This is the second chapter but before I begin, I want your opinion on something. How strong is Trunks when Mirai Gohan died? I know he transformed to a Super Saiyan but for the sake of the story, I'll say he needs more training before he can finally access its power freely. What I mean is how strong is Trunks at his base form and I'd prefer it to be scaled relative to DBZ characters. For me, he is weaker than Vegeta while he was fighting Frieza's 2nd Form but still stronger than Vegeta when he first came to Earth in the Saiyan Saga. What do you guys think?

Anyways, let's start shall we.


Knock. Knock.

Trunks's eyes shook as the disturbance continued.

Knock. Knock.

Trunks eyelids slowly rose as he was met with the face of an old man knocking at glass of the machine.

"Huh? Where am I?" Trunks asked as he sat upright. He took a look around him at the familiar site. "Wait a minute. This is mom's time machine." Trunks said to himself as he continued looking around.

Knock. Knock.

"Oh right." Trunks said as he clicked on the red button to his right. The cover of the machine slowly opened knocking the old man to the floor in the progress.

Trunks stood up and looked at the old man. "I'm so sorry." He shouted as the old man stood up.

"I'm too old for this" The man muttered as he dusted his behind. "It's okay young man. It's my fault. I should have seen it coming." he said.

Before Trunks could jump down to the old man, a beeping sound caught his attention. He turned back to the screen on the control board. His eyes widened as he saw his mother's face on the screen.

"Hello sweetie," Bulma said.

"Mom?" Trunks asked.

"If you're seeing this that means my plan was a success." Bulma said with a sad smile. "This is a recorded message that I left you. Right now, you are supposedly in another universe." Trunks eyes widened in shock as his mother continued.

"With the death of Gohan, I don't think there is much hope left for us…" Bulma trailed off. "Which means that you'll waste the remainder of your life fighting the androids. Even if you got strong enough to fight off one, you'll end up in a two versus one."

"I also don't think I can finish the time machine. That means that you'll always be alone vs the androids." She said again.

Bulma's eyes started to water, "and I don't want to see you get hurt or worse…" She trailed off once again. "So I decided to send you away." She closed her eyes as the tears began running down her cheeks. "In a world where there are no android, a world where you can start a new life."

"I'm sorry I had to do this while you were asleep. It's just I know you've inherited the stubbornness of both myself and Vegeta so you'd never accept the idea of leaving." She said.

Trunks's eyes began to water as his mother continued her message. "This could be the last time, you hear my voice again. So please… Trunks… don't waste your time trying to get back. The machine has no more fuel anyways and instead try and live the life you were supposed to have."

"You'll find some capsules in the drawer on your right. It'll have some handful things that you'll need. Please Trunks… Live your life to the fullest and remember I'll always love you. This is for the best Trunks." With that the screen died out.

"Mom…" Trunks said as he closed his eyes and tears ran down his face. "Why did you do this?... WHY?" Trunks screamed.

The old man who woke Trunks up earlier had already climbed up again and watched the entire thing. He remained silent as Trunks continued his crying.

"Trunks was it?" Trunks turned around as he found the old man from earlier standing on the outside of the machine. Quickly drying his tears, Trunks turned around to face the much shorter man. He gave a short nod.

"My name is Makarov. I'm the master of a guild here in Fiore." Makarov introduced himself to the boy. Trunks remained silent as he was lost in his own thoughts.

"Well Trunks, why don't you stay at the guild while you try and find your way back home?" Makarov said.

No response. Makarov sighed as he noticed that he lost the attention of the younger saiyan. "Trunks?" He asked again as snapped his finger in front of the saiyan breaking his trail of thoughts.

"Uh. I'm sorry Mister Makarov. It's just…" Trunks trailed off once again.

"Don't worry about it. I know it must be really hard for you right now. So I'm offering you a home till you can find you way back home. What do you think?" He said waving his hand.

"I don't want to be a burden to you, sir." Trunks said as he reached for the drawer on his right pulling the capsules that were left for him by him mother.

