Disclaimer: I do not own HArry Potter. I belongs to Jk Rowling and a bunch of other companies but certainly not by me

Very few people could say that they have seen the mighty Albus Dumbledore flabbergasted, but only a handful of people could say the same about Minerva McGonagall. The usually stern professor was gaping at Nicholas non-elegantly. By the look in her eyes, someone could think she has just been granted an audience with Merlin himself.

It was, nonetheless, still impressive to see Nicholas Flamel in flesh and Bones, he was considered the best sorcerer in the world and rumor has it that even Albus Dumbledore couldn't win if he duelled Nicholas. In other words, Nicholas was pretty awesome in all kind of magic.

Dumbledore was the first to recover from the shock.

"I must say I'm surprised my friend, I trust but you could have at least informed me of your charge when we discussed you-know-what"

But Harry, who had been listening to the conversation cut Dumbledore.

"You mean the Philosopher's Stone, do you honestly think I didn't know about it, living with them for ten years. And adding to that the fact I'm the son of the Marauder ?" He finished with a challenging tone.

Meanwhile, Nicholas bore a proud smile that disappeared when he noticed the headmaster looking into Harry's eyes for a bit too long for his liking, he was going to make a comment about it, mainly telling him to stop or else but Harry beat him to it.

His eyes bore now fire.

"Listen to me Headmaster" he spat the last word "I have one of the bests Occlumency shield i so if you ever ty to look into my mind again, you will not like what happens next and I will take no responsibility of my actions, am I understood ?".

Albus Dumbledore then felt something he hasn't experienced in years, he was afraid of the young boy in front of him. He was foolish, attempting to rape-mind a student, raised by Nicholas Flamel with Nicholas Flamel next to him! He would feel very lucky if he escaped this discussion untouched by the both, but from the look of McGonagall that was glaring at him with fury, he also dreaded the scolding he will likely get from her once the guests left.

Hell! Even Fawkes was singing a rapid and angry note at him.

"My apologies, I will restrain myself, please be indulgent, on the night of Halloween 1981 I left Harry at his relatives from his mother's side you can imagine my reaction when I find that the wards weren't charging because he wasn't there! I was just merely curious that's all. And Nicholas, I am disappointed in you, have you told me, I would have gladly accepted-" but he couldn't finish since Nicholas cut him.

"Oh no you don't Albus, If someone has to be disappointed it's me ! you left a mere child at the doorstep of one of the nastiest muggles that live in this world! You have no legal rights over him! and you dare say that I should have informed you. It is true that I fear for the Stone but I do not need your permission to take this child. You should feel lucky, because Perenelle and I considered not sending him here at all." He finished with barely contained rage. "you should do well to remember that you were once my student, apprentice." he emphasized the last word to show who should respect who. "Oh, and if you must know, I made the steps to claim this child as my son ten years ago."

For the second time in ten minutes, Dumbledore was rendered speechless. He was about to argue about the fact that Harry was safer at his relatives when Harry cut him to speak, but not in English, but by making hissing noises to his sleeve.

"If you must know, when I took him to our house the first time, I made some medical tests on him and found that he had a part of Voldemort's soul inside of his scar" said Nicholas "Perenelle and I think that he got the parseltongue ability from his scar, but when I removed the soul, he kept his ability.

"Headmaster" stated Harry "allow me to introduce you to Nera"

Not knowing what else to reply, Dumbledore saluted the snake as well.

"Nera here, will be staying with me."

'This boy is full of surprise' Dumbledore thought. To deliver the fatal blow to Dumbledore's ideas, Nicholas informed him.

"Oh, and he knows about the prophecy".

Dumbledore felt anger rising inside of him.

"How could you ! How could you make his life a burden where he could be like a normal kid ! He'll never know what childhood means. You're responsible for that."

"Tell me Albus, does Harry here looks like he's sad, unhappy ? The answer's no, Yes I told him about the prophecy, yes, I trained in almost everything I know bar the Dark Arts, yes, Harry could probably pass his owls right now with only 'Outstanding'. I know what I did and don't regret one bit."

Seeing that Dumbledore could not win this argument he let it dropped.

"I hope that my Stone is well guarded Albus" said Nicholas.

"Of course ! I made one of the protection myself but I will ask help from all the teachers here to help me guard it." said Dumbledore beaming.

"Okay then, next thing, I want you to add Harry here on the list of people here who can have access at the Stone."

That statement did not shock Dumbledore, after all he was his son. But his train of thoughts was interrupted when a ball of fire stormed into his office.

"Fawkes-" started Dumbledore but he remembered that Fawkes was with him since the Feast.

Instead of finding Fawkes, Dumbledore found himself looking at a Ocean Blue Phoenix that landed on Harry's shoulder.

"This is Lily" said Harry "I hope it won't be a problem to have two pets"

"Not at all, Harry" said Dumbledore, after all, he couldn't refuse the boy pets if he wanted to keep him at Hogwarts.

"Then I will take my leave, Perenelle must be anxious by now" said Nicholas, standing up "It will be no good to keep her waiting. Goodbye Harry, I hope to see you again at the Christmas Holidays" he said, kissing the boy's forehead, straight on the scar. It was a habit that Nicholas took from the moment he took off the soul fragment in his head.

"Then I bid you a good night as well and Harry, the password is Caput Draconis. And since Nicholas is here, I feel it is only right of me to give this." he opened one of his office drawers and took out a silvery cloak. "this is an Invisibility Cloak that belonged to your father. He himself got it from his father and on and on. Use it well."

