Chapter 20

Harry spent the night with the Goblins and learned many sad things about how the magicals viewed everything. They had used magic poorly and they were poor as a result. He told the goblins what he was hoping to do with some of his money, and they looked sad. "You gave us the greatest treasure we can conceive of and you want tea bags, flour and boots?" asked GiantSlayer, shocked.

"And books and parchment and better writing pens," said Harry. "I do have some books at home, but I love books, especially in winter."

It appeared that this young man could do Goblin magic as well as human, and wandless silent magic to boot. One of the goblins asked him how he made the staff, and he told him that he sang to the earth and the minerals and gems would come to the staff he had prepared and dance there.

"Can you show us?" asked another, young Goblin.

"Let me ask," said Harry and opened himself to magic. Then he stood and asked, "Is there a beloved staff or any other item of wood that you would let me bless; something that has been part of a clan's history?"

An old Goblin mother came and gave him a staff used by the oldest in her clan. He smiled at her and gave her a deep respectful bow. Then he sat the staff on the ground, here in the deepest of caves in the Goblin homeland territory and began to sing, a wordless song at first. The Goblins all watched entranced. "Blood of the Goblins is fire and stone, Gems and Minerals are Goblin clan bones, come and bless this clan device, to power and guide in the walk of life."

To their amazement molten mithril came trickling out of the earth, and then gold, then silver and danced onto the staff, making runes that the Goblins all knew, runes of blessings and protection. They stared in amazement. Then gems popped out of the earth in forms that a jewelcutter wouldn't understand but that meant joy to a Goblin and arrayed the cane, making it glitter with beauty and color.

Harry slumped a bit and then picked up the cane, once merely beloved and part of clan's history, now an artifact of great beauty and power. Harry got to his feet shakily and bowed again to the old Goblin woman and handed her the cane.

"I give the cane of my strength and love as well, that's why it takes it out of me."

The old woman waved the cane, and fireworks of entrancing images of Goblin history came out. They all cheered and were joyful.

GiantSlayer called for more food for their Goblin brother, and had Harry sleep in his little home, in the room that had once housed his children. Harry slept and never knew that an honor guard stood watch at the door.

The next morning, they went up to Harry's bank vault. He opened it and used his staff to ask what he needed. He took a special bag that was in the front of the vault and noticed it never was heavy no matter what he put in it. Then he put things that would tell him about his parents and all the books in the vault. He felt Magic's call and went to a dresser that had jewelry boxes and found a ring that called to him. He put it on and magic welled up and he learned about the house of Potter.

He looked at the Goblins, "It seems my family were good people. I am the last and this is the Lord's ring. Magic approves."

He spread out his thoughts and found out that while the family of his blood were all dead, that house elves had been in his family and forced to bond to Hogswart by Dumbledore or die. Many had chosen to go without a master rather than serve Dumbledore. Harry's eyes filled with tears. "What is wrong?" asked one of the Goblins. "Dumbledore forced all the house elves of my household to either bond with Hogwarts and be his slaves or to die. That is a stain on the honor of any good person."

Last he found a trunk full of men's clothing that seemed in good condition and shrunk it and put it in the bag. Then they all left to go shopping. They stood outside the bank and the honor guard went with Harry. "Do you feel I am in danger?" he asked, wondering.

The Goblins laughed, "You made Voldermort into a non-magical. No we want to be with you and make sure the magicals don't try to hurt you or keep you, or insult you or be stupid."

Harry nodded, "They seem to think I am dressed strangely. They probably will laugh at me."

"That is because you look like ancient mages, with a staff and homemade clothing, but are very young. That offends them."

Harry stared, "I am very proud of my outfit. I worked long hours to make it. I gathered the plants and wool, spun and carded the material, spun the wool. And it took many months to properly make the staff."

"And you put great protective magic on your clothing too. It works against great heat and cold, bugs, disease, dirt, and will dry quickly and grow with you," observed one of the Goblins. "When you have time, teach us some of your spells. We appreciate hard work and intelligent spells that preserve one's art."

Then boldly, because the Goblins considered him one of them, the older Goblin hugged Harry and nipped his ear. Harry grinned at him. "I will. I will write them out for you."

They walked to the stores and Harry sent his magic out, seeking, just as he did in the wild looking for plants. The Goblins laughed when the first place he entered with the book store. The owner gave the Goblins a stern look, and then looked at Harry. "Why are you dressed like that, boy? Are you making fun of the ancient ways?"

"Actually," said the Head of the honor guard, "This is Harry Potter of Avalon, who follows the ancient ways. The staff he carries he made by magic and used to defeat Voldermort. The clothing he wears he made by his own hand. If you observe it by magic you will see that it made by hand, his hand. He gathered the materials, carded and spun them and made all his own clothing, and infused magic in it."

The owner gasped to learn Harry Potter was in his shop. He had heard that Harry Potter had rescued all the children of Hogwarts and done magic in that ancient building. He also had heard that he had taken away Dolores Umbridge's magic, which was a blessing, for that awful woman spread pain and hatred wherever she went.