"Nonsense, young man. You are in need right now and it's not in okay for me to leave you out here alone when you have no idea of what is going on around you." Makarov said. "I won't be able to sleep at night knowing that I did that."

Trunks was still uncertain and that didn't go unnoticed by the Fairy Tail master. "Tell you what. How about we change things a bit. You can just stay with me till you get the hang of the life here. Then you can decide on whether you'd stay or leave."

That sound better for the young prince. "Thank you." Trunks said as he bowed in front of the old man.

Makarov smiled. "Well let's get going." Makarov said as he jumped down the machine with Trunks following behind.

Makarov turned to the saiyan before looking at the machine behind him. "So what are we going to do with that machine?"

"Oh," Trunks said as he got the capsule box that his mom left him. "It should be somewhere around here." He muttered as Makarov watched curiously.

"Aha." Trunks said as he took out a capsule. With a click of a button, the machine was gone. Trunks placed the capsule back into the box and turned to Makarov who was smiling.

"What?" Trunks asked.

"It's nothing but you'll have to explain what that thing is," Makarov asked as Trunks nodded. "Sure, we'll talk later on."


Trunks remained silent as he walked a few feet behind Makarov. His mind wandering back to his mother. Makarov sensing that the boy was troubled decided to let him be for now although he was curious for some answers that he had from the video they watched together.

"There it is." Makarov said as Trunks eyes darted upwards and was met with what he assumed was the guild. A big sign hanged in front of the entrance.

"Fairy Tail…" Trunks read.

Makarov nodded. "Let's go in now and introduce you shall we?" Makarov said.

As Makarov made his way towards the door, it flung open as a teen with spiky blonde hair was on the other side.

"Laxus?" Makarov asked. The teen looked at Makarov before looking at Trunks and frowning.

"You can't be serious." He said annoyance visible in his tone.

"Laxus, not now." Makarov warned with a stern voice.

"Yeah right, at this rate this place is going to be an orphanage not a guild." Makarov said.

"This is different." Makarov started before being interrupted by Laxus.

"Different my ass. I'm leaving" Laxus announced before turning to the right and leaving the pair behind.

"You have to excuse my grandson, he's going through a phase right now." Makarov said with a sigh.

Trunks nodded. I don't think I could stay here. I'd rather leave than cause any more troubles. Trunks thought as Makarov walked into the guild.

"Well boy, follow me." Makarov said as he walked into the guild with Trunks behind him.

Inside Trunks could see kids that were a mix of children younger than and of the same age him playing around together. As he took a good look at what looked to be the main hall of the building, he heard his name being called out.

Trunks looked to the right to find Makarov sitting on a bar close by. "Trunks, come here please." Trunks followed the orders of the old man as he made his way to bar table.

"We'll talk about what has happened today later but for now you should rest. Have a seat." Trunks complied as he sat on the chair opposite to the master. To his right, he could see a girl with white hair. However, her hair was covered by a cape. She looked almost the same age as him but was more distant than the others.

"Before that, how about we introduce to the rest?" Makarov said cheerfully. Before Trunks could answer him. Makarov had already called out the children that were playing behind him. "Hey, kids. Come and say hi to our guest."

Before Trunks could realize he was surrounded by a group of 7 kids. He also noticed that the girl sitting a few chairs to his right turned to watch the scene.

"Now, everyone. Introduce yourselves." Makarov encouraged.

A pink haired boy was the first to jump in. "My name is Natsu, I'm the oldest member in this guild out of them." He announced motioning to the group behind him.

Next up was a black haired boy, he pushed Natsu to the side. "I'm Gray and I'm the coolest one out of these losers." He said with a cocky smile before being pushed back by Natsu.

A red haired girl that looked around his age too then walked up and separated the two boys. "I'm Erza. Welcome to Fairy Tail."

"I'm Cana." Another girl said without much more information.

"Hey I'm Levy and I love reading." A blue haired girl said.

"I'm Lisanna, This is my brother Elfman" she said as she pushed Elfman to the front. "Hello," Elfman said with a smile. Lisanna then pointed to the girl that was sitting on the side alone. "That's Mirajane. She's my older sister." Mirajane gave Trunks a quick look before turning around and looking in front of once again.

