of memories as he regaled her with his thoughts on the past that brought back her own. The way rain poured down like a curtain around them, tucked in the entryway to that dark bar and pool hall. The inexplicable feeling that there was something between them, something more than just work or the possibility of sex, potential for something more, a future. It scared her back then. Terrified her really. The feeling of being drawn to another person, pulled together, the fact that he felt it too.

"And I'd feel it, Bones, just like I was there again, with you, your lips on mine." And that kiss, that unforgettable kiss that haunted her for years, kept them close but never allowed them to get too close. Now they stood in the pouring rain again looking toward a different outcome. "Did you feel it too?" All she could do was nod, the warmth of his breath on her neck tickled as he talked and kissed and she let her head fall to the side encouraging him to keep going. "So many times, Bones, so many times. It was all I could do to keep from just pulling you into my arms and planting one on you wherever we were, my office, your office, crime scenes, the truck. God. I have the patience of a damned saint."

Her hands came up to frame his face, fingers gently moving over the stubble on his cheeks, eyes connecting with his. "Yes, you do." Pulling him into a strong kiss, she almost lost herself in the feel of him and the rain falling around them.

Booth pulled back now, entranced by the lazy look of satisfaction in her eyes, remembering her inability to talk after their coerced kiss under the mistletoe, and smiled. He'd waited so long, they both had. It felt like forever, standing there in the rain, rivulets running down their faces, clothes drenched, until wide smiles spread across both their faces, the spell broken, hand in hand they ran through the deluge giggling as they went until they were heading up the steep stairs to their treehouse.

They stood dripping wet inside staring at one another, chests heaving. Booth took a step closer to her, gently reaching out to brush the tendrils of wet hair from her beautiful face. A shiver ran through her as he cupped her cheek and she couldn't help leaning into his palm, turning to kiss his wrist, letting her lips linger there. Those hands of his, those strong hands, her mind flooded with the possibility of those hands touching her in the most intimate of ways and a shiver ran through her whole body.

"Cold?" He whispered against her cheek, having moved in closer.

"No." She answered with an awkward laugh stepping a little closer herself, eyes darting over his fine face.

They seemed to be in constant movement. A step here, a light kiss, a slight turn, a soft touch, barely a graze, a low growl, each move bringing them a little closer in their dance, each step moving them through the room.

It was dizzying in the most beautiful and enticing ways. She would have blamed her rapid breathing for her inability to think but really she had no desire to rationalize away how all-consuming this man's attention was.

They were at the steps that led up to the bedroom when he stopped, a step ahead of him it took a second for her to realize he wasn't moving. He looked so serious until he pulled her in, curling her into his arms. Speaking against the most sensitive skin by her ear he whispered, "so, we're doing this then?"

She nodded first, breathy, finding it hard to find her voice. Then spoke, "yes." It was more than a yes to sex and she knew it. It was a commitment to more, to a relationship beyond work and friendship, to a future together, how ever far that took them.

Taking a deep breath she let her cheek brush against his relishing the feel of his stubble, then pulled back for a long look into his warm brown eyes before turning and leading them up the stairs.

It seemed like the climb to the bedroom took forever as they made their way up the narrow staircase a sequence of unending turns. He held her hand tightly, she led the way anxiously. The anticipation building until they finally stood in the tiny room that was mostly bed.

Coming up behind her Booth nuzzled in, his hands sliding from her hips around her waist tucking in under her shirt in search of bare skin, while he nibbled on her ear.

She thought she would be more aggressive when the time came. That was the way she'd always pictured it. That he would be more subdued and she would need to take charge instead she found herself transfixed by him, the sensation of his kisses left her unable to string simple thoughts together, and she found herself yielding to his confident touch.

It was dark in the room, with the exception of moonlight filtered through clouds and the boughs of the trees from a skylight built in over the bed. His hand slid across her tummy as he whispered that he would be right back, taking just a minute to light a few candles around the room. Her eyes followed him, the warm flames flickered bouncing their light around the room, highlighting the drops of water still lingering on his skin.