Harry had a gleam in his eyes that Nicholas knew so well. he kept mumbling "what have you done to Hogwarts Albus" and Dumbledore couldn't understand what was going to Happen with the Cloak in his possession. It was a bemused Dumbledore that went to bed that night.

Harry was brought to Gryffindor Tower by McGonagall who was standing there for all the discussion. Harry liked the Transfiguration, he knew she faked her stern expression and had had a soft spot for her father, he also knew that McGonagall had guilt for something she did concerning Harry, he could see that in her aura since he was an aura-reader, one of the only ones in the world.

"There you go Mr. Potter, I hope to see you tomorrow and bid you goodnight." and then she left.

When Harry entered the Common Room he immediately liked what he saw, lots of red and gold, a fire roaring in the fireplace and lots of squashy armchairs along with tables, supposedly to do some homework.

When he arrived in there, he was immediately cornered by two twin redheads who immediately started asking him questions.

"Are you-"

"really Harry Potter?"

"Yes I am of course why wouldn't I be, you see other handsome guys in this room apart from me?"

"Why did you say-"

"that you were-"

"the son"

"of a Marauder" they finished together.

Harry blinked dumbly.

"Because I am ! Prongs was James Potter, Padfoot is Sirius Black, Moony is Remus Lupin and Wormtail is-was Peter Pettigrew" he finished.

"We, Fred and George Weasley, hereby present you of your legacy. They took out a parchment from behind their back and Fred, or was it George ?, took out his wand and said clearly."I Solemnly Swear That I Am Up To No God"

Writing began appearing on the Parchment:

Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs

Purveyors of Aids to Magical Mischief-Makers

are proud to present


Then the writings began to disappear leaving the mighty Marauder's map with the Hogwarts Map along with the dots.

'Hmm' thought Harry 'I don't think I'm gonna sleep, after all, who has ever made prank the second day of school ?'.

After thanking the twins and promising he would lend them the map, he walked out of the Common Room, before anyone could corner him, and covered himself of the Invisibility Cloak and the Marauder's Map in his hands.


The next morning, at 7 AM the students started to have breakfast. when all of the students were eating, a noise could be heard throughout the entire Great Hall. The heads of all the students snapped together to see who farted. To their immense surprise, they found out that it was Severus Snape, the normally emotionless Potion Master was red with barely contained rage. However, the show wasn't over yet. The entire staff started to sing a muggle song. It was to the delight of all the muggleborn students that the Hogwarts staff was singing 'Single Ladies' (I know the song is probably not out yet but I really wanted to use it). The laughter of the Great Hall was booming and all the staff was blushing, though not for the same reason. Snape was scathing furiously meanwhile McGonagall tried to look as little as possible. Suddenly a banner flew right over the head table where everyone could read. "Welcome back to Hogwarts! One may never know what could happen. Shadow".

By the time the banner appeared everyone was laughing their heads off. However, it was interrupted by Snape yelling "POTTER". Everyone turned to look at snape who had was red furious.

"Yes professor ?" asked Harry politely.

"I know it was you Potter, just like your father, an arrogant man you are going to be expelled for this I tell you !"

"Who told you I did this ?" continued Harry like nothing happened.

"It's you ! I know it !". After this statement, Harry felt a strong probe on his mind and that was when he lost his temper. No one was allowed to use legilimency illegally, no one. His magic began flaring around him like an aura and Harry started to talk without even having to shout.

"Now you listen to me Snivellus, you insult my father again, I will challenge you to a duel. But I will kill you if you ever attempt to read my mind, maybe Amy will want to know what you just did ? You know, Amelia Bones the director of the DMLE." At that, Harry blanched "And one last piece of advice, STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME".

It was at that precise moment that Dumbledore thought it would be wise to intervene before a murder occurred.

"Please calm down Harry" said Dumbledore "I will speak to Professor Snape but since you just yelled at a teacher it will be 25 points from Gryffindor and a detention with Mr. Filch Wednesday at 8PM."

At that Harry looked furious but thought it would be best not to create a mayhem at Hogwarts on his second day, even though he was sure his father would be proud. In the meantime, Harry engaged a conversation with a young man next to him.

"Hi, I'm Harry Potter and you are ?"

The boy looked like he was about to faint when addressed.

"I'm Neville Longbottom" he still replied shyly.

"Neville ? I know who you are ! You're my godbrother!"

"G-Godbrother?" he stammered.

"Well yes of course! Didn't you know that your mum is my godmother and that mine was yours ? that makes us godbrother doesn't it ?"

"yeah I think so" he replied with a small smile. When Harry saw that gesture, he smiled. He just gained point to become the boy's friend.

"Harry ?" said another another voice

He turned around to see the Weasley twin standing in front of him with a look of awe on their face.

"We just wanted to know-"

"-If it was you who did this and-"

"-we would like to help you for-"

"-the next one you plan on doing."They finally chorused.

Harry, seeing at the Great Hall was looking at him wildly thought best not to confess in this place.

"I may know who did this but I will tell you later he finished with a quick glance at the looks he received."


"-thing Harry!"

A/N sorry for the delay ! And sorry for the end of the chapter I didn't know how to end it so I decided to stop it there so I can start the fun. Now I've got a question. should I do lordships or not ? please answer !