"Really?" said a new voice, and a woman walked up to Harry and the Goblins. "You defeated the Dark Lord," she said and then bowed. "I have visited the Ministry of Magic and no one will tell me what happened to my husband and son, Lucius and Draco Malfoy. Can you give me any word of their fate."

Harry smiled at her, "You are his true love," he said, "He is staying at Hogwarts and is under sanctuary there. He is free from the Dark Mark and from the evil that Voldermort did to him. You can visit him and your son. It appears that the Ministry of Magic has cut off Hogwarts from both owl mail and flu service. I'll have to talk to them about this."

The woman clasped her hands to her breast and tears shone in her eyes. "They won't let us into the school," she said, "They have guards around the school entry way and won't let anyone in."

Harry frowned. "I am sorry. Do you wish to go there and be with your Husband and Son?"

"Oh yes," she whispered.

"Is it convenient if I send you there now?" asked Harry.

"Oh yes," she said.

"Then let it be done. Say hello to them for me and ask them to tell you about the fruit," said Harry. He stepped forward and took her hands and said, "Magic's blessings on you, Lady Malfoy," and without a pop of apparition, she was gone.

"How could you do that?" asked the Owner of Flourish and Botts whispered. He had seen great magic before but nothing like this.

Harry looked quizzical for a moment, then smiled at the man, who didn't seem to be against his Goblins anymore. "I live on Avalon," he explained, "Avalon itself has taught me magic. I serve Avalon. I also own Hogwarts because I won it from Voldermort and also because I am descended from the original owners. Magic explained that all the wards there don't work against my will, because I have claimed it as my sanctuary to serve all creatures. Does that explain it to you?"

The owner, Mr. Flourish gasped. "Does that mean I can visit too?" he asked.

"If you so desire, but I have to talk to the Ministry first. They appear to think I am an enemy instead of a friend."

"We heard you died, that you were murdered by your muggle Aunt," was the next question.

"Yes, she tossed me in the ocean, but a magical dolphin rescued me and took me to Avalon, and that is where I live and learn magic," he said, and then gestured to the Goblins, "Please be kind to my friends. They were really good to me and are taking me shopping. They opened my vault for me so I can purchase books, but if you don't want them here, we'll leave and find somewhere else."

The Goblins was amazed, because they knew how much Harry loved books. That he would give up his first shopping opportunity for them was unheard of, and just made them more certain he was part of their clans.

Mr. Flourish smiled and bowed to all of them. "I'm sorry if I was judgmental. I seldom see Goblins, and the Ministry has taught us, as well as the teachers at Hogwarts that Goblins are cruel and avaricious. But I'm beginning to see that the Ministry has lied and so has Hogwarts. After all I am a businessman and work hard to earn my living, and people say things about me being greedy and avaricious as a result. I'm sorry, and I apologize for any offense I have given."

Harry could feel the Goblins relax. "Thank you, Sir. Now today I have money and I love books. Will you allow me to shop?"

"Of course!" exclaimed Mr. Flourish, "May I tell people what you told me?"

"Of course," said Harry. Then he rushed into the bookstore and started looking at the books. The Goblins laughed and Mr. Flourish laughed. The boy seemed more like a boy at that moment.

Harry picked out books on herbs and kitchen spells. Then he picked out potions books. He found books on the stars. He even found an old book about the Potter family. He asked magic to let him know what he could look at and what it didn't want him to waste his time on, because he could see that magic here was stunted in many ways. He found some history books and dozens of books on healing animals and humans. Then he found cookbooks and one on making magical tents. He found books on sewing and agriculture and one on healing plants that seemed good.

He opened books on Defense against the Dark and laughed and put it down. Then he started carrying stacks and stacks of books to the front. When he was done Mr. Flourish started chuckling, "I can barely see anyone with all these books," he commented, and the Goblins laughed too. Harry paid for the books.

Harry took a tiny trunk out of his pocket, resized it, and then put all his books into it, closed the trunk and shrunk it. Mr. Flourish noticed he did it without his staff. The boy now bowed to him and he and the Goblins left the store. Mr. Flourish rushed to the back and used the fire place to call his wife and tell her Harry Potter had been in his store, alive, and taught Magic by Avalon.

Harry Potter Harry Potter Harry Potter Harry Potter

Piers woke in darkness. He could hear machines beeping, and smell disinfectant, and remembered he was in the hospital. Then he realized he couldn't move. "Mum!" he shrieked.

His Mum was right there by his side. She must be sleeping there in the hospital. "Mum" he said, afraid, "I can't move."

"Sweetie, you are tied in place because they hurt your neck."

Nurses came into the room. "Hello, young man," said the Nurse, "Tell me, can you move your fingers."

Piers tried. He really did. "No," he whispered. But he could feel his Mum's kisses. He just couldn't feel anything below his neck. "Well, I'm done for," he whispered, "I'll never be any good to anyone again. Might as well let me go."

He closed his eyes, filled with a new pain, the pain of being a burden, and began to wait for death.