She felt young and full of anticipation, even a little nervous like her first time. And it was a first time, she reasoned with herself, their first time after years of restraint. Her mind raced unable to stop overthinking. What if the experience fell flat because she'd built up expectations, unreasonable expectations from nearly six years of heated fantasies?

But she looked at him now, buzzing around the room to make everything perfect, objectively he was quite handsome, the most handsome man she knew by far. A man of impeccable character. Firm in mind and body, certainly he was well-muscled. But more than that, he was attentive, and he knew her, knew her better than any other person on this earth. According to his many theories on lovemaking that would translate to a most satisfying experience.

"You're thinking too much." Drawing her hair away, he kissed the droplets where her neck met her shoulders, turning her until she faced him. "No thinking," he added, "just feeling." Letting his lips fall on hers, he elicited the most beautiful sound of satisfaction from her.

Her heart raced, her pulse-pounding and she was sure he could see the effect he had on her as his fingertips landed gently on her, falling, tracing a path down her skin to the first button of her blouse. A low chuckle escaped her as she nervously reached to unbutton her blouse herself. Stopped by Booth's hands covering her own, she looked up to find his warm smile and eager eyes.

He shook his head then leaned in whispering near her ear. "This is mine," her shoulder scrunched up as his breath tickled her ear. Their eyes met, then lips.

Reaching for his shirt her eyes twinkled with delight. "Does that mean this is mine?"

"Oh, Bones," he whispered, eyes full of devotion. "This has always been yours." It took her back instantly to a moment in the not so distant past, standing outside of the elevator at the FBI, talking about dating. "You are the standard," he'd told her as she compared herself to Catherine. She remembered the look in his eye then, honest and pained, and couldn't help compare it to the look now.

Breathless, she nodded in response then flung herself into his arms, her lips on his demanding, full of passion and need. A thunderclap boomed almost as an exclamation mark and the room darkened as what little light the moon gave through the skylight disappeared. The rain on the roof of their treehouse roared.

He led, but had no problem letting her lead too and as those hands traversed her body she found herself feeling free in a way she'd never felt before, free enough to let go, safe enough to let herself feel.

His hand sliding along her shoulder slipping her out of her shirt, the roughness of his stubble as he gently rubbed his cheek on the swell of her breast. The tickle of his warm breath as he laid kisses on her bare skin, her neck, then shoulders, all along the edges of her bra, dipping low along her abdomen while his fingers fiddled with the button of her jeans. She was lost in the sensation of his adorations.

It was the feel of his damp shirt dragging along her stomach that refocused her attention. She wanted nothing more than to feel his skin pressed against her own. Her frenzied movements pulled his attention and he smiled as he watched her work. He rolled his shoulders, shrugging off his shirt, letting it fall, and when she'd undone his pants he helped push them down until he was stepping out of them, standing before her in just his boxers.

They both paused.

His eye darted over her in a way they'd never been allowed before. He saw her strength there, the beauty of her curves, the way the light hit the very imperfections that made her beautiful to him. He couldn't stop himself, stepping in closer his hand glided over the curve of her waistline and hip. She was lovely. It was a dream. One that had captivated him for years but especially the last year when holding the line had been pure torture. His love for her, his desires, clear and undeniable. And here she was.

"You're, you're beautiful. I hope you know that. I hope you see what I see in you."

It had been a stressful year and she knew she wore it in the form of a little extra weight. His reassurance welcomed, he watched as she sucked in a deep breath and a sweet smile spread across her face into her eyes.

Booth took her by the hand and tugged, guiding her as they climbed up on the bed and settled themselves. Finally, his warm skin pressed along the entirety of her body and she let out a sigh of contentment as she let her hand follow along the contour of his body, the ridges of scars brought a tender touch, worried eyes, and soft kisses. He'd been through so much, this beautiful man, but through it all he remained ever constant. She had never met someone so reliable in his devotion and dedication and presence.

Lifting her eyes to his, she reached up touching lightly his strong brow line, tracing along his temple until she cradled his strong jaw in her hand. There was so much she wanted to say but didn't have words for. This was Booth, she reminded herself, she didn't have to have the words. He would know. So she opened her soul to him and he answered, pulling her down into a deep kiss.

