It was either Storm or Scott's bright idea, to have the Wolverine tutoring the kid in phys ed. Pretty much Hand to hand combat with the stowaway plus a dash of trying to help her gain control of her powers and a dash of teaching him restraint. The two people the entire Institute were terrified of were going to spend part of the day trying to slay, or save, eachother depending on your veiwpoint.
Must've been a match made in hell, She was able to kill with a single touch (or just take all your powers, memories ect) and he was nearly indestructible with accelerated healing and those shiny adimantium claws. They both had a penchant for not following the rules, a smart mouth, fortunately for the pair, they disliked each other the least.
'Well at least if he skewered her unintentionally she could just borrow his healing factor, and if she accidentally held on too long during a grapple he could recover from it rather than be comatose for life' he had told himself. He didn't go into their first class together with high hopes. The real phys ed instructor was there along with all the students, including Rogue. She was picking at her sleeves on the outskirts of the group as Logan strolled in late.
He noticed during their first time sparring that she had restricted movement from all her layers, and she was concentrating more on giving the other students space, than on the fighting stance he was trying to show her. After losing her attention (or never really having it in the first place) more than 4 times in the first 30 minutes he wasn't looking forward to tomorrow's class. At least tomorrow was friday he internally grumbled.
Friday came and went with little change in her behavior, the weekend was a much needed respite.
By the time Wednesday rolled around he was in a foul mood and with no hope for better compliance from the girl.
It was bound to happen. Rogue was almost focused on her high kicks until she leaned back on one and almost bumped into some blonde boy named 'Bobby' who was too busy eyeing up their training session (or Rogue) to move out of her way to safety. After that it was all she could do to just make eye contact with Logan. after a few sweeps and some jabs she wound spending more time on the mat than she had been standing during class.
By Friday he had enough. Logan was waiting for her In class when the students began shuffling in, giving her a stern warning about not going easy on her before they began to spar. One of the students chuckled at her repremand, the one who walked through walls maybe?
Rogue seemed lost in thought even after the repremand and Logan was Furious about having to repeat himself again for the third time in 7 minutes. So he did what any reasonable adult would do to a kid, and he open palm slapped her, hard, and shouted at her stunned expression: *Do I have your full attention Kid?!*
He was so fast that her mutation didn't get to draw off him, it just made his hand tingle at the contact.
She nodded at him. That had certainly surprised the entire class as well.
He had her undivided attention from that point on for the rest of the class.
It always started the same way, she was Clearly uncomfortable with the proximity to her classmates during training. It always took some grand gesture (having her feet kicked out from under her, being smacked or even once getting her hair pulled) before she focused on him rather than the other bodies around her. The actual phys ed teacher was never pleased with his methods. But they worked, so who cares?
He lost count of the times he was pulled aside and questioned (repremanded ) about his actions toward the girl. Time after time they implied that he was trying to get her reassigned by being so harsh with her. He would never love teaching but this was fight class it was the most important subject, and honestly he wasn't taking it out on her. She just needed to pay attention. She would never be able to accomplish anything with her mutation if she continued to be preoccupied with accidentally hurting another student.
This time they brought her Into the conference room as well to ask her a few questions. She walked in puffy eyed and embarrassed. Logan even felt a brief flash of guilt for causing her breakdown.
She had been more distracted than usual that morning. He wasn't expecting her to cuss him out and start sobbing before running off, just because he knocked her on her ass again. He was sick of her innattentiveness at every damn class. Her form was better than when they had started sparring but she was still way behind.
They started out asking the typical questions. Rogue stayed tight lipped throughout the exchange not elaborating on the cause of her earlier episode, shrugging it off as 'a rough day, or having alot on her mind' and saying 'it's not a big deal' or 'I'm over it'. He figured she was more dicioe since he was in tge room and she didnt qant to anger him.
After a strech of silence she than stood and asked defiantly 'if she was done already'
Storm asked her a final question that Sent both Rogue and Logan spinning.
*I have one more question you are obliged to answer, after that you are dismissed* storm continued- *Considering your training with the wolverine, would you rather be assigned a different tutor?*
Was this it? Was he finally free after just beginning to mold her into a fighter? After just beginning to see some small improvment? Oh well no use fighting it the thought.
Rogue turned to Logan sitting behind her and she looked stricken. Whipping her head back around to Storm *Absolutely not!* she all but shouted before stomping out of the room and forcefully swinging the door closed behind her
Well that was unexpected he mused...