Trunks was bit surprised by her reaction but Makarov came for the save. "They just joined the guild and she is a bit of a lone wolf. Don't let it get to you." Trunks nodded in response.

"I'm Trunks." He said to the group in front of him. "I'm not a member. I'm just a guest here."

"Aww. Why not?" asked Levy.

"Yeah, join us. We're like a family." Said Natsu.

The word family pulled resulted in unwanted memories rushing back to his mind. Depression immediately crept in as Trunks stared at the ground.

Cana was the first to notice this. "I think it's better if we let him be." She said trying to get the rest to leave the saiyan alone.

Makarov immediately understood the situation. "Alright kids, go play. Trunks needs some rest." He said as he ushered for the children to scatter. They did as the master asked.

Makarov turned to Trunks "I'm sorry about that. They're just kids and they meant no harm." He apologized sincerely.

Trunks shook his head. "It's okay. Can I go rest now?" He asked. Makarov noticed that he was clearly shaken. Makarov jumped down from the bar.

"Follow me." Makarov said as Trunks got off the chair and followed the short master upstairs. They walked in silence before reaching the room.

Makarov turned around to face the Saiyan. "This is the guest room. I'm sorry that it isn't the best." Makarov said.

Trunks shook his head, "It's great. Thank you." He said.

"Go rest, we'll take when you wake up." Makarov said and with that he made his way down stairs back to the main hall.

Trunks opened the door and looked at the room. It was a simple one. A bed, closet and small table. More importantly Trunks's eyes were glued at the window. His way out.

He didn't feel like he belonged here and although he was thankful for the offer he didn't think he'll get along with the rest of people here. Besides, his presence might cause some tension between Makarov and his grandson and he'd rather not be the cause of it.

He quickly made his way to the window. With a slight push, the window's door opened. He jumped out of the window and flew away from the guild.

Landing a good distance away from the city, Trunks landed on the ground and looked at the forest around him. It was rare finding a surviving forest back home as the androids rampaged through everything they could.

However, he could feel whatever sleeping antidote his mom used weighing him down. Trunks walked to the nearest tree as he leaned on it and slid down.

"Maybe, I do need some rest." He said as he felt his eyes closing and gave into sleep.


Trunks eyes fluttered open, he rubbed the sleep of his eyes as he looked at his surroundings. He sat up as he looked at a few squirrels that were sitting right in front of him. He smiled as he patted their backs. He then upwards at the tree, noticing fruits hanging on the branches.

He stood up and flew up to the tree grabbing a few of them in his hands before descending back to the ground. He quickly laid the fruits in the ground.

He smiled as he watched the squirrels waste no time jumping in to eat the food Trunks left for them.

However, Trunks could feel a familiar energy level heading his way. Although he wasn't that sure who it was exactly. Staring towards the direction of the energy, he saw a familiar white haired girl walking towards.

"Mirajane?" He wondered outloud grabbing the attention of the demon-infected girl.

"Trunks?" She answered back. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I'm…" Trunks trailed off. "I don't know."

Mirajane looked at him curiously before shaking her head. "I'm sorry but I need to go," She said as he walked past him.

Trunks eyebrow rose curiously. "Where are your brother and sister?" He asked. Mirajane stopped right in her tracks.

"I'm leaving the guild." She said not turning to Trunks.

"Wait, why?" Trunks asked. "Do your siblings know about this?" He asked.

"No and please don't tell them." She said. "It's for the best." Mirajane said before she continued walking.

Trunks froze in his place. This is for the best Trunks. The voice of his mother sounded in his mind. Suddenly, Trunks appeared in front of Mirajane with a furious look on his face.

"And who are you to decide what's best for them?" He asked with an angry tone. "You're just thinking of yourself, you didn't even consider how they would feel once the know."

Mirajane's eyes were glued to the ground. She hid her face using the cowl of her cape. She took a step to the left before walking past Trunks.