The feel of her hair tickled his skin, forming a canopy around them. It was something he'd dreamed about. Those soft beautiful curls falling around them. He reached for her lips. One kiss then another, and another, each gathering strength and intensity. Until he flipped her. Towering over her on his knees, looking down at her, those dark curls spread out over the pillow, her chest rising and falling fast and hard.

The feel of his hand running along the outside of her thigh all the way up her side was new and left her breathless. "You like that." He spoke, his voice rich and low. "I knew you would." He hummed. Each pass brought his hand up farther, her body arching against his. "Jupiter," he whispered just under her ear. Reminding her that he knew her, knew her like no other person on this earth.

Each kiss along her neck trailed a little farther down until his lips were falling on her breast bone, dipping between her breasts. A sensation that left her clinging to him, holding onto his shoulders. "Daffodil." Murmured against her skin between kisses made her giggle, his lips tickling as he spoke. Then he caught her gaze, he looked so serious as he nudged her, encouraging her to roll onto her tummy, her body landing snuggly next to his. His hand traveled along her back edging lower with each pass until he cradled her hip and leaned in.

"Daisy." His lips brushed the word against her flesh then pressed a firm kiss to her lower back where his hand had landed so many times throughout the years in a show of guidance, support, protection, even possessiveness.

"Booth." His name echoed with a sensual breathiness he'd only dreamed of as she rolled over and pulled him on top of her. The roll of his hips against hers built her anticipation and desire, sending a thrill throughout her body until she couldn't wait one minute more and she started pushing almost frantically alternating between his boxers and her own underwear. Her need overwhelming.

His hands were sure as he helped rid themselves of those last garments until their bodies were pressed against each other, skin to skin, no barriers. There was a sense of relief, a freedom in their nakedness, in laying there bare.

She closed her eyes momentarily and let herself feel it. The soft cotton bedding, the warm humid air, the feel of his body brushing hers. Then opened her eyes to the beauty of him, kissing the highlights and deep shadows the candlelight cast over his strong body. It was dreamy, seductive. She would forever think of this moment when she thought of Thailand. Dancing under the ancient banyan tree and their late night out on the deck of the Moon River, coconut ice cream and monsoons and thunderstorms, they all had their place in her memories of this trip, but most of all she'd think of Booth, naked and strong, his body lit by candles in a bed they shared at the top of a tree.

Rising up over him in statuesque beauty, she relished the feel of his hands resting on her hips, floating along her curves, making her feel beautiful and feminine, before tucking in behind her knees. He couldn't help the way his hips rolled up to meet hers, the look of pleasure as her head lulled back in response as her back arched. She was a goddess, his goddess.

Her hands reached forward sliding on his chest until they reached an old scar, the one Pam Nunan inflicted when she'd tried to kill her. Leaning down she let her lips fall on the long-ago healed wound. It felt so distant, so far in their past. One thing she could never deny, he was right, he had always been hers. Always. She'd just been too scared to see it, too scared to embrace it. But not anymore.

She kissed her way across his broad chest, up along his neck, back to his lips. Humming as his hands traveled over her hips, along her back and shoulder, up to cup her face. "I love you, Temperance, you know that, right?" She sucked in a long sharp breath, nodding. His hands carefully brushed her hair back out of her face as he planted kisses along her cheeks. Her sudden retreat stopped him as she pulled back catching his eyes with hers.

"I love you too, Booth." He couldn't begin to say what hearing her say those words meant to him, what it did to him.

Reaching up he pulled her down. Two bodies drawn together, exploration gave way to ecstasy. Need pulled them closer and closer until they were as close as two people can get and still it didn't feel quite close enough.

The sound of rain faded into the background, the candlelight dimmed, the creak of the bed and the sway of the treehouse in the wind all disappeared until all there was in the world was the two of them in that age-old quest to be one. His name fell from her lips in passion and hers from his, desperate and needy. Until their bodies fell, collapsing on one another breathless and spent. They held each other closely unwilling to separate as the rain pounded above them and the candlelight seemed to grow brighter and the sway of the treehouse reminded them it wasn't a fantasy, though it felt like one, this was their new reality. The new beginning of a shared life together.