Trunks quickly reacted by grabbing her arm. Much to Mirajane's dismay, as he revealed her cursed arm. Trunks looked at her arm in shock. Mirajane using Trunks's shock to her advantage pushed the saiyan away. The cowl fell from her head as Mirajane looked at the Saiyan with hate.


"I'M NOT A HUMAN, I'M A DEMON. EVERYONE HATES ME. LISSANA AND ELFMAN ARE ALWAYS CAUGHT IN THE CROSSFIRE AND THEN YOU WANT TO TELL ME THAT IT ISN'T FOR THEIR BENIEFIT" Mirajane finished as she started panting with eater threatening to spill down her cheeks.

Trunks remained silent for a few seconds. Mirajane humped. "So please, stay away from me." Mirajane said before turning back around. However, before she could walk. She heard Trunks talk.

"If you think how you look will determine who you are then you are sorely mistaken." Trunks said as Mirajane turned back to him. "I've seen people who'd look normal to you but they are nothing but demons."

"Have you ever used your power to hurt someone?" Trunks asked as Mirajane found herself shaking her head subconsciously.

"Then you're no demon." He continued. "Don't give up on your family that easily, you never know how much you're decision would have hurt them." Trunks finished.

Mirajane could feel tears running down her face. She quickly put the cowl on top of her head once again as she turned giving her back to Trunks.

"I know… but I have to do this." She whispered.

"Mirajane!" Mirajane's eyes widened as she heard two familiar voices. She turned to find her sibling making their way towards her.

"Elfman, Lisanna?" Mirajane asked with surprise. "What are you doing here?" She asked in surprise.

"We were looking for you Mira" Lisanna said.

"Yeah, we want to show you something." Elfman said. "You'll be surprised."

Trunks watched as the younger siblings transformed parts of their bodies to animal parts. He watched as Mirajane's eyes widened in surprise.

"See Mira, it's the same magic you have." Lisanna said cheerfully.

"Yeah, we learned it from the guild." Elfman said.

"We thought you were a bit lonely, so we decided to learn the same magic you use." Lisanna said once more.

"You've protected us before and now it's our turn to protect you using this power." Elfman ended.

Trunks watched the scene unfold with a smile. He turned around and was about to leave when he felt an arm on his shoulder.

Trunks looked behind him to see Mirajane was the one holding him back while the younger siblings were playing around with different transformation. "Don't leave."

Trunks's eyes widened. "What do you mean? Leave what?" He asked trying to change the subject.

"I'm not stupid, I saw you escape the guild from the window. You were going to leave the guild too." She said.

"Well, technically, I can't leave the guild since I'm not a member." Trunks said.

"Then join the guild. If you didn't stop me, I would have left everything I cared for behind and ran away." Mirajane began, "I may not know you too and I don't really care but you look like you've had you fair share of suffering. Stay with us in the guild. We can be a new family together."

"I can't." Trunks said.

"Why not?" Mirajane asked.

"I need to find my way back home." Trunks answered hoping that it would be enough to deter her away from continuing to harass him.

"Then we'll help you find your way. More people looking would make it easier" She pressed further, "You're one of the few people who didn't want my head once the say my arm. Please don't just leave like that." She said one more time.

Trunks looked at the determination in her eyes. Live the life you were supposed to have. The words of his mother resounded in his head once more.

With a sigh, Trunks nodded. "Alright, I won't leave." He said Mirajane smiled. "Thank you!" She said as she hugged from her excitement.

"Look Elfman, Mira is smiling." Lisanna said.

"Finally, I didn't see her smile ever since we left the village." Elfman said.

"Thank you, Trunks." Lisanna said as she ran to the saiyan and hugged him as well. Trunks smiled as he looked at the two girls.

"You're welcome." He said as the two girl broke the hug.

"Does that mean that you and my sister are dating?" Lisanna asked.

"NO!" Trunks shouted with a blush on his cheeks.

Mirajane started laughing at the younger Saiyan's reaction.

"What are you laughing about?" He turned to the oldest Strauss.

"It's nothing" She said. "Let's just head back to the guild.


End of Chapter. Hope you like it. Anyways, please don't forget to help me out scaling Trunks strength relative to the DBZ characters.

Peace out.